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Topics - Kitsune 狐

Pages: 1 ... 678 9
The Flood / Okay guys...
« on: May 27, 2015, 12:18:30 PM »
So I just ate a whole pizza. It was the frozen tombstone kind with cheese and pizza. I successfully feel like a fat ass, but I am happily overly full. I wanna go on a run now but I don't have time because I have to go to work. All I want to do is get into shape, but it's so hard when you're lazy and have a fucked up back thanks to a moronic bimbo rear ending me while I was at a dead stop waiting on a red light, and she was going 50 miles per hour (about 80 kph). That was a year ago. I'm still hurting but the exercise is helping but I need to better motivate myself. Any tips or advice on how to not be such a lazy whiny bitch? :3

The Flood / What should I eat?!
« on: May 27, 2015, 09:53:18 AM »
I'm fucking hungry, there's nothing to eat, and I have $20... What should I get? :L


The Flood / So I found this today... [readers be advised]
« on: May 26, 2015, 06:31:23 PM »
Last Words...


It's a link to a website that you can listen to the last words of the pilot crew before the plane crashes.

It's pretty scary and saddening stuff, but I wanted to share these morbid last moments of those before they fell from the sky...

The Flood / Elegiac did you die?!
« on: May 26, 2015, 05:48:25 PM »

Where did you go?

I miss the Poggletts!

Where have all the Pogletts gone?

The Flood / I miss you already...
« on: May 26, 2015, 12:03:18 AM »
I will hold you in my heart secret place of brutal honesty and lack of banning...

<3 Good night forever...

The Flood / I know I'm a woman but...
« on: May 24, 2015, 01:57:19 PM »
... this is the truest statement ever.

Gaming / Playing Region Locked Gamecube games on the Wii
« on: May 23, 2015, 04:43:29 PM »
I'm trying to figure out how to avoid moding my wii in order to play a japanese gamecube game on my wii.
I looked online and the directions are really confusing, and I even tried the whole "start" and "eject disk" at the same time and I couldn't get it to work.

Any advice?

Please and Thank you!

The Flood / Why Did You Leave
« on: May 20, 2015, 11:02:13 PM »
What made you rage quit and become an active sep7exist here?

The Flood / What is this?
« on: May 20, 2015, 07:23:49 PM »
Has sep7agon become a bnet reposting landfill? Seriously guys if you miss bnet so much why are you here?

The Flood / Do you like Pineapple on your pizza?
« on: May 20, 2015, 04:02:28 PM »

Well do you?

Gaming / Guilty Gear Xrd Tournament
« on: May 18, 2015, 04:11:58 PM »
So today I am entering a Guilty Gear Torunament XRD with my fiancé and a few of our friends. I have been training this whole past week, and I think I'm ready to kick some ass! I'm thinking of entering as Kai who I have been experimenting with, because I usually play Millia or I-No but my performance with Kai out plays them.

The tournament will be held at a local gaming bar in Georgia, and I don't know if it will be on Twitch or not (I'll let you know if it is).
So yeah wish me luck!

The Flood / Who needs sleep?
« on: May 15, 2015, 09:12:56 PM »
Sleep is for the weak.
On average I get about five hours of sleep a night, but I am known to survive off of only three.
It's never enough and usually I just want to sleep, but I rather be awake and do things.

I live in the most sleep deprived state in the US; Georgia.

How many hours of sleep do you usually get, and what's your excuse for not getting more/less?

The Flood / 1000...
« on: May 12, 2015, 09:07:13 PM »
I give you your sexy grandma's dancing to the groove baby!


1000th post <3 couldn't do it without you.

The Flood / Best and Worst Things of Grocery Shopping.
« on: May 12, 2015, 05:29:58 PM »
The best part is obviously buying foods.
The worst part is making a list and actually going grocery shopping.
What usually happens is that I plan on going to the grocery store on one night and then it doesn't happen until a day or two later. There was one time I put it off for a while week and managed to live off of hardly any food.

What are your horror stories, or am I just a derderder?

The Flood / So let's be honest
« on: May 11, 2015, 11:53:36 AM »
I've been here for almost a month now.
I've enjoyed almost every moment of it.
So what do you think guys should I just go ahead and kill myself now, or do you somewhat enjoy my company?
<3 thanks for being so entertaining and amusing here!

The Flood / Happy Mother's Day!
« on: May 10, 2015, 07:28:38 PM »
Not sure if there are actually any moms on here but happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers out there!

I hope today has been filled with awesome new memories made with your mothers!

Gaming / DIY: Customized GameCube Controller
« on: May 08, 2015, 10:02:09 PM »
The follow is a tutorial on how to customize your own GameCube controller.


First off you will need:
- the controller
- spray paint (colors and clear coat)
- paint brushes and art sponges
- a screw driver
- a tri-wing tool
- a bowl of water
- Clorox wipes
- paper towels
- sand paper
- stickers (optional)

Step one:

I gathered all of my materials which took about half a day because I had to run around town to get everything.

Step two:

I used the tri-wing tool to remove the six screws on the back of the controller


Step three:


Carefully unscrew the the four screws two are on the triggers. Lay the sensors face up as to not mess with their calibration, mark the start button as to which way is up. Place the motherboard and censors in a plastic bag, seal it, and put it in a safe place.

Step four:


The I thoroughly cleaned the controller and buttons with a Clorox wipe.

Step five:


I taped off the joy stick and c-sticks because the rubber will not bond well with the paint

Step six:


Sand the shit out of the buttons and controller shell like really scuff it up.
This helps bond the paint to the plastic.


Step seven:


Rinse off the controller shell and buttons in a bowl of water using a paintbrush to wipe the plastic residue out of the nooks and crannies. Then dry!

Step eight:


Spray paint time! I'm starting with a cream as a base color.


You want to do at least three thin coats make sure to let it dry at least 20 minutes in between each coat.

Step nine:


Paint your buttons. I used an acrylic gold, but I have found through doing this process it is best to spray paint the buttons because you risk doing too thick of a coat in acrylic which can cause your buttons to sick.

Step ten:


I taped off the tips of my controller handles in a fox tail tip design to keep the cream color visible, and then I sprayed it orange.




Step eleven:


Check paint line up and do touch ups.
I had to touch up where the colors met on the front and back of the controller shells.
I also had to cover up some over spray by spraying spray paint into a plastic bag and then used a fine tipped paintbrush to smooth out the lines.

Step twelve:


Finally step thirteen:

Put the controller back together and enjoy!

If you noticed I have used the starfox symbol to memo rate Smash Bros.

So tell me what you think.
Ask any questions that come to mind!
Thank you!

The Flood / The Fox Den
« on: May 06, 2015, 10:24:37 PM »
First off: NOT A FURRY THREAD FUCK THAT.... IRL the Animal FOX.

I've started to notice a small fox related pattern in the community and so now I'm curious.

Who likes foxes?

Yes or no: why?

Let's post as many adorable fox images and gifs as possible
Just remember to put that shit in "spoilers"

I love foxes because they are sneaky, cunning, and adorable!
I would love to encounter a domesticated fox (yes they exist).

Let's have fun.

aaaannnnddd... GO!


The Flood / Who the Fuck are You?
« on: May 05, 2015, 11:54:21 PM »
Why are you here?
Just whoooo are you again?




The Flood / Not a Narc: Marijuana?
« on: May 05, 2015, 10:20:52 AM »
What are your home country's policy of Marijuana?
What are your own personal views on Marijuana?

I live in the United States where federally it is illegal to obtain Marijuana in any substance, but by state it can be legal to which Obama wrote the law that the feds can't swoop in and arrest everyone in the state for their state laws.

I live in Georgia which is in the "Bible Belt", and it was just recently legalized medically for a very specific group of people. This is a huge hurdle for the south.

Obviously, I'm for the legalization of Marijuana.


The Flood / I've been pretty MIA, missed me?
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:58:36 PM »
Hey everyone!
I've been working on a DIY project and working a lot, so I haven't been able to really get on here much.
I missed it.

So... What have you been up too?
Did you miss me? :3

Serious / Proxies
« on: April 30, 2015, 12:11:22 PM »
I have only ever used them in my schools to access facebook or what not.
I don't know how they actually work or what they really do.
I find them interesting but am not sure where to look that is safe information.

Do you know anything about proxies?
I want to learn about them.

The Flood / Should I dye my hair Black?
« on: April 30, 2015, 10:34:29 AM »
So I kind of want to, but I'm scared it will look so stupid and retarded...
Therefore I am here, because I know you guys can be brutally honest and that's what I want.

Le pictures of now:

As you can see I currently have some black in my hair:

So what do you think? 'cause usually my hair is this color:

sorry for whoring myself out there... people irl just say "do what you want" and won't tell me their opinion if they think I will look like an idiot or not.

Thanks guys for being you!

Gaming / Watching Others Play Video Games
« on: April 30, 2015, 10:23:56 AM »
So today my mom came over today and I hooked up my Nintendo 64 for her so she could play Banjo Kazooie.
I always got annoyed as a kid when I would watch my mom play and she would trust her arms in the air to the direction she was trying to make the character move... especially if they're jumping.
She got mad at me for laughing at her today, but at least she wasn't playing Spryo that's the game that she really throws her hands (and controller) around like a lunatic!

Now, when my fiance plays he ends up screaming at the television and screaming profanities at the cpu characters.
I also find this hilarious, and often find myself in trouble here too, because I end up distracting him playing his game 'cause I'm laughing my ass off...

I think the weirdest thing I do while gaming is the positions I end up laying in. I can't stand sitting in a chair for whatever reason...

So what are the weirdest things you have encountered while watching people play video games,
What are some strange things you do while playing video games?

The Flood / So.... Bored... Join me?
« on: April 28, 2015, 09:49:44 PM »

Saw these at the grocery store today...
This was the highlight of my day...

What was your highlight today?

Serious / Sweatshops
« on: April 27, 2015, 06:52:21 PM »
Am I terrible person for being somewhat apathetic when it comes to child labor and making clothes?
I mean usually this happens in developing countries where people are dirt poor, and work as hard as they can just barely to get by.
So it makes sense to me that children would be sent to make clothes for cheap wage to help support feed and shelter their families.
I know there are worst child labor sweatshop scenarios, like in dangerous factories, but is having children make clothes really that bad?

Here's the article that sparked my interest:

The Flood / Seriously wtf?!
« on: April 27, 2015, 05:11:33 PM »

I just saw this on my facebook newsfeed and I'm in shock.
Like I'm all for dildos but this is a little too far for me.
What do you think? I know there's quite a few more guys than girls on here, so how would you feel if your lover put your ashes in here and then pleased herself with it?
And... GO!

Gaming / Stupid Wii I need help please!
« on: April 26, 2015, 02:26:44 AM »
So I'm trying to transfer my downloaded games to another wii console.

Please help.
I hate wii.

Gaming / Smash Bros
« on: April 26, 2015, 12:36:34 AM »
What character(s) are your best and which are your worst, why?
What are your strengths AND weaknesses?
 What's your favorite level, why?
What is your favorite move?
What are your tips for n00bs?

I'm going to start training for a tournament soon.

I'm pretty good with Wario because of his strong shoulder lunges and his arial pound slams. My favorite move would have to be his over+b charging towards the opponent, and let's just face it his fart move is hilarious, but it is not very effective for me.

Yes, I love Peach, but mainly for her saving play. She is the easiest character to keep from crashing down into the abyss, but unless you know how to make that to your advantage you will soon become a target for juggling tools. I juggle best with Peach unless I accidentally pull out her parasol which then leaves open unless I decide to kick my way down. My biggest issue with Peach would be I cannot get the hand of throwing her turnips. For whatever reason I cannot grasp this and so I avoid it all costs. 

I am sad to say that Falcon is my weakest game. His speed throws me off and I cannot keep him on the stage. No matter how hard I try I cannot get him to do what I want therefore I refuse to play him.

Final Destination has to be my favorite stage because of its wide open arena. This was the stage I learned edge guarding and spiking fun.

My tip for n00bs would be keep practicing, don't rage quit, and if you begin to develop blisters just know it is worth the pain and that you are doing it right... Or it means stop button mashing ya n00b.


The Flood / Otherkin?
« on: April 25, 2015, 02:51:44 PM »
What are your views?
Just recently found out what "otherkin" meant.
Do you hate them, don't mind them, or love them?
Personally I don't care what other people do I'm just interested in your thoughts.

Any takers?

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