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Messages - DiamondSentinel

Pages: 123
Gaming / Warning: Edgy Thread D&D
« on: April 15, 2015, 06:40:07 AM »

Oh god. Hearing the name of that website gives me PTSD.
What do you mean?
My former fatass roommate is obsessed.

...........seriously HOW did he get laid? Did he show her his best character or something?
He's stupidly charismatic when he wants to be.
What's his charisma at, 20?

Gaming / Re: Favorite Pokemon attacks and recommendtations
« on: April 14, 2015, 08:42:28 PM »
Fairy was actually a good addition. Kept those fucking Dragons in check.
the second type of moves many dragons have (fire) is also weak against fairy type
You got that backwards, Fire resists Fairy and Fire does neutral damage to Fairy.
Oh, it's fighting that's resistant to it. But still, I stick with what I said earlier. Fairy type is BS.

Gaming / Re: Favorite Pokemon attacks and recommendtations
« on: April 14, 2015, 08:10:32 PM »
Fairy was actually a good addition. Kept those fucking Dragons in check.
I'm not saying Dragons didn't need a nerf, but fairy wasn't the right one for the job... It makes negative sense. It's not just that they deal x2 damage to dragons, it's that dragons CAN NOT deal damage to them with STAB! Plus, the second type of moves many dragons have (fire) is also weak against fairy type... They basically took some of the best offensive types (dragon, fire, and dark) and just randomly threw together a type that is resistant to those types.

Gaming / Re: Favorite Pokemon attacks and recommendtations
« on: April 14, 2015, 07:51:19 PM »
There are so many things that I hate about the Pokemon Meta-Game. Gamefreak has introduced so many douchy techniques, and left some of the more classic, nostalgic techniques in the dust. Serious! Ice pokemon, which used to be decent in Gen III and IV are now useless in Gens V and VI. And the introduction of Stealth Rock and Fairy type? HORRID!

Gaming / Re: Warning: Edgy Thread D&D
« on: April 14, 2015, 04:59:48 PM »

Oh god. Hearing the name of that website gives me PTSD.
What do you mean?

Gaming / Re: Warning: Edgy Thread D&D
« on: April 14, 2015, 04:41:54 PM »
Well, if anyone's interested in playing, we could do it one of 2 ways. Good ol fashioned Skype/teamspeak or a cool website called Roll20

Gaming / Re: lolBungie
« on: April 14, 2015, 06:48:59 AM »
Sorta like how Planetside 2 ended up, but that was more from the community and type of people playing it... The game was polished, but the community is literally cancer. (yes, I realize it's not literally cancer, all you fellow grammar nazis)

You are my favorite new user.
Aww, shucks. You flatter me!

Gaming / Re: Warning: Edgy Thread D&D
« on: April 13, 2015, 10:04:24 PM »
how is DnD "edgy"?
we have a few people here that play.
Did you not read what I said first thing? People often think of it the same way they think of anime or what-not. It's really nerdy, and somewhat taboo, just because a select few (granted they are probably the most out-spoken or noticeable) take it way too far into the "weird" aspect. A lot of people at my school think I'm weird just because I was making a character during advisory for an upcoming campaign.

Gaming / Warning: Edgy Thread D&D
« on: April 13, 2015, 09:40:46 PM »
So, I'm kinda new to the community, so I don't know how everyone will react to this, but anyone play D&D? And I don't mean LARPing D&D. I mean the actual game. It's virtually no different than like Skyrim or similar, except the DM gets to decide the story.

The Flood / Re: so quicksand fetishes are a thing
« on: April 13, 2015, 09:24:07 PM »

If it exists, there is a fetish about it.

Gaming / Re: lolBungie
« on: April 13, 2015, 09:13:25 PM »
I like the idea of Destiny, and some gameplay elements of it. It's just that it's not well polished. At all.

I like the TPS, dungeon crawl-esque type thing. It's fun. I just find that, just like every other game today, it was released preemptively, and wasn't ready. It ended up as a disappointment.

Sorta like how Planetside 2 ended up, but that was more from the community and type of people playing it... The game was polished, but the community is literally cancer. (yes, I realize it's not literally cancer, all you fellow grammar nazis)

Gaming / Re: Favorite Pokemon attacks and recommendtations
« on: April 13, 2015, 08:11:36 PM »
Amen Brotha

I love a cryogonal with max speed and SpA using blizzard or ice beam. Everyone underestimates ice pokemon, but Cryogonal has amazing stats and has levitate.
Welcome to Sep7, great to see another Pokemon player join.
Thanks! It looks like it's a fun community! I mean, it seems to have been founded on HALO, and has expanded to other great games of our generation!
You just missed sign-ups for the ongoing Pokemon tournament, but you're more than welcome to watch the battles as they happen (we're using Pokemon Showdown). In fact, a battle between me and Comms Officer is about to start.
Awesome! What's the link?

Gaming / Re: Official Pokemon Breeding/Trade/Battle Hub
« on: April 13, 2015, 08:09:46 PM »
I would gladly trade someone a <random> shiny pokemon if they would buy me a 3DS and Alpha Sapphire. ^_^

Serious / Re: Cop shoots fleeing man 8 times, plants evidence
« on: April 13, 2015, 08:08:05 PM »
I will say one thing about the matter...

This whole ordeal is a massive uproar of wrongness (I'm trying to avoid the religious term "sin", but that's the best term to use). The kid should have been responsible and paid the child support, the cop shouldn't have shot him, no matter the reason, the media shouldn't make a big fuss about it, etc. The so-called "racism" the media reports on is just as bad as internet clickbait. It's racist against African Americans, classist and racist against cops, and is just overall terrible.
>racist against cops

Whoops, I meant to say against "White Cops".

Gaming / Re: Favorite Pokemon attacks and recommendtations
« on: April 13, 2015, 08:06:56 PM »
Amen Brotha

I love a cryogonal with max speed and SpA using blizzard or ice beam. Everyone underestimates ice pokemon, but Cryogonal has amazing stats and has levitate.
Welcome to Sep7, great to see another Pokemon player join.

Thanks! It looks like it's a fun community! I mean, it seems to have been founded on HALO, and has expanded to other great games of our generation!

Gaming / Re: Favorite Pokemon attacks and recommendtations
« on: April 13, 2015, 07:30:14 PM »
Absol w/394 attack, Swords Dance, and Sucker Punch is a great combo
Amen Brotha

I love a cryogonal with max speed and SpA using blizzard or ice beam. Everyone underestimates ice pokemon, but Cryogonal has amazing stats and has levitate.

Serious / Re: Cop shoots fleeing man 8 times, plants evidence
« on: April 13, 2015, 07:08:51 PM »
I will say one thing about the matter...

This whole ordeal is a massive uproar of wrongness (I'm trying to avoid the religious term "sin", but that's the best term to use). The kid should have been responsible and paid the child support, the cop shouldn't have shot him, no matter the reason, the media shouldn't make a big fuss about it, etc. The so-called "racism" the media reports on is just as bad as internet clickbait. It's racist against African Americans, classist and racist against cops, and is just overall terrible.

Pages: 123