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Messages - DiamondSentinel

Pages: 12 3
The Flood / Re: ITT: Post videos of stupid people.
« on: April 18, 2015, 07:10:59 PM »

I'm sorry it's not a video but it'll have to do
*Slow clap*
You did well.

Gaming / Re: This review gave me cancer.
« on: April 18, 2015, 03:12:09 PM »
I believe he's talking about the one where the capture points were put on a grid, and you could only capture ones that were connected to your territory.

Gaming / Re: This review gave me cancer.
« on: April 18, 2015, 06:31:30 AM »

Crappy review, but the guy raises some good points. Played a bit of PS2 myself, but never felt compelled to put more time into it. Relatively easy and often boring game that relies on its large scale to stand out.
Don't know who you played with/against, but it's not really easy. But I won't deny that there is a lot of walking around, and not as much combat as most games have. I just like that, since there is a long distance to walk, it gives it a more realistic feel, like you actually have to rely on strategy, and waiting for backup is an actual thing in that game.


Battle Frontier was Emerald only. You should petition for them to make an Emerald Remake.
Delta espisode *WAS* the Emerald remake, just placed within ORAS. It expands on the story of Rayquaza and its relationship with Groudon/Kyogre, and takes you through Sky Pillar.

At this point I think it's more likely that the Battle Frontier will come as paid DLC than that it will be a part of the next main-series game.
I'm not sure if you realize this, but you could capture Rayquaza in Sapphire/Ruby... Just because it adds emphasis on it doesn't mean it's a remake of Emerald. A remake of Emerald would have you fighting both Team Aqua and Team Magma.

Gaming / Re: Star Wars Battlefront release date + first screenshot!
« on: April 17, 2015, 10:16:40 AM »
Why do you guys hate EA? They are a decent company. I mean, they made Spore, which was an amazing game!

Battle Frontier was Emerald only. You should petition for them to make an Emerald Remake.

Gaming / Re: Everybody on MKX Online is a bitch
« on: April 17, 2015, 07:33:08 AM »

Could you stop obsessing over this stupid game? Mortal Combat hasn't been any good for years...

Do you think I don't know that? I said it like that to communicate my distaste at that game.

Gaming / Re: Dungeons and Dragons Guide 1: Character Creation
« on: April 17, 2015, 07:24:23 AM »

The Flood / Re: Bad movies that you enjoy?
« on: April 17, 2015, 07:24:02 AM »
Scarface is a really good terrible movie.
And a couple of the transformers movies are amazing.

Gaming / Re: Everybody on MKX Online is a bitch
« on: April 17, 2015, 07:22:16 AM »

Kinda reminds me of Injustice when  people would pick Slade and camp at the corner of the map and spam his assault rifle.
I encounter more people who spam with green arrow, just because you can button mash and not have to worry about button combinations.
And I play as slade, and don't spam assault rifle shots. He's a really good character. He has good combo stringing potential, and his upward rifle fire can take out a good aerial character. (Not that there are too many...)

Gaming / Re: Everybody on MKX Online is a bitch
« on: April 16, 2015, 09:16:33 PM »
Could you stop obsessing over this stupid game? Mortal Combat hasn't been any good for years...

Gaming / Re: Dungeons and Dragons Guide 1: Character Creation
« on: April 16, 2015, 07:17:42 PM »

Gaming / How is Mewtwo on Smash 4?
« on: April 16, 2015, 02:58:01 PM »
I hate games with DLC. I have never once bought a single DLC in my life, and it's bullshit. In my opinion, it's worse than P2W.
I enjoy games for their story, and basically DLC makes you pay more to finish up the story. I hate it with a fiery passion.
Pretty much what Atticus said.
It's a fighting game, no story. The characters are the entire game, adding even one character adds a lot to the game, a new character to play as, and new character to play against.
Well, there is story, but I digress...

Gaming / Re: Dungeons and Dragons Guide 1: Character Creation
« on: April 16, 2015, 01:23:59 PM »
Oh, I'm sorry for posting about nerdy things on a GAMING FORUM. I figured they were both synonymous with nerdy...
Most people here are jokesters, Tyger in this case.
He's a bit annoying...

Gaming / Re: This review gave me cancer.
« on: April 16, 2015, 01:20:56 PM »
You lattice people wanted this bed, now you have to sleep in it. Enjoy your dead game.

Also topkek at the TR being the "bad guys". The NC are the real bad guys.
Wait, so Venu are the good guys? I ALWAYS KNEW IT TO BE TRUE!
VS aren't really good or bad, they just want to pursue their own goals and spread their ideology without the interference of either the NC or TR which can't really be done while either exist due to the policies of the TR and the opposition to their work by the NC.

NC are corporate backed terrorists that sway the masses with clever propaganda. TR are a republic that became heavy handed because the NC terrorists killed a bunch of civilians and military personnel and basically jeopardized the entire colonization effort because they didn't want any rules or regulations on private enterprise.

Nah. Vanu are the good guys. Just trying to spread science and religion (yes, they can do both) throughout the galaxy.
The TR are the only good guys. They are trying to maintain stability whilst fighting off corporate terrorists and Scientologist Jihadists.
WOAH WOAH WOAH! We aren't scientologists, nor are we Jihadists! We just like order!

Gaming / Re: Dungeons and Dragons Guide 1: Character Creation
« on: April 16, 2015, 12:28:33 PM »
Oh, I'm sorry for posting about nerdy things on a GAMING FORUM. I figured they were both synonymous with nerdy...
Why are you taking this place so seriously?
I'm not. I'm just saying that I figured that I could post something that was slightly nerdy on here without getting flamed... I guess it was a long shot, though.

Gaming / Re: Dungeons and Dragons Guide 1: Character Creation
« on: April 16, 2015, 12:26:08 PM »
Oh, I'm sorry for posting about nerdy things on a GAMING FORUM. I figured they were both synonymous with nerdy...

Gaming / Re: This review gave me cancer.
« on: April 16, 2015, 12:19:09 PM »
You lattice people wanted this bed, now you have to sleep in it. Enjoy your dead game.

Also topkek at the TR being the "bad guys". The NC are the real bad guys.
Wait, so Venu are the good guys? I ALWAYS KNEW IT TO BE TRUE!

VS aren't really good or bad, they just want to pursue their own goals and spread their ideology without the interference of either the NC or TR which can't really be done while either exist due to the policies of the TR and the opposition to their work by the NC.

NC are corporate backed terrorists that sway the masses with clever propaganda. TR are a republic that became heavy handed because the NC terrorists killed a bunch of civilians and military personnel and basically jeopardized the entire colonization effort because they didn't want any rules or regulations on private enterprise.

Nah. Vanu are the good guys. Just trying to spread science and religion (yes, they can do both) throughout the galaxy.

Gaming / Re: Dungeons and Dragons Guide 1: Character Creation
« on: April 16, 2015, 12:17:59 PM »
It's a magical place called

The Internet...

But seriously, there's a website we could use called Roll20 if you wanted to, or we could play over skype/teamspeak

Gaming / Re: Dungeons and Dragons Guide 1: Character Creation
« on: April 16, 2015, 12:15:44 PM »
I want to play but really don't have the time :(
DnD doesn't take a huge amount of time, unless you let it. Just find a single day where you are free every week or so and you'll be fine.

Gaming / Re: This review gave me cancer.
« on: April 16, 2015, 12:14:39 PM »
Vanu infiltrator OP

Gaming / Re: How is Mewtwo on Smash 4?
« on: April 16, 2015, 12:14:14 PM »
I hate games with DLC. I have never once bought a single DLC in my life, and it's bullshit. In my opinion, it's worse than P2W.
I enjoy games for their story, and basically DLC makes you pay more to finish up the story. I hate it with a fiery passion.

Gaming / Re: This review gave me cancer.
« on: April 16, 2015, 12:07:27 PM »
You lattice people wanted this bed, now you have to sleep in it. Enjoy your dead game.

Also topkek at the TR being the "bad guys". The NC are the real bad guys.
Wait, so Venu are the good guys? I ALWAYS KNEW IT TO BE TRUE!

Gaming / Dungeons and Dragons Guide 1: Character Creation
« on: April 16, 2015, 12:04:16 PM »
    What is Dungeons and Dragons?
    • Dungeons and Dragons (D&D or DnD (I'll usually use DnD because it's fast to type)) is a role-playing game. Players take on a character, and have adventures, typically with others, but by themselves if they want to.
    • While there are rules, they are typically suggestions for the most balanced gameplay. It is the storyteller (Game Master, or GM for short) who has the final say in everything. They can twist the rules to their liking, even rewriting events to suit their desires. This gives the game a creative twist, and what is so attractive to many players!
    • These adventures can range from rescuing an important person, to a quest for vengeance, raiding a dragon's stash, among other things. There are virtually no limits to what you can do in DnD.

    Make a Character
    • The first thing you have to do before playing is making your character. This is one of the most fun parts of the process, so much that some DnD fans will making many characters, just because they enjoy writing the backstories of their characters.
    • When you make a character, you have a few things to decide on. Race, Class, Background, and Equipment are the main ones, with ability scores and other things being determined semi-randomly.

    Character Creation Steps
    • Choose a race: When choosing your race, I would suggest thinking about what class you would like, too. Every race gives certain ability modifiers. When deciding on a race, consult the class page as to which race they would suggest if you are having trouble. Afterwards, decide on a name and sub-race, if applicable, and move on to class.
    • Choose a class: While you probably have a good idea for the class when you chose your race, it also helps to look through the perks each class gets. When choosing a class, also take into account that all base classes asides from Barbarians, Fighters, and Rogues use magic (monks only as a technicality).
    • Choose your background: Your class will suggest a background. While this will work, I'd also suggest looking at the other backgrounds. When you choose this background, choose 2 traits, 1 bond, 1 ideal, and 1 flaw. You can also create your own if you have a better idea. When you do this, you will also choose your alignment. Google what each alignment is to determine what you prefer.
    • Determine your stats: This is the most complicated section. Since bb code is a pain in the ass to type in, I will type this in a section of its own, completely absent of all other formatting.
    • Determine your equipment: Your class gives you a loadout, which 2 options for each. When choosing your equipment, keep in mind your proficiencies given to you by your Race and Background. Also, remember that just because something has a higher damage dice doesn't mean it's intrinsically better.

    Determining your Stats

    There are a couple types of stats in DnD. The first ones are your ability scores. These scores determine how you do, mostly. Determining them is rather easy, firstly. To do that, role 4 6-sided dice (or use a simulator to do so) and remove the lowest. Add those up, and that's your basic number. Do this 6 times (1 for each Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, Intelligence, Charisma (I'll explain what they mean later on). And choose which value applies to which. Str and Dex apply to weapon values, Con is your health modifier, Wis, Int, and Cha are all spellcasting values. Your character page will tell you which one should be highest.

    Next are your proficiencies. Your race gives you some for certain, sometimes, your background gives you some for certain, and then your race gives you some choices. These proficiencies allow you to perform better with weapons and armor, and skills are more useful when you are proficient in it. Your class also gives you proficiencies in saving throws of a certain skill. Don't worry about what Saving throws are. Just write down what it tells you in the box.

    Your speed is determined by your race. Most have a speed of 25 or 30. Your AC is determined by your armor. Your initiative is your Dex modifier. At lvl 1, your proficiency bonus is +2. Your hit point maximum is determined by your class. Ignore inspiration. That is an optional rule, and is kinda lame, actually.

    Magic will come in a separate post, because it's really complex. However, if you just read the player's handbook, it is pretty good at explaining it, and might make this topic obsolete.

    Character Sheets and Player Manual
    Dropbox folder with the Character Sheets and Player Manual. I would suggest filling out the complete character sheet, but if you don't have that sort of time, complete the regular character sheet, and the spellcasting one is useful if you are a magic user.

    The Flood / Re: How to stop silly attacks on Christian businesses.
    « on: April 16, 2015, 10:28:44 AM »
    I don't have the slightest opinion on laws for it. In fact, I can't even decide what I'd do in this situation.

    While Christians should love people equally, since we are all sinners, there comes a certain extant to where we shouldn't tolerate those who dwell in unrepentant sin.

    In layman's terms, I have an internal conflict over how far my tolerance of this should go.

    Gaming / Re: This review gave me cancer.
    « on: April 16, 2015, 10:20:06 AM »
    Well, the review is terrible.

    And Planetside 2 is quite a good game... There are a couple things that could make it much better, but I think that it is way better than most games in any of the genres that it has a niche in.

    Gaming / Re: How is Mewtwo on Smash 4?
    « on: April 16, 2015, 10:17:38 AM »
    Welcome to Treyarch Nintendo! Now with DLC!

    Gaming / Re: Warning: Edgy Thread D&D
    « on: April 16, 2015, 09:17:25 AM »
    Ok. I'll focus on making it today.

    Serious bro!

    Sign up on /r/mspaintbattles

    Gaming / Re: Warning: Edgy Thread D&D
    « on: April 16, 2015, 06:29:17 AM »

    Well, if anyone's interested in playing, we could do it one of 2 ways. Good ol fashioned Skype/teamspeak or a cool website called Roll20
    I'd be interested. Just name day and time.

    Preferably at weekends though.
    It's not quite that simple...
    First of all, I'd need to know who's doing it.
    Second of all, it would be much easier if you guys made your character sheets beforehand. I have a pdf of the handbook if you guys need it.

    There's also a whole bunch of other stuff to get set up, too.

    Pages: 12 3