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Topics - DiamondSentinel

Pages: 1
Gaming / Possible DnD Campaign
« on: April 20, 2015, 10:30:53 AM »
Aside from a select few [cough LEMON cough], most everyone who's read my threads on DnD have showed interest in it. Due to this, I was thinking about starting a DnD campaign for some people on the forums. Who all would be interested in joining?

It would be on, since any other way is way too difficult to start up (I'd love to do it with tabletop simulator, but I doubt everyone has it).

If you are interested but don't know how, I have a how-to for character creation, and there is a dropbox with all the information you'd need here.

Gaming / Dungeons and Dragons Guide 1: Character Creation
« on: April 16, 2015, 12:04:16 PM »
    What is Dungeons and Dragons?
    • Dungeons and Dragons (D&D or DnD (I'll usually use DnD because it's fast to type)) is a role-playing game. Players take on a character, and have adventures, typically with others, but by themselves if they want to.
    • While there are rules, they are typically suggestions for the most balanced gameplay. It is the storyteller (Game Master, or GM for short) who has the final say in everything. They can twist the rules to their liking, even rewriting events to suit their desires. This gives the game a creative twist, and what is so attractive to many players!
    • These adventures can range from rescuing an important person, to a quest for vengeance, raiding a dragon's stash, among other things. There are virtually no limits to what you can do in DnD.

    Make a Character
    • The first thing you have to do before playing is making your character. This is one of the most fun parts of the process, so much that some DnD fans will making many characters, just because they enjoy writing the backstories of their characters.
    • When you make a character, you have a few things to decide on. Race, Class, Background, and Equipment are the main ones, with ability scores and other things being determined semi-randomly.

    Character Creation Steps
    • Choose a race: When choosing your race, I would suggest thinking about what class you would like, too. Every race gives certain ability modifiers. When deciding on a race, consult the class page as to which race they would suggest if you are having trouble. Afterwards, decide on a name and sub-race, if applicable, and move on to class.
    • Choose a class: While you probably have a good idea for the class when you chose your race, it also helps to look through the perks each class gets. When choosing a class, also take into account that all base classes asides from Barbarians, Fighters, and Rogues use magic (monks only as a technicality).
    • Choose your background: Your class will suggest a background. While this will work, I'd also suggest looking at the other backgrounds. When you choose this background, choose 2 traits, 1 bond, 1 ideal, and 1 flaw. You can also create your own if you have a better idea. When you do this, you will also choose your alignment. Google what each alignment is to determine what you prefer.
    • Determine your stats: This is the most complicated section. Since bb code is a pain in the ass to type in, I will type this in a section of its own, completely absent of all other formatting.
    • Determine your equipment: Your class gives you a loadout, which 2 options for each. When choosing your equipment, keep in mind your proficiencies given to you by your Race and Background. Also, remember that just because something has a higher damage dice doesn't mean it's intrinsically better.

    Determining your Stats

    There are a couple types of stats in DnD. The first ones are your ability scores. These scores determine how you do, mostly. Determining them is rather easy, firstly. To do that, role 4 6-sided dice (or use a simulator to do so) and remove the lowest. Add those up, and that's your basic number. Do this 6 times (1 for each Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, Intelligence, Charisma (I'll explain what they mean later on). And choose which value applies to which. Str and Dex apply to weapon values, Con is your health modifier, Wis, Int, and Cha are all spellcasting values. Your character page will tell you which one should be highest.

    Next are your proficiencies. Your race gives you some for certain, sometimes, your background gives you some for certain, and then your race gives you some choices. These proficiencies allow you to perform better with weapons and armor, and skills are more useful when you are proficient in it. Your class also gives you proficiencies in saving throws of a certain skill. Don't worry about what Saving throws are. Just write down what it tells you in the box.

    Your speed is determined by your race. Most have a speed of 25 or 30. Your AC is determined by your armor. Your initiative is your Dex modifier. At lvl 1, your proficiency bonus is +2. Your hit point maximum is determined by your class. Ignore inspiration. That is an optional rule, and is kinda lame, actually.

    Magic will come in a separate post, because it's really complex. However, if you just read the player's handbook, it is pretty good at explaining it, and might make this topic obsolete.

    Character Sheets and Player Manual
    Dropbox folder with the Character Sheets and Player Manual. I would suggest filling out the complete character sheet, but if you don't have that sort of time, complete the regular character sheet, and the spellcasting one is useful if you are a magic user.

    Gaming / Warning: Edgy Thread D&D
    « on: April 13, 2015, 09:40:46 PM »
    So, I'm kinda new to the community, so I don't know how everyone will react to this, but anyone play D&D? And I don't mean LARPing D&D. I mean the actual game. It's virtually no different than like Skyrim or similar, except the DM gets to decide the story.

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