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Messages - Zizzy

Pages: 1 ... 789 1011 ... 91
The Flood / Re: Your favorite movie quotes
« on: August 22, 2016, 10:02:41 AM »
Rule number one of fight club is : There are no rules.
Rule number two of fight club is: No outside food

« on: August 21, 2016, 11:54:31 AM »
Cappuccino kripperino?

The Flood / Re: Does anyone even listen to music other people post
« on: August 20, 2016, 01:55:53 PM »
Yeah, sometimes.

The Flood / Re: I think I figured out how to make soccer not boring
« on: August 20, 2016, 01:23:18 PM »
You sound like you'd enjoy GAA

What is this and is it basically hockey without ice or sticks, because that sounds very enjoyable.
Gaelic football is like high contact, high scoring and much faster paced soccer and Hurling is like Gaelic with sticks and a smaller ball (and is also the fastest field sport in the world)
That sounds like a spot worth watching. Why is this not more popular?
I have no idea, GAA sports are literally the most entertaining ones going. I mean, here's a good description I found online about Hurling
An Irish sport which appears to be a hybrid of field hockey, soccer, football and unremitting, pants-wetting terror.

The game is played with axe-like sticks called hurleys or "camáns" and a small, hard ball. Two teams, each with 15 Irishmen of questionable mental stability attempt to score goals by smacking the ball as hard as possible, at head height and at terrifying speeds.
Although a well-hit ball can travel at speeds of almost 100 miles per hour, hurling players wear no protective gear. Players can choose to wear a helmet, but many choose not to, figuring if God had wanted men to wear helmets, he wouldn't have given them those ball-deflecting skulls.
How does that not sound like the best thing ever?

The Flood / Re: I think I figured out how to make soccer not boring
« on: August 20, 2016, 01:18:23 PM »
You sound like you'd enjoy GAA

What is this and is it basically hockey without ice or sticks, because that sounds very enjoyable.
Gaelic football is like high contact, high scoring and much faster paced soccer and Hurling is like Gaelic with sticks and a smaller ball (and is also the fastest field sport in the world)

The Flood / Re: I think I figured out how to make soccer not boring
« on: August 20, 2016, 01:10:32 PM »
You sound like you'd enjoy GAA

it's like most genres, you have to make sure to look in the right place to hear the good stuff

The Flood / Re: I just finished reading 1984
« on: August 05, 2016, 12:57:24 PM »
great book, easily one of my favourites

The Flood / Re: Did someone say all too easy?
« on: August 04, 2016, 01:44:16 PM »
I have been summoned back with an update on my personal life, comrades. It seems my penis is doing well, perhaps even better than before. No circumcision required, just removal of a small skin tag. The foreskin can now be pulled down farther than before for increased pleasure, and I can even look like cut guys. It can also be cleaned much better now, and it's overall hygiene has been increased.

Next, I have a full-time teaching interview this afternoon; although it is still a substitute position and different classes everyday. Meh...

Third, I met an amazing girl Saturday night. She is as nerdy as I am and literally likes most things that I do, and we really clicked. She is gorgeous and looks like Scarlet Johannsen mixed with Adele and Marilyn Monroe. She looks like a doll and we had instant chemistry. I'm glad we met each other, and I realized I don't want to just hook up. Only problem is she just got out of a four year relationship, so I don't want to seem too pushy with her. But she does want to see me again and watch the Force Awakens together on Wednesday. She is just as unlucky as I am. On our first date we went to a park with our coffees. It rained and we got soaked, she spilled hers, and by the end of the night my car battery had died.

"mixed with Adele"

So she's fat?
You must be new here.

Roman won't even look at someone if they're under 250 lbs.

not new just ijnactive
lol um yes you most definitely are new, Mr. July 3, 2016.

Shut up nigger faggot.
wow um rude
Member #2075
Time to get elitist in this bitch!

im top 10. leave my site newbie
>double digits

The Flood / Re: GB2016 BTFO
« on: August 03, 2016, 04:39:15 PM »
I think it's really lame that people wanted this movie to fail just because "fuck SJWs!" If they can put this movie out with a full female cast, and it works and is really good, why does that matter?
That was never the issue. The problem was that people saw the trailer, saw it looked shitty and then said they weren't interested. When Sony, the cast & crew, and SJWs came out of the woodwork and claimed they wanted it to fail because of an all women-team; that's when everyone wanted the movie to fail out of spite.

"The music sounds shitty." You're a misogynist.
"The jokes aren't funny." You're a misogynist.
"The acting looks bad." You're a misogynist.
"I was never interested in Ghostbusters to begin with." You're a misogynist.

You could come up with a trillion different excuses as to why you weren't going to see this movie that had fuck all to do with the cast, and you'd still be a misogynistic sexist shit lord. Sony doubled down and lost, people didn't want the movie to fail out of spite until after they were being criticized for not wanting to seeing it for [Insert non-cast related reason here].
While it's true that people who simply didn't like how the movie looked were accused of being sexist, there were also ...people who didn't like it because they were being sexist. And those are the people I'm really directing my comment at, people who literally wanted it to fail because they've made the ghostbusters into women.

you mean like the .08% of people that didn't like it (if we were to take youtube comments as a sample size)?
I've seen people in multiple places across the internet and in real life complain about it for that reason.

ok cool, but that doesn't mean that they're in any way a significant portion of the population of people that didn't like the movie
it's still a thing that's happening though. and sure, you can look up statistics of youtube videos all day long and rattle them off as if it's infallible proof of something, but i don't think i'm alone in feeling that there was a collective groan when the movie was announced with a full female cast, and for that reason.

The Flood / Re: GB2016 BTFO
« on: August 03, 2016, 04:20:14 PM »
I think it's really lame that people wanted this movie to fail just because "fuck SJWs!" If they can put this movie out with a full female cast, and it works and is really good, why does that matter?
That was never the issue. The problem was that people saw the trailer, saw it looked shitty and then said they weren't interested. When Sony, the cast & crew, and SJWs came out of the woodwork and claimed they wanted it to fail because of an all women-team; that's when everyone wanted the movie to fail out of spite.

"The music sounds shitty." You're a misogynist.
"The jokes aren't funny." You're a misogynist.
"The acting looks bad." You're a misogynist.
"I was never interested in Ghostbusters to begin with." You're a misogynist.

You could come up with a trillion different excuses as to why you weren't going to see this movie that had fuck all to do with the cast, and you'd still be a misogynistic sexist shit lord. Sony doubled down and lost, people didn't want the movie to fail out of spite until after they were being criticized for not wanting to seeing it for [Insert non-cast related reason here].
While it's true that people who simply didn't like how the movie looked were accused of being sexist, there were also ...people who didn't like it because they were being sexist. And those are the people I'm really directing my comment at, people who literally wanted it to fail because they've made the ghostbusters into women.

you mean like the .08% of people that didn't like it (if we were to take youtube comments as a sample size)?
I've seen people in multiple places across the internet and in real life complain about it for that reason.

The Flood / Re: GB2016 BTFO
« on: August 03, 2016, 04:11:28 PM »
I think it's really lame that people wanted this movie to fail just because "fuck SJWs!" If they can put this movie out with a full female cast, and it works and is really good, why does that matter?
That was never the issue. The problem was that people saw the trailer, saw it looked shitty and then said they weren't interested. When Sony, the cast & crew, and SJWs came out of the woodwork and claimed they wanted it to fail because of an all women-team; that's when everyone wanted the movie to fail out of spite.

"The music sounds shitty." You're a misogynist.
"The jokes aren't funny." You're a misogynist.
"The acting looks bad." You're a misogynist.
"I was never interested in Ghostbusters to begin with." You're a misogynist.

You could come up with a trillion different excuses as to why you weren't going to see this movie that had fuck all to do with the cast, and you'd still be a misogynistic sexist shit lord. Sony doubled down and lost, people didn't want the movie to fail out of spite until after they were being criticized for not wanting to seeing it for [Insert non-cast related reason here].
While it's true that people who simply didn't like how the movie looked were accused of being sexist, there were also ...people who didn't like it because they were being sexist. And those are the people I'm really directing my comment at, people who literally wanted it to fail because they've made the ghostbusters into women.

The Flood / Re: GB2016 BTFO
« on: August 03, 2016, 03:41:14 PM »
I think it's really lame that people wanted this movie to fail just because "fuck SJWs!" If they can put this movie out with a full female cast, and it works and is really good, why does that matter?
The real problem with this, and why people should be wanting it to fail at the box office is because they've taken a cult classic and are piggybacking on its popularity to make money. By all accounts this film isn't anything special, so it would have been a real shame if they made a killing off of it just because of the brand name. I'd be saying the exact same if this was released with a full cast of men and looked terrible.

The Flood / Re: We need to get a beer thread going.
« on: August 03, 2016, 06:17:29 AM »
People go to parties and actually care about the beer they're drinking?
I know, I couldn't believe it either

I'll never understand why people prefer RT to Imdb

The Flood / Re: Find the Golden Magikarp - 3/3 Karps claimed!
« on: August 02, 2016, 11:31:48 AM »
cool forum game idea

The Flood / Re: What is the best movie ever?
« on: August 02, 2016, 05:38:18 AM »
where's goodfellas??

The Flood / Re: who watches Big Brother
« on: July 31, 2016, 08:02:01 PM »
what kind of name is "bridgette" anyway

have you ever met a bridgette in your life

i swear, there are just some names that are just made up for TV
my cousin is called bridget, which is close enough

The Flood / Re: who watches Big Brother
« on: July 31, 2016, 07:53:25 PM »
I half paid attention to the regular BB this year in like the last 2 weeks they were in the house, because of some traveller bloke that had a complete meltdown that turned out to be an act. Haven't bothered looking at the celebrity one though.. I hear Marnie Simpsons is in it.

The Flood / Re: Since we are on the topic of capitalization.
« on: July 31, 2016, 08:26:03 AM »
right shift

The Flood / Re: Cuckold Point Road
« on: July 30, 2016, 05:42:41 PM »
That's unreal, might as well have gone for "Cock of the Bay" and "Penislander Inn" to keep the theme going.

The Flood / Re: What IS ASMR?
« on: July 30, 2016, 10:54:09 AM »
i don't have ASMR but i think it's funny when people try to convince me it's not a sexual thing

it's totally a sexual thing
no it isn't
i experience much more asmr from videos of people drawing on paper than kissing sounds (which doesn't work at all for me)

The Flood / Re: What IS ASMR?
« on: July 30, 2016, 10:51:28 AM »

The Flood / Re: Type "ree" into google images
« on: July 29, 2016, 12:45:04 PM »
This is the most photogenic deer i've ever seen, what a handsome bastard

The Flood / Re: Type "ree" into google images
« on: July 29, 2016, 12:42:16 PM »

does this ugly goat looking fuck even count as an animal?

The Flood / Re: Since we are on the topic of capitalization.
« on: July 29, 2016, 12:38:37 PM »
Shift, unless I'm typing full words in caps. Really irritates me when people double caps lock to do a single capital letter.

The Flood / Re: if hannibal lecter was brought back as a ghost
« on: July 29, 2016, 08:08:44 AM »
if he became a poacher he'd be Hannibal Lecter, Animal Collector.

The Flood / Re: Guuuyyyssseeeee
« on: July 28, 2016, 04:28:40 PM »
How much longer until I'm freaking Mythic? TT-TT
ha, how do you think i feel,  i was one of the first legendaries on this site and then cheat changed the ranking system and i got demoted
completely apathetic would be the answer

The Flood / Re: "You don't hold the door for men"
« on: July 28, 2016, 04:24:56 PM »
On the topic of holding doors, literally the worst social interaction ever is when the person behind you is in that twilight zone where holding the door would be an awkardly long wait, but not holding it would seem rude.

The Flood / Re: Who from history would you revive for sex?
« on: July 27, 2016, 06:03:14 PM »
Charles II of Spain

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