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Messages - Magos Domina

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Arkys still here

Septagon / Flood needs a name change
« on: May 03, 2015, 03:18:46 PM »
To Sep7icTank. It's fitting ad "Flood" has really nothing to do with Sep7agon as a whole unless you count the sites origins which we should be moving away from.

Having anxiety is not a fucking adventure.

I mean TL;DR
it's a title buttercup, and if you can't be arsed to read the post then why even bother posting?
Why so serious?
Because we're in the Serious board for serious topics and serious discussion. Let's try to stay on topic.
I was on topic, not my fault certain people are too sensitive.

The Flood / Re: Cute animals thread
« on: May 03, 2015, 12:54:20 PM »

Having anxiety is not a fucking adventure.

I mean TL;DR
it's a title buttercup, and if you can't be arsed to read the post then why even bother posting?
Why so serious?

The Flood / Re: In line for Ayyyvengers AMA
« on: May 03, 2015, 10:33:54 AM »
Hulk dies

Septagon / Re: What is this?
« on: May 03, 2015, 10:28:50 AM »
That's called lolApple

Having anxiety is not a fucking adventure.

I mean TL;DR

The Flood / Re: Megalodon
« on: May 03, 2015, 03:26:52 AM »
I'm assuming it's extinct. Ocean waters have grown too cold and the thing is too large to realisticly sustain itself on currently living ocean creatures. And if it would still exist, I think we would've seen some traces of it at this point.
It could have adapted somehow. I know it's most probably extinct but a girl can hope...

The Flood / Re: Megalodon
« on: May 03, 2015, 03:25:35 AM »
I don't know... it would be hard to miss something like that if it did still exist. I want to see a Giant Squid.
I want someone to find a kraken sized cephalopod.

Fuck yeah... this is the biggest one we've ever caught.

That's a colossal squid :3

The Flood / Re: Dustin's advice on how to get bitches
« on: May 03, 2015, 03:22:03 AM »
YAAY!!! Dustbin is back on the Blacklist! =^.^=
Not really seeing what's so bad about that. He was a troll, and apparently a complete loser. But I don't see how that makes him such a cancerous person here. This place is already cancer.
I just like find him annoying. Yeah there are far worse here.

The Flood / Re: Dustin's advice on how to get bitches
« on: May 03, 2015, 03:04:16 AM »
YAAY!!! Dustbin is back on the Blacklist! =^.^=

The Flood / Re: Megalodon
« on: May 03, 2015, 03:00:28 AM »
I don't know... it would be hard to miss something like that if it did still exist. I want to see a Giant Squid.
I want someone to find a kraken sized cephalopod.

The Flood / Re: Wanna see something truly horrific?
« on: May 03, 2015, 02:56:17 AM »
Holy shit! That's the most emo pet ever!
Would you have one? Or is this one creepy crawly you wouldn't keep as a pet?
Well I wouldn't mind but every time I pick it up I'd get my blood sucked so noooooooo fucking way.

The Flood / Megalodon
« on: May 03, 2015, 02:54:19 AM »

Do you think it's still extant or extinct?


The Flood / Re: Wanna see something truly horrific?
« on: May 03, 2015, 02:44:49 AM »
Holy shit! That's the most emo pet ever!

The Flood / Re: What would happen if....
« on: May 02, 2015, 06:59:00 PM »
It'll go backwards into his head thereby killing the poor puppet.

Serious / Re: No, we still can't trust Iran
« on: May 02, 2015, 06:57:37 PM »
> Meta posting

The Flood / What would happen if....
« on: May 02, 2015, 06:55:45 PM »
Pinocchio said "My nose is about to grow!"?

Wrap your head around that one.

The Flood / Re: Corgi thread
« on: May 02, 2015, 05:43:55 PM »
what kind of spider is that

The Flood / Re: Stolen Valor.
« on: May 02, 2015, 01:32:25 PM »
I've never heard of this.
Guys started dressing up as soldiers and managed to get discounts, so when real miliatry assholes found out the got all butthurt. And now it's against the law.

You sound upset lol

The Flood / Re: Stolen Valor.
« on: May 02, 2015, 01:26:59 PM »
I think it's hilarious for 2 reasons.

1) People are stupid enough to have such a hard on for the US Military that they give them discounts

2) People get so pissed off when people dress up as soldiers and marines, it's funny watching military cunts rage like little kids.

I would pat any one who has "stolen valour" on the back and buy them a drink for their amazing trolling ability.

C'mon someone should go to jail for getting 20% discount for coffee? Fuck off and stop being so assmad in love with your military lol

Gaming / Re: Do you still buy hard copies of games?
« on: May 02, 2015, 01:23:17 PM »
I only download games on the cheap on xbl. For games that I personally look forward to (such as Bloodborne) I buy physical. Just gotta have the tangible item!

Septagon / Re: I propose a change in punishment.
« on: May 02, 2015, 11:03:47 AM »
He already had multiple longish bans. It was warranted I think.
What exactly did he do though? All I saw was him bitching as usual.
I suppose I should explain, since I assume Camnator will go running to Bnet to tell everyone how corrupt I am.

Camnator was banned for abusing the report button as well as insulting a couple members. Since his last non-requested ban was a month long, this ban is permanent and he won't be back. It's really kind of a bummer, because I talked with him on Bungie and he seemed to turn into a completely different person once he started back here. I didn't want it to have to go this way and I'm sure it may seem suspicious, given his parading around about moderator bias and corruption, but he did break more than one rule and the ban was warranted.
Yes I saw that and I don't think that's perma ban worthy. I don't think a perma should be the only option after a month long ban unless the offence is severe (Kinder level). I also never saw the insults so I can't judge their severity but I think a month for that is fair (give or take depending on what was said). As for the abusing the report function, It is at the most, extremely fucking annoying and should warrant a month if it was Verby level. Still I don't really think any of that is perma ban worthy.

I'm not here to talk about Cam alone though, I'd like to see a less Republican way in dealing with the "silly offenders".
It's for repeat offenders mang.
Cam has done so much stuff in the past he was already walking on a tight rope.
The worst thing he did was outting Nuka. Which warrants a month long ban no questions asked. Care to fill me in on the other "horrible" things he's done?

Septagon / Re: I propose a change in punishment.
« on: May 02, 2015, 10:59:38 AM »
He already had multiple longish bans. It was warranted I think.
What exactly did he do though? All I saw was him bitching as usual.
I suppose I should explain, since I assume Camnator will go running to Bnet to tell everyone how corrupt I am.

Camnator was banned for abusing the report button as well as insulting a couple members. Since his last non-requested ban was a month long, this ban is permanent and he won't be back. It's really kind of a bummer, because I talked with him on Bungie and he seemed to turn into a completely different person once he started back here. I didn't want it to have to go this way and I'm sure it may seem suspicious, given his parading around about moderator bias and corruption, but he did break more than one rule and the ban was warranted.
Yes I saw that and I don't think that's perma ban worthy. I don't think a perma should be the only option after a month long ban unless the offence is severe (Kinder level). I also never saw the insults so I can't judge their severity but I think a month for that is fair (give or take depending on what was said). As for the abusing the report function, It is at the most, extremely fucking annoying and should warrant a month if it was Verby level. Still I don't really think any of that is perma ban worthy.

I'm not here to talk about Cam alone though, I'd like to see a less Republican way in dealing with the "silly offenders".

All 3 are heroes.

Septagon / Re: I propose a change in punishment.
« on: May 02, 2015, 09:26:37 AM »
He already had multiple longish bans. It was warranted I think.
What exactly did he do though? All I saw was him bitching as usual.

Russell Brand is a hypocritical retarded twat.

Septagon / I propose a change in punishment.
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:19:46 AM »
Instead of 1 month ban > Perma

Have multiple 1 month bans > 2 month ban > perma.

I think the current ban system is a bit too harsh for this tiny forum. Also what if someone came back from a 1 month ban then committed a very minor offence, do they deserve the perma? I think the perma should only be reserved for the worst of the worst, Cam (for example) should maybe get unbanned within a month or so, then if he does something perma ban worthy then he gets smacked with the big one.

Just my thoughts.

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