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Messages - x Foman123 x

Pages: 123 45 ... 9
The Flood / Re: deci is back
« on: May 12, 2017, 03:07:42 AM »
My BFF is back?
Back the fuck up cunt. Deci is my BFF.

fucking rich fags jesus help feed the poor you imbecile u coulda helped some poor little 6 year old nigger tranny get his operation god i cant believe you millenials

If I were a rich fag, I'd be donating to charity more than anyone here.
You'd be too busy pestering Cheat to buy this useless website

The Flood / Re: I think I may have accidentally met Deci today
« on: May 07, 2017, 11:07:10 PM »
You're good man. I legit don't know who you are, but I have to give you credit. Because for years now I have not been able to countertroll you. I mean I'm able to countertroll and burn a coworker in real life that talks a lot of shit on people, but he stopped with me because he knew I'd fuck with him back, and I burned him pretty well several times, so he doesn't talk shit to me anymore.

But yeah, you're tough to countertroll. Like... I don't even know where to start. So, good job. Congratulations. No really. I can't top this.
It's been 2 years and you still don't know who I am. How fucking sad hahaha

Oh wait, I'm Cheat. That's right. You always say I'm Cheat.

No you're not Cheat either. LC confirmed that. I asked LC if maybe he could talk to Cheat into getting the Foman account and he told me its not you so... Yep.

Cool I don't have the time nor the energy to ask people who you are, and I don't really care to either. I've been a productive member of society lately. I help make aircraft parts for an aerospace company.
I like how you had to edit your post and add something just like what I did. This only further proves that I am you.

The Flood / Re: I think I may have accidentally met Deci today
« on: May 07, 2017, 11:01:44 PM »
You're good man. I legit don't know who you are, but I have to give you credit. Because for years now I have not been able to countertroll you. I mean I'm able to countertroll and burn a coworker in real life that talks a lot of shit on people, but he stopped with me because he knew I'd fuck with him back, and I burned him pretty well several times, so he doesn't talk shit to me anymore.

But yeah, you're tough to countertroll. Like... I don't even know where to start. So, good job. Congratulations. No really. I can't top this.
It's been 2 years and you still don't know who I am. How fucking sad hahaha

Oh wait, I'm Cheat. That's right. You always say I'm Cheat.

Edit - I have actually told some users on here who I am but I'm not gonna say who they are. You're gonna have to figure that out for yourself.

The Flood / Re: I think I may have accidentally met Deci today
« on: May 07, 2017, 10:56:02 PM »
Maybe he'll sell it to you for $800
I'd charge him more cause he's willing to waste that much money on useless shit like that LMAO

The Flood / Re: I think I may have accidentally met Deci today
« on: May 07, 2017, 10:52:50 PM »
I don't even know the email and password to your account.
That's exactly what you want others to think, but it hasn't worked and never will work

The Flood / Re: I think I may have accidentally met Deci today
« on: May 07, 2017, 10:50:33 PM »
Come on dude let it go. This shit's getting old.
I find it extremely hilarious and so do many others on here.

Das ist traurig.

of course his first post back here is a pic with a memecenter watermark

Zumindest ist es kein Avatar mit einem Bären, der einen Hut trägt, der Sex sagt.
Hey guys I'm posting in another language cause I'm le edgy xD

Better to live life on the edge than be boring like you anyway. Also, German is a beautiful language.

It is a beautiful language but using another language without there being any reason for it isn't cool, it's just stupid.

Hey if I wanna post in German, I can. The rules don't say anything about not posting in German, or any other language for that matter, at least I didn't see anything about it. Even if it is, is it really enforced? I mean who cares? You have LC and the weebos posting in Japanese.

I'm not posting in German to be cool, I just like posting in another language. Don't care what others think.
The weebs post in japspeak because they're weaboos; there's a context behind their usage of the language.

Spontaneously posting in German despite a complete lack of discussion of anything relating to Germany or the German language is stupid.

Your alt JebBush really isn't any better, but two each his own.

I don't want to argue, and I want us to get along like we used to tbh. I don't think I wronged Jono in anyway and he's still cool in my book along with you despite the alt you made.

If I have made any of you feel annoyed or cringe, truly I mean. Well... I'm sorry. I really am.
Lol Jeb wasn't me dude

Two other people have told me otherwise but its whatever. I don't really care anymore.
It wasn't me. I claimed it was me and a bunch of people believed it. Which is kind of disappointing because Jeb's memes we're pretty terrible.

I think it was Elegiac. There's Jeb post where he uses the word "chippy", which is a term used in England and Australia, although I might be mistaken. I pointed it out as evidence that Jeb had to be someone from The UK or Australia.

Would be nice if we were allowed to know who's alts are who. Hiding on another account just to cause stupid shit is pretty pointless imho. I mean the staff knows, but they're not allowed to make that information public.
The staff enjoys how you talk to yourself (me) on here as well as other posters

The Flood / Re: I think I may have accidentally met Deci today
« on: May 07, 2017, 10:49:20 PM »
I don't think Jeb was Napalm. I can't see Napalm shitposting like Jeb ever did.

Gaming / Re: NES Classic Edition
« on: May 07, 2017, 10:27:11 PM »
$300 for something that went for $60 lmao only an idiot would waste that much money on it

The Flood / Re: I think I may have accidentally met Deci today
« on: May 07, 2017, 10:24:53 PM »
Better to live life on the edge than be boring like you anyway. Also, German is a beautiful language.
Reporting you to the feds you fucking Nazi


Everybody here was right, you are a fucking autistic idiot.

The Flood / Re: I think I may have accidentally met Deci today
« on: May 07, 2017, 10:21:54 PM »
Better to live life on the edge than be boring like you anyway. Also, German is a beautiful language.
Reporting you to the feds you fucking Nazi


The Flood / Re: I think I may have accidentally met Deci today
« on: May 07, 2017, 10:16:33 PM »
Better to live life on the edge than be boring like you anyway. Also, German is a beautiful language.
Reporting you to the feds you fucking Nazi

The Flood / Re: I think I may have accidentally met Deci today
« on: May 07, 2017, 10:13:55 PM »
Come on dude let it go. This shit's getting old.
I find it extremely hilarious and so do many others on here.

Das ist traurig.

of course his first post back here is a pic with a memecenter watermark

Zumindest ist es kein Avatar mit einem Bären, der einen Hut trägt, der Sex sagt.
Hey guys I'm posting in another language cause I'm le edgy xD

The Flood / So how long was that?
« on: May 07, 2017, 10:06:19 PM »
We should start betting real money and see who can come up with the exact time Deci leaves and then comes back on here.

The Flood / Re: I think I may have accidentally met Deci today
« on: May 07, 2017, 10:00:55 PM »
Come on dude let it go. This shit's getting old.
I find it extremely hilarious and so do many others on here.

The Flood / Re: I think I may have accidentally met Deci today
« on: May 07, 2017, 09:53:42 PM »
It was a guy, probably in his mid 20s that approached me when I was browsing the candy isle in a gas station today in Los Angeles.

Why would I be in LA? I wouldn't even go there with irl friends.

He asked me if I was 21 which I said I was. He wanted me to buy him cigarettes which I straight up told him: "No, sorry. I can't do that." This guy walked away mad and then asked others. I think he was with a group of people so what the fuck? They couldn't buy him this shit?

Well I don't know exactly who this lookalike is, but I'll tell you this right now, I don't smoke, and I wouldn't ask you or anyone to buy me cigarettes if I did, I'd buy my own pack.

Whether it was Deci or not, that guy looked eerily similar to him. I should have asked him for the password for the Foman account.

Cute, also I don't own the Foman account. Wish I did, just to shut people up, because whoever owns that account signs in whenever I'm on and tries to bait me, but I'm not falling for it this time.

Also I send you PMs on Xbox if you really want to meet and get to know me. Next weekend on Friday is your best bet because I have work Monday-Thursday, oh and I live in Glendale, not LA. I don't like LA at all. That place is fucking terrifying. So... the odds of ever seeing me there are extremely slim and again, I don't smoke so...

But I'm honored that you mentioned me to a degree, even though that wasn't me. You're a cool guy Jono, so I don't know why you would think that would be me. Again if you wanna meetup in person, I sent you PMs on where we can meet. Just give me the time and I'll be there. Trust me, I'm nothing like the doppelganger that you met.
Hello me, meet the real me

The Flood / I'm back
« on: May 05, 2017, 04:54:09 AM »
Looks like this place is still fucking dead. Cheat is a shit admin that can't get more people to come here.

The Flood / Re: A message from Deci.
« on: April 07, 2017, 09:46:35 PM »
Thanks for posting my message. It really means a lot.

Shit, wrong account.

The Flood / Re: I know who Foman and Jen Bush are
« on: February 09, 2017, 04:06:43 PM »
I am Foman though but who is Jeb?

The Flood / Re: Good feelings thread
« on: February 09, 2017, 04:03:51 PM »
When you get Deci to think you're Cheat

Serious / Re: I might end up selling this account
« on: February 09, 2017, 04:00:50 PM »
With that said, you're likely Cheat. Only the staff would break their own rules.


And here you are not doing anything again. Allowing people to troll on the serious board in this thread. This was suppose to be a legitimate discussion god dammit.

Would you like me to lock the thread, or cut out every off topic post in this thread?

I'll let you decide that.
If I were you, I'd carpet ban this thread like I would used to back on Bnet.

Serious / Re: I might end up selling this account
« on: February 09, 2017, 03:52:47 PM »
Also, who the FUCK sells their account on some backwater website that only 20 people come to daily? LMAO

Even if somebody bought your account, which I highly highly HIGHLY doubt that since nobody here is that stupid enough, you'll still come here after a couple months and your usual self will show up here again like always and the cycle repeats.

You Deci are the prime definition of insanity.

Serious / Re: I might end up selling this account
« on: February 09, 2017, 03:48:21 PM »
You're such a fucking crybaby dude LOL

Great, here we go again. Cheat on his Foman account each time I make a thread about anything, or a post and this account only replies to my posts and threads.

Cheat, why can't you just say this shit on your own account? I already know its you. There's no point in hiding it.
Where's your proof that I'm Cheat? Because I am not.

Serious / Re: I might end up selling this account
« on: February 09, 2017, 03:44:22 PM »
You're such a fucking crybaby dude LOL

The Flood / Re: Hey Deci
« on: February 08, 2017, 03:41:30 PM »
Okay NVM, Icy might be on to something. Looking back at both threads this is kinda funny, even if I don't know who's who.
It's pretty obvious as to whose alt we all are

The Flood / Re: Hey Deci
« on: February 08, 2017, 03:37:19 PM »
I'm actually Kinder

We already know you're Napalm, Napalm.
I'm not Napalm.

You can't fool me retard. I already know that you're Napalm.
I'm pretty sure Napalm is actually doing something with his life rather than troll an internet forum full of strangers like what you're doing with all these alts.

The Flood / Re: The truth
« on: February 08, 2017, 03:32:06 PM »
All Deci alts report in

Why is it that whenever Jeb makes a thread and I post in it, this fucking retard signs in? This isn't my alt account people. If it was, I'd change the avatar and nameplate already.
And if i was mod I would have gotten Cheat to IP ban you so you couldn't come back here permanently.

If Cheat really wants to he could IP ban me at anytime without cause. I'm not going to make another account and use a VPN just to come back. Those days are over. I don't have the energy for that shit anymore.
You sure as hell have the energy to make all these alts. Don't you have anything better to do with your life?

The Flood / Re: The truth
« on: February 08, 2017, 03:08:32 PM »
All Deci alts report in

Why is it that whenever Jeb makes a thread and I post in it, this fucking retard signs in? This isn't my alt account people. If it was, I'd change the avatar and nameplate already.
And if i was mod I would have gotten Cheat to IP ban you so you couldn't come back here permanently.

The Flood / Re: The truth
« on: February 08, 2017, 02:55:01 PM »
All Deci alts report in

The Flood / Re: If I purchased Sep7agon
« on: February 01, 2017, 05:27:55 PM »
I bid $7,777 so I can become a mod and ban Deci

You know you'd be shitting bricks if I was a mod on here.

Yeah okay, cool. That's really nice Cheat.
Thanks, Deci.

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