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Messages - snurch

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The Flood / goodnight
« on: October 29, 2016, 01:04:03 AM »

The Flood / Re: Despicable
« on: October 29, 2016, 12:54:10 AM »
well for one thing there is no cure for any mental issues, ever
This isn't exactly true. There are many mental health issues that correlate with poor physical health ergo curing the physical ailment can eliminate the related mental ailment.
im not saying youre wrong but list some
Anxiety, depression, mood swings, irritability, lack of motivation. These are all mental issues that can be caused by a number of physical health conditions.

I'm not talking about specific disorders like schizophrenia, OCD, BPD etc.

but i am
"Mental Issues" is a very vague term.
theres more than just disorders you cant cure so i thought id kill several birds with one stone

The Flood / Re: Despicable
« on: October 29, 2016, 12:48:15 AM »
I'm not talking about specific disorders like schizophrenia, OCD, BPD etc.

but i am

The Flood / Re: Despicable
« on: October 29, 2016, 12:41:18 AM »
Would you not say it's just "the getting transgenders cures we have trouble with"

How do you think homeless people ended up that way, giving them a house or even money doesn't guarantee they'll be fine for the rest of their lives, perhaps they went through a divorce, maybe they turned to drinking and couldn't afford anything, giving them a house and money isn't going to change that, much less finding a way to pay for it

on top of that you'll want them to be satisfied with their life so that it doesn't happen again, and then you'll be dealing with all sorts of personal issues you'll also need to "fix"

Well no doubt homelessness is a complex issue but the main problem is that they don't have homes
That's why they're called homeless
Fix the main problem and whatever else they have to deal with can come in stride

For transgenders to be likened to homeless people, we would have to know how to fix it
It's not as simple as "having trouble getting the cure for transgenderism" when we don't even know what the cure is
The "cure" we have right now is ineffective and stops the search for a better cure because it's considered the end all be all

what would you define as an "actual" cure in this case, what would be a meaningful result

Lowering depression and suicide to that of a normal population
Also believing you are something you physically and biologically aren't is mental illness in of itself but if people want to willingly delude themselves, fine
I just want them to stop killing themselves

as it stands, there have been some successes with HRT, im not saying all, but some have had good results, who told you this has stopped anyone looking for a better way to deal with this

if you are able to prevent some suicides, is it not better than having prevented none as the current best possible solution

I never said we should stop HRT for the time being
If it allows some to live comfortably then I'm glad
But it's a short sighted solution because it's considered the final solution when actually it's really fixing very little

for the record cures and treatments arent the same things

youre the only one really saying its the "be all and end all", im just saying its the best we have and what were using right now because we dont have anything else

again advances in psychiatry as well as medicine or any other form of treatment isnt discovered directly as a simple instruction of "go look for a cure for this", as long as medicine is still researched and as long as people are looking into these issues i dont think it's "nobody is looking for a better way" but rather "the better way isnt here yet"

think about anything else, the best treatments we have against the most aggressive forms of cancer are rarely successful, and we know were looking into it because anyone can get it at anytime

The Flood / Re: Despicable
« on: October 29, 2016, 12:30:20 AM »
well for one thing there is no cure for any mental issues, ever
This isn't exactly true. There are many mental health issues that correlate with poor physical health ergo curing the physical ailment can eliminate the related mental ailment.
im not saying youre wrong but list some

The Flood / Re: Despicable
« on: October 29, 2016, 12:26:16 AM »
It's society's fault.

Create a society where you're not physically pressured to accept your gender, and no transpeople will commit suicide.
Create a society where you don't have to embrace your assigned gender, and no transpeople will commit suicide.

Why would they? Because if they do, it would be for extraneous unrelated reasons.

So you're saying society today is worse than slavery and Jim Crow?
Worse than Nazi Germany?

Because transgenders are killing themselves more today than Jews and African Americans during those times

those still weren't as small a group as transgenders, they had companionship, they at least knew there were others suffering with them

who exactly do transgender people turn to if they're afraid of even their own parents

The Flood / Re: Despicable
« on: October 29, 2016, 12:22:40 AM »
well what other conclusions are they going to draw from studies that show these brains are developed identically to that of the opposite sex

discoveries in medicine seldom happen by looking for specifics, until someone finds something in some medicine that has side-effects which could alleviate their condition, then apply it to the situation, its not going to happen

even less likely to happen with psychological treatment

First of all it's not identical
Tendency doesn't equal exactly the same
Also science can't identify between a male and female brain just looking at brain scans

Second this isn't just a medical issue
It's extremely politicized
Don't think for a second that the left will ever admit there is a better cure than transition
well for one thing there is no cure for any mental issues, ever

only treatments

a cure is what you use for a virus or an infection

The Flood / Re: Despicable
« on: October 29, 2016, 12:16:38 AM »
The suicide statistics are honestly a pretty flawed way of justifying anything in regards to hrt. Homeless people in shelters still drink themselves to death. Guess we should just stop helping the homeless...

Likening homeless people to transgenders is really idiotic

We know how to fix the homeless issue
Get them homes and they stop killing themselves
It's just getting them the homes we have trouble with

Transgenders are different because we don't know how to fix the issue
We think we do with transition but that doesn't yield a meaningful result
And transitioning just stops the look for an actual cure   

But no really, you've got a marginalized minority group that ostracized from normal society and rarely truly accepted by large groups of people. No duh they're still going to off themselves, especially trans youth who risk homeless more than any other alternative lifestyle group.

Actually suicide rate is the perfect statistic to define transgenderism as a mental disease since it is insanely high
Not even African slaves had this high of a suicide rate and we know slavery and Jim Crow was the height of discrimination in America

Would you not say it's just "the getting transgenders cures we have trouble with"

How do you think homeless people ended up that way, giving them a house or even money doesn't guarantee they'll be fine for the rest of their lives, perhaps they went through a divorce, maybe they turned to drinking and couldn't afford anything, giving them a house and money isn't going to change that, much less finding a way to pay for it

on top of that you'll want them to be satisfied with their life so that it doesn't happen again, and then you'll be dealing with all sorts of personal issues you'll also need to "fix"

what would you define as an "actual" cure in this case, what would be a meaningful result

as it stands, there have been some successes with HRT, im not saying all, but some have had good results, who told you this has stopped anyone looking for a better way to deal with this

if you are able to prevent some suicides, is it not better than having prevented none as the current best possible solution

The Flood / Re: Despicable
« on: October 28, 2016, 11:57:16 PM »
people can already choose the CBT route

most of the patients who choose that says the feelings don't go away and they feel worse off

No one is going to willingly go to a doctor and ask to change the way they behave, especially when they believe that they are transgender
Very few CBT patients go on their own
They are usually persuaded by loved ones

Why go to someone to be told you are wrong when you have a treatment that says you are right?

like people with ADHD or schizophrenia their brains are wired differently from the average person since both, CBT can help and it is a patient choice but at the end of the day the patient decides if they are happy with the treatment

maybe someone with ADHD might be prescribed adderall, but they can also choose not to, whoever does and whoever doesn't is happy with the level of treatment they're receiving can ask for what they think they need

turns out HRT is pretty effective at making patients with gender identity dysphoria feel happy about the treatment they're getting

No shit if you tell a transgender person that they actually are the opposite gender that they will feel better
Except it's ineffective and is not a long term solution seeing how 45% of those who have HRT will still attempt suicide

Problem with how a people feels about a treatment is that it's subjective and not a good indication of whether the problem has been solved or not

well what other conclusions are they going to draw from studies that show these brains are developed identically to that of the opposite sex

discoveries in medicine seldom happen by looking for specifics, until someone finds something in some medicine that has side-effects which could alleviate their condition, then apply it to the situation, its not going to happen

even less likely to happen with psychological treatment

The Flood / Re: Don't get Arby's chicken fajita flatbread
« on: October 28, 2016, 04:10:57 PM »

The Flood / Re: please judge my new selfie
« on: October 28, 2016, 02:57:02 PM »
Nice to see sep7agon can still host a bonfire without the use of matches.

If ya want some context Class, while you're right that women can be as strong as men, you're missing stuff. Strength comes naturally for guys. That's not bravado. It's science. Hormones and chemical make-up. Males have a higher drive due to testosterone and their instinctual aggressiveness. They're more prone to harsher things which neccessitates a stronger physiology.

Any body builder is going to be stronger than the average joe. That accounts for either sex. But if you look at averages? An average guy and an average girl? There's an easy to see gap. And what if you look at body builder women? Well, you'll notice some of them don't look so womanly anymore. They look like guys.

And even then, if we're looking at the extremes? I don't think I've ever heard of a woman body builder who could come closs to the levels of strength that Lois Cyr displayed. If you can find me one, then hey, knowledge is cool.

But you can't argue that guys fit the role of strength. If we didn't, we wouldn't need so much testosterone or instinctual aggressiveness.
We DONT need testosterone or aggressiveness

a truly moral society is 100% passive all the time

and yeah, obviously the average male is stronger than the average female, the problem is when you conflating physicality with masculinity as if it was a gender exclusive trait
as if women are the paragon of morality

have you ever seen them fight

claws, biting and blood, not nice

The Flood / Re: Despicable
« on: October 28, 2016, 08:53:39 AM »
like people with ADHD or schizophrenia their brains are wired differently from the average person since both, CBT can help and it is a patient choice but at the end of the day the patient decides if they are happy with the treatment

maybe someone with ADHD might be prescribed adderall, but they can also choose not to, whoever does and whoever doesn't is happy with the level of treatment they're receiving can ask for what they think they need

turns out HRT is pretty effective at making patients with gender identity dysphoria feel happy about the treatment they're getting

The Flood / Re: Despicable
« on: October 28, 2016, 08:42:29 AM »
what would a better solution be

I don't know
Maybe something along the lines of cognitive behavioral therapy   

But start off by admitting there is a problem
You don't tell a schizophrenic that the TV actually is talking to them
people can already choose the CBT route

most of the patients who choose that says the feelings don't go away and they feel worse off

The Flood / Re: Despicable
« on: October 27, 2016, 10:04:46 PM »
where there is actually a basis for it being a mental disease
i dont think people are saying it isnt

i think this is just part of the treatment for it

A lot of people believe it is perfectly healthy behavior

And even if transition is a treatment, it's ineffective and stops the search for a better solution that will actually help people
what would a better solution be

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: October 27, 2016, 09:59:08 PM »

The Flood / Re: Despicable
« on: October 27, 2016, 09:58:24 PM »
where there is actually a basis for it being a mental disease
i dont think people are saying it isnt

i think this is just part of the treatment for it

i wouldnt be able to cause id have no internet

The Flood / Re: You must choose one and abstain from the other
« on: October 27, 2016, 09:38:06 PM »
is it just the shows or the art and memorabilia too

cause i dont watch anime

also what about games that are anime styled or based off anime

i dont play those either just pointing out these grey areas

id still pick games if these were all no go

theyre an interactive medium and im sure i can live without tv too

The Flood / Re: Despicable
« on: October 27, 2016, 09:33:28 PM »
Most public gender barriers are unnecessary.
An easily accessible front door isn't the thing that stops the person willing to break in and publicly rape someone.

its just archaic infrastructure

The Flood / Re: please judge my new selfie
« on: October 27, 2016, 09:16:17 PM »
at first it seemed like you were saying women can just be as strong as men in that the peak of both would have the same capability

i have nothing to argue because you were saying a woman can train to be as strong as an average man and not particularly strong man
No, holy fuck. You're so stupid, you can't even understand what I said when I said it so fucking clearly. You don't even understand what we're arguing about.
if it was so clear why was it some 12 yo tier thesaurus padding for the sake of using big words

im pretty sure you coulve said it in 3 sentences instead of making me read that mess of a paragraph

The Flood / Re: please judge my new selfie
« on: October 27, 2016, 09:01:56 PM »
at first it seemed like you were saying women can just be as strong as men in that the peak of both would have the same capability

i have nothing to argue because you were saying a woman can train to be as strong as an average man and not particularly strong man

The Flood / Re: please judge my new selfie
« on: October 27, 2016, 08:59:15 PM »
i wouldnt have seen it mate
he literally conflated masculinity with strength
ill conflate your face in a second if you dont shut the fuck up
you'll conflate it with what
a knuckle sandwhich


The Flood / Re: please judge my new selfie
« on: October 27, 2016, 08:56:42 PM »
i wouldnt have seen it mate
he literally conflated masculinity with strength
ill conflate your face in a second if you dont shut the fuck up

thigh highs

The Flood / Re: please judge my new selfie
« on: October 27, 2016, 08:54:41 PM »
they literally can't though

sorry, nature is sexist like that

i didn't design it that way, but it's true
A female bodybuilder is going to be stronger than the average male. Women CAN BE just as strong as the normal man.

but will a female bodybuilder be as strong as a male bodybuilder
that's not what this argument is about

sandtrap pretty much said that strength is a gender-exclusive trait, which it isn't
that is a pretty long shot mein freund i would not be able to draw that deduction

so what youre saying is a strong woman can be as strong as the average man but the strongest woman on earth wont be as strong as the strongest man on earth
This conversation was never about women's strength relative to men, it was about the fact that women alone can be strong. Which the statement in Sandtrap's post subtly refuted.
i wouldnt have seen it mate

The Flood / Re: please judge my new selfie
« on: October 27, 2016, 08:50:35 PM »
they literally can't though

sorry, nature is sexist like that

i didn't design it that way, but it's true
A female bodybuilder is going to be stronger than the average male. Women CAN BE just as strong as the normal man.

but will a female bodybuilder be as strong as a male bodybuilder
that's not what this argument is about

sandtrap pretty much said that strength is a gender-exclusive trait, which it isn't
that is a pretty long shot mein freund i would not be able to draw that deduction

so what youre saying is a strong woman can be as strong as the average man but the strongest woman on earth wont be as strong as the strongest man on earth

The Flood / Re: please judge my new selfie
« on: October 27, 2016, 08:47:22 PM »
girls can be just as strong as men
why do we divide men and women at the olympics, then

is it because the olympics are sexist or are you just wrong because women would get blown out in every event
Sandtrap implied that physical strength in general is a gender-exclusive trait. Just because men are stronger than women on average doesn't make this true.
are you arguing semantics or are you arguing that any woman can be just as strong as the strongest man on earth if they tried for it
I don't know why you keep insisting loaf or I are trying to make this point

I'm arguing against the sexism in what sandtrap said. I said "men suck" and he came back and pretty much said "are you saying my physical stature sucks??"

implying that masculinity is a requirement for physicality
you didnt answer my question

The Flood / Re: please judge my new selfie
« on: October 27, 2016, 08:46:14 PM »
they literally can't though

sorry, nature is sexist like that

i didn't design it that way, but it's true
A female bodybuilder is going to be stronger than the average male. Women CAN BE just as strong as the normal man.

but will a female bodybuilder be as strong as a male bodybuilder

The Flood / Re: please judge my new selfie
« on: October 27, 2016, 08:45:11 PM »
girls can be just as strong as men
why do we divide men and women at the olympics, then

is it because the olympics are sexist or are you just wrong because women would get blown out in every event
Sandtrap implied that physical strength in general is a gender-exclusive trait. Just because men are stronger than women on average doesn't make this true.
are you arguing semantics or are you arguing that any woman can be just as strong as the strongest man on earth if they tried for it

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