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Messages - snurch

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Gaming / Re: The Yooka-Laylee Shitshow
« on: March 24, 2017, 12:44:53 PM »
in a roundabout karma way id say they deserve it for how theyre handling PR right now

Gaming / Re: The Yooka-Laylee Shitshow
« on: March 24, 2017, 12:17:03 PM »
If they want a refund, they don't need to give a reason for demanding one. And chargebacks are done through their bank, which doesn't care about their reasoning for wanting a refund, the bank will always take the side of the account holder in order to prevent any precedents about the bank taking a "stance" even if it sours the relations between the account holder and the person losing the holder's money (in this case, Playtonic/Kickstarter). This ensures the bank's neutral status on any issue (especially if the amount is something tiny like a minimum backing for a video game). This is exactly what happened with Mighty No. 9; they denied refunds, got chargebacks, then started to offer them.

Not offering a refund (and doing what they're doing in response to asking for one) is only shooting themselves in the foot. This is an incredibly shitty hill for Playtonic to die on because they have no foundation, even the argument of them not having to do so isn't going to save them.

they pledged for the yooka-laylee in the project description, not the yooka-laylee with jontron as a featured VA
i guess so

yes, you can ask for a chargeback, but you're in the wrong - the slice of the pie that is taken by KS is made up by the creator, so if you pledge and chargeback, the creator loses the commission fee for using KS as well as the pledge money

kickstarter is not a store, you're not buying anything, there should be a clause for that, as well as making pledgers more aware of what they get exactly when they decide to give their money away

The Flood / Re: What is the final redpill?
« on: March 24, 2017, 11:56:02 AM »
traps are gay

pepsi shut up though

still gay

-beep beep beep-

reversing my semi in that gap between the teeth

Gaming / Re: The Yooka-Laylee Shitshow
« on: March 24, 2017, 11:37:18 AM »
It's more tedious to get your money back but not less secure if either Kickstarter or Devs don't offer a refund, they can just chargeback, which is ultimately what's going to happen if Playtonic doesn't cave in and be sensible.

people are investing in a project pitch, not paying for a finished product; crowdfunding in itself, I dont believe to be wrong, just ignorance on the matter and people thinking they should be treated like customers when they're essentially in a less secure role than one sole investor with a lot of money and better judgement on returns

i dont like how playtonic are dealing with the issue, but as far as this goes, theyre perfectly within reason for denying refunds on grounds that jontron was never part of the game they promised in the first place

could they chargeback though, again people are trying to get a refund cause jontron isnt going to be the game anymore

that wasnt promised as part of the kickstarter, sure people might make a different reason when asked to get their money back anyway, say something like because they dont agree with the developer's decision or the direction the project has gone in, but what they pledged for on the kickstarter page doesnt mention jontron anywhere; if that is their dispute, they have no reason to give any money back, as it wasn't promised

they pledged for the yooka-laylee in the project description, not the yooka-laylee with jontron as a featured VA

Gaming / Re: The Yooka-Laylee Shitshow
« on: March 24, 2017, 11:29:56 AM »
Hopefully this will cause people to learn to stop funding video game projects and other stupid shit on crowd-funding websites.

Crowd-funding in general has become one the biggest tumors on the Internet, but at the same time, it's hard for me to sympathize with people who don't know how to make an intelligent, responsible investment.

the problem is people dont realize theyre not customers in this scenario, they fall prey to cool sounding ideas and concepts and dont realize theyre paying to support the product being made in the first place, and not buying the product itself

there have been good projects here and there that have been funded, but you wont hear from them because theyre satisfied customers

people who dont have what they want delivered though, believe theyre entitled to the same rights as a customer, which is where theyre cut short, and will be vocal about it when their money went where they didnt want it

kickstarter themselves have stated they do not guarantee the project will be complete, and that they only fund the project if the main goal has been reached, or they get nothing

kickstarter isnt in the wrong here, and neither are the developers (at least, not for deciding to not issue refunds) - nowhere on the kickstarter page do they promise jontron would be in the game, so when people wanted a refund, not only are they in the wrong, they are also asking for a refund on what is essentially a donation for a project they wanted to see on the market at the time; it is still not a product

people are investing in a project pitch, not paying for a finished product; crowdfunding in itself, I dont believe to be wrong, just ignorance on the matter and people thinking they should be treated like customers when they're essentially in a less secure role than one sole investor with a lot of money and better judgement

i dont like how playtonic are dealing with the issue, but as far as this goes, theyre perfectly within reason for denying refunds on grounds that jontron was never part of the game they promised in the first place

The Flood / Re: What is the final redpill?
« on: March 24, 2017, 09:46:49 AM »
traps are gay

The Flood / Re: I shaved my legs for the first time ever
« on: March 23, 2017, 06:49:00 AM »

The Flood / Re: I quit my second job
« on: March 22, 2017, 07:09:26 PM »
you can just quit, you don't need to give two weeks notice. i mean, you should, because that's the considerate thing to do, but you don't have to. unless your boss was a huge cunt.

disposable time is a lot worse too because you get bored and then end up spending money you don't have trying to entertain yourself. wish i had time for another job.

if its part of the contract youre legally obligated to give notice otherwise you breach the contract and they can sue for penalties

i doubt anything is going to happen though, it probably didnt pay much so there wasnt much in loss of business and it sounded like a temporary job

how many servers you know with a contract though

i said if

The Flood / Re: Post creampies
« on: March 22, 2017, 05:48:57 AM »

The Flood / Re: Deci has drumpf hands
« on: March 22, 2017, 05:03:50 AM »
opportunity to repost this

decis better though

The Flood / Re: I quit my second job
« on: March 21, 2017, 10:43:05 PM »
you can just quit, you don't need to give two weeks notice. i mean, you should, because that's the considerate thing to do, but you don't have to. unless your boss was a huge cunt.

disposable time is a lot worse too because you get bored and then end up spending money you don't have trying to entertain yourself. wish i had time for another job.

if its part of the contract youre legally obligated to give notice otherwise you breach the contract and they can sue for penalties

i doubt anything is going to happen though, it probably didnt pay much so there wasnt much in loss of business and it sounded like a temporary job

The Flood / Re: Describe a movie poorly
« on: March 21, 2017, 08:59:13 PM »
Treacherous Jews cause trouble for honest German folk.
schindlers fist

The Flood / Re: Describe a movie poorly
« on: March 20, 2017, 10:59:57 PM »
a neglected child runs away from home and spends the rest of his youth training to exercise revenge on his parents murderer

The Flood / Re: Describe a movie poorly
« on: March 20, 2017, 10:58:50 PM »
A literal God can't pick up a hammer.

Gaming / Re: (FINAL) PC Build Complete!
« on: March 20, 2017, 02:57:54 PM »
it'll probably be fine, I've just never seen it in the top 3 like those brands are

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: March 19, 2017, 09:28:58 PM »
my survival racers coming along alright

Gaming / Re: (FINAL) PC Build Complete!
« on: March 19, 2017, 09:26:45 PM »
So here it is, the very final version of my build:

CPU: Intel Core i7-7700K 4.2GHz Quad-Core Processor  (€360.99 @ Amazon Deutschland)
CPU Cooler: CRYORIG H7 49.0 CFM CPU Cooler  (€39.08 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Motherboard: MSI Z270 SLI PLUS ATX LGA1151 Motherboard  (€155.89 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory  (€129.99 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Storage: Kingston SSDNow UV400 240GB 2.5" Solid State Drive  (€88.86 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive  (€52.79 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Video Card: GALAX GeForce GTX 1080 8GB EX OC Video Card
Case: Corsair 200R ATX Mid Tower Case  (€57.48 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Power Supply: Cooler Master 550W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply
Case Fan: Cooler Master SickleFlow (Red) 69.7 CFM  120mm Fan  (€15.18 @ Mindfactory)
Case Fan: Cooler Master SickleFlow (Red) 69.7 CFM  120mm Fan  (€15.18 @ Mindfactory)
Monitor: Asus VG248QE 24.0" 1920x1080 144Hz Monitor  (€267.76 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Total: €1700

Final opinions are always welcome. I've bought everything aside from storage, monitor, RAM and PSU, which I'm doing later tonight. Thanks to anyone who helped. Greatly appreciated.

for SSDs i would only go samsung, sandisk or intel

Gaming / Re: PC Build Complete!
« on: March 19, 2017, 09:25:47 PM »
for a case i would recommend the NZXT source series, they look great and theyre super cheap for mid towers, im not sure about the dimensions but you probably wouldnt have a problem with things like the gpu not fitting in, though you might want to look at some of the variants, iirc they had some distinction between models with front panel usb3 ports and just usb2s

for case fans i would recommend bequiet, dumb name but theyre performant and live up to it

i would get the i7 7700k if what you say is true

i have the same motherboard, its perfectly fine, any real difference wouldnt be seen outside of overclocking and a different chipset
The 7700k is 20€ more expensive, so I might just go for that one (now that I saved quite a bit on the GPU) and then add a Z270 of comparable price?

Such as the MSI Z270 SLI Plus, which is around 25€ more expensive than the Z170-A I was looking at?
Well, I bought it.

what did you buy
The KFA2 GTX 1080 EXOC and the MSI Z270 SLI Plus. I read all the reviews I could find on it and ran it past several people on Reddit, LTT and Tom's Hardware. Seems like a great motherboard for the price.
honestly you wouldnt have seen a performance difference between the two motherboard (like i said, maybe a tiny bit if you were to overclock) but the z270 is kaby lake compatible out of the box so thats one less thing you have to worry about
Yeah, I know the difference is minimal between the two motherboards. But the compatibility, SLI possibility and extra features are definitely nice. Kaby lake compatibility will also eliminate possible issues and future proof it a fair bit.
not sure youd find any issues apart from trying to use a skylake without updating the bios, and at most if its tic-tac-toe release for this generation of processors is true, you'll only get one newer processor, but i wouldn't bet on it; there will probably be a new socket for a new generation, and intel doesnt have a history of good forward compatibility with its sockets
Still. It's a $15 difference. To me, that's well worth the performance boost (even if small), the guarantee that I won't have issues with skylake compatibility (which is not something I want to deal with as I've never built a PC or done anything with any bios before) and knowing that I'll have the latest generation which will likely last me the longest. Got plenty of recommendations on it and am happy with my purchase in the end. :)
well you probably wont actually see any different between ddr3 and ddr4, at least not yet

but intel themselves are wishywashy on ddr3 support, the motherboard manufacturers claim those boards support ddr3, not intel themselves, intel seems to be against it

Gaming / Re: PC Build Complete!
« on: March 19, 2017, 11:02:06 AM »
What's up with RAM being so ridiculously expensive these days?
it is what it is

even ddr3 is still expensive
It was a whole lot cheaper half a year ago unfortunately.
i havent noticed any differences, at least not in the UK

what i did was i bought 1 8gb stick and bought another of the same stick later, they were pretty much the same price about a year apart

Gaming / Re: PC Build Complete!
« on: March 19, 2017, 10:59:38 AM »
for a case i would recommend the NZXT source series, they look great and theyre super cheap for mid towers, im not sure about the dimensions but you probably wouldnt have a problem with things like the gpu not fitting in, though you might want to look at some of the variants, iirc they had some distinction between models with front panel usb3 ports and just usb2s

for case fans i would recommend bequiet, dumb name but theyre performant and live up to it

i would get the i7 7700k if what you say is true

i have the same motherboard, its perfectly fine, any real difference wouldnt be seen outside of overclocking and a different chipset
The 7700k is 20€ more expensive, so I might just go for that one (now that I saved quite a bit on the GPU) and then add a Z270 of comparable price?

Such as the MSI Z270 SLI Plus, which is around 25€ more expensive than the Z170-A I was looking at?
Well, I bought it.

what did you buy
The KFA2 GTX 1080 EXOC and the MSI Z270 SLI Plus. I read all the reviews I could find on it and ran it past several people on Reddit, LTT and Tom's Hardware. Seems like a great motherboard for the price.
honestly you wouldnt have seen a performance difference between the two motherboard (like i said, maybe a tiny bit if you were to overclock) but the z270 is kaby lake compatible out of the box so thats one less thing you have to worry about
Yeah, I know the difference is minimal between the two motherboards. But the compatibility, SLI possibility and extra features are definitely nice. Kaby lake compatibility will also eliminate possible issues and future proof it a fair bit.
not sure youd find any issues apart from trying to use a skylake without updating the bios, and at most if its tic-tac-toe release for this generation of processors is true, you'll only get one newer processor, but i wouldn't bet on it; there will probably be a new socket for a new generation, and intel doesnt have a history of good forward compatibility with its sockets

at most youll be able to use coffee lake

Gaming / Re: PC Build Complete!
« on: March 19, 2017, 10:56:42 AM »
What's up with RAM being so ridiculously expensive these days?
it is what it is

even ddr3 is still expensive

Gaming / Re: PC Build Complete!
« on: March 18, 2017, 04:40:03 PM »
I also ordered the Cryorig H7 as my cooler.
good choice

Gaming / Re: PC Build Complete!
« on: March 18, 2017, 04:39:05 PM »
for a case i would recommend the NZXT source series, they look great and theyre super cheap for mid towers, im not sure about the dimensions but you probably wouldnt have a problem with things like the gpu not fitting in, though you might want to look at some of the variants, iirc they had some distinction between models with front panel usb3 ports and just usb2s

for case fans i would recommend bequiet, dumb name but theyre performant and live up to it

i would get the i7 7700k if what you say is true

i have the same motherboard, its perfectly fine, any real difference wouldnt be seen outside of overclocking and a different chipset
The 7700k is 20€ more expensive, so I might just go for that one (now that I saved quite a bit on the GPU) and then add a Z270 of comparable price?

Such as the MSI Z270 SLI Plus, which is around 25€ more expensive than the Z170-A I was looking at?
Well, I bought it.

what did you buy
The KFA2 GTX 1080 EXOC and the MSI Z270 SLI Plus. I read all the reviews I could find on it and ran it past several people on Reddit, LTT and Tom's Hardware. Seems like a great motherboard for the price.
honestly you wouldnt have seen a performance difference between the two motherboard (like i said, maybe a tiny bit if you were to overclock) but the z270 is kaby lake compatible out of the box so thats one less thing you have to worry about

Gaming / Re: PC Build Complete!
« on: March 18, 2017, 03:23:53 PM »
for a case i would recommend the NZXT source series, they look great and theyre super cheap for mid towers, im not sure about the dimensions but you probably wouldnt have a problem with things like the gpu not fitting in, though you might want to look at some of the variants, iirc they had some distinction between models with front panel usb3 ports and just usb2s

for case fans i would recommend bequiet, dumb name but theyre performant and live up to it

i would get the i7 7700k if what you say is true

i have the same motherboard, its perfectly fine, any real difference wouldnt be seen outside of overclocking and a different chipset
The 7700k is 20€ more expensive, so I might just go for that one (now that I saved quite a bit on the GPU) and then add a Z270 of comparable price?

Such as the MSI Z270 SLI Plus, which is around 25€ more expensive than the Z170-A I was looking at?
Well, I bought it.

what did you buy

Gaming / Re: PC Build Complete!
« on: March 18, 2017, 03:22:07 PM »
youll likely be fine with the card, as in the customer service if anything does happen

Gaming / Re: PC Build Complete!
« on: March 18, 2017, 03:21:24 PM »

Gaming / Re: PC Build Complete!
« on: March 18, 2017, 03:20:50 PM »
gpus are all the same as long as its not some no name brand, MSI is very reputable

what youre really paying for with a different brand is the heatsink on top of it and the level of customer support, often EVGA cards are more expensive, but they also offer probably the best support youll get if there are ever any problems with it, that said that premium is pretty much just for the peace of mind; your money will only really come into play should the card actually come into any issues

if you say bought a card from KFA2, ASUS or MSI, that isnt to say theyll have the worst customer support known to man (maybe Palit might be bad), but theyll still deal with RMAs and it will generally be a painless procedure providing youre still within warranty

in short the price you pay for one brand over another is the price you pay for support and how pretty the card looks outside of the computer

i wont say its a bad idea to get an EVGA card because their support is some of the best ive seen, but its upto you to decide whether or not that peace of mind is worth it

i just got the cheapest double slot cooler 1060 with 6gb i could find (KFA2), thats just me; ive yet to deal with their support and i hope i wont have to either
So you're saing that KFA2 is good? Because their 1080 Exoc literally just dropped down to 505€ (lowest I've ever seen a GTX 1080 that wasn't an older blower style fan). Should I jump on this now before the price changes again?

KFA2 as a card is as good as any other before it comes to customer service

its really upto you to make that call, i havent yet had to talk to them about a broken card so I have no idea how they'll deal with it

Gaming / Re: PC Build Complete!
« on: March 18, 2017, 01:04:45 AM »
gpus are all the same as long as its not some no name brand, MSI is very reputable

what youre really paying for with a different brand is the heatsink on top of it and the level of customer support, often EVGA cards are more expensive, but they also offer probably the best support youll get if there are ever any problems with it, that said that premium is pretty much just for the peace of mind; your money will only really come into play should the card actually come into any issues

if you say bought a card from KFA2, ASUS or MSI, that isnt to say theyll have the worst customer support known to man (maybe Palit might be bad), but theyll still deal with RMAs and it will generally be a painless procedure providing youre still within warranty

in short the price you pay for one brand over another is the price you pay for support and how pretty the card looks outside of the computer

i wont say its a bad idea to get an EVGA card because their support is some of the best ive seen, but its upto you to decide whether or not that peace of mind is worth it

i just got the cheapest double slot cooler 1060 with 6gb i could find (KFA2), thats just me; ive yet to deal with their support and i hope i wont have to either

Gaming / Re: PC Build Complete!
« on: March 18, 2017, 12:49:55 AM »
for a case i would recommend the NZXT source series, they look great and theyre super cheap for mid towers, im not sure about the dimensions but you probably wouldnt have a problem with things like the gpu not fitting in, though you might want to look at some of the variants, iirc they had some distinction between models with front panel usb3 ports and just usb2s

for case fans i would recommend bequiet, dumb name but theyre performant and live up to it

i would get the i7 7700k if what you say is true

i have the same motherboard, its perfectly fine, any real difference wouldnt be seen outside of overclocking and a different chipset

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