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Messages - snurch

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Serious / Re: Tech thread
« on: May 14, 2017, 07:21:58 PM »
I thought this was the serious board
All jokes aside I'm still waiting and hoping that the new nvidia-10 series get a custom version that adds dual link DVI-I
the 10 series was pascal

they announced volta the other day if that's what you're talking about, wouldn't it be the 11xx series unless i missed something

The Flood / Re: Its better to be yourself and have people hate you
« on: May 14, 2017, 03:48:18 PM »
If me being myself on here is considered cringy to all of you, then it is about being cringy on the internet. I'm not gonna change who I am just to appease all of you.

why do you post here if people dont like you

Serious / Re: Tech thread
« on: May 14, 2017, 03:39:30 PM »
I thought this was the serious board

Serious / Technology thread
« on: May 14, 2017, 03:13:08 PM »
Talk about technology and stuff like smartphones and tablet and laptops or other computing devices

Gaming / Re: Name a mobile game that isn't cancer trash
« on: May 14, 2017, 03:11:25 PM »
i dont think anyone disagrees that mobile games are garbage

The Flood / Re: I know who Foman is
« on: May 14, 2017, 08:06:58 AM »

The Flood / Re: I know who Foman is
« on: May 14, 2017, 07:11:48 AM »
i wasn't aware that anyone actually gave a fuck

just like groot
Sep7agon not having drama is like Pepsi without high fructose corn syrup.
can you confirm

Gaming / Re: Assasins Creed leak
« on: May 09, 2017, 10:31:15 PM »
botw should've been the open world to end all open worlds
What happened?
like, nothing can top it
what about the next one

Gaming / Re: Assasins Creed leak
« on: May 09, 2017, 10:30:54 PM »
ubisoft is making an open world game eh

The Flood / Re: Worked my first eight hour work day
« on: May 09, 2017, 03:01:28 AM »
well i never heard of it over here

we just deal with it
The U.S. and U.K. are vastly different in the job mindset, keep in mind. We still don't have maternal leave over here, along with issues with healthcare with our jobs, and various other things. We're far too capitalistic that we have to step on others in the job market to more or less get somewhere in life.

o yea heheh

Gaming / Re: So does anyone wanna go after the Halo Vidmasters?
« on: May 09, 2017, 12:02:20 AM »
sure let me just fire up my dreamcast

The Flood / Re: Worked my first eight hour work day
« on: May 09, 2017, 12:00:46 AM »
Older people always says kids will like capitalism once they get their first real job.
since when

if youre working a job you dont like thats not going to change
Since ever over in America. It's the whole "oh you're young, so if you're working 12 hours a day you're being productive" (something my mother more or less said).

I don't think you understand how cancerous the mindset over here can be. And if you complain about it? You're fucking lazy and worthless.

The only response you get when you bring up a valid point?

"Deal with it." or "That's just how it is."

Segregation was "just how it is" but you don't see people accepting that in today's world (shitty analogy probably, but fuck you. It's just the whole mindset that the status quo is a-okay is shitty).
well i never heard of it over here

we just deal with it

The Flood / Re: Worked my first eight hour work day
« on: May 08, 2017, 09:57:24 PM »
Older people always says kids will like capitalism once they get their first real job.
since when

if youre working a job you dont like thats not going to change

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: May 04, 2017, 01:02:11 AM »

The Flood / Re: PSA: Turn off your computer when you're done!!
« on: May 01, 2017, 07:14:26 PM »
Uhh....a 2011 Toshiba? It was a Christmas present from my dad actually, before he went fully dictator in the house my senior year.

What the fuck kind of techno wizard space magic did they sell you?
fuckin japs

they should stick with keeping all the gimmicks to their automobiles
mazdas are cool tho

The Flood / Re: PSA: Turn off your computer when you're done!!
« on: May 01, 2017, 07:13:49 PM »
Basically it's where if the laptop moves at all while it's turned on it's drops about half an inch from where it was to a more enclosed part of the computer. I honestly have no real idea, this is just what the computer told me when I first got it.

what the heck is hdd safety placement
so just snake oil

The Flood / Re: PSA: Turn off your computer when you're done!!
« on: May 01, 2017, 06:15:59 PM »
this is why i have a magnetic fan PSU that spins with no actual fiction and thus makes barely any noise

coil whine comes from components such as capacitors and the chips themselves

the fans have nothing to do with it

The Flood / Re: PSA: Turn off your computer when you're done!!
« on: May 01, 2017, 06:12:47 PM »
How modern? My 2011 Toshiba never did that. The again, it exchanged some features for others like HDD safety placement.

pepsi says that modern laptops will secretly decrease to 90% when plugged in with a full charge to prevent this from happening

or something like that
phones do it secretly, laptops might tell you its plugged in and not charging until it goes down to 90% before it starts charging again

what the heck is hdd safety placement

hdd placement varies from laptop manufacturer anyway so i dont know how any place is safer for a hdd than any other, otherwise all manufacturers would put them in the same place

The Flood / Re: PSA: Turn off your computer when you're done!!
« on: May 01, 2017, 06:10:10 PM »
Is it bad to leave your laptop plugged in a lot?
it used to be

most newer laptops using lithium ion batteries will stop the charging when it gets to 100% and uses it down till 90%

The Flood / Re: PSA: Turn off your computer when you're done!!
« on: May 01, 2017, 01:19:31 PM »
It's not that I did a bad job, two out of the seven hours I spent on the build was completely dedicated to cable management. The problem is the case came with a bunch of cables for its own fan controller and it had six of those, but I wanted to use my own fan controller and I have six fans in there, and there isn't much clearance on the side.

if you did a bad job, this could be a opportunity to do a good job on cable management this time round

im not sure what these fan cables look like but the power cables for the rest of the pc should be the same ends male to male

The Flood / Re: PSA: Turn off your computer when you're done!!
« on: May 01, 2017, 12:45:36 PM »
if you want the absolute best psus, seasonic

The Flood / Re: PSA: Turn off your computer when you're done!!
« on: May 01, 2017, 12:38:56 PM »
Well I always intended on getting a fully modular PSU. I was just hoping that I could just switch the blocks and not have to deal with the nightmare cable management I have.

im not sure what the evga connectors are as ive always used corsair psus, in that case you should also buy a modular corsair psu

if you did a bad job, this could be a opportunity to do a good job on cable management this time round

either way it doesnt matter, if they connect then you dont have to worry about it, if they dont the psu will come with cables anyway but you will have to reconnect the cables

The Flood / Re: PSA: Turn off your computer when you're done!!
« on: May 01, 2017, 12:36:04 PM »
My PSU is fully modular. If I buy a Corsair PSU, can I use the cables already attached to everything and just switch out the power block?

corsair are a child company of seasonic, who make the best psus

evga is actually the newer kid on the block, and theyre the third best, behind corsair and seasonic

dont know what youve heard but overall the top three in order from best is seasonic, corsair, then evga

im not sure what the evga connectors are as ive always used corsair psus, in that case you should also buy a modular corsair psu

The Flood / Re: PSA: Turn off your computer when you're done!!
« on: May 01, 2017, 12:30:54 PM »
also coil whine is a lottery

it has nothing to do with whether you leave your pc on or not, there are server rooms that are on 24/7 with no such problems

though you should still turn it off regularly to flush the memory

simply put you just had a bad piece of hardware; it could happen to anyone, could happen to a new piece of hardware straight from the shop or after 10 years of operation

The Flood / Re: PSA: Turn off your computer when you're done!!
« on: May 01, 2017, 12:28:29 PM »
Do you have a solution?

It's an EVGA 850W 80+ Gold. I would like to go with Corsair but I hear awful things about their PSUs.

I meant it's not because you left your PC idling overnight.
Your PSU is probably just substandard QC. Shit ain't wound properly.

corsair are a child company of seasonic, who make the best psus

evga is actually the newer kid on the block, and theyre the third best, behind corsair and seasonic

dont know what youve heard but overall the top three in order from best is seasonic, corsair, then evga

Gaming / Re: specs don't matter you silly bitch LMAO
« on: April 30, 2017, 01:33:53 PM »
authenticity is something you wont notice with different hardware unless that specific hardware has something others dont, if for the sake of authenticity you choose a new card over an old one, you can bet the newer one can do everything the old one can do and more

lets say you were a filmmaker and you had camera x and y, they both had same picture quality, they compatibility with lens a, but camera y also has compatibility with lens b

everything else about the camera is the same, except camera y is the newer model with no discernable difference other than extended compatibility with another lens, would there be a reason to go with camera x over camera y if you just needed to use lens a and camera y was cheaper
I already went over this--whether the player notices anything is not the point. In this case, it's not about what you notice--it's about what's actually being used. The price argument is still there, too. Perhaps the artist doesn't want to give the consumer a price burden to enjoy his art, or something. It's safe to assume that cameras A and B are going to be cheaper than Y, yes? So a weaker graphics card is going to be cheaper too, I would then assume.

Fun fact: there was a short film made in 1964 by Andy Warhol called Blow Job. It's basically just a 30-minute closeup of a man's face as he receives oral sex from another man off-camera. Pure kino.

The film was shot in 24fps, but Warhol himself specifies that the film should be projected in 16fps.

Why? I have no fucking idea. "Isn't that worse?" Presumably. That's what he wanted, though.

you would notice that fps distinction for the sake of the art yes

were the camera the same you wouldnt notice it in the footage

weaker graphics cards could be more expensive if they were older but a higher end model at the time, just as there are newer releases of cameras that are improvements over the last, you could tell people it was the older camera and they would believe it, and you would believe it too, if they sold you the newer camera you wouldnt notice it either

if it doesnt change the result of the art, and both cameras shoot at exactly the same fps and have the same resolution and the same sensor, if the result of the art is the same, would there be any reason for getting the older, more expensive camera

lets say a film maker said he used the older camera when both were available, and the audience thinks he used the new one, what would it matter then if they don't believe he used the older one, and protest that he used the new one instead? and if he had to prove such, the footage would've been identical if taken from either camera

in film reviews, you would see that reviewers would have notice the difference in things like "the director chose this kind of film stock, because of the warmer colors" or "the director picked this camera because it has an inbuilt motion blur that he liked", or, like your example, "it was able to shoot at a different framerate", and these could all be very subtle things, but you would notice them

in software, these differences would be characteristic between the engine or the graphics libraries or the sound libraries they used to make the game, game developers won't be using specific hardware unless it was a games console, which has it's own advantages but I won't go into that now

the point is there are no distinguishable characteristics between any gpu where you would pick one over another to develop for, you may have a range of low to high end gpus if you were part of a large development team to test how it performs between different cards, and it's nothing the end user or the artist would notice. Plus, your game will reach a much much smaller audience were you to make it the "prime experience" for only one graphics card - in 1 or 2 years, many newer models will have come out, and as people buy new cards or their older cards break, they will be unable to play the game with it's "intended" hardware

speaking of which, there is actually be a reason you would pick one brand of graphics card over another, as opposed to an older card from the same brand. Nvidia and AMD sometimes have features exclusive to the hardware that take advantage of specific software designed for that GPU's process, e.g Nvidia Gameworks or TressFX. These will actually change how the game feels or looks, versus a counterpart that's basically a newer version of the older card

if you make a game specifically for one graphics card and designed to be played on that graphics card, I don't think people are going to buy a new graphics card just to play your game, there are so many other factors that affect game performance that just choosing the hardware that runs approximately "this" well wouldn't make a difference unless you were the only one who wanted to play the game

heck, other software or hardware on your computer would run differently from each other, say you had a particularly cpu-hungry antivirus installed or a lot of software on a hard drive, that could make the cpu run slower and make the game run slower than the card was supposed to - someone that simply had more things downloaded on their computer could affect the version of the game you wanted them to play, even if you had the same parts and everything for the entire PC

in effect, that would mean the only way to play your game how it was supposed to be played on a gpu of your choice would also be to have the exact same computer with the exact same parts and the exact same software installed, which, even on a console is not an achievable feat - but still the best chance at "uniform" performance. Someone who had a new xbox one, would probably run a game better than someone who had an older one with 50 or so games and apps installed

with all these variables, what would picking one gpu over another benefit in your creation, given the game will only run as intended if it's with your exact software and hardware setup? given the array of different options and the mount of different computers out there, differences in performance are a given for every single machine for anyone who wanted to play your game

I think I may have gone off on a tangent there, but the only reason a developer would pick one gpu over another (or rather, one brand) is for something like Nvidia gameworks, and even so, gameworks is designed to perform on any GTX video card

Gaming / Re: specs don't matter you silly bitch LMAO
« on: April 30, 2017, 07:38:35 AM »

authenticity is something you wont notice with different hardware unless that specific hardware has something others dont, if for the sake of authenticity you choose a new card over an old one, you can bet the newer one can do everything the old one can do and more

lets say you were a filmmaker and you had camera x and y, they both had same picture quality, they compatibility with lens a, but camera y also has compatibility with lens b

everything else about the camera is the same, except camera y is the newer model with no discernable difference other than extended compatibility with another lens, would there be a reason to go with camera x over camera y if you just needed to use lens a and camera y was cheaper

if the bugs were left in because they were fun and the developer chose to leave them in then i would say theyre features, a side effect of roundabout programming which had unexpected but positive effects on the experience

usually the performance has no bearings on these bugs though

that said some games are designed to run with an fps lock since their logic is frame based and doesnt operate independently of that, which is generally bad programming practice unless the game has a mechanic based on frames; even consoles where hardware is all uniform, fps spikes and drops still happen

The Flood / Re: Let's try to guess who we're posing as.
« on: April 29, 2017, 02:41:29 AM »
"i like traps but im not gay"

Gaming / Re: specs don't matter you silly bitch LMAO
« on: April 29, 2017, 01:45:08 AM »
I want the imperfections. I want the fuck-ups. They add a touch of humanity to the experience.
art is an ongoing process, would you disagree with the creator if they wanted it to work as well as they could make it work

if someone were to draw a picture and spot many small imperfections, they would try and fix as many of them as much as possible, they want the version of the work they show to other people as good as they can make it, and as close as they can make it to their vision

in the case of game development, now that creators have the ability to, they will patch the game themselves and keep fixing bugs (or at least do as much as they can) because they can, and it's the best version of their game they want you to play, it's the small imperfections and changes they don't like, so would you agree with those

if there were a game that is designed to run slowly all you need to do is hardcode an fps lock

again you wouldnt notice the difference either if you simply had the more powerful card and downclocked it to run as slow as the previous

game developers themselves are always talking about how they want more powerful hardware to work with so they have more room to work in, namely console developers who are often saying things like "with the power of the PS4"

of course its still your opinion if you prefer playing the original versions, even if the remakes where made by the same developers with the same team and art direction who want a second chance to try and create a version of the game more in-line with their vision, because suddenly, "they have the technology" or such

you can still say you prefer one over the other, however you can't disagree with the creator's intent

were it possible, I'm sure the developers would've wanted to have made ocarina of time run at a billion fps with breath of the wild graphics, and for the most part I'm also pretty sure the developer would have wanted players to have as smooth and unhindered experience as possible, not to mention, performance and lack of bugs are the pride of software developers - they will (usually) strive to achieve the best possible results within a deadline

Gaming / Re: specs don't matter you silly bitch LMAO
« on: April 28, 2017, 01:50:59 PM »
You can try to come up with all sorts of outlandish and obscure examples but that fact remains a 1070 is better than a 970.

You can make a game that looks like shit and play it on a 1070. It'll run better and have less issues, but it'll still look like shit if that's the artistic style.

Or do you enjoy your PC not being able work fast? Do you buy 20 year old computers because it's more authentic to use internet explorer on windows 95?
Super Smash Bros. Melee is one of my favorite games of all time, and one of my life goals is to learn how to play it competitively.


Since the game is so old, though, the most optimal way to play it competitively is to use a CRT rather than a newer HD TV. This is because the game wasn't made for HD, and as a result, if you try to play any older game on one, you're going to experience some input lag, among other issues--making the CRT better than the HD TV in these cases.

Old technology can be better than new technology.
That's because the game was made with inferior technology. If it was remade in HD it'd be gravy.

Unfortunately HD remakes are ruined because they change the art style for some reason every time. If they didn't, and just formatted it to play on modern shit, that's it. It'd be better.
actually crt has lower input response times than any modern TV
thats why some quake players still prefer crt monitors
why the fuck would they not get a 144hz monitor?!!!!

refresh rate and response time are different things

it's also cheaper to get a crt than it is to get a low response time high refresh rate lcd
So you are exchanging 2ms for eyestrain and horrible refresh rate?
Eyestrain? From what?
lcd is actually better for your eyes because it doesnt use what is essentially a lightbulb as well as the flickering (an image on lcd just stays there until the pixels need to change) so in a way staring at a crt monitor is in effect similar to staring at a lightbulb

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