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Topics - Big Boss

Pages: 1 ... 456 78 ... 38
The Flood / Walked past a scrapyard just now, THIS was staring at me
« on: July 09, 2017, 08:03:17 AM »

That's creepy mayne

The Flood / This isn't a joke
« on: July 08, 2017, 08:13:42 PM »

Gaming / Metal Gear 30th Anniversary (actually on the 13th)
« on: July 07, 2017, 05:36:50 AM »
30 years ago the first game was released on the MSX in Japan today.

Good times.

Gaming / PSN: Big in Japan sale until the 19th
« on: July 06, 2017, 05:46:47 PM »
Lots of weebery going on here but there's some pretty good deals on the store, especially the PS3 one. Can get most of the Final Fantasy and Metal Gear games for dirt cheap.

I can't seem to find a complete list in text form anywhere though so go look.

Gaming / Rogue Trooper redux
« on: July 05, 2017, 01:31:58 PM »

I had this game back on the Wii, it was great. Wasn't expecting it to resurface, so that's cool.

Gaming / Friday the 13th
« on: July 04, 2017, 04:43:10 PM »
Does anyone here have it on the PS4? I'm playing it with my cousin and it seems so simple but fucking hell it's scary when you hear the music and see him running at you.

Gaming / Dishonored is great
« on: July 04, 2017, 10:49:37 AM »
Lots to do in missions, it's fun finding out different methods of sneaking past people and taking them out.
 I had to get rid of this guy somehow, so I was sneaking around trying to think of what to do. I was under the impression that the guy he's talking to here was friendly to me so I made an attempt to choke out my target and well... this happened. I love it when unexpected stuff like this happens.


Gaming / Forced walking sections in games
« on: July 03, 2017, 11:08:39 AM »
Don't you just love those parts in games when your character whips out their phone or has to follow someone while walking slowly?

I think it's just greeeeat. It really gets me to my objective so much faster. Why does Batman need to stop and stare at his little phone screen on his wrist to talk?

The Flood / I think I got food poisoning
« on: July 03, 2017, 06:20:50 AM »
I went out for a family meal yesterday and the food was alright. In the car journey home I began dropping horrific farts, I'm talking proper Chernobyl reactor level guffs here. Cut to the evening and I had to take about five shits, my stomach feels like it's just been fucked by Ivan Drago. My ass is sore as all hell, what can I do to ease the pain? All I have is Andrex wet wipes and sudocrem.

The Flood / So here's a scene from the new Transformers film
« on: July 02, 2017, 03:56:51 PM »

So nobody wastes money paying to see this. Megatron negotiating with humans in a Suicide Squad esque scene to get his awkward underlings to be released....



Gaming / Trophies/Achievements
« on: July 02, 2017, 04:53:05 AM »
What's your opinion on them? Personally when I first start a game I don't really go out of my way to get them, but if I take a look at the trophy list and see that the platinum is within reason I make an effort to go for it. I really do love hearing that ping sound and seeing my level go up, it's so satisfying. It's like having a nice little collection.


It gets even better when you come up with your own subtitles

Amazing Spider-Man 2 wasn't anything special, but I did actually kinda like what they did with Electro's theme in the film, with the whispering in the background building up and stuff.

The Flood / Transformers 2007 teaser trailer
« on: June 28, 2017, 03:27:24 PM »

I remember seeing this for the first time, must have been sitting at my Dad's pc browsing Youtube, and coming across this. I thought it looked cool as hell, it didn't reveal much but still, the hype began to build. Who is that robot, what's it doing on Mars? So mysterious and cool!

Y'know regardless of the franchise's quality, I thought it was a really cool teaser back then, it's a shame that it led to shit but still, interesting teaser.

Gaming / Going to give MW2 a go on Veteran and try to platinum it
« on: June 27, 2017, 07:40:44 AM »
Any tips? It can't be worse than WaW, I'd imagine.

Gaming / Your most frustrating videogame moments?
« on: June 25, 2017, 07:59:28 AM »
I like reading other people's horror stories so post 'em if you have them.

-Most of the World at War campaign on veteran, obviously. It was frustrating throughout but I somehow managed to keep my cool and didn't break anything. I think I only yelled once or twice. I don't think the difficulty was exaggerated but when you realize that enemies will infinitely spawn until you push up to the next part of cover, it isn't so bad.

-Most Mariokart races. My anger reaches a boiling point during that game, I don't know what it is about it.

-Xenoverse 2 expert mission 15. Holy hell, I got really far and nearly won but got absolutely DESTROYED before I could win. Seriously FUCK that mission

-That rotating spike pillar in God of War. FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUCK.


My experiences with Bethesda games are usually relatively bug free, and I was always kinda jealous of people who would get absolutely bizarre bugs and glitches on their games.

I decided to finally finish and platinum Fallout 4 yesterday, and well... this happened. This is probably everyday shit to some of you but I was so baffled and amazed by what I encountered I had to share it.

Also I added the song because it felt appropriate.

The Flood / Draw a face and it becomes a photo
« on: June 23, 2017, 05:08:02 AM »

This is fun. Try it. Post results.

Gaming / Just finished FF6
« on: June 20, 2017, 04:28:43 PM »
Man, that was a good game. I tried to ignore the universal praise it was getting and wanted to experience it for myself.

Took me about 79 hours to beat, after getting my ass whooped by Kefka twice the first time around I went back to the Dinosaur Forest for ages to train myself up to return and get my sweet revenge. I somehow managed to do it, despite my main player Terra getting one shotted right before his final form. Gotta say, I really liked the cast of the game and Kefka was such a horrific cunt I really felt driven to utterly crush him at the end.

So far out of the main series I've played, it's

Weebshit aside, did you like 6?

Much has been made of Sledgehammer Games' commitment to authenticity and a realistic depiction of war in Call of Duty: WWII. Actor Josh Duhamel said during the reveal livestream that "they spent so much time making this historically accurate, it's going to expose the whole WWII story to a whole new generation." For multiplayer action, however, Sledgehammer Games is taking a few liberties.   

Sledgehammer told us during E3 that players will be able to wield Allied or Axis weaponry in multiplayer, regardless of which side of the fight they're on. But as studio co-founder Michael Condrey told Eurogamer, they'll also have the option of fighting as a black or white soldier, male or female, without restriction.

"Multiplayer is this gritty, immersive experience, but it's also about putting you—this is about you—in World War 2," Condrey said. "And so, that evolution of your character means it's important for us to allow you to choose to be you, and to have a hero that represents who you are, whomever you choose that to be."

Condrey acknowledged that the rampant racism of the era, and particularly that of the Nazi regime, meant that black soldiers wouldn't actually be found among the ranks of the German military. But that's not the point. "We want this to be about you," Condrey said. "We're not making a statement about the authenticity of the Axis force. We're making this about putting you in this social space and you into your soldier."

The decision to omit the swastika has a similar basis. In the campaign, Sledgehammer has to balance authenticity with "respect" for the millions who died during the war. But in multiplayer, well... there are zombies.

"We want the community to play together. We want to be respectful of local customs and laws around the world," Condrey said. "And frankly [the swastika] is a dark symbol with a lot of emotion behind it we don't feel matches our multiplayer experience."   

Which sounds like a perfectly reasonable explanation to me. The WWII campaign may or may not live up to its billing, but CoD multiplayer doesn't carry any of that responsibility: It's a fun way for people to blast the crap out of each other online. In that context, the swastika is entirely unnecessary, and as Condrey said, simply does not fit.

 We took a closer look at Call of Duty: WWII's new multi-stage attack-and-defend "War Mode" last week, and overall it sounds very promising: More linear that other modes, but also more focused and team-oriented. Call of Duty: WWII is scheduled to come out on November 3.

The Flood / Saving Private Ryan
« on: June 20, 2017, 04:55:14 AM »
I love this movie, it's just so damn good. I'm not a massive history buff so a lot of the accurate things in the movie went completely over my head at first, but I still really enjoyed it. I swear Tom Hanks just makes anything good.

What did you think of the film, is it just a semi decent war flick, overrated trash, do you love it?

Gaming / Finally beat World at War on veteran! -Platinum acquired)
« on: June 19, 2017, 12:32:50 PM »
Jesus Christ, I just beat Burn 'em Out and that last checkpoint took me about five hours to do. I've heard horror stories about Heart of the Reich, should I just end it all or try and push through?

Gaming / Game screenshots that trigger you//other people
« on: June 18, 2017, 07:32:52 AM »

Gaming / Infamous Second Son
« on: June 17, 2017, 09:16:20 AM »
It was alright wasn't it? Pretty easily platinum trophy too. Concrete power was so underwhelming though.

Gaming / I can't bring myself to play FF9
« on: June 13, 2017, 08:35:27 AM »
I feel like everything about it annoys me. The whole look of the game, the combat and characters, everything. I just hate looking at it and it feels so slow. Is it meant to be one of the good ones?

Gaming / Did anyone actually enjoy Blitzball
« on: June 11, 2017, 06:40:51 PM »
Worst minigame ever, I don't see why people would enjoy it. The thought of having to go through it again when I repla FFX makes me want to vomit.

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