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Messages - Casper

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The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 08:04:16 PM »
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done. I'm being an asshole?
Not at all. You are sharing a touching story. Spreading positivity is a good thing, even if I can be a negative person at times.

Am I in the wrong for sharing this though? Your usually very blunt, honest and to the point so I know you'll be frank with me.

It's a pre-concieved view of things. Ever look at somebody's writing, and just get a really strong feeling that you think you know what the other person was feeling when they wrote it. An air of smugness or the like?

Maybe when other folks read what you right, that's what they get. A pre-concieved air of smugness. It might not actually be true, but sometimes, words from certain people have that air to them, and you just get the wrong vibes is all.
This makes sense.  I mean, I still have my reasons for getting these feelings, but I know he isn't intentionally trying to give them off.

So, if you know he's not doing it intentionally, why cause something intentionally? That's not cool. It would be like me going around and beating the shit out of every person I see because I didn't like the look on their face in the morning when they stepped into my restaurant.

Fuck, I talked about this the other day with somebody. Negativity and Positivity feed each other. Put a negative person next to a negative person, and they'll feed each other, spiraling downwards together.

Likewise, do it with positive people, and they'll pick each other up.

A strong enough positive person will alter a negative person, as likewise, a strong enough negative person will bring a positive person down.

So, if you know he's not doing it intentionally, but you attack, or make a fuss about things anyway, then you're caught in the negative trap. Emotional state, overpowers your logical side.

Use your noggin compatriot.
Well for one, I prefer to act on emotion more than logic.
But most of the time I say nothing. I make my quips once in a while, but not often.  I can't be entirely sure if he's completely innocent or not.  But it's because of the fact that some people just don't learn time after time.  It's ignorance I can't stand.  It's always this about his life and that about his life, and their's clearly backlash, but nothing changes.  I just always get an air of correspondence from the way he speaks.  And what irks me about it is that it is unintentional.  Like things he says are normal. 

We get it, he has a good life.  Do we know about the bad? No.  But the way he makes himself to be is, more or less the way I see it, that he's better than us.  Obviously other people don't see it or don't care, but coming from the opposite end of the spectrum of life, it get's old. 

I'm not trying to sound mean, but I don't know how else to say things.  And I'm not about to edit and revise what I'm trying to say on a Tuesday night when I have math due at midnight.

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:46:52 PM »
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done. I'm being an asshole?
Not at all. You are sharing a touching story. Spreading positivity is a good thing, even if I can be a negative person at times.

Am I in the wrong for sharing this though? Your usually very blunt, honest and to the point so I know you'll be frank with me.

It's a pre-concieved view of things. Ever look at somebody's writing, and just get a really strong feeling that you think you know what the other person was feeling when they wrote it. An air of smugness or the like?

Maybe when other folks read what you right, that's what they get. A pre-concieved air of smugness. It might not actually be true, but sometimes, words from certain people have that air to them, and you just get the wrong vibes is all.
This makes sense.  I mean, I still have my reasons for getting these feelings, but I know he isn't intentionally trying to give them off.

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:30:29 PM »
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done.

There are no saints. Everybody has baggage. Everybody has a bad side. The reason you've never heard them speak about it, is because they're a myth. A saint is not some holier than thou person. We are all flawed. But that doesn't change the fact people have the capability in them to do something special for others, even if it's small.
I'm not saying what he did wasn't good.  It's always nice to do something for other people.  But just like people don't like hearing about all the bad things in someone's life, doesn't mean people want to hear about all the good either.  You did something good?  Hey great! It feels nice to do something for others out of kindness, but don't go around looking for recognition and acceptance of what you did.  That's  petty.  Just know that what you did made someone happy and that should be good enough.

What's the point of being in a community where everything you share has you branded has someone who is conceited.

Somehow, everything I say gets completely turned around.

Maybe you are just an asshole?

Mirrors. Funny constructs, aren't they? But then, no. Asshole doesn't suit you. It's too, how do you say it? Too prestigous. I've bumped into assholes before. You're not one.

Tryhard suits you better.

In fact, I think I like Tryhard Love better. Aha! A new nickname!
Y'know, sinking to his level makes you just as bad.

The Flood / Re: Why can't I stop feeling like shit?
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:24:40 PM »
This math is going to kill me.

The Flood / Re: im really backed up
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:23:45 PM »
Try bottoming.

The Flood / Re: poop
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:08:27 PM »
My teeth hurt :(

Did you mess up your brace again?
Naw, I just have to wear a rubber band to pull my top fanger forward.
..... I see
I tried putting two on to move it faster, but they wouldn't stay on.
Don't do that idiot. Just leave it
But I want my teeth to move faster!
For $5000, they should've just given me surgery.

The Flood / Re: poop
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:04:22 PM »
My teeth hurt :(

Did you mess up your brace again?
Naw, I just have to wear a rubber band to pull my top fanger forward.
..... I see
I tried putting two on to move it faster, but they wouldn't stay on.

The Flood / Re: poop
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:00:45 PM »
My teeth hurt :(

Did you mess up your brace again?
Naw, I just have to wear a rubber band to pull my top fanger forward.

The Flood / Re: It's time I departed the Flood
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:59:52 PM »

The Flood / Re: poop
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:58:59 PM »
My teeth hurt :(

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:52:58 PM »
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done.

There are no saints. Everybody has baggage. Everybody has a bad side. The reason you've never heard them speak about it, is because they're a myth. A saint is not some holier than thou person. We are all flawed. But that doesn't change the fact people have the capability in them to do something special for others, even if it's small.
I'm not saying what he did wasn't good.  It's always nice to do something for other people.  But just like people don't like hearing about all the bad things in someone's life, doesn't mean people want to hear about all the good either.  You did something good?  Hey great! It feels nice to do something for others out of kindness, but don't go around looking for recognition and acceptance of what you did.  That's  petty.  Just know that what you did made someone happy and that should be good enough.

What if it's a new feeling? It's uplifting, really. It gives you an energy in your steps and thoughts. And, sometimes, you have to tell someone. You have to tell them how good you feel. It's infectious almost. It's a moment, something special in your mind, and you feel like sharing that feeling with everybody.

There are days when you do something good. And you go on with your day. You ask for no recognition. And there are others, where you do something good, and it not only affects the person you helped, but it affects you as well. You feel it in your soul, and you just want to laugh, and cry.

That feeling? That's what he's got right now. It's excitement. Pure happiness. And a simple desire to spread it.
I understand what you're saying.  Which would be fine... if it were the first time.  But it's not.  It's always something about his life with the random topic here and there to make it look not so conceited.  And honestly, I don't think it's necessarily intentional.  But it's like that person that always whines and complains.  My life is this, my life is that.  If we wanted to know about your life, then we'd ask.  Sure, something might happen like losing a family member or a pet or something, but that doesn't happen all the time either.

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:43:49 PM »
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done. I'm being an asshole?

Why yes. Yes you are.

Why do you dislike me again?

I don't need to justify myself to you.
No, but it's only polite. 

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:39:18 PM »
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done.

There are no saints. Everybody has baggage. Everybody has a bad side. The reason you've never heard them speak about it, is because they're a myth. A saint is not some holier than thou person. We are all flawed. But that doesn't change the fact people have the capability in them to do something special for others, even if it's small.
I'm not saying what he did wasn't good.  It's always nice to do something for other people.  But just like people don't like hearing about all the bad things in someone's life, doesn't mean people want to hear about all the good either.  You did something good?  Hey great! It feels nice to do something for others out of kindness, but don't go around looking for recognition and acceptance of what you did.  That's  petty.  Just know that what you did made someone happy and that should be good enough.

« on: October 28, 2014, 06:24:50 PM »

The Flood / Re: Hey faggots
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:20:57 PM »
I am fat...
I went up to 159 lbs.....

I think someone said this earlier but that is definitely a symptom of anorexia if you think 159lbs is fat.

I only cried a little...

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:20:23 PM »
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done.

The Flood / Re: Snapchat
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:19:18 PM »
Nah, Snapchat doesn't like to work in my dorm.

The Flood / Re: Hey faggots
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:18:21 PM »
I am fat...
I went up to 159 lbs.....

The Flood / Re: Should I buy this t shirt?
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:44:54 PM »
ok ok ok you guys have no swag, what about this?
What's with the tight clothing.

Do I need to put on RC's nameplate again?
IM A FUCKING FAG, lol joke. i'll get a bigger size so it's sorta loose
You are part of the problem with men's clothes.
You, sir! You are a blight!
Clothing should always be loose on men. Even suits have a degree of looseness.

Or there's something tight underneath something loose. The only time tight clothing is needed is sports. Otherwise it was made accentuate women's curves. Of which men have none so there's no reason to have clothes firmly pressed against the body, unless you're an athlete.
Except men aren't boxes.  Neither men or women have any flat sides.  Men do have a shape, especially when they take care of themselves and aren't fat.  This has been seen before in history with men's fashion, but for some ungodly reason clothing makers gave up on men.
I don't see how a T shirt/sweater and pants make somebody look like a box.

It's just the natural order of things. Women look better with tight clothing, men don't.
It really depends on the individual person.  But what I mean is that men's shirts are made with straight, parallel sides, a shape that men don't have.

The Flood / Re: Should I buy this t shirt?
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:43:04 PM »
ok ok ok you guys have no swag, what about this?
What's with the tight clothing.

Do I need to put on RC's nameplate again?
IM A FUCKING FAG, lol joke. i'll get a bigger size so it's sorta loose
You are part of the problem with men's clothes.
You, sir! You are a blight!
I don't buy super loose clothers, just not super tight either. It's nicely fitted to my stature.
nahhh man, like this. not too tight but not loose and ugly either
So like a dad.
no, just not super tight like an edgy fag.
how the fuck do you even put that shit on
One leg at a time.  Like pants. 
Besides, they're jeggings, so they're stretchy.

The Flood / Re: Should I buy this t shirt?
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:40:11 PM »
ok ok ok you guys have no swag, what about this?
What's with the tight clothing.

Do I need to put on RC's nameplate again?
IM A FUCKING FAG, lol joke. i'll get a bigger size so it's sorta loose
You are part of the problem with men's clothes.
You, sir! You are a blight!
Clothing should always be loose on men. Even suits have a degree of looseness.

Or there's something tight underneath something loose. The only time tight clothing is needed is sports. Otherwise it was made accentuate women's curves. Of which men have none so there's no reason to have clothes firmly pressed against the body, unless you're an athlete.
Except men aren't boxes.  Neither men or women have any flat sides.  Men do have a shape, especially when they take care of themselves and aren't fat.  This has been seen before in history with men's fashion, but for some ungodly reason clothing makers gave up on men.

The Flood / Re: Should I buy this t shirt?
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:37:11 PM »
ok ok ok you guys have no swag, what about this?
What's with the tight clothing.

Do I need to put on RC's nameplate again?
IM A FUCKING FAG, lol joke. i'll get a bigger size so it's sorta loose
You are part of the problem with men's clothes.
You, sir! You are a blight!
I don't buy super loose clothers, just not super tight either. It's nicely fitted to my stature.
nahhh man, like this. not too tight but not loose and ugly either
So like a dad.

The Flood / Re: Should I buy this t shirt?
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:34:16 PM »
ok ok ok you guys have no swag, what about this?
What's with the tight clothing.

Do I need to put on RC's nameplate again?
IM A FUCKING FAG, lol joke. i'll get a bigger size so it's sorta loose
You are part of the problem with men's clothes.
You, sir! You are a blight!
I don't buy super loose clothers, just not super tight either. It's nicely fitted to my stature.

The Flood / Re: Should I buy this t shirt?
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:32:09 PM »
ok ok ok you guys have no swag, what about this?
What's with the tight clothing.

Do I need to put on RC's nameplate again?
IM A FUCKING FAG, lol joke. i'll get a bigger size so it's sorta loose
You are part of the problem with men's clothes.
You, sir! You are a blight!

The Flood / Re: Should I buy this t shirt?
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:30:21 PM »
Do you dye your hair black with red highlights too?
White with blue, bitch.

The Flood / Re: Should I buy this t shirt?
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:24:21 PM »

The Flood / Re: Everyone unselect the penguin nameplate please
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:13:07 PM »
The cold never bothered them, anyway.

The Flood / Re: That's it, I can't take this anymore
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:08:13 PM »

Venus or a moon of Neptune

The Flood / Re: Do you guys like my new nameplate
« on: October 28, 2014, 04:48:28 PM »
It's swagtastic
it's ok not bad but ok you know ok?
like inbetween good and bad
but its not bad but nor is it good
whats the word for it
it's on the tip of my tongue
like not great but not terrible
not horrendous but neither is it amazing
like not fabulous but it's not disgusting
you know what i mean?

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