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Messages - OhMeOhMy

Pages: 1 23
The Flood / Re: Which do you think is more attractive to women?
« on: March 02, 2016, 02:48:24 PM »
Well, the Hulk got Scarlett Johansson.   I'd say that (at least for her) size matters, even if it is green.

I'm still having trouble keeping up with the fact that "dab" seems to get a new and different meaning every week.

The Flood / Re: The reason why I try to put people down on the internet
« on: February 17, 2016, 03:15:50 PM »
Thanks m8. I'm aiming to become the pope by 2020.

Good luck with the  College of Cardinals.  I've heard that they're really cliquey.

Well, you know what they say.

Suck enough dick and you can get into any clique.
I dunno if that always works.

The Flood / Re: The reason why I try to put people down on the internet
« on: February 17, 2016, 12:26:06 PM »
Thanks m8. I'm aiming to become the pope by 2020.

Good luck with the  College of Cardinals.   I've heard that they're really cliquey.

Make it so easy for women to have access to dick or attention really anytime they want. I hate hearing stories about how easy a girl was or who she hooked up with at a party ect, and my own experience has jaded my view of them too. It's so hard to find a girl that hasn't hooked up with tons of fellas.

I remember when this was a huge complaint when oral contraception became common.   The complaint was the same with the "problem" being seen as "now that they can take steps to not get pregnant, they're taking control over their own sex drive, and are having sex with dudes just because they want to, or because it feels good.   And that lack of restraint or shame is making it less likely I won't find my special princess who I can be sure is pure and untouched because while she probably may have wanted to have sex before meeting me, the risk of pregnancy or others knowing she was sexually active were enough pressure to keep her celibate."

As if it was every woman's duty to "hold back" either on her own motivations, or societies duty to make mature and active women feel guilty for experiencing one of life's most pleasant experiences while they were still young, attractive and free.

That was many years ago and now people are blaming technology and society instead of medicine and society.

.... taking away all of the innocent good girls

Just want a pure innocent girl that doesn't sleep around ;_;
You seem pretty focused on the concept of innocence.   Well, there's a time in life for that, and I am afraid that it isn't adulthood.

It's called late teens, (usually high-school, even then that field is constantly thinning itself out) and if you didn't find and marry a girl then?   You've quite possibly missed your shot, because once those late teens (male or female) get out of their parents house and experience personal freedom to make their own decisions and choices?   That's when they are no longer boys and girls but assume the roles of men and women.

Adult men and women are going to have sex.   For a lot of reasons.  It feels good, it's fun, they enjoy it, and no, they are not all that concerned about "saving it for someone special".  Mostly because when they do actually meet "someone special"?   They are going to be interested in that person, the whole person, not the fact that one or the other party has a sexual history that someone doesn't personally approve of.   If an adult does decide to be celibate, or even just "picky"?   That's their call to make and their reasons will vary from person to person.   From, I just don't think sex is that important, to I've chosen to wait.   But whatever their reason, it has to do with them, not some mysterious stranger who they are waiting to come along.

The Flood / Re: Post your current love interest
« on: February 07, 2016, 05:17:32 PM »
The list is long and distinguished, much like my johnson.

A Top Gun response seemed relevant.

The Flood / Re: Quitting Smoking Cigarettes
« on: August 04, 2015, 11:03:41 AM »
drawing vapor into your lungs may not be the best idea for some people with respiratory issues.
Except for the fact that the most common and effective method of medication delivery for respiratory conditions are inhalers, vapor and mists.   The non-therapeutic and medically inert ingredients in those delivery systems (PG aka Polypropylene Glycol and/or VG aka Vegetable Glycerin) are the same as the primary components in vaping (where nicotine is the drug being delivered) and those inert compounds are government reviewed and considered GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) for human consumption and ingestion.   In other words, there's little difference between a COPD or Asthma patient inhaling vapor in order to get their dose of Atrovent or Ventolin and a vaper inhaling vapor in order to get their self-regulated dose of nicotine.

People who say "it's just water vapor" are not telling the truth.  It is not.   But it IS the same "stuff" that is used in  healthcare and well as stage and theatrical "fog machines" where that fog has been inhaled by performers and audiences in incredible amounts for years with no known health issues.

The Flood / Re: Quitting Smoking Cigarettes
« on: August 03, 2015, 03:36:29 PM »
I have lemon & lime flavour :)
Love the flavor of my latest, but the name?   Well, people make assumptions as to what it tastes like.   It's actually a blueberryish sorta thing.

The Flood / Re: Quitting Smoking Cigarettes
« on: August 03, 2015, 03:01:32 PM »
Today is day 3 of quitting smoking. It's been really difficult and I've been rather on edge. I'm slightly cheating since I've dropped the fags and picked up a vaporizer but it's supposedly better for you, and when I start having a bad nicotine withdraw that makes me watch to rage and destroy everything in my path I just pick up my vaporizer and puff away. I'm using a juice with the lowest amount of nicotine available from my local e-smoke shop. I plan to taper off of the nicotine and eventually stop caring as well.
Best of luck to you, but I would like to point out that you can make the withdrawal a lot easier by starting with something other than the lowest nicotine level.   Starting in the mid-levels (12-16mg) will allow you to match previous nicotine levels while you adapt to vaping (it's different than smoking and there is an adjustment) and THEN go with progressively lower nicotine concentrations to wean yourself down.

Otherwise, you're likely to end up chain-vaping to satisfy your nicotine addiction (lower concentrations means you'll need to vape more than you smoked in order to meet those cravings) and are at a higher risk of going back to smoking cigarettes.

Vaping does a good job of providing you with a measured amount of nicotine and doesn't have all of the other contaminants and toxins that are in tobacco.   Moving to vaping immediately reduces your health risk, and when you're used to using it as a replacement, you can then take measured steps to reduce and finally eliminate your nicotine.   Done well, you won't have any cravings or go mad from your body wanting more.

No matter what, you've done something good and positive for your health and I wish you the best of luck with your efforts.

'Cause hair.   That's why.

« on: July 04, 2015, 02:11:00 PM »
I guess that all of the Indian curry wasn't creating enough incidents of diarrhea.

The Flood / Re: Did I go overkill on the router I got?
« on: June 30, 2015, 08:12:31 AM »
Go big or go home.


The Flood / Re: Alright, who has 30 guest accounts
« on: June 30, 2015, 07:58:06 AM »
//notices 30 incognito windows open
//quietly closes them

//slowly backs away

Just Google search Boobs or Tits. It's not that hard.
And now, as of today.... my life has changed.   How come no one told me about this?



Just Google search Boobs or Tits. It's not that hard.
And now, as of today.... my life has changed.   How come no one told me about this?

Is there a difference between hunting for sport and hunting for food?

Certainly not to the animal that is hunted.

And in most cases, not the the hunters either.   Sport-Hunting and Food-Hunting are neither binary nor are they polar opposites, at least to the hunters.  To some non-hunters, a "food-hunter" is someone who "is unable to get their food any other way and any hunter who has the means to purchase food is therefor, by deduction, a sport-hunter."

As I said, it's not that simple.  Nearly all sport hunters still harvest and utilize the meat of the hunt (either themselves or through a meat-sharing program).  And similarly, those who hunt to stock their own freezer, can (and usually do) enjoy the sport of hunting.

Depending on the game and other considerations (for example, it may not be logistically feasible to pack out all of the meat from an elk kill) some meat may be left in the field.  Another example would be wild feral hogs, which depending on the season, their diet, and the health of the animal, may not be fit for human consumption.

The Flood / Re: Felicia and Cam Cam Nudes here
« on: May 20, 2015, 03:03:45 PM »
Sep7agon:   Come for the nudez, stay for the nudez.   Avoid or join the drama at your own discretion.

The Flood / Re: Preferred Variety of Tea
« on: May 11, 2015, 01:44:13 PM »
Favorite tea?   Definitely boo...

Sorry, had to be said.

Jasmine and Green Gunpowder are good though.

The Flood / Re: NASA may have accidentally created a Warp Field...
« on: April 24, 2015, 03:02:52 PM »
So the chinese are making genetically modified humans and Nasa might have made a warp field eh?


What a time to be alive.

Too late.

The Flood / Re: Small boobs vs large boobs
« on: April 10, 2015, 12:19:50 PM »
I'm still new.

Is that good or bad?

The Flood / Re: Our latest member.
« on: April 10, 2015, 10:20:48 AM »

The Flood / Re: Our latest member.
« on: April 10, 2015, 10:18:57 AM »
who is Noodle?
A really creepy, amoral kid with stunted social understanding.
So, just another average member?

The Flood / Re: Small boobs vs large boobs
« on: April 10, 2015, 10:12:13 AM »
Size is (to me at least) a tertiary consideration at best.   I'd even put it lower than third tier.

The two main interests/attributes that I care about are;

1) Are they sensitive and a source of physical pleasure for her?
2) Is she comfortable, pleased and even proud of them?

After that, I then focus on what "I like/prefer".   Why?   Because if she has no sensitivity, gets no pleasure from, considers them to be non-erotic, or is displeased or uncomfortable with them, then my interest/attraction to them is just mine and not mutual.   Then they are visual and physical things that while they appeal to me, they do nothing for her and she is then just humoring or tolerating my attention, focus, touching or play.   Where's the fun in that?

To put it into male perspective, imagine having a "dick that people dream of", but you can't feel a thing.  It might as well be a strap on.   People will gawk at it, compliment you on it, and drool all over it or ride it for an entire weekend, but you feel.....  nothing.   They're focused on your dick, but not you, they don't seem to care whether or not you feel anything, you're just attached to the thing that they're interested in.   Not my idea of a good situation.

But, if the person with the boobs finds them a source of enjoyment and they are pleased/proud of them?   Then I put my priorities in the following order once sensitivity is established.

1)  Overall Shape
2)  Nipples appropriate for size/shape
3)  Overall Breast Size

But that's just me.   Some people don't care and will focus on size (large or small) over everything else, or shape, or nipples, or firmness/softness, natural/enhanced, etc.   It's their thing and I don't begrudge them having their own preferences.   But unless the boobs are attached to someone who finds them a source of pleasure?   Then they are just there and I am looking for where their sensitivities, hot buttons, and special spots are hidden.

The Flood / Re: Fucking hell, I just bought the best lighter ever
« on: April 04, 2015, 02:10:59 PM »
I've got a few like this (some single flame, some multi).   I personally prefer a hotter and more focused flame than just a large plume of butane.

Each to their own though.   That one of yours isn't refillable, is it?

whoah there spaceman whered you get that
Cigar lighter.   They're also good for other uses where you need a hot and concentrated flame but a blowtorch or propane torch is overkill and you want something you can keep in your pocket.  Annealing wires, brûlée-ing, charring veggies, lighting something damp or with a high ignition point, etc..

Plus, they are VERY wind-resistant.


The Flood / Re: Do you treat every guy you meet as a potential fuck?
« on: April 04, 2015, 01:59:40 PM »

The Flood / Re: Fucking hell, I just bought the best lighter ever
« on: April 04, 2015, 01:54:50 PM »
and your hand is gay as well
I know that mine is.   It won't leave me alone and constantly touches me in personal and private places.

It's a complicated relationship.   It does so many other things for me, so I just put up with the abuse.   I don't know if I can ever leave it.

The Flood / Re: Fucking hell, I just bought the best lighter ever
« on: April 04, 2015, 01:38:14 PM »
I've got a few like this (some single flame, some multi).   I personally prefer a hotter and more focused flame than just a large plume of butane.

Each to their own though.   That one of yours isn't refillable, is it?

The Flood / Re: There was an iguana in the backyard.
« on: April 03, 2015, 12:47:07 PM »
They love eating hibiscus.

The Flood / Re: We seriously need an answer to this, once and for all.
« on: April 02, 2015, 08:52:14 AM »
I lurked off and on for a few weeks before creating an account.

My guess is that some of them are lurking/shopping around and some are banned members keeping an eye on things (and raging at how unfair their ban is "when other people are doing worse shit than I ever did and they get away with it"  'cause modz=nazis naturally).

And then there's the stalkers.   Who knows what they're after?

The Flood / Re: Favourite toast?
« on: March 30, 2015, 12:25:46 PM »
Gotta love a properly toasted English Muffin with butter and orange marmalade.

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