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Messages - Luciana

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Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Discussion Thread
« on: September 29, 2015, 12:41:42 AM »
Ishmael has so much personality, Ahab has... none. Listen to Ishmael in the beginning. He's spouting action movie one-liners like it's nothing. "We gave her a light, she took the short way down." "Nothing like a little digoxin to get ya' back in the game."
I too saw the Super Bunnyhop review

Gaming / Re: Halo: Combat Evolved Review
« on: September 28, 2015, 11:55:13 PM »
I can always count on two things in mega threads now

1. People somehow always shift it to Metal Gear, which gets annoying

2. People bitch over the most asinine thing and the argument goes on for mulitple pages

and they quote
every word

Time to kill some non believers

tomorrow though

Gaming / Re: Recommend a gaming laptop for me.
« on: September 28, 2015, 07:51:52 PM »
I know it's obvious (at least I hope it is), but don't get Alienware. Ever.

It's just an overpriced brand name that should never be considered.

Okay so since it's between the two, I thought I'd preview some things for you guys


Gotta love the beards


This mod I have takes away the Teuton's glorious white look, which is a problem. Hmm... maybe I can tag this mod on along with a reskin of them I saw. I'll try it out.

Also 3.5 hours, guys. It's close.

Gaming / Re: Sum up The Metal Gear Solid story so far as quickly as possible
« on: September 28, 2015, 05:19:22 PM »
You shouldn't go into the very last game first off. You should probably play the other ones. Though this story is the weakest of them all I think, so it's not gonna be much of a problem for you to follow.

If you REALLY wanna avoid playing anything, then I'd recommend watching the MGS3/Peace Walker "movies" on YouTube. Otherwise you're not gonna know much of anything.

Gaming / Re: Recommend a gaming laptop for me.
« on: September 28, 2015, 05:17:56 PM »
If you're looking to play top end games on a laptop, there lies your problem.

It's gonna cost you twice as much for the same power a desktop would give you.

Gaming / Re: Halo: Combat Evolved Review
« on: September 28, 2015, 02:53:52 PM »
I say do Dark Souls, verby.

I'm closing it at midnight anyway, that's more than enough time for people to decide what they want I believe.

We have a tie between Teutons and Vikings. This will be a close one.

Play a good game, like Medieval.

Play as the Teutonic order and squish those wretched pagans.
That game's aged worse than your mother. I can't go back to those controls.

The Flood / Re: Who is the most important person to you?
« on: September 28, 2015, 02:05:55 PM »
On a serious note, I do care for some people. My brother for one is someone who I couldn't be in life without him. He's always been there for me, offered advice, and been a sturdy shoulder to rely on. I just hope I've been the same.

There are also some people online I've grown very close to over the years (and some in less than a year), and I have to say I treasure their friendships as well. I won't name them because I'm not exactly the kind of person to empty my heart out to a callous internet forum.

The Flood / Re: Who is the most important person to you?
« on: September 28, 2015, 01:44:38 PM »
i don't really feel anything for anyone, i absolutely hate it and what it's done to me as a person. like can you imagine your mother says i love you and you say it back but it's empty? fucking disgusting
You sound like a sociopath
does it matter? i'm a nice person in general
I wasn't saying it in a negative way. I'm not one of those people who think all sociopaths are failures/bad people, because that's simply not true.
hmm yeah i misinterpreted what you said, i mixed up sociopath for psychopath. woopsie
Well now you're both in my eyes

way to go

The Flood / Re: Who is the most important person to you?
« on: September 28, 2015, 01:41:23 PM »
i don't really feel anything for anyone, i absolutely hate it and what it's done to me as a person. like can you imagine your mother says i love you and you say it back but it's empty? fucking disgusting
You sound like a sociopath
does it matter? i'm a nice person in general
I wasn't saying it in a negative way. I'm not one of those people who think all sociopaths are failures/bad people, because that's simply not true.

The Flood / Re: Who is the most important person to you?
« on: September 28, 2015, 01:39:29 PM »
i don't really feel anything for anyone, i absolutely hate it and what it's done to me as a person. like can you imagine your mother says i love you and you say it back but it's empty? fucking disgusting
You sound like a sociopath

The Flood / Re: Who is the most important person to you?
« on: September 28, 2015, 01:38:39 PM »

So I guess they gutted out Skills then.
It was never in depth to begin with in how you built it.

Gaming / Re: gonna play kotor for the first* time in a few hours
« on: September 28, 2015, 12:49:01 PM »
I'm missing the joke with Starkiller.

Gaming / Re: Halo: Combat Evolved Review
« on: September 28, 2015, 12:45:53 PM »
If you can't appreciate Halo CE, you were probably just born when it came out. There was nothing like it out at the time to compare, and it was a phenomenon.
Nostalgia glasses*

Gaming / Re: Halo: Combat Evolved Review
« on: September 28, 2015, 02:35:59 AM »
I'm glad you commented on the levels. I say this in no exaggeration: The Library literally almost put me to sleep.

I was playing like at 2PM in the afternoon, wide awake, but as I was playing my eyes got heavy and I was just staring distantly at the screen. I finally stopped playing, but man. For a game to literally put you to sleep like that, it really says something. I felt more like a machine than anything.

And yeah, story is bland and the voice acting sounds lazy so many times. Guilty Spark is probably the only good voice actor to me in that game. Jen Taylor (Cortana) improved in the other Halo's, but she came off as dull to me in 1.

Vikings in the lead. Downloading a reskin/extra units just in case because the Viking culture pack is seriously underdeveloped and a lot look like Saxon reskins

Download came with this cool pic.

A 3, 3, 3 tie huh? Hm...

Alright, well I'll give it until 12:00 AM midnight tomorrow before I say it's done.

Gaming / Apparently Christ can't protect crashes: TW: Attila *End*
« on: September 27, 2015, 10:20:19 PM »

The Teuton theme


I'm bored and I want to try something here. I like these kinda games for more than a few reasons. Empire building always gets me going, along with managing political relations in them. I dig games like Civilization, and Total War as well, which makes the battles. Anyway, my goal (or experiment if anyone gives enough fucks) is for us to collectively choose a faction and you guys help me make some decisions here.

The goal's for each nation will differ. I don't want every single one to be some huge empire spanning across the world, that would be unrealistic and borish to me. Kinda getting in a RP mood for it. So I narrowed down some factions to choose from, and I want your guys's help picking one together, so we can do well.

A rule of note: I have a faction mod on (it's really cool) and it basically takes place in the late 500's would be my guess. Rome has long since fallen, and the Byzantines do not hold the land they used to (probably not historically accurate, whatever).


The Germans are angry and they are ready to teach the world of Christ and his glory, even if it must be in blood. The goal of this faction would be to purge those who are non believers, and teach the ways of christ.

Goal: This one I'm not so sure. Possibly make my way towards Britannia (while pillaging and killing of course), and establish a great Christian nation in Saber land

Here's seeing how this goes.

Edit: Naturally as I play/update you, I will present you shit that happened as well as what options to do. Then we can decide together, so we either succeed or die together. You DON'T need to be an expert or know shit about this game to participate. I'll present things in a simple enough manner.



Teutons win

Now that we have a faction, I will start the game (probably tomorrow) and present some options we can decide together what to do. Let's teach these filthy barbarians (and later Persians maybe?) that Christ is the one true god.

Note: If you're not regularly following, I'll link my update entries in the OP for easy access.

- - - - - - - -

Update 1
Song for the post


So like I said in the OP, our objective was to get our of the middle of everyone (you start around northern Poland). We only have one unit, no settlement, and need to move away from the ever aggressive Huns. So we made our way to THE UNITED KINGDOM where we will plant our seed~ in the heart of those filthy Britons, and show them the way of Christ. If we can secure the entire region (or at least, let's say, the north), we don't have to worry about attacks on all sides.

Speaking of which...

Right out of the gate, the Vandal Kingdom is the ONLY faction I've met that actually see's me favorably. Their strength rating is also 3rd best, so you know what that means. After a turn or two, I secured a non-aggression pact with them. A bit later, they countered my offer for going to war with the Picts (more on that in a sec), with a marriage proposal.

Marrying one of his women is great to increase our closeness, and starting off I'm going to need as much help as I can get. I'll be looking to keep these guys as my allies for a long long time, unless they drag me into some war. They have a trade agreement with the Persians though (I think they're the strongest in the game), so I shouldn't have to worry about that.

So anyway, I invade mid Britannia and take the Picts declare war on me. I need a place to settle and defend against large numbers, so I invade one of the Caledonians unwalled cities and take it easily (however this makes me go to war with them as well). Naturally, both are trying to attack me.

The Picts and Calashits both team up to try and take me out and silence Christ. This must not be allowed to happen. To battle we go!

The great thing about cities? Choke points. When you're outnumbered, a single few units can pull a 300 and route waves of enemies. The Calashits tried to invade me from the East, and the Picts from the West.

I don't think the Caledonians expected such a slaughter, and by only two of my units. They had around 7. Again, choke points will be KEY for us when defending early on until we can push back.

Another choke point managed to tie the Picts up and me flank them to route them. At this point the units are about to break off and flee.

Which is what they did. After losing so many men, they threw their arms down and ran (A SHAMEFER DISPRAY!) like the stupid barbarians they are.

Or rather, they tried to run. The Caledonians lost a top general, and the Picts (as pictured above) lost their faction LEADER. Big mistake for them, as the balance will easily tip in my favor now.

They gave me a "close" victory (probably because I lost a disposable unit or two) instead of an heroic one, but the numbers don't lie. It was a slaughter for then.

And like I said, they lost their leader.

A few sides notes apart from me directly is that the Vandals decided to join me in war with the Picts, but they're all the way in Africa, sooo... I doubt they'll be of much help.

The Huns are also doing what they do best, and that is declaring war on everyone and burning shit.

Now for our decisions. My FIRST question is this.

This man is trying to sell a relic that apparently drowned a saint of ours 13 times (how do you drown 13 times? Unless this man is some wizard, you only drown once. Idiots), and wants us to take the bribe. Do we do so and take this holy relic? Or do we expose him of him crimes (read what it says lol)?


I'll post a map update every entry to see us slowly expanding. Now, do we go up north and secure our northern borders against the weakened Picts who lost their leader? Or do we push south against the Caledonians? The latter will be the harder of the two options, and still leaves me vulnerable to the north however, but this is your guys's decisions! Like I said, we rise together and fall together.

Update 2
Here with a 2nd update. Not as much as the first, but still some important things.

The first thing to happen is I actually managed to get on more friendly terms with people. Not a bunch of red faces now, but people who are more or less indifferent to me, and slowly liking me more. I managed to secure a non-aggression pact with the FILTHY FRENCH, so that's good.

However the thorn at my side was securing the north I can't fight a war on two fronts just yet, so I need to do something.

Battle 1

With siege equipment in tow, I was ready to scale the walls and break the gates of these backwards barbarians.

They naturally sent all of their forces to meet my men. The battle would be won or lost depending on this skirmish.

However the problem was they didn't hold to a single chokepoint (gotta love the AI) but instead tried to meet me on multiple fronts. This proved to be their downfall, as their forces were quickly outflanked and routed, allowing me to push in. I killed their general in the process here too, which sent a moral shock to their entire army

(Note: there are 3 tiers of units, tier 1 being early/low grade units, tier 3 being top end. If a general dies in the midst of battle, the tier 1 will basically break easily with any sign of wrong doings, tier 2 will be shaken, and tier 3 will still fight on. These were tier 1, and usually make up the bulk of Barbarian armies)

In the end I managed to surround the last unit with pikemen holding them on one end, and infantry and cavalry destroying them from the back.

Naturally, a decisive victory for me.

BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GO- I mean Christ...

Bye bye Picts. You won't be missed.

An interesting thing to note as I pushed further south to wipe out the Caledonians, was the title boy was born. They play a cool cutscene too (give it a watch).


Attila is born. Aka: Huns are now overpowered as shit for a while. Good thing I got out of there.

Nothing to note here. Simply auto-resolved the attacks from the Caledonians and took them out. EZ-PZ

And now here is the update of the map. As you can see, the entire North is ours, and we now control 1/3rd of Britannia Inferior (smug Rome names much?). The faction below me is the Geats (who somehow sailed all the way from Viking land over to there and got a city...), and below that is the Britain faction. Both are pretty even with me on strength level, but to the west is the FILTHY Irish (Ebdanians). They're at war with... all of them lol, so I think we'll attack them next as the logical choice.

And here is a random video for your pleasure.


Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Discussion Thread
« on: September 27, 2015, 08:22:20 PM »
I could so make that better if I didn't do it in under 3 mins

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Discussion Thread
« on: September 27, 2015, 08:21:45 PM »
my quick lazy rendition

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Discussion Thread
« on: September 27, 2015, 08:13:37 PM »
I can understand the voice, as I sound exactly like my father, but they already committed that sin when they made Naked Snake look identical to Solid Snake. Kind of lazy.

It makes sense that Big Boss' genetically identical son, whom he raised himself, would end up being exactly like him physically and audibly.
Physically, yeah, they're clones. The audible thing is just fanservice. We always knew they had different voices in the canon and what not.

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Discussion Thread
« on: September 27, 2015, 07:58:18 PM »
Ah you were right. It is based on Krav Maga, but it has Marine Corps and other various tactics implemented. Mainly the difference is Krav Maga seems to be prolonging fights in a martial arts way, rather than disabling the opponent.

The way my father and others implement it is you want to disable them as fast as possible. That means dislocating muscles, bringing them down to the ground, breaking arms, etc.

My honest guess is there is no real name to it if it's so heavily altered and a combination of tactics.
That sounds about right. Influences in Krav Maga and some other stuff too. And I read that there's a difference between the KM taught to civilians and military people, so that could explain the apparent discrepancies.
That's true. There are certain parts of the body where if you hit hard enough you can easily kill em. My dad showed me a few (I'm not gonna say that here), which is kinda scary.
Yeah, I've heard that it can be particularly brutal. Pain in so many ways that I can't even begin to imagine. >.> And basically no such thing as 'going easy on them'. Ouch.
All I'll say is it's amazing how much you can control the human body with just their thumb or hand.

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Discussion Thread
« on: September 27, 2015, 07:26:55 PM »
Ah you were right. It is based on Krav Maga, but it has Marine Corps and other various tactics implemented. Mainly the difference is Krav Maga seems to be prolonging fights in a martial arts way, rather than disabling the opponent.

The way my father and others implement it is you want to disable them as fast as possible. That means dislocating muscles, bringing them down to the ground, breaking arms, etc.

My honest guess is there is no real name to it if it's so heavily altered and a combination of tactics.
That sounds about right. Influences in Krav Maga and some other stuff too. And I read that there's a difference between the KM taught to civilians and military people, so that could explain the apparent discrepancies.
That's true. There are certain parts of the body where if you hit hard enough you can easily kill em. My dad showed me a few (I'm not gonna say that here), which is kinda scary.

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