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Messages - Luciana

Pages: 123 45 ... 442
The Flood / Re: 2018 and I'm surprised Sapphire is still relevant
« on: March 04, 2018, 02:38:58 PM »
How fucking toxic does your mentality have to be

The Flood / Re: 2018 and I'm surprised Sapphire is still relevant
« on: March 04, 2018, 02:36:51 PM »
c-communism never failed because it never happened, guys!!!!

maybe because it never can, so stop living in fantasy land you idiots lol. humans are retarded and power hungry to a fault, grow up and realize it.
"retarded" and "power hungry" are already faults, so you can't be retarded or power hungry to a fault
oh, you're right

thanks, verby~

The Flood / Re: 2018 and I'm surprised Sapphire is still relevant
« on: March 04, 2018, 02:33:20 PM »
just go to bungle like any other normal/trans person and share your art there

plenty of artists

The Flood / Re: 2018 and I'm surprised Sapphire is still relevant
« on: March 04, 2018, 02:31:40 PM »
c-communism never failed because it never happened, guys!!!!

maybe because it never can, so stop living in fantasy land you idiots lol. humans are retarded and power hungry to a fault, grow up and realize it.

The Flood / Re: 2018 and I'm surprised Sapphire is still relevant
« on: March 04, 2018, 02:28:55 PM »
you dont know anything sapphire
i picture that as an accomplishment, not an insult

thanks, daddy

The Flood / Re: 2018 and I'm surprised Sapphire is still relevant
« on: March 04, 2018, 02:24:55 PM »
sapphire strikes me as a bunch of people who say they are tolerant, but ironically are intolerant of any thought but their own

freedom of thought is suppressed for freedom of diversity for the sake of diversity, usually just with skin color

The Flood / Re: 2018 and I'm surprised Sapphire is still relevant
« on: March 04, 2018, 02:21:59 PM »
Funny, in trying to defend North Korea in some sense, Azur is only reinforcing my point

Now imagine a whole group like that

and thus, Sapphire. Have fun.
me when i look at sapphire

The Flood / Re: 2018 and I'm surprised Sapphire is still relevant
« on: March 04, 2018, 02:18:57 PM »
Funny, in trying to defend North Korea in some sense, Azur is only reinforcing my point

Now imagine a whole group like that

and thus, Sapphire. Have fun.

The Flood / Re: 2018 and I'm surprised Sapphire is still relevant
« on: March 04, 2018, 12:57:56 PM »
Can someone from Sapphire explain to me what ideologies/beliefs they considered bannable
They're down the ultra far left rabbit hole to the point they think the Soviet Union wasn't imperialistic via invading Afghanistan or what have you, because they're Communist and not Capitalist
I understand, that's what I've heard. But I'd like to see one of them actually civilly discuss their reasoning for their actions, as everyone outside their group seems to have the same opinion on them.
All I know is that if it made Cindy of all people cringe at how their logic goes, it's not a place I much wanna hang around. I think they unironically support North Korea too and attribute a lot of it to fake news/propaganda.

The Flood / Re: 2018 and I'm surprised Sapphire is still relevant
« on: March 04, 2018, 12:54:39 PM »
Can someone from Sapphire explain to me what ideologies/beliefs they considered bannable
They're down the ultra far left rabbit hole to the point they think the Soviet Union wasn't imperialistic via invading Afghanistan or what have you, because they're Communist and not Capitalist

It's just a massive echo chamber to further reinforce their beliefs without any challenge to make them think, so of course you're going to see them banish anyone who doesn't agree with them.

The Flood / Re: 2018 and I'm surprised Sapphire is still relevant
« on: March 04, 2018, 12:52:34 PM »
If people genuinely care about whatever's left of these communities and the future of them, they should start cooperating with each other or say goodbye because Sapphire and Sep7agon are going to be dead in the near future.
I bet you sapphire is still around 10 years from now
Need to keep those echo chambers up somehow

Gaming / Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverence
« on: March 02, 2018, 01:13:38 PM »
Stop accepting so many side quests at once that you can't finish. Idk, seems normal to me that NPC's move on without you if you take too long to do something, like IRL. You don't come to a place we're supposed to meet up, I'm leaving.

As for Archery, have you made sure you're level 5 and the state requirements are right for it? It's consistent with me.

Gaming / Re: Playing more and more Old games and Indie
« on: February 28, 2018, 06:16:47 PM »
Play Final Fantasy 6 like a good Christian

Unless you get FF 9 on the PC, you're going to be waiting 10 years for every battle to end

Gaming / Re: Videogame screenshots V2
« on: February 24, 2018, 02:30:36 PM »

Image quality reduced with the screenshots, but this is a very pretty game

What are you playing it on? If it's PS4 you can save them to USB, I recently have been
Steam. It usually keeps an uncompressed screenshot in a folder I have, but yeah.

Gaming / Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverence
« on: February 24, 2018, 02:30:08 PM »
but it will be nice when they add the save & exit option.
You think they'd have learned from Bethesda's mishap with that.

Gaming / Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverence
« on: February 24, 2018, 02:29:45 PM »
Downloaded it last night. Really enjoying it. Combat is some of the best I've seen in a game.

The saviour schnapps feature is a bit of a pain in the arse but I heard the devs are gonna get round to tweaking it soon.
Are you playing on PC? If you are, use this, makes it not a headache at all.

If not, yeah, update is soon on the way hopefully.

The Flood / Re: Das, got a question
« on: February 23, 2018, 09:07:26 PM »
Bunch of slack jawed faggots around here

Gaming / Re: Videogame screenshots V2
« on: February 23, 2018, 09:03:58 PM »

Image quality reduced with the screenshots, but this is a very pretty game

Serious / Re: Florida school shooting - 17+ dead
« on: February 23, 2018, 08:53:00 PM »
A few companies are distancing themselves from the NRA and others like Apple and YouTube are getting insane pressure as well

businesses are known for being very fickle, and going with whatever the way the wind blows, so odds are they'll soon distance themselves as well

sounds like me saying it's negative but no I agree with it. Businesses are just spineless since they need dat dosh. I wouldn't look to them for leadership much.

Serious / Re: Florida school shooting - 17+ dead
« on: February 23, 2018, 11:23:43 AM »
The amount of shootings being prevented immediately after this shooting are terrifying. I've heard of 3 so far, not including the one at a local high school where I live.
It's almost as if mass media coverage and glorification of these people starts to inspire other lonely virgins to become heroes too.
You have to wonder why they focus so much on the guy that does it when all it does is inspire the next one to try and one up them. I remember last tragedy there was an emphasis on not doing it, yet the moment this one happens they're all over it again.

Serious / Re: being offended "for" people
« on: February 23, 2018, 11:21:52 AM »
but it has recently gone into maximum overdrive with people claiming blacks cannot even be racist, and that whites (not exaggerating) are the root of most of the world's evil.

there was this dude who i was sort of friends with in college who said it is impossible for a white person to experience any form of racism because white people hold power. White guilt has ruined this country.
It's really cringy just how spineless the left has become.
Internet in general has made both sides little bitches to be honest. Go too far left and you have liberal idiots getting offended for everyone and saying shit is racist when it's not, thus removing the impact of the word in the first place

and on the right if you go too far you get people who say the left are little bitch boys, yet the moment someone insults their god emperor or says white privilege may be a thing, they get all butt hurt as well. I remember a bunch of them crying and demanding Stephen Colbert get fired for making jokes at Trump or the Alt Right or some stupid shit. The irony of it was laughable.

Gaming / Re: sequels you want, but will probably never happen
« on: February 22, 2018, 06:11:12 PM »
VA-11 Hall-A easily. That game touched my soul.
Well, maybe not as a sequel, but do you think...
...that you won`t see your favorite characters ever again?
Are they doing something else? I know Dana has her own little spin off games but it's not nearly in the same like as Valhalla

Serious / Re: Florida school shooting - 17+ dead
« on: February 22, 2018, 01:48:24 PM »
imagine if it actually came to that
I feel like America is trying its best to lead us down a path to Mad Max world at times

Gaming / Re: sequels you want, but will probably never happen
« on: February 22, 2018, 01:47:12 PM »
Space Marine 2, the entire story fleshed out looked silly but I imagine it'd be fun to play

Dragons Dogma 2 or at the very least, let us have Dragons Dogma Online

Castle Crashers 2

VA-11 Hall-A easily. That game touched my soul.

Serious / Re: Florida school shooting - 17+ dead
« on: February 22, 2018, 11:54:26 AM »

Gaming / Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverence
« on: February 21, 2018, 01:22:37 AM »
Been fucking addicted to this game for like the past week or so and got like 50 hours in already. Historical accuracy gets me hard and I love the Oblivion vibes this game gives. I also love how fast travel and alchemy was handled and think Todd Howard should pay attention and take a few notes for TES VI.
Wow yeah it really does give off some Oblivion vibes.

Gaming / Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverence
« on: February 20, 2018, 07:04:10 PM »

I was always a fan of when games nail the accuracy of modern stuff in game, and compensate for the time. Assassins Creed and this are the best ones I can recall.

Gaming / Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverence
« on: February 19, 2018, 06:17:17 PM »
Okay so in making it as accurate and realistic as possible, have they actually made it fun to play?
Nah it's not as accurate and realistic as possible with regards to everything, just the setting. Yeah I'm enjoying it. I was always one who enjoyed the "immersion" factor when playing Skyrim, so a hunger/sleep system, healing only allowed outside of combat, immersive first camera so you see yourself laying in bed/sitting down in first person, etc.

That's what this is, but it's not like... say, Escape From Tarkov where it's so technical you're just fucking lost at any and everything. Easy guides, tutorials, shit like that. Takes a bit to get used to but it's solid.

My main issue is on PC it's not the best optimized so I had to fool around with it a bit. Also lockpicking on console is more or less impossible because you have to move both joysticks in a direction, keeping a dot in that place while spinning, WHILE the rumble feature is happening. On PC you just move it and hold a key so it's really only one motion, so I use my controller for everything else but that.

Ultimately it's a game that's a bit rough around the edges but if you really want an RPG that has more of a classic feel to it, while trying something not done yet, I'd recommend it. But again, I love immersion stuff as well, so it's very very apparent it's not for everyone.

Edit: There is shit I didn't bother covering, and I'm not too far in the game, but you'd probably be better off looking at a few reviews on YouTube if you're on the fence. If you want a sale, Greenmangaming is doing it so I got mine for like $7 rather than $60.

Serious / Re: Florida school shooting - 17+ dead
« on: February 19, 2018, 06:15:08 PM »
i wanna shoot a musket

Gaming / Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverence
« on: February 19, 2018, 08:00:16 AM »
I'm more surprised you can even bring Witcher 3 into the discussion of this game somehow. They go for like 2 completely different styles of RPG/playing

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