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Messages - Luciana

Pages: 1 ... 392393394 395396 ... 442
« on: June 03, 2015, 04:58:33 PM »
One thing I do like though his they got rid of the "next gen" effect. By that I mean everything was brown and gray. I'm happy the colors are actually there and not some shitty green/orange filter... At least from the trailer.

I'm really not taking anything from this until the 14th when we actually SEE something.

« on: June 03, 2015, 04:55:05 PM »
Just waiting for the 14th at EEE THREE for actual gameplay.

I've been hearing rumors that it's still running on shitty gamebyro, which would be a fucking shame since it's so old.

But I'd still enjoy it.

Gaming / Re: Top 5 Reasons Fallout 4 Wont Happen
« on: June 03, 2015, 02:27:50 PM »

Serious / Re: Vince Vaughn Goes Off on Gun Rights
« on: June 02, 2015, 11:41:07 PM »
I find it silly how you think the moment guns are gone, the government will oppress

*looks at all the Western Euro countries*

so much oppression

Gaming / Re: Call of Duty Must Die!
« on: June 02, 2015, 11:28:16 PM »
More like the entire FPS genre.
The only FPS's that interest me in the slightest at this point are the more realistic ones like Red Orchestra 2.

The Flood / Re: Why are women's breasts considered NSFW?
« on: June 02, 2015, 11:26:56 PM »
Tits are sexual.

Men like tits.

Get over it.
Wrong. Men don't like tits

EVERYONE, even gay people love tits

That also means that technically every woman is slightly lesbian. To a shade.
Not really. Humans just love them because it's hotwired in our brains for many reasons, men and women.

The Flood / Re: Why are women's breasts considered NSFW?
« on: June 02, 2015, 11:25:32 PM »
And some girls like having their boobs played with.
> Some


The Flood / Re: Why are women's breasts considered NSFW?
« on: June 02, 2015, 11:24:37 PM »
Tits are sexual.

Men like tits.

Get over it.
Wrong. Men don't like tits

EVERYONE, even gay people love tits

Serious / Re: The British Monarchy
« on: June 02, 2015, 11:23:35 PM »
]They may not represent you, but they represent voters, whether you agree with them or not. Just because you fancy yourself more progressive or more reasonable or more rational or what the fuck ever doesn't mean representative democracy isn't doing what it is intended to do- represent the interests of the majority.

Blame democracy for the failings of the American government. I never said democracy was good. No government is good or fair, and if you think one is you're fucking delusional.

It's much fucking better than monarchy, though.
You say that, but congress has an approval rating of like, 10%, and they sit there doing nothing.

Way to represent us.

Goooooooooooood bless Aaaaaaaamericaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~

Serious / Re: Vince Vaughn Goes Off on Gun Rights
« on: June 02, 2015, 11:21:37 PM »
People being afraid government will take away guns lol

2 reasons they won't

1. They won't take away your guns... because you HAVE guns

2. This is a government that can't even set up a healthcare website. What makes you think they'd be able to coordinate that monumental effort?

Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheh, calm down amerifags.

Gaming / Re: Well Fallout 4 is now official
« on: June 02, 2015, 02:49:22 PM »
Let's hope they don't pull a Fallout 3 with a boring story/pulled factions from across the coast, and actually make NEW factions and a story that's not so black and white.

And a game that's actually playable. I applaud Bethesda for reviving a dead franchise and changing the gameplay, and I never woulda gotten into it had it been for FO3, but damn I really want depth in this and not Fallout 3/Skyrim tier stuff.

The Flood / Re: FIFA President Sepp Blatter to resign
« on: June 02, 2015, 02:47:21 PM »
how he was even projected to be re-elected again is beyond me
small countries with the same voting power as Russia, China, US, England, were suckling at his teat because he gave em money.
money talks, i guess

can't wait to watch the world cup in Qatar lmao
It's 7 years away. I'm hoping things change. With Sepp out, I want a president from UEFA going in and actualy running shit properly.

The Flood / Re: FIFA President Sepp Blatter to resign
« on: June 02, 2015, 02:00:29 PM »
how he was even projected to be re-elected again is beyond me
small countries with the same voting power as Russia, China, US, England, were suckling at his teat because he gave em money.

The Flood / Re: FIFA President Sepp Blatter to resign
« on: June 02, 2015, 01:59:56 PM »

Beaten to the punch, although you have the better title.
I was at work

and this is better then ;~;

Serious / Re: The British Monarchy
« on: June 02, 2015, 01:58:15 PM »
I'm an American, so I can't really appreciate the economic value in having them around. It's important for me to keep that in mind.

However, I have trouble seeing it as anything more than a "muh tradition" holdover from what is, to me, the most disgusting political system that has ever existed. I'm staunchly anti-monarchist. British monarchy can be somewhat excused because they lack real power, but the way I see it, their very presence is still an insult to democracy and the British people.

I can't say I'd be sad to see them go.
*looks at our government where almost none of the elected officials "represent" us*

Yeah, no. If anything the American government is more insulting.

Serious / Re: Vince Vaughn Goes Off on Gun Rights
« on: June 01, 2015, 11:48:30 PM »
Hes 100% right with his stance on Guns. Anyone who can obtain a gun legally should be able to open carry whereever they like.

Gaming / Re: Verbatim: The Video Game is now out on Steam
« on: June 01, 2015, 11:46:48 PM »
I'm just gonna pirate it
Hatred himself is going to come knocking on your door if you do!

Don't pirate, kids!
Apparently he's called "the Antagonist" in-game.
Lol really?

I wish I could name him Verb or something, just because of the hair thing.

Gaming / Re: Verbatim: The Video Game is now out on Steam
« on: June 01, 2015, 11:33:41 PM »
I'm just gonna pirate it

The Flood / Re: Thinking about changing my GT
« on: June 01, 2015, 09:54:13 PM »

That and I can't go 3 seconds without seeing Peyton Manning's massive forehead hick sounding self on a Papa Johns commercial.

The fact the NFL is so closed off from the rest of the world is what makes it so less appealing to me. Even Basketball has other countries interested. I like seeing that diversity and talent and interest from other countries, and that's why I love soccer.

it felt like you guys managed to turn ad watching into a national event
Coming from the country who's companies dominate the world, does this surprise you?

I can't understand how you guys can't love the NFL. It's literally the biggest and best league in the world.
If by "biggest" you mean most funded, then yes. But this is America where everything is 10x the size of the world. If you mean viewership, then...

And the richest teams in the world are soccer.

That plus I love watching soccer because the atmosphere is lively. That is non existrant in American Football where I hear the 3 same songs. Crazy Train, Zombie Nation, and that other "ohhh oh oh oh oh ohhhhh ohhhh" song I forget.

It is exceedingly dangerous. Just two years ago a kid broke his neck during an exhibition game at the local high school stadium. A few years before that, half a damn team nearly got heat stroke during another exhibition game (a Florida team came to our stadium in Georgia to play our best team, weird that they weren't prepared for that kind of heat but it's still fucked). Concussions are very common even in middle school leagues and most coaching staffs under the college level are really bad at teaching proper technique so everyone's fundamentals are out of wack and kids get injured more often as a result
Sounds like they need to watch more Rugby. Yeah, only the pros know wtf to do.

Ugh. This thread is so disheartening
Tim Tebow sucks.

He gets on knees to suck dick now


The Flood / Re: What other forums do you go to?
« on: June 01, 2015, 08:12:03 PM »

Gaming / Re: recommend me horror games
« on: June 01, 2015, 07:37:12 PM »
I don't think I'd count Resident Evil 4 as horror really.

Alien: Isolation
Slender: The Arrival

As far as my knowledge goes, American Football is rarely ever mentioned around the British Isles. I vaugely remember someone I knew watching a Superbowl once but that's pretty much it.

All I know beyond that is that it's similar to Rugby, except in American Football you have to wear protection for some reason.
They wear padding and stuff in American Football because they are brutal in that game, like you wouldn't be able to survive without it

And rugby is not?
In Rugby they actually tackle like you should. So you don't, ya know, break your neck.

In American Football they dive shoulder/head first off their feet like idiots because once you put the padding on, they're in the mindset to hit harder.

One isn't any more manly than the other. I see Rugby as the more technical of the two and great examples of how tackling SHOULD be in American Football.

Well, I've never watched a game of American Football so I'm in no position to argue which is 'better' but you seem to know a bit about both so I'll take your word for it.
I used to love it until soccer.
Rugby's spoiled me, I just couldn't get into it

As far as my knowledge goes, American Football is rarely ever mentioned around the British Isles. I vaugely remember someone I knew watching a Superbowl once but that's pretty much it.

All I know beyond that is that it's similar to Rugby, except in American Football you have to wear protection for some reason.
They wear padding and stuff in American Football because they are brutal in that game, like you wouldn't be able to survive without it

And rugby is not?
In Rugby they actually tackle like you should. So you don't, ya know, break your neck.

In American Football they dive shoulder/head first off their feet like idiots because once you put the padding on, they're in the mindset to hit harder.

One isn't any more manly than the other. I see Rugby as the more technical of the two and great examples of how tackling SHOULD be in American Football.

Well, I've never watched a game of American Football so I'm in no position to argue which is 'better' but you seem to know a bit about both so I'll take your word for it.
I used to love it until soccer.

As far as my knowledge goes, American Football is rarely ever mentioned around the British Isles. I vaugely remember someone I knew watching a Superbowl once but that's pretty much it.

All I know beyond that is that it's similar to Rugby, except in American Football you have to wear protection for some reason.
They wear padding and stuff in American Football because they are brutal in that game, like you wouldn't be able to survive without it

And rugby is not?
In Rugby they actually tackle like you should. So you don't, ya know, break your neck.

In American Football they dive shoulder/head first off their feet like idiots because once you put the padding on, they're in the mindset to hit harder.

One isn't any more manly than the other. I see Rugby as the more technical of the two and great examples of how tackling SHOULD be in American Football.

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