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Messages - Maxine

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The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 07, 2016, 08:17:47 PM »
Are you a girl or something? Why are you so emotional?
I've just had enough of negativity.

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 07, 2016, 08:16:21 PM »
you're not harshly criticizing my argument, you're harshly criticizing me. that's why I'm upset. saying "hey, this thing you do is psychopathic" is exactly the same as saying "hey, you're a psychopath"
Get over it.

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 07, 2016, 08:07:24 PM »
also I'm surprised you would post a spongebob meme

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 07, 2016, 08:06:34 PM »
I'm not talking to you Verb, stay out of it.

The Flood / Re: Do you use sunglasses?
« on: July 07, 2016, 08:05:21 PM »
I literally can't see outdoors without them

The Flood / Re: Jesus Christ, what the fuck...
« on: July 07, 2016, 08:04:49 PM »
what does sfm stand for

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 07, 2016, 07:57:31 PM »
if you're so damn concerned about empathy, you should care about how what you say makes people feel.
If I'm saying a statement in a completely calm and composed way (Which I am), it's not my problem if you suddenly feel cornered as a result of me harshly criticizing your argument. It surely isn't the first time.
But that doesn't make eating meat immoral, because there's no alternatives.
There are, like, a billion alternatives. Literally any other food. I have much stricter dietary requirements than most people, and if I can pull it off, then everybody else can.
That's capitalism for you. You should attack the industry, not consumers that are forced to buy from it because of monopolies.
You aren't forced to buy it.

Proof: I don't buy it.
you're not harshly criticizing my argument, you're harshly criticizing me. that's why I'm upset. saying "hey, this thing you do is psychopathic" is exactly the same as saying "hey, you're a psychopath"

not eating meat isn't healthy or natural. there is no alternative other than taking synthetic pill bullshit to replace it, and that in my opinion is no way to live.

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 07, 2016, 07:15:41 PM »
what ever, the point is the same, you're calling me a psychopath and I don't like it.
I really don't care that you don't like it. I don't like your "Baby murderer" shtick when you try to argue against abortion, but you don't see me crying about it. It doesn't actually have any substance in an argument; show me I'm wrong if you're so convinced that I'm being irrational about the treatment of animals. "I don't like your attitude" is a terrible reason not to try to demonstrate your perspective is better than mine.
you know how you said for people to tell you when you're arguing like an ass again? you're doing it now.
No, I'm not. I haven't insulted you even if you'd like to think I have. I described a ridiculous and psychotic mentality ("If it's dumb, it doesn't deserve to be treated ethically") as exactly what it is; psychotic. The only reason anybody would say I'm arguing like an ass right now is because I'm challenging basically the entire fabric of conventional dietary habits in most countries, which is an inconvenience to you- But it's an appropriate reason to argue and demean the practices of an industry.

Factory farms literally suck huge, smelly ass.

I have not made that argument in a long long time. if you're so damn concerned about empathy, you should care about how what you say makes people feel.

I never said that the way the meat industry works isn't somewhat wrong. But that doesn't make eating meat immoral, because there's no alternatives. That's capitalism for you. You should attack the industry, not consumers that are forced to buy from it because of monopolies.

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 07, 2016, 05:18:19 PM »
being called psychotic for holding a common ordinary ethical stance is something I would take as an insult.
Who cares? Slavery use to be the literal backbone of American agriculture, and right now, are you telling me that the belief you can own another human being isn't deplorable and "Insane?" The fact that something is a "Common" belief doesn't mean anything, plenty of times throughout history we can now see the majority of people were wrong about things.
there's a lot of opposing ethical stances I could describe as psychotic, but I don't because it's simply a prick move, and it's not accurate because people don't hold those views out of psychosis. you know this. people who eat meat and don't feel bad about it aren't psychotic, to say so is stupid, ignorant, and judgmental.
You're putting words in my mouth. I never said "If you eat meat, you're a psychopath," I said if you think that intelligence is a legitimately smart way to judge whether or not you can torture something for your convenience, then you're a psychopath. And that's exactly what you were just trying to pass off as rational.
what ever, the point is the same, you're calling me a psychopath and I don't like it. I won't discuss this with you if you don't stop using adhoms. I'm done with that kind of argument, it causes me nothing but anxiety.

you know how you said for people to tell you when you're arguing like an ass again? you're doing it now.

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 07, 2016, 04:51:06 AM »
Alright, then - I suppose I'm psychotic.

But meat tastes good, provides healthy vitamins and supplements, and comes from objectively lesser beings. I don't support "big pharma" type companies with horrible conditions for their animals, but I'm not gonna stop eating chicken or beef.
lets go on a psychotic chicken eating rampage

I wish I had 20 chicken nuggets from mcdonalds right now

and also that their nuggets weren't so damn overpriced

The Flood / Re: Dragon Ball Thread (DBS epispde 47)
« on: July 07, 2016, 04:49:21 AM »
games aren't canon

The Flood / Re: Dragon Ball Thread (DBS epispde 47)
« on: July 07, 2016, 02:28:56 AM »
When is future Goten going to show up in something official?

Some people think he's Black...

there is no future goten

people who like broly keep spreading this 'theory' but it's bollocks

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 07, 2016, 12:48:16 AM »
Please call me psychotic for saying that. Show me your hypocrisy.
>telling me about your evil plan to make me look like a hypocrite

poor form, young super villain

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 07, 2016, 12:35:16 AM »
If you want to discuss this, don't insult me. I thought we were done with that years ago.
I didn't insult you. I said that if you actually believe lower intelligence is a justification for inflicting pain, then you're a psychopath. That is a psychotic mentality.
being called psychotic for holding a common ordinary ethical stance is something I would take as an insult.

there's a lot of opposing ethical stances I could describe as psychotic, but I don't because it's simply a prick move, and it's not accurate because people don't hold those views out of psychosis. you know this. people who eat meat and don't feel bad about it aren't psychotic, to say so is stupid, ignorant, and judgmental.

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 06, 2016, 03:37:59 PM »
I have all the empathy in the world, but not for animals that aren't even aware of their own existence. In fact, by definition you can't have empathy for unintelligent animals. Empathy is to place oneself in another person's shoes, but you can't do that with an animal because they aren't conscious. You can't imagine what it would be like to be a cow because cows don't experience things in the same way we do.
Go stab yourself with a knife and then tell me how it feels. Did you like it? No, of course you didn't. The cow doesn't, either. It has nothing to do with the fact that animals are "Dumber" than people, they're still capable of feeling distress and pain to an extent that absolutely warrants prevention, especially when your excuse is as miserable as "But they taste good!" You're a psychopath if you think that because somebody or something is less intelligent than you are, you have more of a right to inflict suffering onto them.
If you're going to say it's wrong to eat chicken, than it's also wrong to step on ants. But living like that is absurd, because every day you'd be killing various animals unintentionally no matter what you do.
They aren't even remotely comparable, because insects do not feel pain in a way that's comparable to animal senses.
If you want to discuss this, don't insult me. I thought we were done with that years ago.

space exploration is key to the survival of the human race

The Flood / Re: Dragon Ball Thread (DBS epispde 47)
« on: July 06, 2016, 05:06:06 AM »
I haven't updated this in a while, what do we think of Black Goku so far?
He's cool. I never liked the idea of an evil Goku but they pulled it off and actually made him look sick.

Plus it's not actually Goku so there's your Toriyama twist on the concept

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 06, 2016, 04:48:48 AM »
but to actually address the topic of the thread, I've become a lot less authoritarian.

this is because I realized something about why I held the views I used to, views like wanting to completely ban opinions I disagreed with.

I realized it was spite, a desire to punish people coming from a point of view that I felt had wronged me, fuelled as well by just general unhappiness.

for a few examples, I thought it should be illegal to be pro-choice. this was because of the sheer number of pro-choice people who have treated me like absolute dogshit over the years, calling me a chauvinist pig or a retard or whatever other senseless insults you can think of, instead of even trying to understand my opinion. all the insults just filled me with vitriol, took away my ability to sympathize with those people, made me want to punish them and expunge their views from existence so no one would ever insult me for mine again. of course, at the time I believed I had other reasons for what I thought, but I came to realize I was letting subconscious emotions cloud my opinion.

another example would be I thought porn should be illegal. for years, I didn't know I was actually on the asexual spectrum, so I simply can't understand some sexual things. this made it really easy for me to accept that porn is immoral, and people like I said above often react very negatively to that, so again it made me angry and it became easy for me to assume an authoritarian position when combined with my inability to understand why people would even watch porn in the first place. but I eventually slowly realized I was not like other people (well I always kind of knew in a way), and one thing my friend said hit me in particular; he described sexual desire as being just like the drive to eat or drink or sleep, and that just struck me as totally crazy, totally completely alien, so I realized I needed to really rethink my views on sexuality. I do still believe in abstinence, but the gravity I attache to premarital sex or pornography is greatly diminished.

as a result of these realizations, I've been trying to avoid conflict a lot more, because I don't ever want to let unpleasant experiences to make me toxic like that again.

I realize now that I am a very emotional person and my emotions can have a strong impact on what I think. despite that though, I'm not ignorant, and I'm not stupid, and I won't let people speak of me as such.

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 06, 2016, 03:42:52 AM »


See, when someone says "I know eating meat from factory farms is wrong, and I admit that," it's one thing. I can respect somebody who acknowledges what they're doing something immoral, but they don't have the drive to stop. But when someone just says, "Heh it's a cow, I don't give a fuck," that's when I get legitimately upset with somebody. That's psychotic, and because you base that belief on Christianity and having "Dominion" over animals, it's another reason why I think religion is supah bad.

Like, you're just causing a bunch of things pain, but don't care at all. That's what bothers me. You have no empathy.
I have all the empathy in the world, but not for animals that aren't even aware of their own existence. In fact, by definition you can't have empathy for unintelligent animals. Empathy is to place oneself in another person's shoes, but you can't do that with an animal because they aren't conscious. You can't imagine what it would be like to be a cow because cows don't experience things in the same way we do.

If you're going to say it's wrong to eat chicken, than it's also wrong to step on ants. But living like that is absurd, because every day you'd be killing various animals unintentionally no matter what you do.

The Flood / Re: the people that you've been before
« on: July 05, 2016, 02:10:27 AM »

The Flood / Re: tfw I wanna be drunk
« on: July 05, 2016, 02:09:59 AM »
nope, you're wrong

anything you do while drunk is stuff that you want to do while sober, the alcohol merely lowers your inhibitions

in other words, the drunk you is the real you without the filter

hi i'm verbatim, and this is the most inaccurate thing i've ever read on this website--congratulations

as if "inhibitions" are a stat that gets lowered like in a video game

perhaps drunk you is just the same but clumsy

The Flood / Re: tfw I wanna be drunk
« on: July 05, 2016, 01:50:30 AM »
i don't think you understand what being drunk is like

it doesn't magically turn you into a different person incapable of rational thought
considering i have been drunk?

yes i do, and yes it can
nope, you're wrong

anything you do while drunk is stuff that you want to do while sober, the alcohol merely lowers your inhibitions

in other words, the drunk you is the real you without the filter

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 05, 2016, 01:48:15 AM »
I'm seriously considering cutting out a lot of my meat intake.
I really want to do this, but I'm too weak and meat tastes so good

if I ever wanted to change my life and become a good person, stopping eating meat would be pretty much mandatory
I'll never be vegetarian and I don't think eating meat is inherently wrong I just don't want to support the meat/dairy industry.

I'd much rather buy milk from the local dairy farm where they treat their cows like pets and hand milk them or buy meat and eggs from the free range chicken farmer than a commercial chicken company.
Well yeah, I do that already. If you're going to buy meat or animal products, you do it from reputable places. But even the most well-treated, most humanely executed cow is still wrongfully exploited and slaughtered.



The Flood / Re: tfw I wanna be drunk
« on: July 05, 2016, 01:41:36 AM »
You guys are going to fuck up your livers
i think its pretty hard to do that without going extremely overboard

The Flood / Re: tfw I wanna be drunk
« on: July 05, 2016, 01:39:27 AM »
like, sometimes, i just lay down and bask in my sobriety

i just think of how fucking awesome it is that i'm in control of all my faculties, all the time

the thought alone gets me higher than the highest high, and i'm not even high

pretty fucking amazing
i don't think you understand what being drunk is like

it doesn't magically turn you into a different person incapable of rational thought

The Flood / Re: ID4 Aliens vs Covenant
« on: July 05, 2016, 01:36:20 AM »
the Independence Day Aliens (now known as Harvesters) are seemingly simultaneously far better than the Covenant, and far shittier

their shielding and technology seem far better, yet a computer virus from 1996 can fuck them


it would be cool if you could drink it, I'd rather not have to smoke it if I tried it

The Flood / Re: What device can you type the fastest on?
« on: July 04, 2016, 11:50:39 PM »
I'm surprised anyone could type faster on a phone than on a real keyboard

But than again it's insane how fast my sister can type on her phone

Guess that's kids nowadays

The Flood / Re: ID4 Aliens vs Covenant
« on: July 04, 2016, 11:48:29 PM »
Post Halo 4 UNSC is far ahead of the Covenant, and the Aliens are little more then less infectious flood.

Theyre fine.
he's talking about the Independence Day aliens not the xenonorphs

The Flood / Re: The Conjuring 2 was insanely good.
« on: July 04, 2016, 11:47:27 PM »
I might have to see it then

It looked like corny shit in the ads tho

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