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Messages - Winy

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The Flood / Re: To everyone with a profile picture
« on: August 06, 2015, 07:41:04 PM »

The Flood / Re: Arian Foster: "I Don't Believe in God"
« on: August 06, 2015, 07:36:51 PM »
PSU has been a teir-1 troll on Bungie-related sites for, like, six years now.

You'd think the fragmented remnants of would've picked up on it by now. If you want the guy to stop messing with you, don't fuel the fire.

The Flood / Re: To everyone with a profile picture
« on: August 06, 2015, 07:33:01 PM »

The Flood / Re: Arian Foster: "I Don't Believe in God"
« on: August 06, 2015, 07:32:15 PM »
"Man this is some quality bait."

Then why the fuck do you clownbags respond?

The Flood / Re: At what point would you know you've gone insane?
« on: August 03, 2015, 08:47:45 PM »
Ask a fucking psychologist.

Serious / Re: My sister finally told me she's gay
« on: August 01, 2015, 06:29:33 PM »
Does she have a hot lesbian friend or sex buddy?
Asking the important questions.

The Flood / Re: An Astronomer Informed Me On How Stars Died.
« on: August 01, 2015, 01:47:48 PM »
Oh sweet, I can talk abou-


Serious / Re: What's your opinion on nuclear weapons?
« on: July 29, 2015, 03:45:59 PM »
I mean, I hate the necessity of weaponry to begin with. I don't like things that are created with the sole purpose of killing others.

Serious / Re: A challenge to free will
« on: July 29, 2015, 03:44:18 PM »
I didn't watch the vid because my speakers are out. But, it's something I've thought about before. I'm not exactly sure that we do have free will. Just a clever illusion.

For example. Let's take the future. Let's presume that the future isn't decided yet, and therfore, logically speaking, every door is open. Every possibility for you exists but it hasn't happened yet. As soon as you make a choice, you set the ball rolling down a specific path of circumstances.

But your choice, in turn, is given all of its weight and merit by circumstances beforehand. The person you are today, the way you think, your morals, how you were raised, and everything else, determines how you will act.

So, while all the doors are always open to you, you're always going to travel down a set path because of who you are, which was predetermined by circumstances beyond your control. No matter what you choose, it's because of actions and experiences that push you a certain way, and while you think you always have the other option, you're always going to pick the path ahead of you that suits you best.

I assum of course, that the video was adocating against free will, rather than for it.

If it was, just ignore me.
This is exactly how I've always thought about the problem. I definitely haven't done my research on this topic in a long-ass time, because I lost interest in metaphysics and such, but I could never justify the belief in completely boundless free will. What fundamentally allows decisions to be made are the product of influences that exist outside of the very thing making those choices- your brain.

Unless you're some racist, bigoted asswipe, or you're obnoxiously outspoken about your political views, then it's not a big deal to me. Stuff like that isn't all that important when you're trying to develop a friendship. A little more so with relationships, but even then the value of political or religious alignment with somebody your dating isn't that significant.

My girlfriend is a Catholic girl, albeit not that devoutly, but she still finds peace in the idea of God and heaven. I couldn't care less about it. If she's happy, that's fine with me. Am I expected to just constantly bombard her with questions about the meaning of life, or whether or not God is real? No, that's ridiculous. It's not something that consumes her beliefs and personality, and we never have interest in talking about religion.

Absolutely not.

Serious / Re: Satanists unveil sculpture in Detroit
« on: July 27, 2015, 08:52:05 AM »
I'm not a Satanist, but come on,

That statue is pretty fucking badass.

Serious / Re: Let's get something straight.
« on: July 27, 2015, 08:47:08 AM »
Who the hell cares if something isn't normal?

Nobody's getting hurt; and people are becoming more progressive and accepting of a group of individuals who seem to be very poorly understood and ridiculed. I don't have much interest in the whole issue of gender dysphoria, and what amount of societal influence or honest biology contributes to it. I look at the overarching problem, and think that transgender people should absolutely have a right to their own happiness if they believe that they would be happier as another sex.

I communicate with a few transgendered individuals regularly, and they are all incredibly genuine, wonderful people. They're not some psychological mishap, they just don't feel right in their bodies.

Let people be happy.

The Flood / Re: Mars Mission
« on: July 26, 2015, 11:27:07 AM »
I would go if I was much, much older.

But going at this point in my life would sacrifice a lot of fun I'm in the process of having.

The Flood / Re: Mars Mission
« on: July 26, 2015, 11:26:14 AM »
But there's many people who would and did actually.
Yeah, but Mars One was a complete sham.

The Flood / Re: How closely does your avatar represent you?
« on: July 26, 2015, 10:06:45 AM »
I mean, I love Bassnectar, but I am, in fact, not a deer.

The Flood / Re: How closely does your avatar represent you?
« on: July 26, 2015, 10:06:22 AM »

What the hell even is this

The Flood / Re: Making all kinds of gains
« on: July 24, 2015, 03:14:18 PM »
Yeah bruh you're not going to build a lot of muscle in a month, and since I'm guessing you have no experience you probably won't build any in that time. It takes a while for people to get into a workout routine and you only really start putting on muscle when you start upping your weight or reps.

But I'll say you can probably clean bulk which would let you stay cut while trying to build muscle. That's the best you can probably do and it's a little complicated. It's diet more than anything. I need a little more info though.

I put on 15 lbs of muscle in a month. It's not impossible, it just takes a fuck load of drive. In the gym everyday and shit, I'm sure you know the drill.

Though, that was before I became a vegan where meat was still an option, lol.
"Fifteen pounds of muscle in a month."

Ha, no you didn't dude.

The Flood / Re: Making all kinds of gains
« on: July 24, 2015, 03:12:48 PM »
Honestly, just read the /r/fitness FAQ. Lots of good stuff in there. But if I had to summarize...

Eat a lot. Make sure you're meeting a decent protein requirement, the general rule given is (0.82) * (Body weight in lbs) = (Grams of protein needed per day to induce optimal muscle growth). Use online TDEE calculators to properly track where you should be aiming to put your caloric surplus at. The ones included in the /rfitness FAQ are very reliable. Bulking and cutting durations are totally up to you. I bulk for seven months, cut for three, then maintain for two. Work out for somewhere between an hour and two a day, but really the duration isn't the key, it's the volume (Which can vary substantially). I'd say if you're gonna do two groups of muscles a day (Back/Bi, Chest/Tri, Legs/Shoulders - Although some split legs and shoulders or pair them differently), do four or five exercises per primary muscle group. Make sure to be doing compound movements as well as isolation exercises.

Explanations for proper form on lifts are useless, you should watch Youtube videos demonstrating how to perform them. B.U.F.F. Dudes' channel has a lot of great video tutorials. For the love of God, make sure you're doing them correctly, otherwise you'll fuck yourself over. Get a good night's sleep; take a multivitamin (Nothing to do with lifts, really, but I recommend it just for your health), and understand that we all have to start somewhere. Don't be embarrassed because you're not as big and strong as others in the gym.

I mean, honestly, that alone will get you pretty far. There are many other aspects to fitness, health, and lifting, but eating high-protein foods and lifting heavy is what allowed me to gain fifty pounds over the course of almost a year. It's been two years since I started lifting, and many of my lifts are either double or triple their starting weights. Be patient, don't sacrifice form to push that extra few pounds, because it makes a substantial difference that could cost you weeks or months out of the gym due to an injury.

Good luck, do your research, and enjoy your gains.

The Flood / Re: Look At These Gains
« on: July 24, 2015, 02:39:20 PM »
Pretty poor to be honest. Shitty insertions, lats are overpowering the chest when flared, biceps are unusually large compared to your biceps, and your anterior delts are weak. You need to do more facepulls. Also, either pick up more curling exercises or incorporate more compound back movements with supination. These are terrible gains. You gotta eat big to get big man, seriously.

The Flood / Re: is racism a meme
« on: July 24, 2015, 06:04:44 AM »
ayeee, i use that same avatar for my Steam profile 8)
Bassnectar <3

The Flood / Re: is racism a meme
« on: July 23, 2015, 10:05:37 PM »

What's going on in here?

The Flood / Re: Why do people want aliens to exist?
« on: July 22, 2015, 06:42:33 PM »
There isn't any evidence that aliens exist. There is a strong amount of reasoning you can use to support the idea that life is likely to sprout up elsewhere in the universe (There are several locations in our own Solar System with promising conditions), but you can't actually make an argument that they are certainly out there. As probable as circumstances and our understanding of science makes it, you can't say for sure aliens are real. That is an irrational belief, and for the same reasons belief in God is, but to the former's credit, at least there is something supporting the idea.
But whiney

in an infinite universe

they have to exist
There are an infinite amount of Winys out there
... God have mercy on us all.
Prpur 2 face 1000 Winys

The Flood / Re: Why do people want aliens to exist?
« on: July 22, 2015, 06:36:22 PM »
There isn't any evidence that aliens exist. There is a strong amount of reasoning you can use to support the idea that life is likely to sprout up elsewhere in the universe (There are several locations in our own Solar System with promising conditions), but you can't actually make an argument that they are certainly out there. As probable as circumstances and our understanding of science makes it, you can't say for sure aliens are real. That is an irrational belief, and for the same reasons belief in God is, but to the former's credit, at least there is something supporting the idea.
But whiney

in an infinite universe

they have to exist
There are an infinite amount of Winys out there

The Flood / Re: Why do people want aliens to exist?
« on: July 22, 2015, 06:12:31 PM »
There isn't any evidence that aliens exist. There is a strong amount of reasoning you can use to support the idea that life is likely to sprout up elsewhere in the universe (There are several locations in our own Solar System with promising conditions), but you can't actually make an argument that they are certainly out there. As probable as circumstances and our understanding of science makes it, you can't say for sure aliens are real. That is an irrational belief, and for the same reasons belief in God is, but to the former's credit, at least there is something supporting the idea.
Shut the fuck up you tranny

The Flood / Re: Why do people want aliens to exist?
« on: July 22, 2015, 06:10:25 PM »
There isn't any evidence that aliens exist. There is a strong amount of reasoning you can use to support the idea that life is likely to sprout up elsewhere in the universe (There are several locations in our own Solar System with promising conditions), but you can't actually make an argument that they are certainly out there. As probable as circumstances and our understanding of science makes it, you can't say for sure aliens are real. That is an irrational belief, and for the same reasons belief in God is, but to the former's credit, at least there is something supporting the idea.

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