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Messages - Winy

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Wanna know how to trick your eyes into seeing the world as a blind person? Use an eyepatch, then close your other eye.

The combination will trick your brain into being blind.
Have you tried it though? Does it really work?

So is Trump going to claim Mars and Europa as territory of the US?

Sent from my LG-H810 using Tapatalk
Not going to last, in all likelihood.
How so?
I highly doubt that space is going to remain a conflict-free zone over the course of the next several hundred years.

So is Trump going to claim Mars and Europa as territory of the US?

Sent from my LG-H810 using Tapatalk
Not going to last, in all likelihood.

The Flood / Re: New Kong: Skull Island trailer
« on: November 17, 2016, 09:16:39 AM »
Pretty different tone than the first trailer, needless to say.

But there's a lot of EU material that doesn't conflict with any of the new stuff that Disney is adding. They could still have new Thrawn without the Thrawn trilogy and still have Outbound Flight be canon for example. Same with KOTOR and other material from Pre-Clone Wars era since Disney wants to move forward in the timeline, not backwards.

But they aren't saying "Okay, Thrawn's story is canon, but only the parts we want." None of what happened in the Thrawn trilogy is canon. They're re-introducing his character entirely to make it less of a jumbled mess to incorporate him into the story. Yes, he behaves like the Thrawn fans know and love, and he looks the same, but it would have been nonsensical to try to specify that random pieces of canon were true, while others weren't.

What happens if you want to keep Kyle Katarn canon? Then you'd have to make the Jedi Academy games canon, along with any other tangential references included in whatever media Kyle appeared in. Otherwise, you'd have a story filled with both canon and non-canon elements, and that obviously makes no sense. So, the reasonable thing to do is just wipe that character's slate clean, and start from the beginning.
I don't think you understand how intermingled the EU was. References to things that existed in other books, comics, and shows were all over the place. It would have been incomprehensibly convoluted to try to just pick and choose tiny segments of those individual stories, and clarify that they were canon, while other chunks of the exact same pieces of media weren't. There's also the obvious issue that Disney wants to explore the Star Wars universe in their own way, and allowing for a bunch of other stories being told that would restrict their creative freedom would have been ridiculous.

The Flood / Re: Scientists find star to be rounder than my balls
« on: November 16, 2016, 10:02:50 PM »
That's pretty awesome, do you get special access to observatories or talks with people in the field? I'm not actually sure what an astronomy degree entails right now.
My school has a campus observatory that's used for research purposes, but it's also open to the public most days of the week and ran by the astronomy club. Weirdly enough, I've never actually been up there (Mostly because it's like a half-hour walk away, and I'm a very, very busy student). I can certainly talk with people involved in the field, because my professors all do research at the school in some form.

Most astronomy majors are in it so that they can earn Ph.Ds and get into the research themselves, but I'm not really interested in that. I want to be a science teacher when I get older, so I'll graduate with a BA in Astronomy, as opposed to a BS, which is what people who want to go to graduate school generally pursue. Research is great, but it's not the life I want. Involves a lot of travel, and the level of rigor involved in the schooling would probably drive me mad.

The Flood / Re: Scientists find star to be rounder than my balls
« on: November 16, 2016, 09:52:20 PM »

Just because I love talking about stuff like this, I also want to mention Vega, which is part of the Summer Triangle, the same asterism that Deneb is a part of (I mention it because it's in the artist's rendition included in the article). In contrast to the star mentioned in the OP, Vega's rotation is extremely fast, causing it to have a significant bulge at the equator. In fact, it's rotational velocity has been measured to be roughly 88% of the speed required for the star to begin ripping itself apart because of centrifugal effects (About 236km/s). The rapid rotation causes the equator to extend 19% further than the poles of the star.

Just throwing out some cool information I thought people might be interested in if they like the article.
Space stuff gets my dick hard, I make sure to check and every other day for cool stuff.
I mean, I sort of have to keep up with it, it's my major.

The Flood / Re: Scientists find star to be rounder than my balls
« on: November 16, 2016, 09:24:02 PM »

Just because I love talking about stuff like this, I also want to mention Vega, which is part of the Summer Triangle, the same asterism that Deneb is a part of (I mention it because it's in the artist's rendition included in the article). In contrast to the star mentioned in the OP, Vega's rotation is extremely fast, causing it to have a significant bulge at the equator. In fact, it's rotational velocity has been measured to be roughly 88% of the speed required for the star to begin ripping itself apart because of centrifugal effects (About 236km/s). The rapid rotation causes the equator to extend 19% further than the poles of the star.

Just throwing out some cool information I thought people might be interested in if they like the article.

Isn't that what they're essentially doing with Thrawn though?

Can you blame them, though? Arbitrarily picking random parts of old EU media to stay canon would probably result in a messy, confusing story. I'm sure a lot of the EU referenced things that happened in other EU sources and in what Disney would have preferred remained canon, so it made sense that they wiped the slate clean except for The Clone Wars, the films, and any comics released after the rights were given to them.
But they aren't saying "Okay, Thrawn's story is canon, but only the parts we want." None of what happened in the Thrawn trilogy is canon. They're re-introducing his character entirely to make it less of a jumbled mess to incorporate him into the story. Yes, he behaves like the Thrawn fans know and love, and he looks the same, but it would have been nonsensical to try to specify that random pieces of canon were true, while others weren't.

What happens if you want to keep Kyle Katarn canon? Then you'd have to make the Jedi Academy games canon, along with any other tangential references included in whatever media Kyle appeared in. Otherwise, you'd have a story filled with both canon and non-canon elements, and that obviously makes no sense. So, the reasonable thing to do is just wipe that character's slate clean, and start from the beginning.

Disney hasn't made their own sources on the applications of lightsabers, so Legends is the best we have until then.

Disney really shot themselves in the foot with that rule on what's canon. We had books dedicated to how a fucking Star Destroyer's day to day operations went and the practicality of them, and Disney is all like "Nope! Non-canon now!" without giving anything to fill in the gaps they created.

Legends material doesn't real anymore though
Can you blame them, though? Arbitrarily picking random parts of old EU media to stay canon would probably result in a messy, confusing story. I'm sure a lot of the EU referenced things that happened in other EU sources and in what Disney would have preferred remained canon, so it made sense that they wiped the slate clean except for The Clone Wars, the films, and any comics released after the rights were given to them.

"field energizers and modulation circuitry within the emitter matrix "
"Guys, how many scientific words can we throw into a single sentence?

How? Who cares.

It's a movie, and nobody should care about the practicality of laser swords.
why not
Well, the practicality of a laser sword might be something worth considering way down the line, but I don't think it's smart to equate far-off technology with a modern welding tool. I'm sure that if something that resembles a lightsaber ever becomes a real weapon (Or tool, I'd hope it ends up being), then exactly how it functions isn't something any of us are really capable of understanding. It's a very large amount of heat and energy contained in a non-radiating blade. How does that work? Will it ever work? I have no idea, but I'm willing to let go of general engineering questions when I'm watching Star Wars.

I'm not saying people can't ask questions, I just don't see the point in criticizing the concept when the technology is obviously beyond what we're capable of making right now.

A lightsaber is going to be just like a cutting torch and welder which means you're going to need eye protection to prevent you from going blind.
Says who?

A lightsaber isn't a cutting torch. I think it's very obvious from pretty much any piece of Star Wars media that lightsabers aren't spectacularly bright. They'll just illuminate the area around them, but not by any crazy amount. They don't look much bright than a fluorescent rod you'd find in a closet, which obviously doesn't blind you when you get close to it. As for how they don't get burned, obviously the heat of the blade is contained within a really small region and doesn't radiate outwards very far, if at all. How? Who cares.

It's a movie, and nobody should care about the practicality of laser swords.

The Flood / Re: Squats4Lyfe
« on: November 16, 2016, 09:34:21 AM »
your muscles won't save you when I drop kick you in your chest watch your back kid
Holy shit man no need to get violent, we can work this out
Please tell me this was a stealth pun.
Ummm obviously?????????

The Flood / Re: Squats4Lyfe
« on: November 15, 2016, 07:32:00 PM »

The Flood / Re: Squats4Lyfe
« on: November 15, 2016, 07:30:20 PM »
get yourself a titlebar, you're eligible now
Oh, thanks for the heads-up, I completely of forgot about that.

The Flood / Re: Squats4Lyfe
« on: November 15, 2016, 07:29:30 PM »
if you don't already know the kind of people i'm talking about, then consider yourself fortunate
Well, I know the kind of people you mean, but my gym back in my hometown was full of very, very friendly people, and I go to my school gym in the morning (When nobody is there), so I guess that puts me in a situation where I'd never have to deal with stereotypical douchebag gym-goers. If you have any interest in exercising, I always recommend that people go in the morning for a few reasons. First, college students aren't exactly known for getting up early, so the vast majority of kids don't go until after classes (When it becomes disgustingly mobbed and impossible to use). Second, those that are there in the morning typically know what they're doing, don't mess around, and just want to get in and get out.

Of course, that's just my experience. But I can imagine it holds at least partially true for other schools.

The Flood / Re: Squats4Lyfe
« on: November 15, 2016, 07:25:16 PM »
your muscles won't save you when I drop kick you in your chest watch your back kid
Holy shit man no need to get violent, we can work this out

The Flood / Re: Squats4Lyfe
« on: November 15, 2016, 07:18:34 PM »
Ehh, no, higher mass for ass.

The rule is: 4-5 reps for strength, 8-12 for hypertrophy, and more for endurance and definition
You're gonna gain size regardless of your rep range, assuming that you're eating properly and working your ass off (Literally) during your routine. It actually seems like there's a lot of research being circulated now that suggest rep ranges really become less important the further experience you have with training, and simply the amount of effort you put in is the primary indicator of gaining muscle mass.

The Flood / Re: Squats4Lyfe
« on: November 15, 2016, 07:15:48 PM »
I'd probably exercise more if maintaining a diet wasn't such a crucial part of it.
You're already on a vegan diet, just eat more proteins like edamame/peanut butter and dietary fiber like flax/berries.
yeah, but i'd still have to deal with >gym people

and i'm not gay enough to do calisthenics
Who are "Gym people?"

And yes, I know that you mean "People who go to the gym," but why do you say that as if they're a burden to be around? The vast majority of people I encounter at gyms are very polite, friendly, and just want to mind their own business while working out. Exercise is therapeutic for a lot of people, it's a good stress reliever, so most people just want to be very reserved. 

The Flood / Re: Squats4Lyfe
« on: November 15, 2016, 05:16:22 PM »
My squat is pretty bad for my weight, one of my main priorities this year has been getting it up to a point where I'm actually proud of it.
My intial test run was ~60 consecutive squats

Also ran a 9:15 today, feels good since my benchmark a few months ago was a 15
Oh I have absolutely no idea how many consecutive body-weight squats I could do (Probably not that many, honestly), all of my squats are weighted, and I work down to three reps starting at twelve, usually doing like six or seven sets total.

The Flood / Re: Squats4Lyfe
« on: November 15, 2016, 11:46:15 AM »
My squat is pretty bad for my weight, one of my main priorities this year has been getting it up to a point where I'm actually proud of it.

Plus its hydrocarbon seas aren't covered by 7 miles of ice like Europa.
Europa's subterranean ocean is made of liquid water, not hydrocarbons.

The Flood / Re: Im tired
« on: November 14, 2016, 09:45:26 PM »
Want some warm milk?

The Flood / Re: What's the difference between a "nuggie" and a "tendie"
« on: November 14, 2016, 07:26:39 PM »
"Nuggies" are small, compact pieces of breaded and fried chicken, while "Tendies" are usually made out of strips of the meat, so they're much longer.

I don't exactly know why he's so interested in Europa, though. Great location, no doubt, and a stunning view, but if he's interested in the subsurface ocean (If he even knows it's there, which I doubt he's been informed on), it's through like seven miles of ice that's harder than granite. There isn't a whole lot to gain from a Europa mission until you find some way to drill through several miles of ice with something small enough to load onto a rocket, and I'd suspect that's quite a ways off.

But Mars, hell yeah. Let's get that ball rolling.

The Flood / Re: Starting the atkins diet tomorrow
« on: November 14, 2016, 05:43:50 PM »
Class we've told you, your fat fuck face is due to shit fat storage spots and weak facial structure. Deal with it. Losing weight is going to make you look even more ridiculous than you already do because youre gonna look like a bloated bobble head on a toothpick body.
I have to do something, retard. Fuck off.
You can't do anything without looking even worse you fucking idiot. Keep living in denial like you do about most of your life lmao
Stop being a cunt.

If NASA gets more funding because of this I will consider this an upside to Trump being president.
More likely the money from environmental science stuff will just be put into the space program instead.
Fucking fuck
I believe what he's saying is correct. Space exploration is great and all, but it shouldn't be done at the expense of Earth's environmental conservation efforts. Redirecting NASA's efforts away from climate research is a horrendous idea because they're obviously some of the most qualified and well-equipped people to perform it.

Also he wants to strengthen the military's presence in orbit, which is... I don't like that. Space shouldn't be militarized, although I doubt there's anything we can really do about that at this point.

The Flood / Re: post selfies ITT
« on: November 13, 2016, 12:44:43 PM »
woah how did you go from perma virgin to pussy slayer
I mean I'm definitely not a "Pussy slayer" but I spent a lot of time during my mid to late teens trying to improve myself by changing up my style and working out so I would feel more confident about my appearance. I was just in a long, sad slump because I never considered myself very attractive, then a couple of things happened that really pushed me over the edge and I just got fed up with it, so I hit the gym.

The Flood / Re: post selfies ITT
« on: November 13, 2016, 12:40:15 PM »
if masculinity is the one true god why do you get do defensive when others criticize it lmao
...What? All I'm asking you to stop telling me I look like shit and that my lifestyle is disgusting whenever I mention it. Not because you aren't entitled to those opinions, but because you're just annoying as fuck.

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