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Messages - DisturbedMind883

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The Flood / Re: WATCH OUT USA
« on: March 15, 2015, 07:59:22 PM »
not reliable


those are outdated though. russia makes new aircraft almost constantly
Once again: Russia proves the superiority of American designs.

wait what is this representing?

i can't read the txt that well

The Flood / Re: WATCH OUT USA
« on: March 15, 2015, 07:54:20 PM »
not reliable


those are outdated though. russia makes new aircraft almost constantly
It's still reliable and is great at what it does

alot of us tech isnt though

like the m16 in vietnam

The Flood / Re: WATCH OUT USA
« on: March 15, 2015, 07:53:25 PM »
no, i know they spied on them but they didn't physically steal any nukes

what does this have to do with anything?

The Flood / Re: WATCH OUT USA
« on: March 15, 2015, 07:50:57 PM »
Russia is still using shit from the 50s most of which they stole from us

Russia doesn't use american tech for a good reason
What are nuclear weapons?
Russia hasn't been using nukes
My point is they have them and they stole them from us.

they didn't steal nukes from the usa
Its fucking grade school shit that there was a spy in the Los Alamos facility during the development of Project Manhattan

no, i know they spied on the, but they didn't physically steal any nukes
I'm sorry are you so fucking draft that I need to speak in literal terms at all times? Or can you understand the slightest bit of figurative language?

you can just say they stole info not the actual bomb

The Flood / Re: WATCH OUT USA
« on: March 15, 2015, 07:50:05 PM »
no, i know they spied on the, but they didn't physically steal any nukes
Nobody claimed that, you fucking lunatic.

Nobody here thinks a bunch of Ruskies pushed a nuke into a boat and rowed from Alaska to the Motherland. Stop being a moron.

alright stop with the insults, america could be framed for "stealing" to create the A bomb just as much as russia

The Flood / Re: WATCH OUT USA
« on: March 15, 2015, 07:48:38 PM »
not reliable


those are outdated though. russia makes new aircraft almost constantly

The Flood / Re: WATCH OUT USA
« on: March 15, 2015, 07:33:57 PM »

The Flood / Re: WATCH OUT USA
« on: March 15, 2015, 07:33:33 PM »
Russia is still using shit from the 50s most of which they stole from us

Russia doesn't use american tech for a good reason
What are nuclear weapons?
Russia hasn't been using nukes
My point is they have them and they stole them from us.

they didn't steal nukes from the usa
Its fucking grade school shit that there was a spy in the Los Alamos facility during the development of Project Manhattan

no, i know they spied on them but they didn't physically steal any nukes

The Flood / Re: WATCH OUT USA
« on: March 15, 2015, 07:28:58 PM »
Russia is still using shit from the 50s most of which they stole from us

Russia doesn't use american tech for a good reason
What are nuclear weapons?
Russia hasn't been using nukes
My point is they have them and they stole them from us.

they didn't steal nukes from the usa

The Flood / Re: WATCH OUT USA
« on: March 15, 2015, 07:27:16 PM »
Russia is still using shit from the 50s most of which they stole from us

Russia doesn't use american tech for a good reason
What are nuclear weapons?

oh please, the Germans should be credited for that

The Flood / Re: WATCH OUT USA
« on: March 15, 2015, 07:26:30 PM »

Mmmhm, okay, OP.

that site can't account for everything. there are bases in russia from the 50s that contain stuff we know nothing about

The Flood / Re: WATCH OUT USA
« on: March 15, 2015, 07:25:14 PM »
Russia is still using shit from the 50s most of which they stole from us

Russia doesn't use american tech for a good reason

The Flood / Re: WATCH OUT USA
« on: March 15, 2015, 07:14:29 PM »
Ye it's p obvious that both countries' top secret military technologies are public knowledge and fair game for criticism on some backwater internet forum.

well no, it's just that america shows off its power while russia keeps itself reserved

a better strategy in my eyes
If you think that Russia keeps itself reserved, then you have no idea what you're talking about.

it's both flamboyant and reserved depending on the issue

The Flood / Re: WATCH OUT USA
« on: March 15, 2015, 07:12:50 PM »
Ye it's p obvious that both countries' top secret military technologies are public knowledge and fair game for criticism on some backwater internet forum.

well no, it's just that america shows off its power while russia keeps itself reserved

a better strategy in my eyes
Shows of 'some' of it's power. Being flashy doesn't mean you have to reveal all your secrets, nor does it mean that those secrets are any 'less' than another's.

I don't know what country has the most advanced military technology, so I'm not going to assume that either country is more advanced than the other. For all I know it could be Luxemburg. It most likely or almost certainly isn't, but I can recognize my own ignorance at least.

it's not ignortant to assume power, if you look at the economy of the usa it makes sense that it's powerful

since russia has alot of land and is a known superpower, it's not hard to assume they have alot of secrets

The Flood / Re: WATCH OUT USA
« on: March 15, 2015, 07:11:37 PM »
Russia is like that outcast in middle school that wants to beat everyone up

Russia CAN beat almost everyone up

The Flood / Re: WATCH OUT USA
« on: March 15, 2015, 06:59:05 PM »
Ye it's p obvious that both countries' top secret military technologies are public knowledge and fair game for criticism on some backwater internet forum.

well no, it's just that america shows off its power while russia keeps itself reserved

a better strategy in my eyes

« on: March 15, 2015, 06:56:04 PM »
it makes me laugh how the USA thinks is the dominant force on the planet, while most of their tech is outsourced and not reliable

russia has the advantage of secrecy when it comes to military technology

Serious / Re: Officer killed in line of duty
« on: March 12, 2015, 08:04:45 PM »
I guess this was to show what trayon martin  felt when he was targeted by police

a sick reversal

the government, economy, all these wars it's all a game

humans aren't supposed to live like this

to be fair, the naiz's were pretty bad

Serious / Re: Are you a threat to the government?
« on: January 26, 2015, 04:17:48 PM »
i can't have 5 discussions at once
I can.

We aren't going to go easy on you because you can't handle it. That isn't how debates work, and you should be ready and willing to properly defend the ideas and values you espouse, especially when they're so radical and ahistorical.

i'm not trying to defend anything, i haven't given my personal view on a better alternative yet anyway, all i'm saying is that the current system is way to harsh to be sustained for as long as we want it
>isn't trying to defend anything
>puts forward a viewpoint

Yeah, buddy, you aren't defending a fucking thing at the moment.

alright look, i'l discuss this with you at a later time, without having 3 people gang up on me here. i'm talking to 2 many people and it's getting me confused
Or you could just talk to me and ignore Dustin and Joceph.

It really, really isn't difficult.

I'm still waiting for you to present any rationality or evidence for your case.

I will just not now, i have to study i'll wait till things cool off a bit

Serious / Re: Are you a threat to the government?
« on: January 26, 2015, 04:11:53 PM »
i can't have 5 discussions at once
I can.

We aren't going to go easy on you because you can't handle it. That isn't how debates work, and you should be ready and willing to properly defend the ideas and values you espouse, especially when they're so radical and ahistorical.

i'm not trying to defend anything, i haven't given my personal view on a better alternative yet anyway, all i'm saying is that the current system is way to harsh to be sustained for as long as we want it
>isn't trying to defend anything
>puts forward a viewpoint

Yeah, buddy, you aren't defending a fucking thing at the moment.

alright look, i'l discuss this with you at a later time, without having 3 people gang up on me here. i'm talking to 2 many people and it's getting me confused 

Serious / Re: Are you a threat to the government?
« on: January 26, 2015, 04:08:09 PM »
i can't have 5 discussions at once
I can.

We aren't going to go easy on you because you can't handle it. That isn't how debates work, and you should be ready and willing to properly defend the ideas and values you espouse, especially when they're so radical and ahistorical.

i'm not trying to defend anything, i haven't given my personal view on a better alternative yet anyway, all i'm saying is that the current system is way to harsh to be sustained for as long as we want it

Serious / Re: Are you a threat to the government?
« on: January 26, 2015, 04:04:51 PM »
the thing that amazes me is that I've met people who are just as stubborn and mentally delayed as this guy IRL

for the sake of my sanity i hope it's not real
Yeah but stupid people are easily manipulable, so it's extremely odd that some idiot would have become a communist despite the heavy anti-communist rhetoric in the United States. Not that there aren't idiots who do become anarchists or communists, but generally they're not so dumb that can't rely on some form of logic (even if its broken and applied as chunks rather than one cohesive sentiment) and they'll usually be able to write in proper English. But this user just screams "look at how uneducated I am and how I support this radical idea". If the guy behind the account isn't a schemer or some sort, it's one hell of a coincidence.

i'm not some case study, i really don't care if you think i'm fake anyway. i'm just trying to have a discussion 

it was a direct response to usa involvement
U.S. involvement in 1999? What the hell are you talking about, exactly?

These groups exist, primarily, as a result of their religious beliefs. You can't claim things like the existence of ISIS, Saddam's harbouring of people like Abu Nidal or the rampant fundamentalism among the Arab--and even parts of the European--nations are a direct result of U.S. action.

That's even more naive than the Bushite Neocons who claim we can set up democracies on a whim.

no these groups exist primarily as a product of US involvment since the 1950s. all those years of the usa butting into the bussiness of others especially the mid east has caused the back blow we see today. whether or not they are Muslim

Serious / Re: Are you a threat to the government?
« on: January 26, 2015, 03:54:20 PM »
socialist countries like france and canada

like you haven't been doing that this whole time

if people would just actively listen conversations would go alot smoother

if you would just actively use more than your brain stem to formulate discussion people would

i can't have 5 discussions at once i'm not trying to bother anyone here so stop

Serious / Re: Are you a threat to the government?
« on: January 26, 2015, 03:53:23 PM »
if people would just actively listen
I've been doing that this entire time but when you come out with shit like Canada and France being socialist it's difficult to keep the effort up.

Canada and France are not socialist. And your graph quite nicely displays a clear correlation between private, economic freedom and a lack of corruption and the development of wealth. When I said 'broadly capitalist', I didn't mean every country under the Sun which at some point had a nominally capitalist government; I assumed you had the nous to grasp that.

Now, we can debate the extent to which certain countries are truly capitalist, but you still have all your work still ahead of you to explain the resilience of Australia, the success of Hong Kong and Estonia, the successful market reforms of China and countless other examples of capitalism working. But what your graph didn't do is answer my question, which was to do with you giving me a single instance in which capitalism has induced serious economic hardship within a country.

Answer that question.

capitalism is fundamentally flawed, you'll see in the next 80 years that these countries will go down hill.

your not supposed to find corruption so i cant answer your question to be honest

Serious / Re: Are you a threat to the government?
« on: January 26, 2015, 03:45:42 PM »
socialist countries like france and canada

like you haven't been doing that this whole time

if people would just actively listen conversations would go alot smoother 

Serious / Re: Are you a threat to the government?
« on: January 26, 2015, 03:37:47 PM »
I can't because genuine capitalism has never occurred
Okay, broadly capitalist.

I think we can safely define a fair few nations as sufficiently capitalist to warrant judgement; otherwise what the fuck is your criticism even based on?

So, go ahead. Broadly or typically capitalist countries that have had significant socio-economic problems because of capitalism?

alright, here is a chart of corruption for 2010

almost all of the countries in red have had capitalist platforms introduced or are poor.

and the socialist countries like france and canada are less corrupt than the capitalist ones

oh my fuck.....

no need to get angry, just my opinion

who told you that?
I get understanding of a situation by looking at various sources of information; not from somebody's word.

It was set up by a man named al-Zarqawi, who often took refuge in Iraq and took a leading role in the Insurgency post-2003.

even if the organization was natively set up, it was a direct response to usa involvement

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