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Messages - Batch

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The Flood / Re: Why instructions couldn't have been clearer
« on: June 09, 2016, 10:25:45 PM »
You stuck it in her ass didnt you?

That was enjoyable.

Imma make a sandwich, want one Verb?
He can only eat tomato and mayo sammich.
Can't have mayo, actually. Shit has dairy. Oops I'm wrong, but it does contain egg.
What kinda sandwiches do you eat?

The Flood / Re: I really respect rapists.
« on: June 09, 2016, 08:58:58 AM »
The cool thing about capital punishment is that we the taxpayers don't have to pay for a scumbag to live better than most of the rest of the world.

Rapists do not deserve sympathy, pedophiles do not deserve sympathy, murderers do not deserve sympathy.

There are very clear rules that should be followed, or forfeit your rights. The choice is yours of course.

Any life sentence without parole should be punishable by death and should be enforced.
You realize it's costs more to enforce the death penalty, right?

If your reason is that it satisfies your list for blood that you don't have the balls to spill, ok. But don't act like it saves money.
Why does it cost more? Just hire someone to beat them to death with a stick if we really need budget cuts.

Gaming / Re: PC Help
« on: June 09, 2016, 01:00:47 AM »
What kind of games do you want to run?

Also the above image is that what you currently have?

I want to actually be able to run Fallout 4 with little to no issues, as well as enjoy better performance across all games. And yes, this is my current PC.

Okay so GPU, I personally prefer nVidia, so what I'd recommend is GTX 970 and higher, they are also releasing their next line of cards soon so I'd keep an eye out for that as well, and aftermarket dealers, well EVGA is always a good brand

Gaming / Re: PC Help
« on: June 09, 2016, 12:02:26 AM »

Are you upgrading your rig or trying to build a fusion reactor?
But look at that GPU

Its horrendous

The Flood / Re: man I love cum
« on: June 09, 2016, 12:01:21 AM »
By superfood you mean millions of could be people?

Gaming / Re: PC Help
« on: June 08, 2016, 11:59:01 PM »
What kind of games do you want to run?

Also the above image is that what you currently have?

Gaming / Re: E3 2016 predictions?
« on: June 08, 2016, 09:34:47 PM »
Kingdom Hearts 3 announcement date pls?

The Last Guardian anything pls?

That was enjoyable.

Imma make a sandwich, want one Verb?

Strategic butt covering

The only people who care so much about sex - are the ones not getting enough of it. Literally nobody else cares.

Not meant to be a roast mate, just sayin'.
I could have sex every day for the rest of my life, and my thoughts would not change. At all.
Im about 100% certain it would.
I'd be a mindless piece of shit, then, because all of the arguments I've made against sexuality have been philosophical in nature. At no point did I ever say "sex does not feel good" or "sex is not pleasurable." I merely argued that, from an objective perspective outside of the limited realm of humanity, sex is a disgusting act. It doesn't matter how I personally think it feels--it's still disgusting regardless.

So no. You're wrong. Would I enjoy having sex? Probably. I'm a disgusting piece of shit human being.

But that's the point. Human beings are disgusting pieces of shit who enjoy doing disgusting piece of shit things.
Well so is every other animal, its a disgusting world. But I really think if you actually fucked you'd have a more relevant opinion. 

Its like saying muffins are gross, but never eaten a muffin in your life. Grab that muffin with two hands Verb!

The only people who care so much about sex - are the ones not getting enough of it. Literally nobody else cares.

Not meant to be a roast mate, just sayin'.
I could have sex every day for the rest of my life, and my thoughts would not change. At all.
Im about 100% certain it would.

The Flood / Re: TIL: Boycotts are a form of riot.
« on: June 08, 2016, 07:24:59 PM »
Oh baby Im flattered.

The Flood / Re: Me and Ender doing Banter is 10/10.
« on: June 08, 2016, 07:24:23 PM »
So did you fuck?

Gaming / Re: Let us calmly and politel- Oh fuck it.
« on: June 08, 2016, 07:23:23 PM »
Ive considered after my 8 hour drive yesterday that I dont care and neither does anyone else.

And I bought Witcher 3 on PC and its going to look superior

Oh I jest

Gaming / Re: Let us calmly and politely discuss this topic.
« on: June 07, 2016, 08:40:07 PM »
I cant argue with Verb because any valid point I bring up here he responds with 'but maybe I like shit?'

Maybe you do sir and you're opinion is just as shit.

Gaming / Re: Let us calmly and politely discuss this topic.
« on: June 07, 2016, 08:36:45 PM »
I prefer to play on PC, but if someone prefers consoles, it's completely fine. It's really just personal preference. There is no objectively better platform.

Also Verb, why do you dislike modding so much?
Because hur dur thats not what the devs wanted but its completely fine to boycott them if they do something you dont like.

Gaming / Re: Let us calmly and politely discuss this topic.
« on: June 07, 2016, 07:35:20 PM »
Having an argument with Verb is difficult when he just cuts up your argument so it clearly doesnt make sense, then says what he just did with it doesnt make sense.

Like dude put some effort in I addressed all your points and you gave me this drab to run on. Weak.
I responded to every single one of your shit points. I don't "cut it up" so that it doesn't make sense--you do that well enough on your own with your ridiculous syntax and inability to type a sensible thought. I cut up arguments because it's organized. This way, I can give a short response to each one of your points individually, instead of having to type up a fucking essay.

I refuted all of your points, and you haven't responded.
There is nothing to respond to most of the ignorant statements you made. The only two worth referring to is....oh also quoting on mobile is annoying as fuck so just bare with me okay bub.

Showing you a list of 'better' pc games. Okay this may take some time but let me cut it to this generation,  Ill respond later with a list of all the PS4/One/WiiU titles against all PC titles starting from 2013.

Which is irrelevant. Which is my entire fucking point.

Quality > Quantity.

If PC has 3,000,000,000 games to console's 30,000, it doesn't matter if all 3B of those games suck.

And something I also noted which you completely disregarded is that with the higher amount of games brings along the higher likelihood of a good game. Which will hopefully resonate with my list later.

Now said 'so what' to consoles possibly having lower res and fps, well if its the same game on PC then lets take a realistic pallette and give it shitty graphics,  thats not what the dev intended so its clearly a worse product then the PC, most console games which are also on PC are good but sometimes we get poor attempts as well, for example Fallout 4, they look and play very differently, where the console version can appear sluggish in comparison as well as visually not appearing what the dev wanted. Which in this case is a clear crisp take on the wasteland. 

I don't give a fuck about "nice graphics" or a "good framerate".

Okay then, a lot of people do and is usually the breaking point between someone buying a console or PC

There is no such thing as "nice" graphics. There is no such thing as "good" frame rates.

Incorrect.  I will give you examples later on when Im not on mobile of games with bad graphics and bad framerates, and its not because the dev wanted it that way, its because its a shit game.

It all goes on a games  aesthetic appearance,  a lot of games do it well yes, but the number of games with no aesthetic value (fuck it Call of Duty) have bad graphics and bad framerates in cases.

It's a perception in your head. What you think is nice, I may think is terrible. It's ALL subjective.

This also trumps half the things you've said.

My point is that I'm not for coercion. I'm not trying to say that developers should be forced to make their games better. They should be convinced, peacefully. And if they don't listen, or make things even worse, then we boycott.
So basically its, "you better make the choice we wont you to make or we riot"
Boycotts aren't riots, you fucking idiot. You're simply refusing to buy a company's products in protest. You can't get much more peaceful than that.

You're a moron.

'an impressively large or varied display of something'

It would be an impressively large display of consumers not buying a product, technically a riot. So way to fling those mindless insults.

Lastly you must realize by now that for every feminist that disagrees there is about a thousand normal people who dont care and will just buy. So if anything your helping us weed you out.

And we thank you for that

Gaming / Re: Let us calmly and politely discuss this topic.
« on: June 07, 2016, 06:47:44 PM »
Having an argument with Verb is difficult when he just cuts up your argument so it clearly doesnt make sense, then says what he just did with it doesnt make sense.

Like dude put some effort in I addressed all your points and you gave me this drab to run on. Weak.

My point is that I'm not for coercion. I'm not trying to say that developers should be forced to make their games better. They should be convinced, peacefully. And if they don't listen, or make things even worse, then we boycott.
So basically its, "you better make the choice we wont you to make or we riot"

We has artistic freedom gone? Shit an ass isnt even bad, but people let Hatred be published.  Now that right there is trash.

The Flood / Re: I really respect rapists.
« on: June 07, 2016, 06:40:22 PM »
To live for what?

To rape and murder again? You know people dont easily stop those thoughts,  those habits, what life is there for such a person in jail? They will have thanked us for ending his life sooner.

Gaming / Re: Let us calmly and politely discuss this topic.
« on: June 07, 2016, 06:37:03 PM »
has a wider variety of games
This is what I'm talking about.

Why are PC gamers allowed to make this argument, but I can't make the opposite and just say that they all suck?

You're either saying
- PC gaming has more good games, which would be hypocritical of you--or, if you're not saying that,
- PC gaming has a higher number of games

But who cares? It's not the number of games that should matter. Quality > quantity. You can't use that as an argument for why PC gaming is "objectively" superior if I'm not allowed to just say that they all suck.

As for PC gaming being more "powerful"--again, why does that make it better?
Whether you like it or not Verb, PC does have a wider variety of games, are a lot of them good no but there are also a very large variety of games that grasp the attention of a lot of gamers and it grossly expands from the effect that consoles do.

I am saying facts,  dont be a bitch if you really want me to get numbers I can. Now no one here is really a PC elitist, I just argue with obvious logic, Im sorry if that doesnt please you.

Now does PC have 'better' games, now thats subjective and impossible to argue as everyone has a different opinion, but there is a much larger number of games, and with the efforts of steam, a lot of old console games re-releasing which in turn would increase the heightened chance of a 'good' game.

Ill just through in that as of late a lot of console games play better on PC because they were intended to be played on a high end machine, modern consoles arent that. They play at lower frame rates and lower resolutions, resolutions I can live without but a gimped frame rate? Your argument is if its the devs 'choice' to have that framerate (lets say 30) then theyll obviously tweek the game to accommodate.  But that does work here because they didnt have that choice and would place it on 60 fps if they could, but cannot because of the power of the said console.

Now you can say it sucks all you want, but I'll always be here to tell you why you're wrong.

Lastly the 'power' of a console matters (and pc aswell) because like I just demonstrated it gives the devs more flexibility to create a game really worth playing, may it be the ability to churn out nice graphics or a good framerate.

The Flood / Re: I really respect rapists.
« on: June 07, 2016, 06:24:28 PM »
A wise man once said "You can't rape your wife".
Who called PSU wise?

The Flood / Re: I really respect rapists.
« on: June 07, 2016, 06:24:00 PM »
Just to settle things, capital punishment is the way to go.
if you rape or kill, often times you should get lethal injection. This is VERY vague, obviously each case is different.
And for murder especially, if it's 1st degree then they should get off'd.
Well, I figured you'd say that, so agree to disagree.
If you took away someone's right to live, then you don't deserve yours.
Do you not grasp the concept of a right? They can't be taken away. Just because you did the morally wrong thing of killing another human doesn't let us do the morally wrong thing of killing you.
Rights can be taken away, the law has that power to take all kinds of rights away.

Now tell me if you see the difference in the life of an innocent child and the life of a pedophilic rapist.

Soz plebs

In summary - embrace art as the artist envisioned it. And if you do not like it, critique it but do not say that something is bad because YOU did not like it because you did not see yourself in that piece.
What is the point of a critique if nothing is allowed to be changed?
To feel smug and good about yourself.
Entitled to opinion [check]
Entitled to creative control [nope]
Even if you're able to convince the developer of their wrongdoing?
There is no wrong-doing unless it breaks gameplay. Everything else it up to them. If they listen to you and realise that the suggested change would improve their wok - great!
So let's say that Blizzard admits that having less sexualized women would exponentially improve their game.

You wouldn't whine about that? It's their artistic choice.
At this stage theyve clearly been convinced to change,  so it wasnt what they originally wanted, and come on artist ideals dont change that easily.

Lastly if that was the plan from the get go, then awesome! 

Gaming / Re: Let us calmly and politely discuss this topic.
« on: June 07, 2016, 06:11:33 PM »
While Verb just gunna troll and you guys fall for the troll Ill just say this

PC  is clearly more powerful, has a wider variety of games and uses, usually provides free online gaming services, mouse and keyboard option aswell as controller, ability to pirate console games to play on emulator because Im not a fucking pussy and hell the console exclusives these days are pretty weak.

But do I pick one over the other? Fuck no Im not poor.

The Flood / Re: The power in my house is turned off.
« on: June 07, 2016, 09:48:52 AM »
How drab

And you're going to tell me you just buy batteries for your vibrator?

The Flood / Re: I really respect rapists.
« on: June 07, 2016, 09:47:09 AM »
Burning rapists is evil all of a sudden.

Death penalty is justified, anyone who disagrees is a fucking moron.
"all of a sudden"

What the fuck? It's always evil to burn someone alive, just like it's always evil to execute someone. If you caught Hitler or Satan himself, it would be objectively fucking wrong to kill them, much less burn them alive.

You're a scumbag.
Id take my token as killer if I had the option to kill hitler.

You may think its morally wrong but who gives a fuck what you think when Id be dubbed a hero. Seriously though, we are still primal to that regard, someone rapes or kills someone you love, would you really want them to live? Would you pleed for their life?

No. Is your answer.

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