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Messages - Raptorx7

Pages: 1 ... 345 67 ... 10
The Flood / Re: An honest appraisal of my situation.
« on: January 17, 2015, 09:20:27 AM »
I am glad you're ok Elegiac.

The Flood / Re: The irony of of "2 BUMBS WORNT ENUF"
« on: January 17, 2015, 09:16:47 AM »
Are you new to the internet?

No, just new to that retarded logic.

Serious / Re: Why Germany Refuses to Play a Bigger Role in NATO
« on: January 17, 2015, 09:15:38 AM »

Yeah that describes the morale problem pretty well.

The Flood / Re: The irony of of "2 BUMBS WORNT ENUF"
« on: January 17, 2015, 09:14:49 AM »


Who the hell says two bombs weren't enough?

The Flood / Re: So...this is the place
« on: January 16, 2015, 09:34:25 PM »
I'd recognize that "*sips tea*" anywhere, welcome Batch!

Gaming / Re: An Achievement for watching Netflix...
« on: January 16, 2015, 02:52:20 PM »

Serious / Why Germany Refuses to Play a Bigger Role in NATO
« on: January 16, 2015, 02:45:57 PM »

A long but fascinating read on Germany's military (The Bundeswehr) or lack of it frankly, from one of the smallest NATO defense budgets to a rather shocking anti-Americanism Germany is in a very weak position to bolster Europe's defenses. This is part of the reason the response to Russia's intervention in Ukraine is so weak, and the roots go much deeper as well.

One of the stranger aspects of the slow-motion crisis over Ukraine caused by Russian provocations and aggression is the uneven response from NATO members. While Alliance states located closer to Russia, which experienced Moscow’s occupation during the Cold War, generally have taken the threat of aggressive Kremlin moves seriously – Poland and Estonia especially – the reaction of some NATO members has been lackluster. In particular, responses in Germany to the Ukraine crisis have been tepid, to use charitable language, and excessive sympathy for Moscow’s actions and attitudes is so commonplace that Germans have a word – Russlandversteher – for it.

Why Germany displays such misplaced sympathy for Russia, despite Kremlin misconduct in Crimea and eastern Ukraine, is a complex issue that is rooted deeply in German history, and cannot be divorced from the broader tendency to anti-Americanism that has become vocal in recent years. That said, Germany’s unwillingness to do much to deter Russian aggression may not matter significantly since, frankly, the German military is in such a dilapidated and unready state that there is little it could do at present to bolster NATO defenses in Eastern Europe, as I’ve advocated, even if Berlin wanted to. The sorry state of the Bundeswehr is now attracting the attention of American observers who ordinarily pay scant attention to such things, but in truth, Germany’s serious punching below its weight in the Atlantic Alliance in any military terms is hardly news, and has been NATO’s dirty little secret for years.

It is a shocking fact that the European Union’s economic and political powerhouse matters so little in defense. While the Bundeswehr is the fourth-largest military in the EU, with about 180,000 active duty personnel, that is smaller than the militaries of France, Italy, and Britain, all of which Germany dwarfs in both economy and population. Despite the strength of that economy, Germany spends only 1.35 percent of its GDP on defense, far below NATOs alleged requirement for two percent devoted to the military. As a result, the Bundeswehr is facing serious problems with outmoded equipment and low readiness.

Not to mention that young Germans don’t want to join the forces. Germany maintained the draft until 2011, but optimistic projections about recruitment after the suspension of conscription have not been met, resulting in a building manpower crisis. Under Ursula von der Leyen, the country’s first female defense minister, the Bundeswehr is embarking on a glossy five-year, 100 million Euro ad blitz, termed an “attractiveness offensive,” to encourage volunteers. But the ridiculous commercials, which portray life in uniform as a hipster paradise of cool dorms with flat screen TVs plus outstanding gender-neutral child care – anything resembling the actual military is notably absent – have been met with derision and laughter, and rightly so.

The two-decade decline of the Bundeswehr as a serious fighting force is remarkable and alarming. At the Cold War’s end, little more than twenty years ago, the German Army’s active strength included twelve divisions with thirty-six maneuver brigades, while today it possesses three divisional headquarters controlling eight maneuver brigades (one of which is half-French), most of which are not capable of deploying as fighting units. In the whole army there are only four battalions each of tanks and field artillery. This is not a force the Russians need to lose sleep over.

The Flood / Re: Hey Democrats
« on: January 16, 2015, 02:32:27 PM »
lol Michelle Bachmann

Serious / Re: Should we stop Iran from getting the bomb?
« on: January 16, 2015, 02:30:16 PM »
Why shouldn't they have it? Should they not be on an equal playing field as many other countries?
No because that would directly limit the United States from projecting its power and influence.

How would it prevent us from projecting power?

I agree with them not having one, but this I am not sure about. It would certainly destabilize the region, but it wouldn't directly limit our influence. We have a carrier group near the Persian Gulf at all times, and various military bases in Kuwait for example, our projection isn't going anywhere in th region.
Yes, but a nuclear state essentially means that regime changes are completely out of the question, for the obvious reason that you cannot go to war with a nuclear state.

I have confidence in our military that we could stop a nuclear Iran with a single nuclear weapon from launching, and I bet our military leaders are to. Iran would be no where near as much as a nuclear threat as say Russia is, which has multiple ways of firing nuclear weapons, silos, mobile ballistic missile carriers, and submarines.

Regime change wouldn't be outside of reality either because they wouldn't use a nuke on there own country unless they have completely lost it. The people of Iran all don't agree with the extremist views of there leadership, a revolution would not be impossible.
Is it still not a risk to US dominance though?

No I don't think so, especially because of the reasons I listed.

Serious / Re: Should we stop Iran from getting the bomb?
« on: January 16, 2015, 02:23:29 PM »
Why shouldn't they have it? Should they not be on an equal playing field as many other countries?
No because that would directly limit the United States from projecting its power and influence.

How would it prevent us from projecting power?

I agree with them not having one, but this I am not sure about. It would certainly destabilize the region, but it wouldn't directly limit our influence. We have a carrier group near the Persian Gulf at all times, and various military bases in Kuwait for example, our projection isn't going anywhere in th region.
Yes, but a nuclear state essentially means that regime changes are completely out of the question, for the obvious reason that you cannot go to war with a nuclear state.

I have confidence in our military that we could stop a nuclear Iran with a single nuclear weapon from launching, and I bet our military leaders are to. Iran would be no where near as much as a nuclear threat as say Russia is, which has multiple ways of firing nuclear weapons, silos, mobile ballistic missile carriers, and submarines.

Regime change wouldn't be outside of reality either because they wouldn't use a nuke on there own country unless they have completely lost it. The people of Iran all don't agree with the extremist views of there leadership, a revolution would not be impossible.

Serious / Re: Should we stop Iran from getting the bomb?
« on: January 16, 2015, 02:10:18 PM »
Why shouldn't they have it? Should they not be on an equal playing field as many other countries?
No because that would directly limit the United States from projecting its power and influence.

How would it prevent us from projecting power?

I agree with them not having one, but this I am not sure about. It would certainly destabilize the region, but it wouldn't directly limit our influence. We have a carrier group near the Persian Gulf at all times, and various military bases in Kuwait for example, our projection isn't going anywhere in th region.

Serious / Re: Two party system
« on: January 16, 2015, 02:00:20 PM »
I always find it amusing that our left (American left) is basically most European country's moderate right.
That's not really true, to be honest.

It only seems like that at a cursory glance, which is necessarily influenced by history and culture. I'll agree that the American public is certainly more right-wing than the European public, and thus our right-wing politics are more moderated, but looking at certain policies in the Democratic Party does belie a degree of genuine Leftism.

Right, (No pun intended) I probably could have worded that a little better honestly.

The Flood / Re: How did you do in P.E today?
« on: January 16, 2015, 01:55:34 PM »
Ill never forget in 7th grade during P.E. we were running the mile and I lapped the fastest girl in school when she was tying her shoe laces, it was the greatest day of my life.

Serious / Re: Two party system
« on: January 16, 2015, 01:52:26 PM »
I always find it amusing that our left (American left) is basically most European country's moderate right.

Serious / Re: Two party system
« on: January 16, 2015, 01:41:09 PM »
What makes it such a joke is all of the corruption and money that goes into campaigning on both sides, than once there bought they support laws/bills whatever that benefit whoever gave them the most money aka lobbyists.

If we took the money out of it, it would work far better.

The Flood / Re: The true purpose of the EU
« on: January 16, 2015, 01:38:17 PM »
Hopefully when Syriza wins the elections in Greece they will leave the EU...
just trying to make conversation out of a shitty thread...

Thats impossible, Poland Ball isn't shitty, therefore it isn't a shitty thread.

Serious / Re: Should we stop Iran from getting the bomb?
« on: January 16, 2015, 01:34:12 PM »
Yes, obviously

How would you go about doing it?

The Flood / The true purpose of the EU
« on: January 16, 2015, 01:28:02 PM »

Germany has a better plan this time, we attack during winter, Russia won't expect that.

Serious / Re: Should we stop Iran from getting the bomb?
« on: January 16, 2015, 01:06:13 PM »
You mean military intervention right?

Its a hard thing to debate because it could have a myriad of serious implications.

-Iran attacks Israel in retaliation

-Iran supports the bad guys in Iraq, Afghanistan or Syria in retaliation, yes they fight for different ideologies for the most part but they wouldn't mind pissing the west off after us stopping there nuclear program especially if it was militarily,

-War with Iran

In my humble opinion, we don't need more war, and an attack on Iran in any capacity can lead to very serious consequences, that may not be readily apparent. I think its better to continue diplomatically instead of rash action, lets not make the same mistake as the early 2000's.

The Flood / Re: TsundereSharks
« on: January 16, 2015, 11:34:07 AM »
I am no longer scared of sharks now.

The Flood / Re: The ONE person you admire/respect most
« on: January 16, 2015, 11:25:02 AM »
I am going to say Rommel.

Ill let Churchill speak on the man for me.


The Flood / Re: The ONE person you admire/respect most
« on: January 16, 2015, 11:18:45 AM »
That is a really tough question, I can't pin it down to just one person.

Gaming / Re: What are your favorite sound clips in games?
« on: January 16, 2015, 08:32:30 AM »
Plasma grenades exploding in Halo, Halo shields recharging, OBJECTION/TAKE THAT/Hold it in Phoenix Wright. Tanks firing in Steel Beasts, crash dive alarm in Silent Hunter 3, lock tone warning and pretty much any other sound in the F-15.





Serious / Re: Fighting over Donetsk Airport
« on: January 16, 2015, 08:25:17 AM »
Good to see the Ukranians holding Dontesk. A few months ago I was kinda worried they were about to fall under the surge of russian but not russian (swear on Putin's mom, sir) troops and equipment.

It will be interesting to see what the Russians do during Spring/summer.

News / Re: Insurgency - How Not To Be A Noob
« on: January 15, 2015, 10:21:07 PM »
Insurgency game night needs to happen.

Serious / Re: Fighting over Donetsk Airport
« on: January 15, 2015, 10:18:34 PM »
Where are the pravy sector stationed Raptor?

I am not to keen on individual units in Ukraine, can you expand on that?

The right-wing nationalists that were the driving force behind the Euro Maidan protests when it got violent.

These guys are Pravy sektor

I won't speak on them specifically (Mainly because I don't know enough about one single group honestly), but what I will say is there are many separatist factions operating in eastern Ukraine, some even fight against the Russians and want complete autonomy for the region. There are reports of Russian special forces moving into eastern Ukraine and killing militia leaders who are not obeying orders, or actively carrying out attacks on Russian convoys, for example that "humanitarian: convoy that the Russians sent recently was harassed by a group like that.

Serious / Re: Fighting over Donetsk Airport
« on: January 15, 2015, 10:01:46 PM »
Where are the pravy sector stationed Raptor?

I am not to keen on individual units in Ukraine, can you expand on that?

Serious / Fighting over Donetsk Airport
« on: January 15, 2015, 07:09:53 PM »
There is still a major war on in Ukraine, shocking I know because you would never hear of it from main stream media.

So Donetsk airport in Ukraine has been a hot spot for fighting between Russian/Ukrainian seperatists and Ukranian loyalist forces since August. In fact there is fighting go on right now as I type this, this footage is from September however when a major attack led by Russian regulars and Russian equipped separatists (The tanks mainly, they are Russian T-72 B3's so if anyone has any reservations that Russia's got nothing to do with this you are horribly wrong) aimed to seize the other half of the airport from Ukrainian forces. If you don't have time to watch all of it I recommend starting at about 14 minutes when they are getting the tanks ready to go. Long story short the Russian and separatist forces took a very serious pounding, losing a few tanks and a lot of men. Reports have said that that was a unit of Russian paratroopers or special forces that were almost completely wiped out, of course Russia vehemently denies this. The fighting over this airport has become a major morale boost for the loyalist Ukrainians who have seen great success since being pushed back during the summer after a major Russian counter attack.


To contrast with that video, and don't watch this until you've seen at least a bit of it, this is Donetsk airport circa December 2014, its looks almost apocalyptic, heavy fighting is still going on over it, the Russians/separatists have started calling the Ukrainians there the "cyborgs" because they will not die. Ukraine continuously rotates fresh troops in and out of the positions as well so that nick name isn't entirely accurate.


« on: January 15, 2015, 06:41:34 PM »
All I understood from that was 'BLACK' and 'GUY', therefore you must he talking about killing a shiny black guy. Shame on you OP

He killed a shiny black guy?

Thats messed up.

The Flood / Re: February Anarchy is Not Happening
« on: January 15, 2015, 06:16:28 PM »
What is anarchy exactly and why do we want to merge it with the flood?
First off, no.

Second off, no.

That doesn't help, all I want to know is what "anarchy" is.

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