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Messages - Loaf

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He has no political experience. Thats EXACTLY why hes getting the support he is. All these politicians are fucking criminals and don't give 2 shits about you. At least trump is telling the damn truth. #Trump2016

The Flood / Wanna see something gross? LOL
« on: March 04, 2016, 08:03:05 AM »

The Flood / Re: I'm the kid in the hoody
« on: March 04, 2016, 07:58:28 AM »
Idk I just sympathize with the kid in the hoody so much.

The Flood / I'm the kid in the hoody
« on: March 04, 2016, 07:41:42 AM »
the one sitting down at the desk.

Serious / Re: Does violence ever solve anything?
« on: March 04, 2016, 07:39:59 AM »
japan is still a thing, so no
Japan is one of the greatest countries on earth.

What's wrong with being anti-Islam or believing in the 2A?
Well, I am ardently opposed to all religion or believing in supernatural, paranormal, cosmology, or whatever superstition there is in general. I'm not "anti islamic" though, in the sense that simply being islamic doesn't make you a bad person. It makes you a misguided person, sure. I'm certainly against the idea, if anything, but not the people themselves in all cases.  But being anti-islamic really isn't fair to peaceful law abiding muslims. If you want to take an anti religion stance that's about education and teaching skepticism, okay I am behind that 100%. Singling out Muslims in general though is just wrong.

That's why a president has staffers and advisers and the cabinet, Loaf.
It doesn't matter what the staff and advisers think if you're a gun toting, birther, anti gay, anti islamic, war mongering megalomaniac.

The dude has no experience in politics anyways. Idk why we're fucking electing him. People are so fucking dumb, they're like "HURRR I DON'T CARE IF HE SAYS RACIST MISOGYNISTIC HOMOPHOBIC STUFF, HE'S JUST SAYING WHAT WE'RE ALL THINKING! HE'S A BILLIONARE SO THAT MEANS HE'S REALLY INTELLIGENT AND IS GONNA GET THIS COUNTRY A TON OF MONEY HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE". I wish they would go lock donald up on a deserted island after that statement that he made about reversing you know what.

with other countries? Goodbye peace.

Horum omnium fortissimi sunt Belgae, propterea quod a cultu atque humanitate provinciae longissime absunt, minimeque ad eos mercatores saepe commeant atque ea quae ad effeminandos animos pertinent important, proximique sunt Germanis, qui trans Rhenum incolunt, quibuscum continenter bellum gerunt.

You're a pleb if you have to google.
Saying some shit in a different language doesn't mean "only intelligent people will understand this". That's fucking stupid.

Is this you admitting that you're an idiot?
Nah, I got one for you. God doesn't exist.

You go first.

I'm trying to learn nothingface by voivod on guitar.

God why is electric wizard so fucking good?

I tried listening to Psychostasia for the first time last night. It was pretty solid but didn't totally grab me. Debating on whether or not I want to try it out again or move onto something else.
Oh, that thing. Yeah idk the riffs in that thing feel redundant to me and definitely doesn't grab me like some of my other favorite acts. I'd have to listen to it again to. I know it's a solid album and I've listened to it several times, but I don't sing praise of Adramalech for a reason.

I agree. No one can really follow up to transcendence into the peripheral though, it's literally impossible.
Truth. Honestly, just the fact that they're coming out with new stuff that kicks ass is good enough for me. Look at RIppikoulu. What a bummer that EP was. One song and in and I knew it would blow. What a shame.

If Demilich makes new stuff, though, which I've heard they've teased that they might, I'll be optimistic.
Oh yeah for sure, I am looking forward to demilich's new stuff. They are on top of their game, I saw them live and they were fucking confident and played their songs like it was nothing. They also told me on facebook that they're more confident now than they were years ago. I made another comment on their facebook page like this year (the last one they made to me was late last year) saying I hope they come out with a new album and they gave my post a thumbs up. I've also heard them hinting that they'll make new stuff, I think they even came out with a new song. I think I read something by one of the band members saying that they're willing to risk their legacy by coming out with a new album. Seriously, if there's anyone I have faith in to make a fucking comeback it's Demilich.

But yeah, that's a shame about rippikoulu. That demo was fucking awesome. I'm thinking that part of it was unintentional though. I mean, just listen to the production and how slowly it was played, it all played into the atmosphere that made it sound really good. If they weren't able to reproduce that it's probably because they never were masters of atmospheric effect, they just accidentally made an incredible album.

Serious / Does violence ever solve anything?
« on: March 03, 2016, 06:23:51 PM »
So I was hearing about that recent showdown with the kkk members and those hardcore punk guys. The one where someone got stabbed by the kkk? I was saying at first that I think the violence should have never happened, people getting beat up doesn't change anyone's point of view and just inflicts pain on someone. I watched a documentary about the origin of antifa though, which was basically an rag tag anti fascist brigade who rose up out of several members and took out a bunch of neo nazis who were in italy at the time (I may be wrong on the country).

So the dilemma I have is, does violence ever really solve anything? Does it only make sense as a means of defense? I personally think that attack for the sake of attack is never good, something should only be done to disable the enemy, not to inflict harm on them for the sake of doing so.

it's okay i know how to use the darknet
Tbh I never actually figured out what people mean by the dark net. I have tor, tell me how to use it please.

Take a look around you man. Sopa, pipa, the trans pacific trade partnership, they're trying as hard as they can to end it. Better start stock piling while you can.

Go and get yourself a few extra hard drives and download all the music, books, movies, shows, software you need. The golden age is bound to come to an end one of these days.

Here's another one. So fucking edgy. I found it on the same guy's facebook profile.

I agree. No one can really follow up to transcendence into the peripheral though, it's literally impossible.

And the gun lobby wonders why people think they're a bunch of psychos instead of responsible and law abiding citizens.
Finally someone sensible. Idk you, but that was sensible.

haha, look at this picture i found

You think I'd want to be friends with someone like you, that's what's really funny.


look at this shit. what the fuck? lmao

I think I just got what you meant by JD's "Closer", Jim...

I'm holding back tears right now.

"Existence... well, what does it matter? I exist in the best state I can. The past is now part of my future, and the present is well out of hand."
Dude holding back tears is really really gay. Learn to not cry or feel like crying.

I listened to Pharoah Sanders Karma. That was pretty good. I wonder what Inverloch's new album will be like. It comes out on the 4th and surprisingly it hasn't leaked yet.

I'm gonna make a big ass picture post with my loot when it gets here.

last 7 days. this week was cult as fuck.

Karma is alright. I like Pharoh better as a sideman (like on Ask the Ages).

how's the semi-new Prurient album?
Oh that thing? Idk man I feel like I would enjoy it more if it wasn't so shrill and ear piercing. I mean Jesus, it's so fricken high pitch. It literally hurts my ears.

Gaming / Re: I'm actually sort of looking forward to the new doom
« on: March 01, 2016, 07:22:41 PM »

Gaming / I'm actually sort of looking forward to the new doom
« on: March 01, 2016, 06:13:05 PM »
If there's one thing I respect in the new doom, it looks fucking brutal and gory as hell. As for whether or not the level design will live up to the grand design of atmosphere and puzzles of the original remains to be seen. Am I expecting there to be some shortcomings which keep the game from it's potential? Yes, I don't have faith in games that are made for a general and public audience. What I do respect though is that the game is willing to put so much violence up into your face, which is good. If there's anything I would want from DOOM is it be the most balls to the wall game it can possibly be, it has a precedent to uphold, in this day and age of so much competition and forerunners.

I listened to Pharoah Sanders Karma. That was pretty good. I wonder what Inverloch's new album will be like. It comes out on the 4th and surprisingly it hasn't leaked yet.

I'm gonna make a big ass picture post with my loot when it gets here.

last 7 days. this week was cult as fuck.

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