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The Flood / Re: Anybody going to any Hallowe'en parties?
« on: October 29, 2014, 08:33:30 AM »
Fucking night shift
fucking Argos
why the fuck don't Argos have the desk I want to order online in stock? Can you check for me? It's pissing me off, I need a bigger desk.
lol go into store if they can't help you there then Argos are probably not stocking it anymore
you can only order it online, the degenerates in store can't do jack shit, I'll give you 6 quid if you get it for me.

The Flood / Re: Has Below Rader been changed in BF3?
« on: October 29, 2014, 08:32:16 AM »
Reported for copyright infringement, my lawyers will be in contact with you VERY shortly.

Their arguing triggered me from when my parents would get into a slight disagreement and discuss how to resolve the issue.
This triggering has also caused me to develop PTSD, I will probably take an extra hour to get to sleep tonight due to this ordeal.

My lawyers will be in contact with both of you very soon.

The Flood / Re: Anybody going to any Hallowe'en parties?
« on: October 29, 2014, 08:27:03 AM »
Fucking night shift
fucking Argos
why the fuck don't Argos have the desk I want to order online in stock? Can you check for me? It's pissing me off, I need a bigger desk.

The Flood / Re: What are the things you dream of doing?
« on: October 29, 2014, 08:20:32 AM »
I would also love to go to a world cup, one in America would be great.

also your youtube link ain't working

The Flood / Re: Anybody going to any Hallowe'en parties?
« on: October 29, 2014, 08:18:39 AM »
a few friends are going to a friends house, then off to too town to hit da clubs.
no Aladdin costume though :­(

The Flood / Re: srs tho, she be cute
« on: October 29, 2014, 08:17:15 AM »
"No." - Everybody

Gaming / Re: Discuss What Publisher deserves the Golden Poo.
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:57:31 PM »
Bungie just for lol

The Flood / Re: Snapchat
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:54:16 PM »
right i'll get it tomorrow and add you nerds as well

The Flood / Re: It's time I departed the Flood
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:47:58 PM »
It's only 11.45.

The Flood / Re: Why not make 2 different "Flood" forums
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:46:14 PM »

fe fi fo fum
I smell the shit off whiteflames shoes

as for your complaining about not talking about the topic.
this place is too small to split into two seperate forums, especially given that you want to split the most popular forum in two. you'll probably have most people go to the shitposting forum, and a few people go to the more serious one, exactly like what has happened with serious now.
So I'm not understanding the problem with trying it and seeing if what you are saying is true, you are only speculating at this point. Oh shit I didn't use good shoes in the past, it's such a huge deal, why is everyone obsessed with my footwear? It's really creepy.
because we're used to this now, and it's working just fine, you want to change the most important part of this website, this specific board, just so you can try out a shitty idea. during that change all that will happen is a few people will leave because they don't like whats happened.

and we keep going on about it because you keep reacting to it.
and your shoes are still shit lol
So you are saying that we shouldn't try it because even though it's shitty we are used to it? What kind of logic is that? Considering you have been avoiding the fact that I have good shoes shows that is a lie and you are just upset.
who said it was shitty? i like this place, especially compared to bnet, it's a close community where everyone has a laugh, and the layout of the website is fucking great. Just because you think this place is shitty doesn't mean that everyone does. If you really don't like the current state of this place go make your own website, invite everyone to it, and we'll see how well it does with your suggested improvements.

you have sutiable footwear for sporting activities, they are not suitable for casual use.
Not thinking the forum is a shithole from how people act is just ridiculous, there is a reason the other forums didn't work, it's not because of the layout, it's because of how people acted and still act.
You mean anarchy? There is a reason anarchy is dead, and that's why this place has rules. And you have a problem with the users, splitting the forum apart won't change the community, just anger it. The Flood is not a serious forum, it's a laugh and a mess about.

The Flood / Re: Caption each others pictures
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:38:15 PM »
"I have great style and know what is currently in fashion."

The Flood / Re: Why not make 2 different "Flood" forums
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:34:53 PM »

fe fi fo fum
I smell the shit off whiteflames shoes

as for your complaining about not talking about the topic.
this place is too small to split into two seperate forums, especially given that you want to split the most popular forum in two. you'll probably have most people go to the shitposting forum, and a few people go to the more serious one, exactly like what has happened with serious now.
So I'm not understanding the problem with trying it and seeing if what you are saying is true, you are only speculating at this point. Oh shit I didn't use good shoes in the past, it's such a huge deal, why is everyone obsessed with my footwear? It's really creepy.
because we're used to this now, and it's working just fine, you want to change the most important part of this website, this specific board, just so you can try out a shitty idea. during that change all that will happen is a few people will leave because they don't like whats happened.

and we keep going on about it because you keep reacting to it.
and your shoes are still shit lol
So you are saying that we shouldn't try it because even though it's shitty we are used to it? What kind of logic is that? Considering you have been avoiding the fact that I have good shoes shows that is a lie and you are just upset.
who said it was shitty? i like this place, especially compared to bnet, it's a close community where everyone has a laugh, and the layout of the website is fucking great. Just because you think this place is shitty doesn't mean that everyone does. If you really don't like the current state of this place go make your own website, invite everyone to it, and we'll see how well it does with your suggested improvements.

you have sutiable footwear for sporting activities, they are not suitable for casual use.

The Flood / Re: Snapchat
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:28:39 PM »
convince me to get snapchat

The Flood / Re: Why not make 2 different "Flood" forums
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:24:46 PM »

fe fi fo fum
I smell the shit off whiteflames shoes

as for your complaining about not talking about the topic.
this place is too small to split into two seperate forums, especially given that you want to split the most popular forum in two. you'll probably have most people go to the shitposting forum, and a few people go to the more serious one, exactly like what has happened with serious now.
So I'm not understanding the problem with trying it and seeing if what you are saying is true, you are only speculating at this point. Oh shit I didn't use good shoes in the past, it's such a huge deal, why is everyone obsessed with my footwear? It's really creepy.
because we're used to this now, and it's working just fine, you want to change the most important part of this website, this specific board, just so you can try out a shitty idea. during that change all that will happen is a few people will leave because they don't like whats happened.

and we keep going on about it because you keep reacting to it.
and your shoes are still shit lol

The Flood / Re: Why not make 2 different "Flood" forums
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:18:52 PM »
fe fi fo fum
I smell the shit off whiteflames shoes

as for your complaining about not talking about the topic.
this place is too small to split into two seperate forums, especially given that you want to split the most popular forum in two. you'll probably have most people go to the shitposting forum, and a few people go to the more serious one, exactly like what has happened with serious now.

It's rockets, we need better engines. We need gotta go fast engines. It's just too slow to transport a suitable amount of resources to anywhere else in the solar system right now.
If you want to get out the solar system, you need ftl travel.

The main limiting factor right now is engines.

The Flood / Re: Why not make 2 different "Flood" forums
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:14:36 PM »

were you the guy with shit 'shoes'?

knew it was you.

lol@your shoes
A knight in shining armor has truly never had it tested.
there is a difference between armour and fucking digusting trainers that haven't been cleaned in atleast 10 years.
Yes they are so dirty. So will you continue to attack me or actually talk of the topic at hand?
you know i'm talking about your shitty white ones
also are those your casual shoes? because they're trainers, for sports.

OT: Your idea is shit.
You just seem to be butthurt that you cannot phase me, but please continue to attack me for no reason. Worst thing my white shoes have are some scuffs on the front from wearing them over time.
hahaha you know exactly what shoes i'm talking about, post whatever you want, I know the shitty shoes you have. and once again, they're trainers for sports.

« on: October 28, 2014, 06:10:53 PM »
reported for harassment, leave whiteflame alone.

The Flood / Re: Why not make 2 different "Flood" forums
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:09:50 PM »

were you the guy with shit 'shoes'?

knew it was you.

lol@your shoes
A knight in shining armor has truly never had it tested.
there is a difference between armour and fucking digusting trainers that haven't been cleaned in atleast 10 years.
Yes they are so dirty. So will you continue to attack me or actually talk of the topic at hand?
you know i'm talking about your shitty white ones
also are those your casual shoes? because they're trainers, for sports.

OT: Your idea is shit.

The Flood / Re: Why not make 2 different "Flood" forums
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:03:46 PM »

were you the guy with shit 'shoes'?

knew it was you.

lol@your shoes
A knight in shining armor has truly never had it tested.
there is a difference between armour and fucking digusting trainers that haven't been cleaned in atleast 10 years.

The Flood / Re: Why not make 2 different "Flood" forums
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:00:32 PM »
were you the guy with shit 'shoes'?

knew it was you.

lol@your shoes

The Flood / Re: NASA rocket exploded
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:56:04 PM »
Wow holy shit.How much $ did I just watch blow up?

I hope nothing too important for the ISS was on there. I wonder what caused it, and what'll happen now with efforts to resupply it again.
I don't think the ISS is in too much trouble.
I'm pretty sure SpaceX delivered a Dragon to the ISS around a month ago, so supplies should be okay, it left a few days ago if I remember correctly. Shame about all the science that was blown up though.

The Flood / Re: Hey faggots
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:48:46 PM »
OP you are really a dumbass. First off, you assume everyone is so bad. Let me point out your flaws. First, you said you were pretty much perfect. If that were so, you wouldn't brag about it, you would be humble and not attempt to gain attention from "no-life’s who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures." Second, you said we do nothing else than look at things on septagon and the internet. There again you are wrong retard. I in fact only go on septagon when i have absolutely nothing else to do. I (and I assume at least several others on here) have friends. By assuming that we are all people with no lives you once again prove your idiot ways to us- you cannot grasp a concept that people with lives can also use the internet. Third, if you are trying to prove to sepagon that you are perfect, at least type properly. "but you all take to a whole new level." You forgot a fucking 2 letter word. Fourth, A's are not that hard to get in high school dumbass. It's not a sign of intelligence, but an ability to listen. Good job for using something that everyone can do. Go to serious and get your mind raped by some actual intelligence. There you go; I just wanted to you about how wrong you really are. With all honesty, I really don't give a shit what you say only wrote this because it’s fun as hell to rant to dumbasses. Next time, go tell someone who actually cares.

The Flood / Re: Godzilla
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:44:04 PM »

The Flood / Re: NASA rocket exploded
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:35:19 PM »
It was an Antares rocket delivering a resupply to the international space station. Sucks for Orbital. Wasn't a 'NASA' rocket either, it was a private rocket, Orbital were paid by NASA to resupply the ISS.


Looks like the engines explode first, the fuselage seems to stay intact after the initial explosion, obvioust explodes when it hits the ground.

The Flood / Re: Should I buy this t shirt?
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:27:45 PM »
ok ok ok you guys have no swag, what about this?
I don't if it's the colours, or if hoodies are better off just being mono colour.

The Flood / Re: Should I buy this t shirt?
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:23:00 PM »
god no

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon PSA
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:18:03 PM »

Probably just a random planet in a planetary system which has a large number of planets so I can collect data on them. If I get to take a telescope that would be great.

You can't leave your abode, aside from...let's say 2 acres surronding your new home.

And yes, you may take anything you want from earth to your home (obviously if you own it)
probably live on the inner most planet of the system, assuming it's not too far out the orbit will be fast enough for me to get a pretty good 360 degree view of the system.

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