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Messages - Cindy

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This is literally all you talk about, friend.
Hey, Cindo and I talk about Undertale a lot too
Luc says that anything I talk about is the only thing I talk about

You learn to ignore it
I just have it thrown in my face a lot. When you get serious, it seems this is the only serious issue you talk about  :(. And you talk about it a lot.

But I just couldn't care less about these social issues and try to avoid them like the plague (until they get brought up in my face again by others (not saying just you)).
Woah, something that effects me personally on a daily basis is something I talk about, a lot?

W E W L A D :^)

I need a TL;DR. Meandering is the last thing you want to do in this board.
TL;DR: Stop being a fuckin' pussy-ass bitch and read the damn post, you nark

Basically, all these points boil down to the following: women attempting to be more like men, whether in body or the pure showing of masculine traits, is seen as a fun, on-issue, and possibly even sexy or admirable trait. Men attempting to be more like women is seen as weak, pathetic, "beta", and any other number of words typically used to describe said genre of a man that doesn't wish to perfectly emulate Sean Connery's Playboy James Bond.

This is literally all you talk about, friend.
Hey, Cindo and I talk about Undertale a lot too
Luc says that anything I talk about is the only thing I talk about

You learn to ignore it

Are you ready for another thread that will get like a billion posts in two days and then die almost immediately because it's about a controversial topic and is being posted by your resident ooky-spooky ess jay dubble yew?

I bet you're not.

Well, buckle up, buckaroo, because we're DIVING THE FUCK IN anyways.

This week's thread will be much less confusing and drawn out than the last one - mostly because I'm not going after any specific community using stupid-ass terms that I came up with to harangue people (What? It's not like I don't know that I'm a dickbag, I just think I'm a dickbag for the right reasons.). No, no - today we will be discussing society as a whole and its attitudes towards that of masculinity and femininity, the roles these play in society, and how these effect the way that society views a multitude of issues including LGBT rights but also the rights of straight, cis women and men.

Let's get started, lads.

Like any good high school English Language III class should have taught you, a good essay will begin with the thesis statement after establishing the tone and purpose. Since I can think of no better way to start this off, we'll just go with that bullshit and work our way from there: society as influenced by western values (note that I'm not saying that western values aren't great. I'm not some fuckin' bullshitty weeb that thinks all our problems could be solved by closer emulating some moshi moshi desu shit.) has an inherently negative opinion of femininity as a trait on average, and things associated with said trait are continued to be negatives at face value.

You can argue all you want about "pussy pass" bullshit and other ways that people like to argue that women have more privilege in society than men, but the fact is that for a VAST amount of history, women have been INCREDIBLY disadvantaged in comparison to men. Disproportionate advantages and prejudices still exist in today's society as well, of course, but the massive ravine has closed over the years into a pretty damn small gap, so that's not the sort of thing I'll be focusing on today - gender stereotypes and societal discrimination against women may be related to the topic I'm discussing, but it's a whole different can of fuckin' worms, it is.

Whichever one caused the other, women were usually held to generally be worse than men in pretty much all facets of life (save for childcare and cleaning, I guess) until very recently, and there also exists a very negative view on femininity. This negative view may not be as prevalent, since most people don't usually think of women as the "lesser sex" in the modern day, but the sentiment is still very much there despite it being mostly subconscious.

To start off with the type that most on this board will relate to, let's look first at cis, straight people. Clothing, to be more exact. Whatever the crazies on the far corners of Tumblr might like saying, clothing is gendered - it may have been defined as such by society, sure, but you can't deny that a full tuxedo suit is much more masculine while a billowy ball gown is much more feminine due to how we define those things as a society. Why, then are women dressing in men's clothes so much more well-respected? A woman dressing in her boyfriend's boxers, or wearing his loose t-shirt, or wearing pants, or wearing a suit - none of these things are looked at negatively. Hell, a few are looked at as playful or sexy. But the response to a fully straight man wearing a dress, panties, bra, blouse, or any other of a number of feminine articles of clothing? Usually it's either defined as a very odd and private fetish or as homosexual urges.

Moving a bit further, let's move on to homosexuality. Up until recently, homosexuality was not widely accepted, and still remains hated in many smaller communities. However it is often joked about that the "LGBT" acronym is ordered from least to most accepted, and I'll be using those first two letters for this example. Lesbians were typically (and still are, really) heavily fetishized and talked up, and many people who would speak out against homosexual behavior in men would still find two girls going at it to be lovely. Now, all assertions of which one a straight man might be attracted to aside - as true as those statements may be - we're talking about society's attitudes towards an action, not which one you wanna bust a nut to on a lonely friday afternoon. Gay men are often stereotyped as flamboyant, sassy, stuck-up, obsessed with fashion, or a number of other traits that all boil down to that same notion of feminine traits - likely due to the fact that if anybody wants to fuck another dude, they've got to be like a girl, right?

And then on to the final point and the one I naturally most relate to - trans issues. Any time trans issues are brought up, the focus is VASTLY centered around trans women (that would be male to female, for those of you not in the know, like myself and most other trans individuals present on this site) despite the fact that numbers tend to show a decently equal amount of FtM and MtF patients. Trans men are almost NEVER mentioned in any sorts of debates or discussions involving transgender rights, and are even generally shown to be more accepted by society even if they do not fully pass.

So what am I trying to say with all of this, then? Well, as I mentioned earlier, I believe that society in general holds a negative connotation with femininity. Basically, all these points boil down to the following: women attempting to be more like men, whether in body or the pure showing of masculine traits, is seen as a fun, on-issue, and possibly even sexy or admirable trait. Men attempting to be more like women is seen as weak, pathetic, "beta", and any other number of words typically used to describe said genre of a man that doesn't wish to perfectly emulate Sean Connery's Playboy James Bond.

Post your thoughts and/or rants and/or slurs or whatever. I'm finna eat dinner, so I'll respond when I'm back.

Undertale best game all years

The Flood / Re: I act tough and all online, but IRL I'm more of a guy who
« on: October 28, 2015, 03:09:39 PM »
Is just as much of an asshole

Seriously, man, I'm a dick

Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 28, 2015, 03:00:13 PM »
Because drugs make people happy. Drugs are bad. So is transgenderism, as cruel as that sounds.
Ah, yes.

Because you can be born with an imbalance that makes you clinically addicted to meth, and the clinical and psychological diagnosis is to start smoking meth.

Good comparison. 10/10.

You know, I find it funny how you label me a bigot simply because o want to fix the problem you have.
Is this the new-age White Man's Burden or some shit, bruv?

How am I disrespecting them?
Yeah, man. I dunno.

I really can't figure out how you're disrespecting trans individuals.

Except by, you know, denying their entire identity with statements like "you'll never really be a man" and so on.

You know, this entire thread, basically.

I'm sorry it offends you, really I am. But it's the facts.
Muh biotroofs.

What? "Gay jokes" as in jokes about gays or lame jokes?
As in, any time anyone on this board has made a sexual reference towards me since I came out, you say something to the effect of "lol, didn't know you were gay, bro".

That's the furthest thing from the truth.
It's really not, tho

The problem is these supposed facts aren't really being contested.
Ah, the ol' "ya gotsa look at boff sides of da argooment" argument.

Because, hey, I'm not saying that I'm racist, I'm just saying that you can't DENY that Jews MIGHT have some influence over the economy and the media. You can't just ignore the other side, you know! You have to check the facts and standpoints from both sides of the issue! Check out my list of 9/11 truther tapes I got from /pol/.

In essence, I'm simply saying we need to do much more and view this as a medical problem, not a civil rights issue.
Gender confirmation is a medical problem, acceptance of trans individuals is a civil rights issue.

It doesn't make me uncomfortable. I won't lie, I think it's disgusting.
So, uh...what you're saying is that it makes you uncomfortable? You feel discomfort when you think about the topic? The topic makes your comfort levels lowers, thus causing you to feel uncomfortable?

Am I getting this right?

But I put my opinions aside when discussing this, because they're irrelevant.

You see the huge difference here is that this literally IS a mental problem.
One which the recommended and clinically proven assistance to has been gender confirmation.

Emotions are at the core of this, I've never denied that.

Completely disregarding logic, however, is another thing.
You mean the logic of tons of mental health specialists stating that gender confirmation has been proven to curb body dysmorphia and assist trans individuals in overcoming their depression?

That logic?

Oh, no, you meant the "le ebin logic" that argues against research because you feel icky about it. Right. My bad!

This was a nice rant, but unfortunately for you I don't hate trans people.
I don't have a problem with black people, it's black culture that I don't like :^)

Sex and gender are the same thing.
M-muh biotroofs.

You can live in your black-and-white world if you want to, fam, I won't stop you. Doesn't mean you're right, tho.

Seeing how this isn't possible, I'm gonna go ahead and ignore it.
Woah! I was unaware that intersex people and males born without Y chromosomes didn't exist.

Guess all that scientific research was wrong. Damn.

« on: October 27, 2015, 04:18:31 PM »
If we have a draft, I'm going to Canada

The Flood / Re: Do you live in a village?
« on: October 27, 2015, 01:53:12 PM »
Does the 4th largest city in America count as a village?
God, it annoys me that you live in Houston so much. That's my city bitch.
Get the fuck out

I own this place

The Flood / Re: Do you live in a village?
« on: October 27, 2015, 10:20:14 AM »
Does the 4th largest city in America count as a village?

Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 26, 2015, 08:40:14 PM »
>Being ths dropdead retarded.
do you, like, walk around with a big flashing sign that says "cunt" on top of your forehead or something?

Because, I mean, I think that may very well be the only way to make it more obvious.

you guys are gonna get in trooouble

I'll take the hit if calling someone who calls trans individuals "freaks of humans" a cunt warrants that.

Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 26, 2015, 08:36:22 PM »
Why should we accept transgenders if they can't even accept themselves?
Yeah tbh we should basically just kill everyone that has self-confidence issues

Genocide when?

This also may have set a new record for the dumbest argument I've ever heard against trans individuals. Good job.

When did I ever say kill them? Calm down their Hitler.

Transgenders can't accept the body they are born with, so why are we then expected to accept them when they can't even accept themselves?

Double standards aren't good tbh fam.
Kinda silly thinking

I am trying to accept myself, just because I'm identifying as female even though I'm biologically male, doesn't mean I'm not trying to accept that I'm trans and that I have to live with it. It's much easier for me to do this when I don't have people thinking I must've been abused as a kid. Because that's silly, and wrong. I'm not sure where you got that thinking from in the first place.

I am of course assuming that when you say "accepting themselves", you're talking about trans people not identifying as their biological sex. I'm not sure what else you'd mean by that.

So you can't accept that you are a born male. Why are we then expected to accept you, when you can even accept your biological gender?

That's like saying you're a magical pony instead of a human. But then you say you accept that you think of yourself as a magical pony. What you need to do is accept yourself as a human, and not a magical pony. You will never be a magical pony. It doesn't matter how much surgery you get to make yourself look like a pony. You will alway be a human. A freak of a human, but a human nonetheless.

Double standards tbh fam.
So do you, like, walk around with a big flashing sign that says "cunt" on top of your forehead or something?

Because, I mean, I think that may very well be the only way to make it more obvious.

Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 26, 2015, 08:28:25 PM »
It will bring out the best results to not have emotion involved. Imagine how much the human race could accomplish if emotion wasn't a factor in decision making.
So if we operated off of Sociopathic principles?

Imagine if the United States still had slavery as a labor force. We'd be able to achieve and thrive economically much more. (just look at China, which is a small gap from slavery)
Why does thriving economically matter?

>Being ths dropdead retarded.
No answer? Come on. Entertain me. Are you afraid to stumble into a trap or something?

"Trap" is a slur

Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 26, 2015, 08:24:39 PM »
It will bring out the best results to not have emotion involved. Imagine how much the human race could accomplish if emotion wasn't a factor in decision making.
So if we operated off of Sociopathic principles?

Imagine if the United States still had slavery as a labor force. We'd be able to achieve and thrive economically much more. (just look at China, which is a small gap from slavery)
I can't tell if you're being serious
Well he's either just baiting or an idiot or an actual sociopath

Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 26, 2015, 08:14:11 PM »
Going complete opposite end of the spectrum is never good to reinforce your points.

Calm down.
I mean, there's a literary technique for that, exactly

But if you say so, lad
What's the technique? The thing I just stated or is there a specific name for it? It's not a very good one in my opinion.

Just don't get so mad >:L
Hyperbole, lad

An overstatement or great exaggeration for effect

In this case, for the effect of highlighting how shit of an argument that was

Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 26, 2015, 08:13:34 PM »
People always try to make arguments purely based on fact and removing all emotion whatsoever from the equation
is that not how it should be done

you wanna answer my question or
I literally just had a discussion on why that's stupid
you didn't explain it very well, 'cause emotional appeals are always fallacious--that's what i've been taught for the past six or seven years
I'm not saying we should base everything purely on emotion, I'm saying that pretending as if we should make decisions without letting emotions influence us in any capacity whatsoever is ridiculously stupid.

Making decisions based purely on emotion is stupid, more often than not. Making judgments without saying that emotions are factored in is equally as stupid, however.

Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 26, 2015, 08:07:00 PM »
People always try to make arguments purely based on fact and removing all emotion whatsoever from the equation
is that not how it should be done

you wanna answer my question or
I literally just had a discussion on why that's stupid

Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 26, 2015, 08:06:40 PM »
Going complete opposite end of the spectrum is never good to reinforce your points.

Calm down.
I mean, there's a literary technique for that, exactly

But if you say so, lad

Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 26, 2015, 06:31:34 PM »
People always try to make arguments purely based on fact and removing all emotion whatsoever from the equation
is that not how it should be done

Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 26, 2015, 06:31:09 PM »
Why should we accept transgenders if they can't even accept themselves?
Yeah tbh we should basically just kill everyone that has self-confidence issues

Genocide when?

This also may have set a new record for the dumbest argument I've ever heard against trans individuals. Good job.

Gaming / Re: ITT: Devs that are on your shit list.
« on: October 26, 2015, 06:26:15 PM »
Oi Platinum are the absolute best at 3rd Person hack and slash games.
hack and slash is literally, like, top five worst genres

i hate mindless action

Platinum has made one of the most misogynistic games of all time

of all time
Sexualization ≠ objectification

Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 26, 2015, 06:24:11 PM »
You guys are proving that my logic on this is stupid, which is just the point that I'm trying to prove

People always try to make arguments purely based on fact and removing all emotion whatsoever from the equation, with arguments like "WELL THEY STILL HAVE MALE CHROMOSOMES SO I CAN'T BE EXPECTED TO JUST LIE" and shit like that, as if emotions play no part on either side of any argument.

Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 26, 2015, 06:15:15 PM »
"Nobody's getting hurt and gender dysphoric people are less likely to off themselves."

Bam. Easy. Only assumptions are that nobody should be hurt and that preventing depression/suicide is good.
Depression and many of the effects of gender dysphoria deal with emotion, and that opinion is, thus, answering the question based on a certain emotional standpoint.

Gaming / Re: Game Styles You'd Like to See
« on: October 26, 2015, 05:59:38 PM »
we need less of that tbh

i miss linear games
Eh, I dunno

I haven't been impressed with most open-world games recently, but that's mostly because they focus too much on the "open world" aspect and not enough on the "game" aspect.

Gaming / Re: ITT: Devs that are on your shit list.
« on: October 26, 2015, 05:57:54 PM »
Jagex - They ruin everything they touch.
Ain't that the truth?

Gaming / Re: Game Styles You'd Like to See
« on: October 26, 2015, 05:52:53 PM »
Open-world games that focus themselves more on the freedom of choice and story rather than a set plotline.

Fallout New Vegas, basically. I want more games like Fallout New Vegas.

Gaming / Re: Daily Reminder
« on: October 26, 2015, 05:49:16 PM »

Gaming / Daily Reminder
« on: October 26, 2015, 05:44:49 PM »
There will never be a cooler video game trailer than this one ever made


Ubisoft may be shit at making games, but god damn them cinematic

Originally posted in Flood by mistake. Ignore that.

The Flood / Daily Reminder
« on: October 26, 2015, 05:42:33 PM »
Thought I posted in Gaming, fam

Pls delete

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