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Messages - Cindy

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The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 12:49:27 PM »
and presents
I'm not some bitch who's about the spirit of giving. Give me money, fam.

The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 12:48:55 PM »
Do you prefer giving or receiving?
Well that depends heavily on what you're talking about, lad
Oral and anal sex.
Anal's fucking gross

Have you not heard me talk about how much I love sucking dick?

The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 12:46:27 PM »

The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 12:45:46 PM »
6: I can't say I dislike anything except the weather. The difference between mountainous regions of Germany in Bremen and the swampy flatlands of Southeast Texas are quite imaginably different.
Oh shit. My Dad was born in Bremen.
OT: Do you have any pets?
N I C E. Bremen best state because it's also a city.

I have three cats and they're all fucking worthless lazy bastards

The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 12:44:24 PM »
Here's a good question;

Are you keeping your dick or getting it chopped off?
Neither, I'm getting it restructured

Not like you just walk in and go, "YO, FAM, HIT ME UP WIDDAT CLEAVER"

The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 12:40:28 PM »
Can random people tell that you're trans?
What is it like interacting with people for you?
Is gender dysphoria the main cause of your depression?
Are you NEET?
What do you think of Sep7agon?
How do you like America compared to Germany?
1&2: No, but that's because I present as male currently. The only people who refer to me as a female are my closest friends because I am not far enough along my transition to fully present as female. Most people, I think, generally assume that I'm gay or some such because I act feminine.

3: I would say so undoubtedly

4: As of recently, though I hate to admit it, yes. I want to pick up working decently soon because otherwise I feel useless.

5: I dunno. It's too dead most of the time but I dig it. I'm not as personal with anyone on here as I am with people on Bungle, though.

6: I can't say I dislike anything except the weather. The difference between mountainous regions of Germany in Bremen and the swampy flatlands of Southeast Texas are quite imaginably different.

The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 12:31:50 PM »
Do you prefer giving or receiving?
Well that depends heavily on what you're talking about, lad

The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 12:27:37 PM »
Luci has a 4 foot horse dick.

Luci is the man that had that penis transplant with a horse in mexico.
Shit well LC spilled the beans

The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 12:26:38 PM »
How's the sex life?
Don't even know, fam

I have it a lot but I don't enjoy having it

Serious / Re: Sexual orientation thread
« on: November 07, 2015, 12:25:20 PM »
I'm 110% Straight
Come on

You're totally macho enough to love the cock when nobody's watching

The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 12:23:25 PM »
Why are you so stupid? So stupid and WRONG about everything?
Better be careful bullying me or I'll give away your BIG SECRET
lol called it, Luci has a pp
Nigga did I fucking SAY what the big secret is?

She could be a crack addict for all you know

The Flood / Re: What is the most patrician quality you have?
« on: November 07, 2015, 12:22:36 PM »
I play games on PC

The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 12:21:30 PM »
Why are you so stupid? So stupid and WRONG about everything?
Better be careful bullying me or I'll give away your BIG SECRET

The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 12:16:47 PM »
If I were to ask you what would you like me to ask?
Fuck kind of a question is that?

I like levels of talking from discussing philosophical and societal issues to general shitposting about anime. I'm willing to talk about goddamn anything except politics because that's literally the only thing that's ever constantly talked about on Serious.
It was a joke

Honestly I care so little about cars that I really don't have one. Probably some generic high-end sports car like a Lambo or a Ferrari.
Spider like them hate them?
Like, the crawling things with 8 legs? I'm apathetic to their existence. If one's big enough and gets in my way then I will squish it.

Or is that a car or something?

The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 12:15:41 PM »
You're not a girl.
That's not a question, but thank you for your input. I'll make sure to try to care about it.

Seriously, if you're gonna go for that route, at least phrase it as a question. Do something like "are you mad you'll never really be a girl" or something like that.

At least make an effort ffs

The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 12:10:18 PM »
Red or white sheets?
Black or gray.

Between those two options, though? Red. White would look too messy too quick.

The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 12:09:50 PM »
Geez fucking typo. Thanks for this answer though.

I meant "what makes you not be able to stand it"? Like what goes through your mind that makes you not be able to look at yourself in the mirror.
Plenty of things - mostly centered around any features traditionally considered "masculine". Luckily I have naturally wide hips, so I don't worry about that all too much, but just...body hair, facial hair, facial structure, shoulder width, distribution of fat, Adam's apple, genetalia, etc.

I imagine that I'll always be stuck looking as such, that my transition will go poorly and I'll end up looking like some dude dressing in drag, that I'll never be pretty, that I'll always be looked at as a freak, etc.

The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 12:03:54 PM »

The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 12:03:37 PM »
So Cindy, any scathing opinions of users here or on Bungle?
Nah, not really.

I mean, there are people on Bungle I find annoying as fuck - Pyro, for example - but nothing "scathing". As you've probably noticed, I'm not really that shy about speaking my mind to people.

The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 12:02:57 PM »
So what is it like having gender dysphoria? Is it something that causes grief all the time or just when you do certain things that remind you of your problem?
Depends, really. That's actually quite an interesting question - no offence, but I didn't expect you to ask something like that.

It varies from day to day, I guess. There are days when it's just kind of a thought in the back of my mind that I can abate by doing things I enjoy and days where I refuse to look at myself in the mirror because I know that I'd cripple onto the floor if I did so.
No offense taken. I'm well aware you all think of me as stupid just because I act like a goofball. It's not your fault, none of you actually know me.

I see, though. That's rough. But what makes you be able to stand it? What's going through your mind at a moment like that? Sorry if this is a little much, but I'm curious.
To be honest? Bungle/Sep7 and other such places do, in a lot of ways. In places like these I'm treated fully as though I were a girl and, even if I do talk about my trans issues, it's more of people trying to understand them than to work backwards on them or feeling uncomfortable around them.

Though as a whole I suppose it's mostly just having to grin and bare it and waiting until things get better.

The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 11:54:59 AM »
So what is it like having gender dysphoria? Is it something that causes grief all the time or just when you do certain things that remind you of your problem?
Depends, really. That's actually quite an interesting question - no offence, but I didn't expect you to ask something like that.

It varies from day to day, I guess. There are days when it's just kind of a thought in the back of my mind that I can abate by doing things I enjoy and days where I refuse to look at myself in the mirror because I know that I'd cripple onto the floor if I did so.

The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 11:53:16 AM »
I don't know you. So I don't know what to ask. Lemme see if I can pull up a random outta my head.

Shittiest day you ever had in your life?
Probably ~3 weeks ago when I almost killed myself

Rather forthcoming. Three weeks isn't exactly a lot of time to walk back up into shape.

May I ask why?
Well I'm not really in shape. I mean, like, not at all. Like "most waking moments suck" kind of not in shape.

And yeah - thread's about asking me anything, fam, not gonna duck out like some kinda bitch.

Basically just a heavy depressive episode coupled with dysphoric feelings and general hopelessness. Most often I feel like a burden to everyone in my life and have to try hard to convince myself otherwise.

The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 11:51:43 AM »
How often does Bungle talk about me?
No very often. You come up sometimes but not really as much as other people we've banned like the Bunks.

The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 11:51:09 AM »
Real question this time.

What would your dream house look like?
I'm way too into minimalism so probably one of those shitty, square white houses that rich people buy to flaunt their money.

Oh, and it'd have a fucking massive pool out back.

The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 11:47:16 AM »
I don't know you. So I don't know what to ask. Lemme see if I can pull up a random outta my head.

Shittiest day you ever had in your life?
Probably ~3 weeks ago when I almost killed myself

The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 11:46:30 AM »
How many languages do you speak?
I'd like to say five, since that's what I spoke at my peak (English, German, French, Russian, Yiddish), but currently I really only speak German and English. The other three sort of fell into disuse after I moved to America.

The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 11:35:43 AM »
Let me blow you... away?
I'll do the dick sucking, thank you

The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 11:33:23 AM »
Why is everyone here either a spoiled brat, gay, and/or a tranny?
You forgot sociopath.
We talking actual "I cannot feel empathy" sociopath or Reddit "I am le STEM and jaded to le world" sociopath?
We have both.
Who's the actual sociopath?

Serious / Re: Sexual orientation thread
« on: November 07, 2015, 11:31:37 AM »
and dicks are meaty poking sticks with wrinkly sacks of balls attached

sometimes they have disgusting cheese generators on them

ain't nothing appealing about no dick
Just saying, fam. They make my mouth water.

The Flood / Re: Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 11:30:59 AM »
Why is everyone here either a spoiled brat, gay, and/or a tranny?
You forgot sociopath.
We talking actual "I cannot feel empathy" sociopath or Reddit "I am le STEM and jaded to le world" sociopath?

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