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Messages - Cindy

Pages: 1 ... 242526 2728 ... 60
"MUH FREEZE PEACH" and "ITT: Reactionaries" aren't very convincing arguments, friend.
Damn good thing I'm not arguing, then, huh?

Seriously, do you read, or do you just kinda mash the keyboard with heavy breaths every time I post? Just said I didn't see a point in arguing.

ITT: Reactionaries
Oh wise one why don't you enlighten us with your masterful argumentative skills and wisdom like you did in this thread? Please I'm begging you to try and argue your case again and inevitably just stop replying because you're wrong.
Lol, yeah

That's why I stopped responding, kiddo

Because I'm wrong, and not because the opposing answer is always "NUH UH UR A DUMMY"

Free speech and other slippery slope arguments on this topic are nothing more than fear mongering against some imagined "other side". Hell, this thread is fully of people that use the term 'SJW' unironically, you really think it's worth my time to argue with you people?
So come on then

Educate us with your oh so wise and enlightening knowledge.
I just partially did after prefacing why I wasn't going into detail.

You can be a pedant all you want, fam, I won't stop you - doesn't change the fact that getting up in arms about "muh freeze peach" is just reactionary shit and you sound as silly as the people who make emails and send them to old ladies about evil liberal professors getting wittily destroyed by Albert Einstein.

The Flood / Re: >when you use slang ironically
« on: November 23, 2015, 08:21:47 PM »
> when people use the term nigger unironically

it hurts

ITT: Reactionaries
Oh wise one why don't you enlighten us with your masterful argumentative skills and wisdom like you did in this thread? Please I'm begging you to try and argue your case again and inevitably just stop replying because you're wrong.
Lol, yeah

That's why I stopped responding, kiddo

Because I'm wrong, and not because the opposing answer is always "NUH UH UR A DUMMY"

Free speech and other slippery slope arguments on this topic are nothing more than fear mongering against some imagined "other side". Hell, this thread is fully of people that use the term 'SJW' unironically, you really think it's worth my time to argue with you people?

ITT: Reactionaries


I more meant references. Like how Veronica in NV mentions the Brotherhood Civil War in F3, I wish there were mentions in Brotherhood terminals of the NCR-Brotherhood war, or the NCR-Legion war, or ecen the Midwestern BOS-Legion war. Just passing mentions would be nice, not definitive 'this is what happens'.

After playing Skyrim, it was hard to get into Oblivion. The menus were clunky and the characters looked awful. Like, really bad. It was more of an effort to play and the story wasn't interesting enough to keep me going through. The dialogue system was fucking atrocious as well, I never figured that out.
They make references in 4 like you mention. Even the Shi, when even Obsidian didn't mention in NV. As for Oblivion, yeah that skill dialogue thing was bad, but you can't sit here and tell me the main story for Skyrim was better than Oblivion. It was clunky, yeah, but for the time it was in, it's just a much better game for the customization, depth, and actual writing of things such as quests and the journals you find.

This brings up a good point (the whole video actually if you wanna watch)

I think the MQ for skyrim was terrible and was really just justification for the Shout mechanic. I'm still perplexed why they introduced the interesting concept of the Thalmor/ Great War and the Skyrim Civil War then did nothing with it. The short questline barely affects the game world, and feels pretty redundant. That should have been the main quest, honestly.

My point on Oblivion was that the story wasn't interesting enough to distract me from the awful character models, clunky gameplay and confusing menu system, among others. Skyrims's combat and general gameplay was pretty tight and enjoyable enough, though far from perfect or in-depth. Kind of like Fallout 3,I guess. But that's probably my own fault for playing Skyrim before Oblivion, so it kind of ruined the experience for me. Kind of like playing NV or Fallout 4 before 3.
According to scrounged up game files, it was originally planned to be a much larger questline with an actual strategic "capture" sort of mechanic involving forts and so on

But, as with New Vegas, a lot of content got cut to meet deadlines

You can't be evil?

You can be a dick, cunt, prick, bastard, bitch, and every other synonym thereof, but you're still gonna be a generally good person overall

Also, call me crazy, but I really don't like the music selection in Fallout 4

Butcher Pete and Atom Bomb Baby and a few others are nice, but I'll claw my ears out if I hear Grandma Plays the Numbers or Personality one more god damn time

I miss my Johnny Guitar :^(

Gaming / Re: PS4 is getting PS2 backwards compatability
« on: November 22, 2015, 04:27:10 AM »
PC has compatibility with everything :^)

A lot of my complaints will be solved with mods - I know that's not how it should be, but that's practically Bethesda's business model at this point. Mods will fix a lot of the aspects of settlements, dialogue, and weaponry.

My main issues center around your character. If you're playing the male, then you're walking around the house and talking to people before you've even given yourself a name. If you're playing the female, then you enter the game speaking to her as your wife. There's a pre-established character already built for you.

Alongside that, there's a pre-established personality built for you as well. I usually play fallout games as the sort of "rogue with a heart of gold" type of character and imagine them to be ex-military. I know, I know, it's a cliche, but it's a cliche that I enjoy playing out. Kinda removes me from that roleplaying aspect when my dark-haired girl that looked to be in her late 20's played a holotape that TOLD ME I had a law degree and how I kept babbling about "muh baybe ;~;".

There are just so many roleplaying options left out of this game. You can't be evil, as is well-established, but you also can't be a lot of other things - a femme fatale/James Bond sort of suave protagonist, a cold and removed "all business" type character, a character more like Danse that behaves like one might imagine some Teutonic knight from the crusades to act, and so on. Your character is given a personality for you and, while you're able to choose your "tone" and general demeanor, you still can't change the personality of the player character as a sort of snarky, helpful character. I loved that New Vegas gave you the option to do things like sleeping with Benny to kill him easily if you had the Black Widow perk - and little flavorful things like that are just missing from Fallout 4. I have an INT of 10 and doctors still talk down to me like I'm an idiot, and I respond like I'm an idiot. Any extra dialogue things are based purely on charisma and a chance factor rather than having relevant stuff relating to your stats, and I really miss that. Guessing passwords because you had high luck, talking like a neanderthal because you had 2 INT, seducing and flirting with enemies because you had high charisma, discussing technical and medical aspects of what you're doing with doctors and scientists because you had high INT, threatening opponents because you were a musclebound freak, and so on - it's all gone, and I think that removes a HEAVY amount of roleplay from the game.

And, as I went over, they established a character for you as well. You KNOW that you're at least heterosexual or bisexual, in your late 20's or somewhere in your 30's, have a kid, were happily married, and served in the military/worked as a lawyer. I want to be an ex-military girl? Nope, can't do that - it's canon that I worked in a law firm pre-war.

There's also the old Witcher/Mass Effect/LA Noire problem with the dialogue. All roleplay aspects aside, I'd really like to know if "sarcastic" means that I'm gonna make a funny little quip or if I'm gonna berate the person I'm talking to and say his face looks like his ass. Granted, there's nothing as terrible as "you stomped her because you're such a weak fucking sister," but I still feel as though I have to press F5 before I choose any "sarcastic" or otherwise risky dialogue choices - not because I don't know how my conversational partner will react to it, but because I don't know what the fuck I'm going to say and don't wanna come off as a stupid little shit.

My other complaints are minimal, really. The gunplay is fantastic but is supplemented by really shit guns. As someone who's always enjoyed playing without energy weapons, I find myself lacking here. Not as bad as Fallout 3 was, mind, but I loved how many ACTUAL GUNS existed in the world of New Vegas and find the difference here startling. The assault rifles look like super soakers, the 10mm is the only pistol outside of The Deliverer and it looks like something a kindergartner designed, the only option for rifles is the hunting rifle, which also happens to be the sniper and .50 cal variant thereof, and the combat rifle that I have to say I was impressed to even see included in the game. For 90% of the runthrough I've found myself using only the Deliverer, .44 revolver, combat rifle, combat shotgun, and sniper rifle. And as Luc said, I hate how they've done the loot system in this game. I miss unlocking a Master level safe or getting to the end of a questline and finding a super-powerful and unique revolver or a sniper rifle that did extra damage, not just opening some random chest at the end of a skyrim dungeon and finding a randomized weapon that might have a special effect added on.

Don't get me wrong, I love the game and a lot of aspects of it, but it just seems lacking in so many areas that I wish Bethesda had improved on. Settlements are pointless, the factions aren't really all that impressive or impactful on the world save for the Brotherhood, and we've already covered character/dialogue and weaponry.

Oh, and one other thing I wanna bitch about. When you get to the Molecular Level quest where you have to choose a side, You have four dialogue options when talking to the three faction leaders - one of them is "never mind," and the OTHER THREE ARE ALL TO TURN IN THE QUEST. FUCK'S SAKE, BETHESDA, WHAT KIND OF SHITTY IDEA WAS THAT? I HAVE SIX FUCKING QUESTS TO TURN IN AND I CAN'T DO IT BECAUSE TALKING TO DESDEMONA AND PRESTON ONLY LETS ME CHOOSE THEIR FACTION FOR THE MAIN QUEST.


Serious / Re: Recent shifts in any of your views? Let's talk about them.
« on: November 21, 2015, 11:53:45 PM »
Robot bodies pls

The Flood / Re: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch
« on: November 21, 2015, 10:35:53 PM »
I can say the whole thing, too

The Flood / Re: Turns out Big Boss exists -- and he's Arabic.
« on: November 21, 2015, 08:12:50 PM »
Well, I mean

Technically his name doesn't mean that. "Azrael" is the name for the Archangel of Death in Islam, Judaism, and Sikhism, but the name means "One Whom God Helps."

But that's just me arguing semantics because I read about demons and angels and shit too much

yeah they said it roughly translates to "angel of death"
Yeah but T E C H N I C A L L Y though

The Flood / Re: Turns out Big Boss exists -- and he's Arabic.
« on: November 21, 2015, 08:07:48 PM »
Well, I mean

Technically his name doesn't mean that. "Azrael" is the name for the Archangel of Death in Islam, Judaism, and Sikhism, but the name means "One Whom God Helps."

But that's just me arguing semantics because I read about demons and angels and shit too much

Serious / Re: Recent shifts in any of your views? Let's talk about them.
« on: November 21, 2015, 07:26:13 PM »
I really just don't get the thought process

>9/11 happens
>Things like the patriot act happen in response
>More terrorist things happen
>"Yeah, this really makes me have faith in the patriot act"


Serious / Re: Recent shifts in any of your views? Let's talk about them.
« on: November 21, 2015, 07:13:18 PM »
My hatred for Islam has increased tenfold after the attacks on France. You don't get to attack the greatest country on earth and live to tell the tale.
They attacked France, not Germany

The Flood / Re: When do we bring out the Christmas avatars
« on: November 21, 2015, 07:03:22 PM »
Wait until after this Thursday you chodes
man, i like your avi

we should bang
Don't steal my waifu
we can share
I'm only into MMF threesomes, though

The more dicks the better

Serious / Re: Indus Valley Civilization
« on: November 21, 2015, 06:57:35 PM »
The Mongol invasions of Europe and Asia
You realize that the Mongolian empire likely spearheaded technological, cultural, economic, and religious development across the Eurasian continent, right?
Actually that was attributed to the Muslim transfer of knowledge to Europe through the Mediterranean.  As can be seen with the commercial and educational progress in areas like Venice.

The Mongols on the other hand wiped out centuries of knowledge through the burning of the great libraries.
And reinstated the long-withered silk road, brought freedom of religious practice and the spread of asiatic religious customs to many areas across the middle east, moved Chinese technology across east and south asia, transferred new languages and customs to former Persia, introduced taxation systems, meritocracies, contributed to the formations of Russia, Korea, and many other slavic, baltic, and Mediterranean states, and - even with their slaughters - introduced a much safer system for those who bowed to their rule.

The Flood / Re: When do we bring out the Christmas avatars
« on: November 21, 2015, 06:54:07 PM »
Wait until after this Thursday you chodes
man, i like your avi

we should bang
Don't steal my waifu

Serious / Re: Recent shifts in any of your views? Let's talk about them.
« on: November 21, 2015, 04:22:00 PM »
Tbh, my stance on incest, at least of the brother/sister or cousin variety

As long as it's between two consenting adults and not being used for reproduction, it's still weird as hell, but I can't say there's anything objectively wrong with it

The Flood / Re: When do we bring out the Christmas avatars
« on: November 21, 2015, 05:36:44 AM »
Wait until after this Thursday you chodes

Serious / Re: Indus Valley Civilization
« on: November 21, 2015, 01:10:52 AM »
The Mongol invasions of Europe and Asia
You realize that the Mongolian empire likely spearheaded technological, cultural, economic, and religious development across the Eurasian continent, right?

Serious / Re: TIME Magazine Person of the Year
« on: November 20, 2015, 03:39:18 AM »
A person you might know of that does it is Jaythenerdkid from

Serious / Re: TIME Magazine Person of the Year
« on: November 20, 2015, 03:36:58 AM »
Seriously, cis people talk about trans people more than we do

You fuckers need to chill

"CIS" people don't exist, that's a label made up by SJWs to feel better about themselves
Are you baiting or are you just that dumb?

LOL you're calling me dumb when SJWs have made a shitty "CIS" labeling system that's completely fucking retarded?
Uh, yes

Because being a considerate human being doesn't make you a le spoogy es jay dubya

So, yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing. Glad you caught on.

Except "CIS" is bullshit slang terms to make faggots feel better about themselves.

The opposing prefix of trans from the root language of latin, that being "cis," used to describe those who are not transgender (i.e. are cisgender) is a, "bullshit slang term"


You're still trying to justify a bullshit SJW slang word?
Did you take chemistry in high school?

Serious / Re: TIME Magazine Person of the Year
« on: November 19, 2015, 10:39:31 PM »
German sexologist Volkmar Sigusch used the term cissexual (zissexuell in German) in a peer-reviewed publication: in his 1998 essay "The Neosexual Revolution", he cites his two-part 1991 article "Die Transsexuellen und unser nosomorpher Blick" ("Transsexuals and our nosomorphic view") as the origin of the term. He also used the term in the title of a 1995 article, "Transsexueller Wunsch und zissexuelle Abwehr" (or: "Transsexual desire and cissexual defense").

The terms cisgender and cissexual were used in the 2006 article in the Journal of Lesbian Studies and Julia Serano's 2007 book Whipping Girl, after which the term gained some popularity among English-speaking activists and scholars. Jillana Enteen wrote in 2009 that "cissexual" is "meant to show that there are embedded assumptions encoded in expecting this seamless conformity".

I genuinely do not understand why anyone would have a problem with the term "cisgender".

It's not an insult, it doesn't have a bad connotation... it literally just means that you're "normal."

So what.

Probably because it's slung around like an insult by various groups.
Yeah, so is Jew

But you don't hear me trying to stop people from calling me that, do you?

Serious / Re: TIME Magazine Person of the Year
« on: November 19, 2015, 10:09:17 PM »
Seriously, cis people talk about trans people more than we do

You fuckers need to chill

"CIS" people don't exist, that's a label made up by SJWs to feel better about themselves
Are you baiting or are you just that dumb?

LOL you're calling me dumb when SJWs have made a shitty "CIS" labeling system that's completely fucking retarded?
Uh, yes

Because being a considerate human being doesn't make you a le spoogy es jay dubya

So, yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing. Glad you caught on.

Except "CIS" is bullshit slang terms to make faggots feel better about themselves.

The opposing prefix of trans from the root language of latin, that being "cis," used to describe those who are not transgender (i.e. are cisgender) is a, "bullshit slang term"


Serious / Re: TIME Magazine Person of the Year
« on: November 19, 2015, 05:28:19 PM »
Seriously, cis people talk about trans people more than we do

You fuckers need to chill

"CIS" people don't exist, that's a label made up by SJWs to feel better about themselves
Are you baiting or are you just that dumb?

LOL you're calling me dumb when SJWs have made a shitty "CIS" labeling system that's completely fucking retarded?
Uh, yes

Because being a considerate human being doesn't make you a le spoogy es jay dubya

So, yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing. Glad you caught on.

Serious / Re: TIME Magazine Person of the Year
« on: November 19, 2015, 05:07:49 PM »
Seriously, cis people talk about trans people more than we do

You fuckers need to chill

"CIS" people don't exist, that's a label made up by SJWs to feel better about themselves
Are you baiting or are you just that dumb?

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