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Messages - Cindy

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The Flood / Re: What do you think you're known for on sep7agon?
« on: December 02, 2015, 03:50:31 PM »
I'm a spooky skeleton and I like Jinx too much
but jinx is literally not the best waifu

vi has them arms
F U C K off

The Flood / Re: Josh McIntosh - "5 Ways Men Can Help End Sexism"
« on: December 02, 2015, 03:33:05 PM »
Like, okay, I'll definitely agree with you on a certain point: if a man or woman (usually it's a woman) is only present to be a sexual object, then that's a bad thing. Connery-age Bond girls, chain-bikini chicks from old fantasy stuff, and so on. Yeah, that's bad.

But a man or woman simply BEING sexual or sexually alluring while also having a character to them isn't a bad thing, even if their looks play into their character.

The Flood / Re: Josh McIntosh - "5 Ways Men Can Help End Sexism"
« on: December 02, 2015, 03:22:12 PM »

The Flood / Re: Josh McIntosh - "5 Ways Men Can Help End Sexism"
« on: December 02, 2015, 03:20:34 PM »
>bell hooks

The post was pretty good except that part

Bell Hooks is eugh

The Flood / Re: What do you think you're known for on sep7agon?
« on: December 02, 2015, 03:13:46 PM »
I'm a spooky skeleton and I like Jinx too much

Serious / Re: Marine murdered transgender woman
« on: December 02, 2015, 11:46:38 AM »
clearly if she was getting physical with him he would shut her down, perturbed or not.
Fucking Christ
What's the problem? He's a Marine, so he's not going to be the brightest and he's trained to fight and kill. In the situation he was in he's going to be upset and any patience about not hitting a woman he might've had will have flown out the window. I don't see how else it would've worked out with him getting hit.
Wow, you make it sound like Marines are real pieces of shit
I think that depends on your definition of piece of shit.
Pretty sure "getting angry/surprised = strangling a person to near/possible death" fits the bill pretty nicely, actually

I don't see how that COULDN'T fit a person's definition of a piece of shit

Serious / Re: Marine murdered transgender woman
« on: December 01, 2015, 10:04:12 PM »
I should just like, buy a farm, and like it'll be a big farm, and like, I'll let all the transpeople in the world live there so that they can be safe, and all they have to do is sometimes tend to my corn fields for ten hours a day six days a week so that I can run a profitable corn whiskey business.
Oh, I thought you'd want us to bang you

Serious / Re: Marine murdered transgender woman
« on: December 01, 2015, 09:49:36 PM »
clearly if she was getting physical with him he would shut her down, perturbed or not.
Fucking Christ
What's the problem? He's a Marine, so he's not going to be the brightest and he's trained to fight and kill. In the situation he was in he's going to be upset and any patience about not hitting a woman he might've had will have flown out the window. I don't see how else it would've worked out with him getting hit.
Wow, you make it sound like Marines are real pieces of shit

Serious / Re: Marine murdered transgender woman
« on: December 01, 2015, 08:32:28 PM »
clearly if she was getting physical with him he would shut her down, perturbed or not.
Fucking Christ

Serious / Re: Marine murdered transgender woman
« on: December 01, 2015, 07:40:19 PM »
Because a guy and a transgirl are L I T E R A L L Y the same thing!!!


Serious / Re: Marine murdered transgender woman
« on: December 01, 2015, 06:19:54 PM »
People will up-and-down debate that drunk sex is rape, but if you don't bring a fucking ledger to tell your partner that you have a Y chromosome then by god you're just awful.

And don't bring that "being mad will get you nowhere" shit. In case you hadn't noticed, people feel emotions. That happens to people on a fairly regular basis.

Serious / Re: Marine murdered transgender woman
« on: December 01, 2015, 06:15:14 PM »
People do realize that it's not like the guy shouted "TRANNY FILTH" before punching her in the face and choking the life out of her, right? Sounds like it got heated and he tried to knock her out so he could get away.
He wrapped his hands around her throat until she stopped breathing.
Didn't it say he put her in a chokehold?

Whatever, it's irrelevant. Violence wasn't the answer, but the point of this was being to light that lying about your true gender in situations like this can and do have consequences.
Yeah, you're right, she was basically asking for it

I mean, look at what she was wearing.

Serious / Re: Marine murdered transgender woman
« on: December 01, 2015, 06:12:02 PM »
What in the name of fucking Christ

Are you serious? You're defending a man who KILLED a woman on the basis that she didn't tell him about her Y chromosome?

I usually try to at least keep some level of decency in this sort of discussion, but you really don't deserve that. You're a real piece of shit.
I'm not defending him at all, I'm saying it was provoked. Obviously he spazzed the fuck out and went overboard.

I'm using this case as an example for the whole "they shouldn't have to tell you if they're trans" debate.

I suggest you edit your post before you get banned.
I suggest you shut the fuck up, because I really don't care.

You know what that's called? A hate crime. You know what doesn't work in considering for "provoking" someone else? A hate crime. Call her names, say she's disgusting, do whatever you'd like, but in no fucking plane of existence is "my sexual partner used to be a man and that makes me feel icky" justification for strangling a person and leaving their body over a toilet because you were "provoked."

Serious / Re: Marine murdered transgender woman
« on: December 01, 2015, 06:10:04 PM »
People do realize that it's not like the guy shouted "TRANNY FILTH" before punching her in the face and choking the life out of her, right? Sounds like it got heated and he tried to knock her out so he could get away.
He wrapped his hands around her throat until she stopped breathing.

Serious / Re: Marine murdered transgender woman
« on: December 01, 2015, 05:57:52 PM »
What in the name of fucking Christ

Are you serious? You're defending a man who KILLED a woman on the basis that she didn't tell him about her Y chromosome?

I usually try to at least keep some level of decency in this sort of discussion, but you really don't deserve that.

Serious / Re: Developments- I am a theist.
« on: November 30, 2015, 02:00:44 PM »
I wanna contribute something but I'm more of a "live and let live" kind of person on the topic of theological beliefs

So, uh...good for you. Hope you find peace.

Serious / Re: “There’s no such thing as safe drugs."
« on: November 29, 2015, 12:50:37 PM »
No fun allowed

Sit in a padded room all year long or you're a JUNKIE

Gaming / ITT: Game trailers with amazing fight choreography
« on: November 28, 2015, 08:37:18 PM »




Ubisoft may not be able to make a good game, but by god can they make a good trailer

Link more, lads

Gaming / Re: best use of classic songs in video games?
« on: November 28, 2015, 08:28:31 PM »
Unfortunately, Iron by Woodkid isn't a classic song

Revelations still has the most badass trailer ever, though

The Flood / Re: King Kong vs. Godzilla
« on: November 28, 2015, 06:21:32 PM »
King Kong beating Godzilla is the dumbest shit ever

The Flood / Re: All Woman Cast Ocean's Eleven
« on: November 28, 2015, 06:04:28 PM »
Stupid idea

But I love that people are picking it apart for having an all women cast and being "le evil feemuhnist" and not just being a shitty re-hash movie

Last movie was all men and no nigga had a problem with it. Who gives a shit if it's all women? Just gonna suck ass because it's a shitty re-make, fam.

Probably because the all-female cast is the cherry on top of the shit-cake.
"I'm not sexist guys I swear"

It's not because they're replacing the cast with women
It's the reason why
There is literally no point other than an "empowering" movie that's really a cash grab
Which I agree with

Not defending the movie, lad - there's literally almost no chance it will be any kind of not-shit.

But look at thread, mate. People talking about how girls can't act, about how the roles will all be dumbed down and how the actresses would always suck and be bad and do cliches and so on.

Saying the movie is gonna be shit because it's only being made to have an all female cast and be some "empowerment" shtick isn't sexist, just the truth. Saying that the movie is gonna be shit because it's going to have an all-girl cast and girls are worse actors than men is.

The Flood / Re: Why Asians hate westerners
« on: November 28, 2015, 03:27:48 PM »
"I like my women like 10 year olds" - that dude

The Flood / Re: All Woman Cast Ocean's Eleven
« on: November 28, 2015, 03:25:15 PM »
Stupid idea

But I love that people are picking it apart for having an all women cast and being "le evil feemuhnist" and not just being a shitty re-hash movie

Last movie was all men and no nigga had a problem with it. Who gives a shit if it's all women? Just gonna suck ass because it's a shitty re-make, fam.

Probably because the all-female cast is the cherry on top of the shit-cake.
"I'm not sexist guys I swear"

Serious / Re: How people thought the year 2000 would look like in the 1800s
« on: November 28, 2015, 02:14:42 PM »
One rich country giving firefighters jetpacks doesn't mean that's common technology, nigga

You can equate shit all day, doesn't make it true

Serious / Re: How people thought the year 2000 would look like in the 1800s
« on: November 28, 2015, 02:00:16 PM »
"We have all this amazing technology and more"

Yeah fam can't tell you the last time I plugged into a desk at college while my family was saved by flying firemen

The Flood / Re: how do you feel about tattoos
« on: November 28, 2015, 01:55:01 PM »
Hot, might get one with the right one but wouldn't just get one to get one

The Flood / Re: All Woman Cast Ocean's Eleven
« on: November 28, 2015, 01:48:17 PM »
Stupid idea

But I love that people are picking it apart for having an all women cast and being "le evil feemuhnist" and not just being a shitty re-hash movie

Last movie was all men and no nigga had a problem with it. Who gives a shit if it's all women? Just gonna suck ass because it's a shitty re-make, fam.

Serious / Re: When does a "child" become responsible for their actions?
« on: November 26, 2015, 10:12:39 AM »
Children aren't even capable of empathy until around age 8, which is why kids can seem to be cold-hearted fucks. Responsible for small stuff to learn discipline? Definitely. Responsible for actual comes? Nah.

13's a good age to start enforcing legal repercussions.
Eh, I don't think it's quite that they aren't capable of empathy, just that, until a certain age, they aren't capable of looking at things from another's point of view. Not quite the same.

Serious / Re: When does a "child" become responsible for their actions?
« on: November 26, 2015, 10:01:35 AM »
I'll be honest

When I was 17, which was only two years ago, I'm pretty sure I would've known better than to join a radical religious extremist insurgent group

Serious / Re: Recent shifts in any of your views? Let's talk about them.
« on: November 26, 2015, 09:57:54 AM »
Literally nobody was oppressing Muslims throughout various points of history and they still killed religious and ethnic minorities.

And forget Muslims, let's bring up South America. Funnily enough, they've been just as oppressed, have just as much poverty, are just as religious, yet they don't do what Muslims do.


Nvm, had to respond to this, too

Yeah, I can't think of any groups south of the U.S. that were trained by U.S. special forces to act as anti-communist forces, then went rogue, formed their own allegiances, and currently threaten the native and U.S. populations with their presence.

Nope. None at all.

Certainly not the Zetas, Gulf, Juarez, La Familia, Comando Vermelho, Terceiro Comando, Black Eagles, Bloque Meta, Los Rastrojos, FARC, ELN, uh...

Nope, nothing comes to mind.

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