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Messages - Cindy

Pages: 1 ... 161718 1920 ... 60
Serious / Re: The large minority: Islam and terrorism.
« on: December 13, 2015, 10:01:44 AM »
Like a brick wall, I swear

Serious / Re: On the value of tradition
« on: December 13, 2015, 10:00:44 AM »
Well that's the least self-aware argument I've ever heard in my life

Serious / Re: Why does the West have such a hard time
« on: December 13, 2015, 09:56:04 AM »
Gotta love how easily you criticize Christianity but don't say a thing against Islam.

Probably because western society doesn't have centuries of ingrained orthodox islamic values that I live with on a day-to-day basis, you fuckin' genius.
And in a Muslim country you wouldn't have to deal with this on a day to day basis, because they'd fucking kill you.
Yeah, but that's not really FUCKIN' relevant, is it?

If I lived in goddamn Pakistan then I'd have different complaints. No shit.
It's extremely relevant. You never criticize Islam or Muslims. You go off on Christianity, and it's entirely justified to you and you're not being a bigot because of some misguided belief that Muslims are a minority when they're the largest religion on the planet.

If I say what you're saying about Christianity about Islam, I'm a bigot that hates Muslims.
Lmao, because saying that Islam isn't a religion that corrupts absolutely and defending people when they say that it is the root and primary reason for the issues in the middle east is EXACTLY the same as saying, "man, I wish we didn't have to live with christian sexual values."

Learn fuckin' context. I'm not calling Christians evil, I'm saying that their sexual values suck. You know who else's sexual values suck? Judaism, Islam, Sikhism, Hindu, Buddhism, Shinto, Taoism, and a whole fucking host of others.

But those haven't had centuries of arraignment within western culture and thus I do not feel the effects thereof on society from a sexual point of view.

Thus it's not fucking relevant.

Serious / Re: The large minority: Islam and terrorism.
« on: December 13, 2015, 09:50:16 AM »
You're a goat farmer in the middle east. You know almost nothing of the outside world. Your father was a goat farmer, his father was a goat farmer, and your daughters will likely marry other goat farmers while your sons grow up to be goat farmers. Your world is goat farming, it's what you know and love.

One day you hear, on your shitty radio and/or television, that the Soviets are invading your country. You have a vague notion of what the Soviets are - not enough to know much about them, mind, but enough to know that they're bad news.

You hear about this man, Osama Bin Laden, who is being trained to fight against this foreign threat. Lo and behold he is successful and makes a number of headlines for his valiant fight against the Soviets. By god, this man's a national hero! So, a few years later, when this national hero who protected you and your family says that the west is evil, you take his word on it.

Hell, I mean, they've been staying here forever, armed to the teeth. Sometimes they even take away someone in your village for "questioning" and then you never see him again, they keep trying to change your way of life, they refuse to speak your language and want you to learn their's, and this national hero is yelling in your ear and saying that they're the enemy. I dunno, seems pretty right to me.

You people seriously lack perspective and understanding of what propaganda can do to uneducated populaces who don't have nearly the amount of resources that we do.

Of course, there was that incident where a bunch of Muslims banded together and raised money for the victims of terror attacks, but nobody talks about that because Islam can't be used for good, right?

Serious / Re: Why does the West have such a hard time
« on: December 13, 2015, 09:46:08 AM »
Gotta love how easily you criticize Christianity but don't say a thing against Islam.

Probably because western society doesn't have centuries of ingrained orthodox islamic values that I live with on a day-to-day basis, you fuckin' genius.
And in a Muslim country you wouldn't have to deal with this on a day to day basis, because they'd fucking kill you.
Yeah, but that's not really FUCKIN' relevant, is it?

If I lived in goddamn Pakistan then I'd have different complaints. No shit.

Serious / Re: "Islamic extremism is created by the U.S."
« on: December 13, 2015, 09:38:37 AM »
ITT: "Foreign invasions have had no effect on local militias rising to fight said foreign invaders"

Seriously, do you people even listen to yourselves when you talk?

Serious / Re: Why does the West have such a hard time
« on: December 13, 2015, 09:35:08 AM »
You can't blame a culture for promoting having children as that is required to stop the culture from going extinct.
I can when such a thing is no longer necessary.

Why is casual sex good? Isn't it by definition of a lower standard than non-casual sex?
Why is it bad? Why is it of a "lower standard"? Just because it's not for some people doesn't mean that society should look down upon it.

Why is group sex good and worth promoting?
Uh, because it's fun and causes no harm? Don't go fuckin' Verby on me, here.

Speaking as a man I find the idea of having sex with a woman that has fucked other men, especially large amounts of other men to be disgusting, so I have to ask why you approve of this behavior; do you find it attractive? do you think society benefits from it?
Why do you find that idea disgusting? Not that I'm saying you HAVE to find it attractive or you're some kind of bigot, but you should probably look at the reasons why. Would you feel disgusting hanging out with a man who's been with a lot of women? This sort of thing - female sexual activity being equated as a negative while the opposite is true for men - is exactly the type of thing that I'm talking about hating.

Also i'm not sure what you're talking about with sexuality being worse than violence
The TV show Hannibal features a scene commonly referred to as "angels", wherein he has strung up two individuals in a very sadistic position with their backs torn open and hung so that they protrude from their backs like the wings of an angel, as shown below.


Both of the figures in the scene are entirely nude, and when seen from the front, viewers were able to see the female corpse's nipples. The censors wouldn't allow that, saying that it was "too mature", and so the fix was to slit the corpse of the female's throat and have the blood flowing over her breasts, as seen below.


That is what I mean by sexuality being worse than violence.

And as for polyamory, are you a cuckold?
Lmao, how the fuck do those even relate at all?

"Oh, you're gay. You into BDSM, then?"

Serious / Re: Why does the West have such a hard time
« on: December 13, 2015, 09:29:09 AM »
Gotta love how easily you criticize Christianity but don't say a thing against Islam.

Probably because western society doesn't have centuries of ingrained orthodox islamic values that I live with on a day-to-day basis, you fuckin' genius.

Serious / Re: Why does the West have such a hard time
« on: December 13, 2015, 09:27:55 AM »
>"They've been murdering each other for centuries, so it's okay if they continue to murder others now. It's just how it's been, you shouldn't expect anything less GOSH you're sooooo oppressive against culture!!"
And literally the same as
>"His parents beat him as a kid, so it isn't HIS fault he beat and murdered his wife!"
When have I said that it's perfectly fine for people to kill each other? I'm not advocating that we just say, "oh, well yeah, that's fine," I'm just saying that you can't pin the whole damn thing on islam and then decide to hate the arabs because of it. jfc.

>Waaaaaah my ancestors were oppressed, lemme drink and do drugs all day rather than make something of myself waaaaah I'm so oppressed waaaah still getting free state entitlements waaaaaaaah

Also, "systematic genocide over a couple centuries" LOL. The Manifest Destiny only lasted like 20 years and was in no way a genocide.
>"It's okay they have a shitty culture, it's how they've been for a while. You can't blame them for their Cast System and filthiness and expect standards!! How DARE you!!"
Same bullshit excuse etc
"I'm some white dude and I think that systematically oppressed races should just pick themselves up by le bootstraps. Lmao, if you're poor just buy more money, duh."

It's really not even worth the effort to argue with you if you're THAT stupid. This isn't about white guilt or people deserving handouts, this about the fact that countries who are invaded and torn to shreds by foreign powers don't exactly have the inherent ability to just bounce right back - especially when those same foreign countries look at the mess they themselves created and go, "Woah, what a bunch of backwards-ass idiots."

Culture and technological sharing and/or integration is not the same as genocides, segregation, and forced assimilation. I agree with you on the point that I think it's silly that we should leave cultures "untouched" so that they can stay "pure" - that's a bit silly. Forwarding people literally hundreds if not thousands of technological years is fantastic.

But I'm assuming that these points fall on flat ears to a person who says that what the Spanish/French/British/Americans did to the native tribes WASN'T genocide. What point is there?

Pfffffff HAHAHAHAHA you clearly don't understand the Metal scene at all if you're even thinking of equating it with nigger/"thug" culture. Same with violent video games.
Hm, why are they so different? Both glorify violence and bloodshed, the acquisition of wealth, the importance of self over the importance of others, I could go on and on.

Or is the fact that bands such as the aforementioned Mayhem condoned suicide on their album covers, murdered rival band members, and burned down churches somehow better than rap because they're white? Why are white shooters always mentally ill but black shooters just a product of a "poor culture"? Why is it that violent video games and punk or metal culture can't be responsible when a guy shoots up a theater and says he's the Joker but when a black guy shoots a white dude then it's probably because he listened to too much rap and was encouraged by those other, naughty thugs?

Once again, probably not poignant to use these on a person who refers to black people as "niggers", but, y'know, I try.

Serious / Re: Another thread about suicide
« on: December 13, 2015, 08:32:26 AM »
Tell me about it, fam

I usually tell people that I've attempted it three times, but I guess 'attempted' is more on the line of trying and failing. I just get to the point of being on the edge and then pussy out.

Serious / Re: Why does the West have such a hard time
« on: December 12, 2015, 05:56:05 AM »
Not to mention anything to do with abstinence-only education and trying to "hide" the idea of sex from minors

Serious / Re: Why does the West have such a hard time
« on: December 12, 2015, 05:55:10 AM »
I find it almost terrifying that being proud of your nation's accomplishments isn't a majority view. The traditional European way of life with European technology is fucking fantastic.
Traditional European way of life can suck a fuck tbh

Christian sexual values pls go and stay go
Care to explain a bit more?
>Negative female societal expectations for sex juxtaposed with a positive male societal expectation for sex
>Social stigmatism against sexuality, often equated as worse than violence
>Little acknowledgement of asexuality, virginity being held as something bad to have to men and bad to lose for women
>The entire concept of physical virginity in women
>Expectations to have kids
>Disapproval of casual sex
>Disapproval of group sex
>Disapproval of polyamory from both a sexual and romantic standpoint

Pls go and stay go

Serious / Re: Why does the West have such a hard time
« on: December 12, 2015, 04:55:48 AM »
I find it almost terrifying that being proud of your nation's accomplishments isn't a majority view. The traditional European way of life with European technology is fucking fantastic.
Traditional European way of life can suck a fuck tbh

Christian sexual values pls go and stay go

Serious / Re: Why do liberals view Trumps Muslim ban negatively?
« on: December 12, 2015, 04:54:53 AM »
Question: why would Muslims ever want to go to America considering it's not an Islamic country and never will be, and furthermore why would you want to bring Muslims into your non Muslim country?

Looking from the outside American culture and Muslim culture appear incompatible with one another.
"Why would we not want cultures to remain stagnant for the remainder of eternity?"
You're really begging the question there. How does Muslim culture improve American culture? and if it doesn't, why would you advocate for it?
Cultures don't have to "improve upon" or "take away from" other cultures to be beneficial. Culture sharing is beneficial at its core.

Do I advocate for Americans to start following Shariah Law and wearing hijabs? No, of course not, but I don't advocate for anyone to do these things and would say that moving past odd laws like that is one of the great benefits of culture sharing.
That makes more sense than your first post, but now I have to ask what kind of sharing you're talking about, and whether or not Muslims need to be in America to do so.
Integration and understanding of one another's culture is basically something that's always happened throughout history. Cultures that attempt to stay stagnant and "hidden" from the remainder of the world tend to end up poorly.

Now, this isn't saying that we should leave other, more "primitive" (from a technological point of view) cultures on their own, but we also shouldn't be scared of naturally adopting aspects from other cultures through integration.

Serious / Re: Why do liberals view Trumps Muslim ban negatively?
« on: December 12, 2015, 04:05:20 AM »
Question: why would Muslims ever want to go to America considering it's not an Islamic country and never will be, and furthermore why would you want to bring Muslims into your non Muslim country?

Looking from the outside American culture and Muslim culture appear incompatible with one another.
"Why would we not want cultures to remain stagnant for the remainder of eternity?"
You're really begging the question there. How does Muslim culture improve American culture? and if it doesn't, why would you advocate for it?
Cultures don't have to "improve upon" or "take away from" other cultures to be beneficial. Culture sharing is beneficial at its core.

Do I advocate for Americans to start following Shariah Law and wearing hijabs? No, of course not, but I don't advocate for anyone to do these things and would say that moving past odd laws like that is one of the great benefits of culture sharing.

Serious / Re: Why do liberals view Trumps Muslim ban negatively?
« on: December 12, 2015, 03:51:44 AM »
Apparently people think its okay that Rick Ross's fatass made a song about assassinating Trump.

But god forbid anyone who made a song about killing Obama or Hillary.
Tbf he lost a lot of weight

Serious / Re: Why do liberals view Trumps Muslim ban negatively?
« on: December 12, 2015, 03:51:10 AM »
Question: why would Muslims ever want to go to America considering it's not an Islamic country and never will be, and furthermore why would you want to bring Muslims into your non Muslim country?

Looking from the outside American culture and Muslim culture appear incompatible with one another.
"Why would we not want cultures to remain stagnant for the remainder of eternity?"

The Flood / Re: Do you shave your legs?
« on: December 12, 2015, 03:42:54 AM »
Shave my whole body, fam. Head to toe, not including head hair, obviously

Fuckin' smooth as shit

Serious / Re: Should Lobbyism be banned?
« on: December 12, 2015, 03:42:04 AM »
We really should

Serious / Re: Why does the West have such a hard time
« on: December 12, 2015, 03:41:37 AM »
"Hey, don't censor me. I have a right to free speech and not letting me use slurs is taking away that right."

"Btw let's go ahead and ban everything I disagree with like other cultures and religions"

Lmao give me a break

Serious / Re: Why does the West have such a hard time
« on: December 12, 2015, 03:39:54 AM »
Right, okay, might as well make some half-assed non-effort post to at least point out how fuckin' stupid this all is.

-Saying that people who don't hate Islam are ignorant is just hilariously ironic. The area had been war-torn and plagued by foreign invasions for decades, it's probably not gonna be the pinnacle of stability.
-"Handouts"? What, like, literally the shittiest land available at the time, and then being moved off of it again once oil was discovered on it? There's a reason that native americans are now pretty much the smallest minority in the world and, hint hint, it's not because of their culture. Might have something to do with systematic genocide over a couple centuries, though.
-And yet again, you miss the point as to how India became so poor-off. As a hint, Gandhi wasn't praised because India was doing fantastic at the time.
-Seriously, do you not understand what Colonialism was? Because I'm pretty much 100% certain that you don't understand what Colonialism was.
-Guess we should probably condemn the scandinavian countries and their glorification of viking culture, too, huh? After all, death metal bands like Mayhem encourage violence, black magic, and the burning of churches. Oh, and we should probably get rid of those evil violent video games too, huh?

Serious / Re: Why do liberals view Trumps Muslim ban negatively?
« on: December 12, 2015, 03:32:19 AM »
Also, y'know, happened a good 70 years ago

Was a horrible thing, but we're supposed to learn by our mistakes, not just say, "Well, FDR was a good leader and he did it, so Trump should do it too!"

Washington had slaves, doesn't mean that if a modern-day leader wanted to reinstate slavery that we'd all just go, "Well, I mean, our FOUNDING FATHERS had them, so why not?"

Serious / Re: Why does the West have such a hard time
« on: December 11, 2015, 04:17:35 PM »
Is there a reason this is in Serious?

I don't care if Midget is 100% serious. This is retarded.
Bruh, even fuckin' Challenger is saying it's dumb

« on: December 11, 2015, 03:27:05 PM »
You're all getting coal for christmas

Fucking degenerates tbh

Bring Santa some liquor
can i sit on your lap and ask what i wan for christmas?
Only if you look as cute as that Poppy avatar

Serious / Re: Why does the West have such a hard time
« on: December 11, 2015, 03:26:35 PM »
I see Stormfront is being visited

Kindly sieg heil and goosestep off a tall building please
Sweet racial meme dismissal of valid points, bro.
>Valid points


The Flood / Re: Being straight-edge is cool as fuck
« on: December 11, 2015, 03:25:09 PM »










« on: December 11, 2015, 03:23:34 PM »
You're all getting coal for christmas

Fucking degenerates tbh

Bring Santa some liquor

The Flood / Re: Good Tabletop Systems?
« on: December 11, 2015, 02:55:11 PM »
Lmao, how the fuck does a system as shitty as Savage Worlds get that popular?

The Flood / Re: If you don't have a Christmas themed name and profile pic.
« on: December 11, 2015, 02:46:41 PM »
Ho ho ho

Merry Christmas, you cunts

The Flood / Re: If you don't have a Christmas themed name and profile pic.
« on: December 11, 2015, 02:40:12 PM »
How do I change my name, lads?

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