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Messages - Cindy

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The Flood / Re: I could out-English verb tbh
« on: January 21, 2016, 03:22:40 PM »
I got 5's in English Comp and Lit

Fucking come at me faggot I'll rek u

your english is good but it's not that good

do you have to fill in your nationality for those, or something
Nigga have you ever seen me write a gotdam essay? Or a story? Or anything that required writing experience of any kind at all?

Serious / Re: 2016 election
« on: January 21, 2016, 03:07:09 PM »
The sad thing about this election is that Trump is one of the candidates I'd vote for if I was being forced to vote republican

Got nothing against republicans, but this year's runners are...eugh

The Flood / Re: I could out-English verb tbh
« on: January 21, 2016, 02:41:09 PM »
I got 5's in English Comp and Lit

Fucking come at me faggot I'll rek u

Serious / Re: #OscarsSoWhite
« on: January 21, 2016, 02:36:51 PM »
Inb4 Cindo comes in and cucks up the thread.
Luc said I need to make sure and come in here and do it just for the sake of doing it so now I'm not gonna do it for the same reason

The Flood / Re: users who try to be funny but always fail
« on: January 20, 2016, 06:12:47 PM »
Nobody's mentioned me

Gotdam, I must be fuckin' hilarious then!
I thought you tried to be annoying, not funny
Eh, on this site, yeah

That's a good point

The Flood / Re: but the fact of the matter is
« on: January 20, 2016, 05:49:17 PM »
I mean...

The Flood / Re: users who try to be funny but always fail
« on: January 20, 2016, 05:48:24 PM »
Nobody's mentioned me

Gotdam, I must be fuckin' hilarious then!

Serious / Re: Depression and Anxiety Self Help Thread
« on: January 20, 2016, 05:35:03 PM »
What's up, ladies?

I'm single and ready to fucking kill myself.

Serious / Re: GOP Candidate Analysis (Updated)
« on: January 20, 2016, 04:57:33 PM »
Huckabee makes me puke tbh

Only person I'd vote for Trump over

The Flood / Re: Why Are Gamer Girls So Desirable?
« on: January 20, 2016, 04:44:45 PM »
Girls that like to read/are okay with trying nerdy things (D&D) are way better than gamers tbh. Less conflict possible in tastes.

I could never see myself with a complete casual or someone that almost made it to sorceress-status.
Aria pls stop


Serious / Re: 2016 election
« on: January 20, 2016, 04:31:07 PM »
>Supremacy group


>Support for the Assyrians

I'm sure that the nations of Ashur - first empire of history - will be pleased by your glory in standing up for their nation.

Though you're a good three thousand or so years late.

Serious / Re: 2016 election
« on: January 20, 2016, 04:25:59 PM »
Trump being the president of this country scares the absolute shit out of me

Kanye basically did for Hip Hop what Bowie did for rock. He's an icon that changed the genre.

The people bashing him are just aspies.

The Flood / Re: Desktop Thread 2016
« on: January 20, 2016, 12:24:40 PM »

I have about 20 images that rotate but like seven of them are just solid colors so here's one of them

Serious / Re: Bernie supporters.
« on: January 20, 2016, 09:20:18 AM »
This place surprises me with how conservative it can be
It's not even that conservative. There's like Turkey, Midget. a few other not-so-active members and I who can reasonably be called "conservative".

This place, at least it seems, has way more moderate liberals and libertarians. Which isn't at all unusual.
Not really, tbh

There are plenty of moderates, but I'd say there are just as many conservative-leaning people on Sep7 as there are liberal-leaning people.
I doubt that, highly. Now that Gaara's here we have another conservative, but in my political compass thread the results were pretty heaving to the Left IIRC.
People usually consider themselves more liberal than they are

The Flood / Re: Why Are Gamer Girls So Desirable?
« on: January 20, 2016, 08:38:31 AM »
i detest the term "gamer girl"

"gamer" on its own is bad enough

Serious / Re: Batshit insane liquor laws
« on: January 20, 2016, 08:37:29 AM »
This could be an interesting topic

>Opens thread
>"Fun is a vice" conversation

Oh, my mistake

Serious / Re: Bernie supporters.
« on: January 20, 2016, 08:36:13 AM »
This place surprises me with how conservative it can be
It's not even that conservative. There's like Turkey, Midget. a few other not-so-active members and I who can reasonably be called "conservative".

This place, at least it seems, has way more moderate liberals and libertarians. Which isn't at all unusual.
Not really, tbh

There are plenty of moderates, but I'd say there are just as many conservative-leaning people on Sep7 as there are liberal-leaning people.

The Flood / Re: >tfw there aren't any threads to be a spooky skeleton in
« on: January 15, 2016, 11:49:09 PM »
You could always just kick me
in the nuts?
I'm not really in to that.... but like, she could totally just kick my abdomen a few hundred times.
But I'm a sub

The Flood / Re: Am high on ecstasy (MDMA), Ask Me Anything
« on: January 15, 2016, 11:35:42 PM »
Why the fuck would you post on a fucking shit-ass forum while tripping?

The Flood / >tfw there aren't any threads to be a spooky skeleton in
« on: January 15, 2016, 11:34:33 PM »
How the fuck am I supposed to get my kicks if I can't yell at cunts?

I wonder what SJW's think of Spanish which uses "o" and "a" to denote male and female, respectively.
It's retarded.
Because it's pointless.

Obviously, we need words like male & female, boy & girl, man & woman, and mother & father, and shit like that, but anything further than that is just unnecessary. Why does the Spanish language need masculine and feminine forms for every fucking noun in their dumbfuck language? Why is that needed? What purpose does that serve?
Pretty much every Romantic, Germanic, and Slavic language does that

And it's not even coherent between them

kinda dumb considering the word man usually =humans in general


It's not sexist, really.
I don't really understand your reasoning. I mean, sure, it's not sexist--it's just androcentric for no good reason.
Well I don't know if I'm right sooooo. Maybe it has something to do with the religious "fact" that mankind start with man or some shit

Fuck man I don't know
It comes from Old German/Old English

"Man" (Modern-day German "Mann) was used to denote an unspecific single person, whereas "Werman" and "Wyfman" were used for males and females (likely where "wife" developed from).

The problem is that "man" has evolved, in modern english, to mean something masculine

kinda dumb considering the word man usually =humans in general


It's not sexist, really.
Then why does "man" mean "masculine" rather than the more traditional, old english word "werman"?

Like, yeah. Mankind, the race of men, etc all comes from the Germanic "Mann" that just means a single human

But that doesn't mean jack dick in modern english

Oh look, people don't understand that "man" has two meanings. What's new?
Oh look, people who don't understand that language evolves and the perceived meaning of words can change over time depending on usage. What's new?

The Flood / Re: What's your favorite Pixar film?
« on: January 07, 2016, 05:02:40 PM »
The Incredibles > Inside Out > Finding Nemo > WALL-E > Toy Story > Toy Story 3 > Monster's Inc. > Toy Story 2 > Ratatouille > Brave > Up > Monsters University > A Bug's Life > Cars > Literal shit > Cars 2
>listing A Bug's Life as one of the worst

Ban requested
Idk, I never got the hype for Bug's Life

I mean, it's not a bad film, just not that great

The Flood / Re: What's your favorite Pixar film?
« on: January 07, 2016, 04:43:31 PM »
The Incredibles > Inside Out > Finding Nemo > WALL-E > Toy Story > Toy Story 3 > Monster's Inc. > Toy Story 2 > Ratatouille > Brave > Up > Monsters University > A Bug's Life > Cars > Literal shit > Cars 2

Serious / Re: Promiscuity and desensitization to sex
« on: January 03, 2016, 04:33:38 PM »
I could care less what people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. Have all the drug fueled orgies you want. It's none of my damn business nor is it anyone else's business.
So you'd be ok with your daughter or sister being a slut? Just doing drugs and being treated like a piece of meat?
If that's what she wants and isn't doing something that warrants an intervention like developing and heroin addiction then yes
Get back to me when you actually have a kid. Let's see how happy and proud you are with a whore junky daughter.
Funny that you restrict that only to the daughter

But you're not sexist, right?

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