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Messages - Cindy

Pages: 1 ... 101112 1314 ... 60
The Flood / Re: Just ate a sandwich ask me anything
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:47:12 AM »
Don't ignore me you rancid swine.
Shut up....i-idiot

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:42:13 AM »
The big difference being there fam is that the trans issue is still a pretty contentious debate in the dialogue of society. Not everyone agrees exactly what it is and what should be the ideal solution as there are myriad conflicting scientific and academic papers surrounding it. That isn't the case with race. Scientific racism has been pretty much put to bed sans within a few bumfuck corners of the globe that don't represent the majority of what people think.
So then...since it's an up-and-coming issue, we should just deal with bigotry surrounding it?

So ten years ago when gay rights were in the spotlight, a person calling gays mentally ill would be fine so long as he "put up" with them?
No. We should be having a continuous and polite debate about it without shutting people down with buzzwords.
Daily reminder that buzzword is a buzzword

And it's a perfectly reasonable thing to do, in my eyes. Why is it not? If she's transphobic, then calling her transphobic is simply stating the obvious facts. What other discourse is to be had if she's so ignorant that she doesn't even know that post-op means that a trans man would have a dick?

The Flood / Re: Just ate a sandwich ask me anything
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:40:22 AM »
Is the only reason you want to be a girl because male bodies are sweaty and gross and smelly?
If you're actually being serious, I'll humor you - you do know what body dysmorphia, the basis of gender dysphoria, is, right?
Yeah, it's a mental disorder.
Aight you're just being a dumbo, I see

Ask me about the sandwich, pls
No, I was asking a legitimate question, and you said "AMA" which means "ask me anything" not "ask me anything that stays within my bubble of protection and comfort"

You know how to push my buttons, don't you?

As I linked you the other day, the people who DEFINE what a mental disorder is do not agree that gender dysphoria nor trans individuals fit the bill for mental disorders.


However even if either you don't believe that or it did fit the bill, it wouldn't matter whatsoever. Saying "it's a mental disorder" does absolutely nothing, because that doesn't change the fact that the primary method of care is gender confirmation, as it's proven to reduce dysphoric feelings and suicidal tendencies. You're either saying that mental disorders have an inherently negative connotation to them in order to shame people experiencing gender dysphoria, or you're bringing up a complete non-issue because mental disorders don't have negative connotations to them.

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:35:40 AM »
Like, treating someone else as a human being isn't " a courtesy". You're not going out of your way to respect them. You're treating them like any other human being

As far as I'm aware, neither Chally nor Mordo see or treat transpeople as sub-human, so that's not the issue.
But referring to someone as they wish and calling that "a courtesy" like it's some trouble for you is saying something about how you view those people.

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:31:47 AM »
The big difference being there fam is that the trans issue is still a pretty contentious debate in the dialogue of society. Not everyone agrees exactly what it is and what should be the ideal solution as there are myriad conflicting scientific and academic papers surrounding it. That isn't the case with race. Scientific racism has been pretty much put to bed sans within a few bumfuck corners of the globe that don't represent the majority of what people think.
So then...since it's an up-and-coming issue, we should just deal with bigotry surrounding it?

So ten years ago when gay rights were in the spotlight, a person calling gays mentally ill would be fine so long as he "put up" with them?
That isn't what he said at all. You're intentionally misunderstanding what he's saying and interpreting for hostility.
Mordo's a big boy, Chally, and unlike you he can actually put together a coherent argument

"Better start insulting everybody, that will SURELY make me look right"
Not insulting anybody but you, fam bam

The Flood / Re: Just ate a sandwich ask me anything
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:29:58 AM »
Is the only reason you want to be a girl because male bodies are sweaty and gross and smelly?
If you're actually being serious, I'll humor you - you do know what body dysmorphia, the basis of gender dysphoria, is, right?
Yeah, it's a mental disorder.
Aight you're just being a dumbo, I see

Ask me about the sandwich, pls

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:29:24 AM »
The big difference being there fam is that the trans issue is still a pretty contentious debate in the dialogue of society. Not everyone agrees exactly what it is and what should be the ideal solution as there are myriad conflicting scientific and academic papers surrounding it. That isn't the case with race. Scientific racism has been pretty much put to bed sans within a few bumfuck corners of the globe that don't represent the majority of what people think.
So then...since it's an up-and-coming issue, we should just deal with bigotry surrounding it?

So ten years ago when gay rights were in the spotlight, a person calling gays mentally ill would be fine so long as he "put up" with them?
That isn't what he said at all. You're intentionally misunderstanding what he's saying and interpreting for hostility.
Mordo's a big boy, Chally, and unlike you he can actually put together a coherent argument

The Flood / Re: Just ate a sandwich ask me anything
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:27:13 AM »
Well do you cook the ham?

What I do is fry the ham in a separate pan while the first piece of bread is being toasted on another pan, I put butter on the pan itself because I always end up carving/shredding the bread if I try to apply it to the bread. After the bread is cooked I throw shredded cheese on there and then the cooked ham followed by a little bit more cheese before putting the other piece of bread on top and flip it over.

Toast some bread and cheese and put butter and ham on it
You take way to much time to make a goddamn grilled cheese

It's not a gormet meal

The Flood / Re: Just got my first tattoo AMA me anything
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:26:45 AM »
Is it a tramp stamp?

The Flood / Re: Just ate a sandwich ask me anything
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:25:45 AM »
Is the only reason you want to be a girl because male bodies are sweaty and gross and smelly?
I can't tell if this is just you being a dumbo or if you're actually being serious

If you're actually being serious, I'll humor you - you do know what body dysmorphia, the basis of gender dysphoria, is, right?

The Flood / Re: Just ate a sandwich ask me anything
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:24:54 AM »
Why am I so tired?
You're becoming me

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:23:51 AM »
The big difference being there fam is that the trans issue is still a pretty contentious debate in the dialogue of society. Not everyone agrees exactly what it is and what should be the ideal solution as there are myriad conflicting scientific and academic papers surrounding it. That isn't the case with race. Scientific racism has been pretty much put to bed sans within a few bumfuck corners of the globe that don't represent the majority of what people think.
So then...since it's an up-and-coming issue, we should just deal with bigotry surrounding it?

So ten years ago when gay rights were in the spotlight, a person calling gays mentally ill would be fine so long as he "put up" with them?

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:22:35 AM »
You guys aren't winning yourselves any allies by lumping people like me who aren't really comfortable accepting the trans thing into the group of "LOL UR ACTUALLY A MAN LMAO".

The Flood / Re: Just ate a sandwich ask me anything
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:21:46 AM »
Cooking steps plz?
Toast some bread and cheese and put butter and ham on it

The Flood / AMA Just ate a sandwich ask me anything
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:14:16 AM »
It was a grilled cheese with ham

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:10:07 AM »
"Greer insisted in the bluntest of terms that she did not accept that post-operative men were women. “I don’t believe a woman is a man without a cock,” she said. “You can beat me over the head with a baseball bat. It still won’t make me change my mind.”

Yeah, pretty transphobic, that is
"Ms Greer did say she would be prepared to use female pronouns when referring to someone, if that was their preference, "as a courtesy".

omg having a different opinion while still aligning with trans people sensibilities out of courteousness? Literally worse than le german moustache man of the 1940s fam.
Nobody's saying anything about hitler but you, bruh

And if a man was an outspoken racist but said that he would refer to blacks as people out of "courtesy," then he's still a racist fuck.

Like, treating someone else as a human being isn't " a courtesy". You're not going out of your way to respect them. You're treating them like any other human being and acting like acting as you're supposed to is doing some poor oppressed minority such a huge favor gives off some real White Man's Burden vibes.

As for the second thing, yeah, incitement to violence is shit, but both sides do that. I don't condone it, but it's not like it's only the "progressives" get that. People mock Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn for saying they receive death threats all the time, but as soon as it's on the other side of the equation, death threats are suddenly a legitimate problem.

The Flood / Re: So about Deadpool
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:06:46 AM »
It was a pretty okay movie
how was it anything other than pure shit

i will fight you
The fight scenes were kinda neat and it had some funny moments

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:00:02 AM »
People are starting to see through the bullshit of the transphobia card so they've upped their game by moving up a tier on the oppression olympics scale.
"Man am I tired of minorities telling me to stop throwing slurs at them" - Straight, cis white people
The term 'slurs' being subjective of course. What a slur is to progressives is not considered a slur to the rest of us.

"Man, Caitlyn Jenner is a fucking hypocritical, mendacious douche and should not be used as a rallying figure for the trans community."


Yeah, no. Fuck off.
Don't be a doofus, doofus

Nobody says that that's using any type of slurs or being transphobic

It's when people say, "Man, BRUCE Jenner is pretty ugly, huh?!!?" and then totally deny that what they're saying has anything to do with disparaging trans people that it's considered transphobic
My point being is that using "transphobia" as a means to effectively shoot down anything even remotely critical to say about transgender individuals or the trans community in general is insufferable as fuck. Serious allegations of transphobia/racism/sexism etc should not be used like a buzzer on a quiz show when someone says something that makes you feel uncomfortable for a couple seconds.
Not...not really, fam.

I've never seen anyone pull any kind of "card" for a non-legitimate reason, tbh. Well, okay, maybe not never, but the vast majority of these kinds of claims are really just strawmen.
Here all week desu.
"Greer insisted in the bluntest of terms that she did not accept that post-operative men were women. “I don’t believe a woman is a man without a cock,” she said. “You can beat me over the head with a baseball bat. It still won’t make me change my mind.”"

Yeah, pretty transphobic, that is

And the second is just "muh freeze peach". Having a right to free speech doesn't mean you have a right to absolution from criticism.

Not seeing your point, here.

The Flood / Re: So about Deadpool
« on: February 21, 2016, 10:58:29 AM »
It was a pretty okay movie

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 10:57:45 AM »
I've never seen anyone pull any kind of "card" for a non-legitimate reason, tbh. Well, okay, maybe not never, but the vast majority of these kinds of claims are really just strawmen.
Charlie made an entire thread doing it last night. Seems pretty common to me.
Like I said, perfectly legitimate reasons

Not my fault you have underlying racist ideals, bruh

The Flood / Re: New Battlestation! Plz rate and AMA
« on: February 21, 2016, 10:54:01 AM »
Funny story about they keyboard.

When my brother first built his computer, one of the things he would not budge on was all green LEDs everywhere. Every fan in his case had green LEDs and he got two green LED sticks to stick in there, and when it came time to get a keyboard he went with the green LED Razor keyboard. Now, one thing a computer can do right off the bat is: Tell time. There's a little clock right there in the corner, and he always played FFXIV windowed with me (the game also has the clock of the server you're on and we both played on Gilgamesh so the server clock matched our computer clocks). He always had his iPhone with him (also can tell time), and lastly he had a clock right above his deck.

So he had four different instances at any given point that could tell him the time. He ends up giving me the Razor keyboard and got himself some new $200 keyboard. This new keyboard had blue LEDs so I ask him why he would throw away his all green LED keyboard and destroy his green machine harmony for it, and then he points to a little screen on the top of the keyboard and says "dude, this keyboard can tell me the time!"

Ayyy, nice keyboard

I'm finna get a keyboard that can change colors because I don't like green

Gotta have a pink setup, fam bam

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 10:48:30 AM »
People are starting to see through the bullshit of the transphobia card so they've upped their game by moving up a tier on the oppression olympics scale.
"Man am I tired of minorities telling me to stop throwing slurs at them" - Straight, cis white people
The term 'slurs' being subjective of course. What a slur is to progressives is not considered a slur to the rest of us.

"Man, Caitlyn Jenner is a fucking hypocritical, mendacious douche and should not be used as a rallying figure for the trans community."


Yeah, no. Fuck off.
Don't be a doofus, doofus

Nobody says that that's using any type of slurs or being transphobic

It's when people say, "Man, BRUCE Jenner is pretty ugly, huh?!!?" and then totally deny that what they're saying has anything to do with disparaging trans people that it's considered transphobic
My point being is that using "transphobia" as a means to effectively shoot down anything even remotely critical to say about transgender individuals or the trans community in general is insufferable as fuck. Serious allegations of transphobia/racism/sexism etc should not be used like a buzzer on a quiz show when someone says something that makes you feel uncomfortable for a couple seconds.
Not...not really, fam.

I've never seen anyone pull any kind of "card" for a non-legitimate reason, tbh. Well, okay, maybe not never, but the vast majority of these kinds of claims are really just strawmen.

The Flood / Re: New Battlestation! Plz rate and AMA
« on: February 21, 2016, 10:44:35 AM »
Case: Corsair 760T
CPU: Intel i5 4690
Mobo: Gigabyte GA-Z97X-SLI
RAM: 8GB Corsair Vengeance
GPU: EVGA Geforce GTX 980
PSU: EVGA 850W Gold

Two 1TB HDDs
One 250 GB SSD
One 6 port Sentry fan controller
One Asus BD drive

Four Cooler Master 120MM blue LED fans
Two Corsair 140MM red LED fans

All awesome.


Ayyy, nice keyboard

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 10:38:25 AM »
People are starting to see through the bullshit of the transphobia card so they've upped their game by moving up a tier on the oppression olympics scale.
"Man am I tired of minorities telling me to stop throwing slurs at them" - Straight, cis white people
The term 'slurs' being subjective of course. What a slur is to progressives is not considered a slur to the rest of us.

"Man, Caitlyn Jenner is a fucking hypocritical, mendacious douche and should not be used as a rallying figure for the trans community."


Yeah, no. Fuck off.
Don't be a doofus, doofus

Nobody says that that's using any type of slurs or being transphobic

It's when people say, "Man, BRUCE Jenner is pretty ugly, huh?!!?" and then totally deny that what they're saying has anything to do with disparaging trans people that it's considered transphobic

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 10:26:42 AM »
People are starting to see through the bullshit of the transphobia card so they've upped their game by moving up a tier on the oppression olympics scale.
"Man am I tired of minorities telling me to stop throwing slurs at them" - Straight, cis white people

The Flood / Re: Draw each others avatars thread? (I am really bored)
« on: February 21, 2016, 07:55:02 AM »
>Good artists


The Flood / Re: Draw each others avatars thread? (I am really bored)
« on: February 21, 2016, 07:47:28 AM »
FYI: I cannot draw with a mouse and I don't have a tablet

I mean, I can't draw that well normally, but still

The Flood / Re: Draw each others avatars thread? (I am really bored)
« on: February 21, 2016, 07:47:03 AM »
draw mine please
What have I spawned?

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