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Messages - Cindy

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Serious / Re: Explain to me why college should be """""""free""""""" please
« on: February 25, 2016, 06:04:37 AM »
I really just can't understand the "I got mine" mentality of so many right-wingers

I'm a right-wing student who believes he should pay for his own higher education, thus I have a "I got mine" mentality. Maybe it's got nothing to do with the kind of mentalities you want to super-impose on people of a different political persuasion; maybe, just maybe, you arrogant fuck, they have different opinions on the best way to organise the higher ed. system.

And, possibly, my own opinions and those of other right-wingers could be disastrously wrong. But as least do us the fucking courtesy of affording us the virtue of intellectual integrity, as I grant those who disagree with me.

Why is it so bad to create a more equal society?
Given that most of the benefits of higher ed. accrue to those pursuing it, and not society as a whole, funding it via general taxation is emphatically not equitable. Indeed, that's almost our whole point.

I love how I always get bashed for being "arrogant" and "intolerant" and etc etc but I have yet to get into a dispute with you where I wasn't blatantly insulted

Irony, s'what that is

The Flood / Re: Weeb Avatars
« on: February 25, 2016, 06:02:15 AM »
Wassup bitches?

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
They're kids, though.

I really think charging minors with sex crimes is bullshit.
Yeah, man, who cares if he's been emotionally and mentally abusing a vulnerable girl?
The kid's fucking 13. It's fucked up, but a psychiatric evaluation and counseling could go a long way toward turning the kid around. Sex crime charges will ruin your life. Why on earth would you want that to happen to a child?
I don't disagree that he should probably see mental health professionals and that they should likely be able to turn things around for him if all goes well

Doesn't mean the dude didn't fuck up

Pedophiles, rapists, and murders all need psychiatric evaluations and counseling, as well. Not to compare what he did with any of those three acts, but a lapse in judgement doesn't excuse the action.

Gaming / Re: Guess what, new Dark Souls 3 trailer!
« on: February 24, 2016, 09:11:33 PM »
Looks fuckin' great, haters be damned

Thank god it's more fluid than DS1 was

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
They're kids, though.

I really think charging minors with sex crimes is bullshit.
Yeah, man, who cares if he's been emotionally and mentally abusing a vulnerable girl?

Sounds like he done fucked up

Serious / Re: Explain to me why college should be """""""free""""""" please
« on: February 24, 2016, 08:58:12 PM »
"Why should society become more educated as a whole if it costs me more money?!?!?!?!"
This question is more valid than you think.
I really just can't understand the "I got mine" mentality of so many right-wingers

Why is it so bad to create a more equal society?

The Flood / Meme Signup 2016
« on: February 24, 2016, 08:56:19 PM »
Post here if you want to be a meme in 2016

If you don't post here then you've officially lost all meme privileges and statuses and are an official non-meme

Gaming / Re: A Steam curator for games with LGBT characters or themes
« on: February 24, 2016, 08:52:24 PM »
Remember, kids

If it aligns with your views then it's relateable. If it aligns with the views of others then it's pandering.

Why can't people just enjoy inclusive games without straight white boys yelling at them?

The Flood / Re: Am I a meme
« on: February 24, 2016, 08:50:29 PM »
excuse me kiddo i'm the only meme here

Serious / Re: Explain to me why college should be """""""free""""""" please
« on: February 24, 2016, 08:49:38 PM »
"Why should society become more educated as a whole if it costs me more money?!?!?!?!"

Serious / Re: "White Privilege, Explained in One Simple Comic"
« on: February 23, 2016, 07:38:39 AM »
oh boy, get ready for an ass blasting cindy dear.
Posting on serious is just 90% ass-blasting for me, Mordo me lad

Serious / Re: "White Privilege, Explained in One Simple Comic"
« on: February 23, 2016, 06:13:16 AM »
little of it has to do with the color of their skin
"Black and Hispanic students are dramatically underrepresented in the most selective colleges, even after controlling for family income. The probability of enrolling in a highly selective college is five times greater for white students than black students. Even after controlling for income, white students are two to three times as likely as black students to gain admission to highly selective colleges. These racial disparities appear to have grown in the last 30 years. Because the racial disparity in selective college admissions persists even after controlling for income, income-based admissions practices will not eliminate the racial disparities"

Racial bias in hiring based on ethnic-sounding names

Black names have a 50% disadvantage over similarly-accomplished "white" names on college resumes

Clean-record black men have the same hiring potential as white criminals

Black people are arrested four times as often for marijuana offenses despite similar levels of use in white communities

The percentage of white people living in a neighborhood is a better predictor for an approved mortgage than income is

The point of privilege discourse is to remind people to be humble about their accomplishments and to be aware of the challenges other people (women, minorities, poorer people) face that they themselves might not be aware of.

Your own privileges are often invisible to you and because of this it's easy to ascribe your successes solely to your own hard work, perseverance, and intelligence. And these factors no doubt played a big part, but certain privileges helped you along the way. If you're from a white, middle class family with professional parents who went to university, and your a male who is comfortable in you gender and sexual orientation, you've not only faced a lot fewer barriers than other folk you've also received some important bonuses like help from you parents and the social and cultural capital necessary to integrate into professional communities.

The problem is when privileged people reach a point in their lives where they control hiring decisions or can act as gatekeepers to important resources, they don't acknowledge the help they've received and don't realize that not everyone has had these. And so they discount people who maybe haven't gone to as great a university as them or haven't had the same social experiences (like ski trips or backpacking across Europe). This creates a barrier for smart, intelligent, and hard working people to move up in society just because they come from different backgrounds.
There's no one goal of the privilege discourse, but a major one is for people to simply acknowledge their privilege and be aware of its role in their successes. This doesn't mean that everything privileged people have achieved is meaningless or stolen, just that they've had advantages that others haven't.

Serious / Re: "White Privilege, Explained in One Simple Comic"
« on: February 23, 2016, 06:06:58 AM »
Alright so lemme explain something here

Most SANE people do not expect anyone with "privilege" to actually do much about it. "Privilege" has become such a buzzword that most people are content to think that it's simply a non-issue and just a point for the "opposing" side to shut down arguments.

All these dumb talking points with "WELL THERE ARE POOR WHITE PEOPLE SO WHAT ABOUT THEIR PRIVILEGE, HUH?!" come from people that don't get the basic concept that class is the ultimate divider. Skin color and gender really only effect someone over the same class level. "Privilege" simply means that, given the same starting point in life, it is easier for that person to gain traction over others.

Class > race > gender, it's pretty much as simple as that. A poor white man will naturally have eons less opportunity than a rich black woman, but will have slightly more opportunities than a poor black woman due to institutionalized and systemic racism and sexism.

Like, seriously, it's a really simple concept. Nobody is saying that men never face any hardships or are never discriminated against - ESPECIALLY due to class divides. People are simply saying that, among the same level, white males tend to have a higher disposition towards success than black males or women.
So basically we just have to sit here and accept your bullshit, revisionist, world-salad definition of what white privilege  actually means and that it's not a racially-motivated concept and how it's oh-so simple that fucking naming it like a racially-motivated concept shouldn't have thrown us off. And, lo and behold, you arrive at the same conclusion both a conservative and moderate liberal managed to articulate before you.

You could give Camnator a run for his money.
It's...totally racially motivated. That's the whole point. What're you on about?

"Racially motivated" doesn't mean "kill all the whities," it just means "recognize that minorities have racially-integrated problems."

The Flood / Re: This is an actual post in the Donald Trump subreddit
« on: February 23, 2016, 04:30:23 AM »

I can't fucking breathe. Holy shit these people are retarded.
Nothin' like Berniebros

The Flood / Re: This is an actual post in the Donald Trump subreddit
« on: February 23, 2016, 04:29:37 AM »
He also has no real issues with gay marriage or LGBT rights in the slightest.

I don't think those are really of much issue anymore considering the Supreme Court's ruling on gay marriage.
Discrimination in the workplace and trans rights are still very large issues

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 23, 2016, 04:24:58 AM »
I want to go back to 1045 where we didn't have to deal with this gender shit.
"I have literally 0 empathetic feelings"

Serious / Re: "White Privilege, Explained in One Simple Comic"
« on: February 23, 2016, 04:23:19 AM »
And to address the "universal race" argument that I rolled my eyes at on the first page and was so lovingly accused of wanting some sort of race hierarchy - not making much sense, there, considering that I'm white - saying that you "shouldn't see race, because that's REALLY being racist" is just a handy way to shut down any legitimate points against people facing systemic or institutionalized racism. Now, if everyone on this planet were to not see race, that would, of course, be a fantastic world and we'd all get along smoothly. The problem is that a lot of problems that are faced by racial minorities in this world come specifically from their race, and white dudes saying that they "don't see race" so neither should said minorities just comes off as, "I really don't care about your problems because I have not personally experienced anything like them, so please stop talking about them."

Serious / Re: "White Privilege, Explained in One Simple Comic"
« on: February 23, 2016, 04:19:26 AM »
Alright so lemme explain something here

Most SANE people do not expect anyone with "privilege" to actually do much about it. "Privilege" has become such a buzzword that most people are content to think that it's simply a non-issue and just a point for the "opposing" side to shut down arguments.

All these dumb talking points with "WELL THERE ARE POOR WHITE PEOPLE SO WHAT ABOUT THEIR PRIVILEGE, HUH?!" come from people that don't get the basic concept that class is the ultimate divider. Skin color and gender really only effect someone over the same class level. "Privilege" simply means that, given the same starting point in life, it is easier for that person to gain traction over others.

Class > race > gender, it's pretty much as simple as that. A poor white man will naturally have eons less opportunity than a rich black woman, but will have slightly more opportunities than a poor black woman due to institutionalized and systemic racism and sexism.

Like, seriously, it's a really simple concept. Nobody is saying that men never face any hardships or are never discriminated against - ESPECIALLY due to class divides. People are simply saying that, among the same level, white males tend to have a higher disposition towards success than black males or women.

Serious / Re: "White Privilege, Explained in One Simple Comic"
« on: February 22, 2016, 08:03:29 AM »

"You're making racism worse by acknowledging race, you know"

Sorry. I was gonna keep watching but my eyes rolled so hard that they fell out of my head and now I'm blind.

The Flood / Re: This is an actual post in the Donald Trump subreddit
« on: February 22, 2016, 04:41:40 AM »
He's not racist
"But you have people coming in and I'm not just saying MExicans, I'm talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists, and they're coming into this country."

"The Mexican government is much smarter, much sharper, much more cunning. And they send the bad ones over because they don't want to pay for them. They don't want to take care of them."

"Well, somebody's doing the raping, Don! I mean, somebody's doing it! Who's doing the raping? Who's doing the raping?" [When asked to provide evidence that Latino immigrants crossing the border were rapists]

"Jeb Bush has to like the Mexican illegals because of his wife."

"Jeb Bush is crazy, who cares that he speaks Mexican, this is America, English !!"

"I will say that people who are following me are very passionate. They love this country and want this country to be great again. They are passionate." [After being told that two men beat a Hispanic man in his name]

"Go back to Univision." [Trump on kicking award-winning Hispanic journalist Jorge Raos out of a press conference when asked about his stance on immigration]

"Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life." [Trump on banning all brown-skinned people from entering the US]

>Wanting people to enter the country legally

God damn man, what a fucking racist.

>Not wanting to let millions of refugees because it can bring in violent people as Islam is a violent religion centered around Martyrdom

Remember guys Islam is a race.

I love those brackets though. Surely not bias and leading.
Source on first brackets

Source on second brackets

Source on third brackets

The Flood / Re: This is an actual post in the Donald Trump subreddit
« on: February 22, 2016, 04:37:27 AM »
Oh, right, Muslims aren't a race.

Even though the racism obviously comes in when associating "evil muslims" with "all people from the middle east," but even a hatred of muslims itself is bigoted

But, y'know, hey, it's not a race! In that case, hate 'em all you want!

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 22, 2016, 02:20:57 AM »
At first glance of that word it looks like another stepping stone on the path to hating men, because men. Why not fiddle with the words a little bit to indoctrinate someone?

But then Cindy showed a pretty fair use of it, although I find it a bit odd. If someone was "transmisogynistic", does that mean they don't mind MtF's? How the hell does that work?
It's just a more specific word. They're hating on MtF specifically for being trans women, rather than focusing on things like "you'll never be a real woman," "dae le chromosomes" and shit like that

It's not really that big of a difference nor is it calling them out for something HUGELY different than saying they're being transphobic would be.

The Flood / Re: This is an actual post in the Donald Trump subreddit
« on: February 22, 2016, 02:18:08 AM »
He's not racist
"But you have people coming in and I'm not just saying MExicans, I'm talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists, and they're coming into this country."

"The Mexican government is much smarter, much sharper, much more cunning. And they send the bad ones over because they don't want to pay for them. They don't want to take care of them."

"Well, somebody's doing the raping, Don! I mean, somebody's doing it! Who's doing the raping? Who's doing the raping?" [When asked to provide evidence that Latino immigrants crossing the border were rapists]

"Jeb Bush has to like the Mexican illegals because of his wife."

"Jeb Bush is crazy, who cares that he speaks Mexican, this is America, English !!"

"I will say that people who are following me are very passionate. They love this country and want this country to be great again. They are passionate." [After being told that two men beat a Hispanic man in his name]

"Go back to Univision." [Trump on kicking award-winning Hispanic journalist Jorge Raos out of a press conference when asked about his stance on immigration]

"Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life." [Trump on banning all brown-skinned people from entering the US]


The Flood / Re: Just ate a sandwich ask me anything
« on: February 21, 2016, 01:06:22 PM »
How does it feel knowing that being a Jew didn't stop you from falling for the Zionist lie of transgenderism?
oy vey, goy

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 12:59:08 PM »
Okay so let's just assume someone here is actually honestly "transphobic".

Now explain to them what's wrong with that. Keeping in mind that this person recognizes that bigotry and its unnamed antithesis are spooks.
Are you asking what's wrong with bigotry?

The Flood / Re: Just ate a sandwich ask me anything
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:57:02 AM »

>Posting a thread about autism to /r9k/ lite

Did you expect anything different?
We're polocks, not robots, thanks.
Serious is /pol/ lite, this board is /r9k/ lite

>Posting a thread about autism to /r9k/ lite

Did you expect anything different?

Serious / Re: "Transmisogyny"
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:48:18 AM »
The big difference being there fam is that the trans issue is still a pretty contentious debate in the dialogue of society. Not everyone agrees exactly what it is and what should be the ideal solution as there are myriad conflicting scientific and academic papers surrounding it. That isn't the case with race. Scientific racism has been pretty much put to bed sans within a few bumfuck corners of the globe that don't represent the majority of what people think.
So then...since it's an up-and-coming issue, we should just deal with bigotry surrounding it?

So ten years ago when gay rights were in the spotlight, a person calling gays mentally ill would be fine so long as he "put up" with them?
No. We should be having a continuous and polite debate about it without shutting people down with buzzwords.
Daily reminder that buzzword is a buzzword

And it's a perfectly reasonable thing to do, in my eyes. Why is it not? If she's transphobic, then calling her transphobic is simply stating the obvious facts. What other discourse is to be had if she's so ignorant that she doesn't even know that post-op means that a trans man would have a dick?
Maybe put together an actual argument with evidence instead of slinging around pejorative epithets that don't really advance the discourse or solve anything at all?

I mean, I don't get what's so difficult about that. If someone's being transphobic, point out why their wrong and provide them with compelling proof as to how they're wrong. Will it be futile? Probably. But it's a hell of a lot better than screaming meaningless words at them.
Fair - I don't disagree with this, but it the source you linked, I believe it was more of a "stating the reason for campaigning against her presentation" type of deal, which wouldn't exactly allow for a public discourse

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