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Messages - Cindy

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« on: March 23, 2016, 12:40:32 PM »
As for the second part, again, I think that's more of a case-by-case, and has a lot more to do with the society of the world that they're raised in than it does with being Muslim. India doesn't have a huge rape problem just because of Hinduism, for example.


I swear you neo-liberals are fucking masters at sidetracking the conversation. "But look at this totally unrelated situation that in no way has any similarities to what we're talking about, as you can see it clearly proves Islam is peaceful".
Lmao, you know what a simile is, right?

Serious / Re: Poland is 100% uncucked
« on: March 23, 2016, 11:52:25 AM »

Serious / Re: If I have to end up picking between Trump and Clinton
« on: March 23, 2016, 07:50:09 AM »
Oh shit, a thread where I agree with Chally

« on: March 23, 2016, 07:46:46 AM »
This is why we all need to take steps and precautions to ensure that we can protect ourselves from anyone.
Criminals gonna crime and terrorists gonna terrorize. You don't know who they are or what they look like, you can only hope that you're prepared for when it happens.
I don't disagree with this at all.

We'd probably disagree on the specifics, tho, but that's just a difference in ideology

Also, men aren't raised by doctrine telling them to rape women. Non-American Muslims are raised to hate the west.
Eh, on that first point, I could argue some parts of it, but that'd be getting super far off topic so I'm not gonna.

As for the second part, again, I think that's more of a case-by-case, and has a lot more to do with the society of the world that they're raised in than it does with being Muslim. India doesn't have a huge rape problem just because of Hinduism, for example.

The Flood / Re: Batman V Superman isn't getting great reviews
« on: March 23, 2016, 07:44:07 AM »
What a surprise

Man of Steel didn't clue anyone in?

« on: March 23, 2016, 07:25:34 AM »
But at the same time, I'm cautious and worried. Because how do I know? How am I going to know that the smiling and clearly islamic man of faith coming at me down the street isn't ready to hit the trigger on a vest or pull out a weapon? And you can't say that it's an irrational fear or worry because that's the exact tactic being used to kill people in the first place, apart from blunt, straight up force. Sleeper agents are fucking awful.
How do you know that the big black dude coming down the street isn't going to mug you and steal your car?

How do you know the scrawny looking, bullied white kid isn't gonna start shooting up a school?

How do you know that the pudgy, low-income, older man isn't gonna try to rape your little sister?

How does a woman know that the guy chatting her up in a bar won't spike her drink and rape her in the bathroom?

How do you know the bald guy in the bus near you isn't actually a neo-nazi who's going to gun down everyone in the vehicle?

I can say it's an irrational fear and I will say that it's an irrational fear. Why is it that when a member of one demographic that is more "familiar" commits a crime then he's an outlier, but if it's something vaguely foreign or different then suddenly none can be trusted?

A year or two back, everyone mocked that commonly-passed-around image among the tumblr feminists that was the whole "a bowl of M&M's is in front of you, and 10% are poisoned. Go ahead, take a handful and eat it - not all men are rapists" - and I agree, it was an absolutely ridiculous sentiment. So why is it that the same people who mocked that sentiment apply the exact same line of thought to Muslims in the event of terrorist attacks?

And yes, I do realize that a religion and a gender are two very different things, but the ideal of the two is the same. "This group has a higher chance of hurting me, statistically, and so I should be afraid of all members of this group because they have a chance at hurting me."

Serious / Re: So, I'm kinda in a spot of trouble
« on: March 21, 2016, 12:06:22 PM »
Damn, man

Yeah, that little excerpt only further proves my point.

Honestly, people say Trump supporters are stupid, but huge Bernie supporters are just as retarded.

"If my ideal candidate doesn't win, I'll go on the exact opposite end of the spectrum!"

It only proves how much they didn't really support Sanders, or the similar stances to begin with.


For the paradigm shift of allegiance over at Reddit, I would partially blame the Amazing Atheist for that.

He just recently made a video where he said, if Bernie doesn't get the nomination, he's voting for Trump, because he wants to see America burn. He looks at it as a punishment for not voting for Bernie.
How assblasted do you have to be over a fucking nomination lmao.
That's the sentiment of a lot of dudes on reddit, tbh

It's kinda funny

You're a cesspool

And ironic memeing isn't actual support.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

So then why are you complaining?
It's a cesspool

And I was mostly just pointing out that reddit swung towards trump

/r/The_Donald should be taken about as seriously as /pol/, deary.
I mean, it IS /pol/

Hi /pol/!

And for the following posters attacking OP: Hi Reddit!
Reminder that reddit's swung to a hard Trump supporting stance
lmao please, that place is Bernie central.
Have you been on the place over the last week?

/r/Sanders4President is falling in numbers and /r/The_Donald is rapidly increasing

It's all stupid memes, overuse of wonderful insults such as "cuck", hypocrisy, and bigotry, but it's still rising

Hi /pol/!

And for the following posters attacking OP: Hi Reddit!
Reminder that reddit's swung to a hard Trump supporting stance

Serious / Re: I do not understand how people support Trump
« on: March 21, 2016, 05:07:44 AM »
They're supporting him because he wants to make America great again. Anybody who loves America is supporting him due to the great changes which are going to bring our country out of the hole it fell into and back into the light.
I can't tell if this is a serious post or not, but I'm going to treat it like it is for the sake of discussion.

This is exactly what I mean when I say that his campaign is an appeal to emotions. How is he going to do that? He was asked, once, and gave a long speech saying precisely nothing on the methods.

Yes, saying things like "we're going to make America great again" and "we're going to stop ISIS" and "we're going to fix immigration laws and stop drug trafficking" are all fantastic things to say - but none of what he says can actually hold up. His plans for carrying out what he promises are abysmal, and it seems like most people only support him because of how nice it all sounds without looking into it.

Serious / I do not understand how people support Trump
« on: March 21, 2016, 04:55:57 AM »
There exist people that wholeheartedly support Trump - a lot of people, in fact - and that just makes my head hurt. I understand a difference of opinion and, while I personally would honestly rather have Trump than Cruz because of issues that I feel strongly about, I don't understand how anyone can actually be pro-Trump. His entire campaign is just a massive exercise in appeals to emotions, and none of the largest talking points of his campaign have any depth to them.

Like, the only reasons that I imagine people support him is because they're either:

a) so radically anti-establishment that they will vote for whoever isn't part of the "typical government" and looks to have a chance at winning

b) non or single-issue voters that jumped ship once they noticed that Sanders wasn't gonna win because they're deathly afraid of not meeting the status quo

c) neckbeards that like Trump because he's "alpha", use "cuck" to describe any political or social opposition, think that Muslims are ruining Europe, and whose greatest fear in this world is biracial couples.

I honestly cannot fathom anyone who actually, legitimately supports Trump on all of his policies - what little there are.

Serious / Re: Political Compass Thread
« on: March 14, 2016, 12:26:23 AM »
This is an old thread but too bad

The Flood / Re: Game of Thrones season 6 trailer
« on: March 08, 2016, 03:11:05 PM »
shit nigga, who /hype/ for Ned/Howland double team on Arthur pain in the Dayne?

The Flood / Re: Game of Thrones season 6 trailer
« on: March 08, 2016, 03:04:59 PM »

The Flood / Re: Game of Thrones season 6 trailer
« on: March 08, 2016, 03:01:37 PM »


The Flood / Re: The Girl From Another Place
« on: March 08, 2016, 02:55:34 PM »
It's Class' title and I'm making fun of him

Serious / Re: What are the five issues most important to you?
« on: March 08, 2016, 01:01:40 PM »
>Dehumanize unborn children


The Flood / The Girl From Another Place
« on: March 08, 2016, 01:00:30 PM »

Serious / Re: What are the five issues most important to you?
« on: March 08, 2016, 10:28:33 AM »
  • Right to your own body (including doing things to consenting others, since that's their own body)
  • Changing public perception of suicide/depression/mental illness
  • Doing anything we can to reduce poverty
Those three things, LGBT rights, and uh....

Idk, women's issues or some shit? That's mostly covered under the first one, I guess.

I can't think of a good fifth, tbh

Gaming / Re: Quite the conundrum.
« on: March 07, 2016, 06:39:51 PM »

The Flood / Re: You just won an all expenses paid trip to Israel
« on: March 07, 2016, 04:46:26 PM »
I could finally escape the goyim

The Flood / Re: I was bullied in highschool
« on: March 07, 2016, 02:05:52 PM »

The Flood / Re: This grill is confusing
« on: March 07, 2016, 02:01:11 PM »
Coming on way too strong, fam bam

Serious / Re: Democratic Gun Control is Inherently Racist
« on: March 07, 2016, 01:43:22 PM »
Yeah, in an odd sentence, gotta agree with Chally, here

That was one of the parts of the video that was pretty dumb and seemed like a huge leap in logic

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