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Messages - Cindy

Pages: 1 ... 567 89 ... 60
"You should respect woman as your peers"

"Lmao get laid you fucking virgin"

Pretty much. Women offer nothing in value besides sex and maybe money, but if you rely on a woman for money, you're  a failure of a man anyway.
Oh, alright, I see

I'm either wasting my time because you're a troll, or I'm wasting my time because your a sexist piece of shit

Could've just told me that earlier, man

How is that sexist? I'm not saying you're inferior (although you should recognise biological differences between the two sexes). But for someone who has no interest in forming a family currently, women offer next to nothing for a relationship besides sex.
>Rating women based on their "value" to you
>Saying that men who rely on women are weak and worthless to society, obviously implying that women should "know their place"
>Literally just admitted that women should not be seen as your peers
>"That's not sexist!"

lmao stop, you're killing me

"You should respect woman as your peers"

"Lmao get laid you fucking virgin"

Pretty much. Women offer nothing in value besides sex and maybe money, but if you rely on a woman for money, you're  a failure of a man anyway.
Oh, alright, I see

I'm either wasting my time because you're a troll, or I'm wasting my time because your a sexist piece of shit

Could've just told me that earlier, man

Women don't have a desire to have sex at any waking moment of the day. Men do.

and yeah that line is such bullshit

Tackel has no idea what he's talking about

literally just a thirsty teenager who thinks everyone is as thirsty as him
Someone said he was just a troll, but I didn't know he was also an idiot.

Anyone who says this (the whole "men are more sex driven than women") clearly have no idea what they're talking about and basing it on nothing.
I mean, it is true that testosterone causes more frequent arousal in higher quantities

But that has nothing to do with being mid-sex

Like, I'm pretty into BDSM, and one of the most often-spoken "rules" of the community is the respect of boundaries.

Granted, the community is all about pushing said boundaries and getting out of your comfort zone, but safe words exist for a reason, and not respecting someone's safe word and continuing on is just rape, plain and simple.

It's really not that difficult to stop fucking someone. There's a difference between "this sucks a lot and makes me mad," and "I literally have to do this because instinct forces me to."

"You should respect woman as your peers"

"Lmao get laid you fucking virgin"

It's cool tho I definitely want grown ass men shitting next to my wife and my nieces.

I guess you'd rather have this "girl" shitting next to your wife and niece, then.

not like that would make the average woman more uncomfortable than a post SRS trans woman or anything
Or a pre-SRS trans woman

Especially considering that woman's bathrooms use stalls, I can't imagine they'd know or care if a woman with a dick came in and sat down to piss. Some dude with a beard who happens to still have a vag, tho...that might psych some people out.
I meant the ones who look vagely like actual women and not men dressing up as woman

I guess post ffs
Hormones do most of the work, as far as outward appearances are concerned.

FFS is a pretty rare procedure.

It's cool tho I definitely want grown ass men shitting next to my wife and my nieces.

I guess you'd rather have this "girl" shitting next to your wife and niece, then.

not like that would make the average woman more uncomfortable than a post SRS trans woman or anything
Or a pre-SRS trans woman

Especially considering that woman's bathrooms use stalls, I can't imagine they'd know or care if a woman with a dick came in and sat down to piss. Some dude with a beard who happens to still have a vag, tho...that might psych some people out.

>Pepe and Wojack
>Literally nothing but memes

"T-They're totally serious guys!"

"Lmao you're wrong"

>Posts evidence of being right

"I-it's just a joke, tho"
"You can't be RACIST if you use MEMES!"

Wow! All those memes in that link! I sure should take them seriously.

Either it's all one big joke, and none of that matters. Or it turns out statistics are true and there actually is a case of rape problems from refugees and the subreddit is choosing to highlight this problem over ignoring it so people can't say they don't support women not getting raped. Had they not done this, someone would've called them out on it, they are put into a situation where they can't win and they're just saying fuck it, and judging from all those replies? It's just one big fucking joke.

If you're taking them seriously after posting fucking Wojack and Pepe images, then you're just going on there to find something to bitch about.
"Lmao you're wrong"

>Posts evidence of being right

"I-it's just a joke, tho"

It's cool tho I definitely want grown ass men shitting next to my wife and my nieces.

I guess you'd rather have this "girl" shitting next to your wife and niece, then.
Or the two that I originally linked

Jesus Christ, are you a child? Have you even had sex? These opinions are like something an edgy 14 year old would hold to look cool and alpha.

It's a "I can't come up with a decent response so I'm just gonna throw meaningless insults" meme.
It's a "I can't come up with actual reinforcement for my shitty arguments so I'm just gonna resort to calling my opposition memes" meme.

Except they aren't gentlemen and ladies if they don't have the parts downstairs.
And you realize that SRS (Sexual Reassignment Surgery) is a medical procedure, yes?

>Blowing what is happening completely out of proportion to support your narrative
>Islam is a single race of people

I love this meme.

"We're not racist, we're just lifting the 'no-racism' rule against the middle-eastern goatfuckers!"
So are you selectively blind or what?

>Our "no racism" rule will no longer be enforced at all with regards to the middle east
>[...] about who exactly they are letting fuck their wives (and their goats)

Funny how, in that post they; call middle-eastern people goat fuckers, say that they're explicitly doing so with the purpose of being racist, AND equate muslims with middle eastern people.

Y'know, everything I said in my little paraphrase quote, there


Do I care about people being assaulted? Of course.

Do I think all of this enabling of trans people is horrible? Of course.

Literally letting this mental disorder go undiagnosed and untreated is terrible for our country. These people need treatment, not acceptance.
Good thing that the psychologically-proven way to "treat" gender dysphoria is, buy and large, gender confirmation.

Do homosexual people need treatment? Why are we enabling these people by allowing them to go through with their "mental disease".

As for your bathroom argument, you realize that forcing trans individuals to align with the gender assigned at their birth would force individuals like these two lovely ladies to use the men's facilities, and would force these two fine looking gentlemen into the bathroom with your wife, yes?

"We're not racist, we're just lifting the 'no-racism' rule against the middle-eastern goatfuckers!"

cindy, you do realize that youre never gonna convince the people on this board to stop being twats, right?
Oh, yes, obviously

And you do realize that I only come here to stir up the pot, right?

It amuses me to see twats defending their twatiness.

Like, obviously I believe what I'm preaching, and actually converting someone on here to be even a slightly bit less of a jackass would be wonderful, but I recognize that most of the time the twat will continue on - and I'm okay with watching it.

I am a piece of shit for defending male instinct
In the wise words of Dubya Bush, "fool me once, shame Fool me can't get fooled again."

And yet, whether or not this is trolling or just a legitimately caveman-like way of thought, I'm gonna buy into it all the same.

You know how you types are always so gung-ho about "YOU DON'T NEED TO TEACH MEN NOT TO RAPE. WE KNOW NOT TO RAPE. STUPID SEXIST IDIOTS."

And yet, here you are, preaching about rape "not really" being rape.

Unless you'd forgotten or were previously unaware, I am trans and, as an unfortunate truth, still happen to have a dick.  Newsflash, buckaroo - it's really not that hard to pull your cock out of a woman mid-sex. Stop making excuses for your creepy apologetic attitude towards rape.

Moderators are being DOXXED, getting threats, and this is all on top of the massive amount of blatant trolling and drama that's spiked recently (and let's face it, that subreddit is being hit with so much fucking trolling) and you're crying fowl? It's one thing to say "They want a safe space from dissenting opinions!" But that's not the case here (and even if it was, why is that a problem? It's a support Reddit for Trump, no one bats an eye at defending r/feelthebern from trolling). But these posts are not only trying to cause the subreddit to tear itself apart, it's not even done in the proper subreddit (r/asktrumpsupporters).

This is nothing more than a case of radical anti-Trump advocates causing drama and then playing the victim.

Some form space, perhaps?
>These posts are [...] trying to cause the subreddit to tear itself apart

So saying, "have you considered not being racist" is tearing the subreddit apart, now? Questioning a person's worldview from a moralistic standpoint is considered "concern trolling"?



Nice thread m8.
Thanks, fam

I hope you realize the context is that he replaces the word sex with rape as a joke, because SJWs treat all sex as rape now.
Ah, yes

I see how that le joak stretches to, "yeah, my friend once held down a girl while she was literally kicking and screaming and threatened to murder her, but he's an alright lad."

I guess you've never been intimate with an intense man before. Bitch should've known better than to try and pull out while he was in full fuck mode. If a man quits in sex, he's a beta and can't keep up. If a woman does, it's rape.
You're either trolling or a giant piece of shit

I really, really hope that it's the former


Nice thread m8.
Thanks, fam

I hope you realize the context is that he replaces the word sex with rape as a joke, because SJWs treat all sex as rape now.
Ah, yes

I see how that le joak stretches to, "yeah, my friend once held down a girl while she was literally kicking and screaming and threatened to murder her, but he's an alright lad."

>Conflating Islamophobia with racism

God, I love posts like this

At absolute best, you're saying, "They're not being this kind of bigoted, they're being this other kind of bigoted. Checkmate! You called us the wrong type of bigot!" At worst, you're hiding behind the shield of "I promise we're not racist!" to avoid the fact that everything about what that subreddit hates has to do with race. When people say "Muslim" on that subreddit, they're obviously referring to Arab immigrants and not Indonesian or Indian Muslims, which actually happen to make up the vast majority of the religion. They also ignore that most of the violence conducted by Muslim terrorism effects other Muslim, but that stuff can't be relevant because the people aren't white.

Not to mention the racially-charged favorite word of the subreddit, "cuck", and the obsession it seems to have with white women having sex with Middle Eastern or black men. "My girlfriend's son" and similar sayings are spat around the subreddit with pictures of white men with black children, and they constantly refer to rape happening to "our women" - seeming to have no regard for rape statistics committed by white men.

Of course, there can't be any blatantly-racist posts on the subreddit, right? That would be against the sub's rules, right? I mean, it's not like they just flat-out said they were removing it and then deleted the thread in an attempt to deny that, right?

Don't know what to expect out of a community run by a self-proclaimed misogynist, racist, and rapist who changed the rules of the subreddit because it wasn't "racist enough" towards Arabs, tbh

Dumb. Just boycott Target like I am.
"Target is trying to be inclusive and I hate them. Ew."

No, target is being gross by WILLINGLY letting men in the same bathroom as my wife so I won't be grocery shopping there anymore and they can kiss my $75-100 a week goodbye.
Oh no!

And I suppose you don't care that trans people are incredibly likely to be sexually or physically assaulted when using the bathroom aligned with their six given at birth?

Or the fact that literally 0 trans women have ever raped or assaulted a cis woman in the restroom or changing room?

No, of course not. You don't really care past, "but they make me feel icky!"

Dumb. Just boycott Target like I am.
"Target is trying to be inclusive and I hate them. Ew."

Lmao what a fuckin' ponce

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