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Messages - Cindy

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Gaming / Re: if fallout 4 doesn't get announced this year
« on: March 04, 2015, 08:54:09 PM »
I feel like the next Fallout should incorporate some kind of MMO ideas. Do we really want it to be just a prettier version of 3? What if you could meet other players in hub areas? Complete daily missions and challenges together? What about a six player Vault raid with some kind of boss at the end? Yes, I know Destiny...but am I the only one who sees the appeal of those ideas if they were implemented within the Fallout universe? And if you wanted to play the game completely offline you could do that as well. Just a brainstorm.
Holy fuck, no

It's like the point of that game just whooshed over your head

Gaming / Re: Favorite Dark Souls boss music
« on: March 04, 2015, 04:55:44 PM »
Also, the song I posted is about the same tempo as Gwyn's you dumb slut

Gaming / Re: Favorite Dark Souls boss music
« on: March 04, 2015, 04:34:25 PM »
Also, I would like to remind you all that if your favorite track is Gwyn's you are reddit r/gaming tier cancer and should stop listening to music.
God forbid someone likes the song that perfectly reflects what happened to the man. And I doubt most of us go to Reddit.
It's a boring song. It's in the low tier of songs on that game.
>Being this much of a faggot

I love when "boring" is used to describe slow songs, because it shows me that people know nothing about music
I know more about music than you ever will, kiddo.

The tempo has nothing to do with why it's boring.

Gaming / Re: Favorite Dark Souls boss music
« on: March 04, 2015, 04:30:34 PM »
Also, I would like to remind you all that if your favorite track is Gwyn's you are reddit r/gaming tier cancer and should stop listening to music.
God forbid someone likes the song that perfectly reflects what happened to the man. And I doubt most of us go to Reddit.
It's a boring song. It's in the low tier of songs on that game.
>Being this much of a faggot

I love when "boring" is used to describe slow songs, because it shows me that people know nothing about music

The Flood / Re: How sexist are you? Time to find out!
« on: March 03, 2015, 09:46:43 PM »
More accurate than all the other shit I've had to take. If you had any clue what that shit was, you would realize it's really not saying much.
You assume, like, way too much
I wouldn't have to if you said more than 3 words.
>Being a fagatron

The Flood / Re: How sexist are you? Time to find out!
« on: March 03, 2015, 09:44:44 PM »
More accurate than all the other shit I've had to take. If you had any clue what that shit was, you would realize it's really not saying much.
You assume, like, way too much

The Flood / Re: How sexist are you? Time to find out!
« on: March 03, 2015, 09:36:52 PM »

The Flood / Re: How sexist are you? Time to find out!
« on: March 03, 2015, 09:08:56 PM »
Hostile Sexism Score: 1.27
Benevolent Sexism Score: 0.73

And that...means...what?

Gaming / Re: Favorite Dark Souls boss music
« on: March 03, 2015, 08:58:42 PM »

Gwyn, Lord of Cinder

If you disagree then you're wrong and I feel bad for you.

It sets the tone of the ending so well.

The Flood / Re: Aragorn vs Jon Snow. Who. Is. Deadliest?
« on: March 01, 2015, 05:45:56 PM »

Anyone who thinks that any main character from ASOIAF could beat any main character from LotR doesn't know jack shit about the lore.

It's not even a bias thing, LotR's characters are just absurdly strong within the context of their characters. Add that to the fact that Aragorn is literally the best human swordsman on Middle Earth and you have a buttfucked Jon Snow.

Serious / Re: Fuck you Obama! Fuck you!!
« on: March 01, 2015, 03:40:42 AM »
Oh shit


I mean

It's probably also because you're fat. That certainly plays a part.

Serious / Re: Why is religion still relevant?
« on: February 28, 2015, 12:49:06 AM »
Why on earth would you think I don't like Muslims? I said no such thing.

And I never said there is no morality without religion, only that there is less morality without it.

And by the way, a Christian who only doesn't stab people because they'd go to hell for it, is probably still going to hell.
I was saying you were the opposite of a stereotypical "anti-theist" atheist who most likely thinks in the ways I listed, not that you think in those ways.

And I do hold a bit more respect for you because of the last part. I can appreciate that outlook, at least.

Serious / Re: 3, non-negotiable things you look for in a spouse
« on: February 28, 2015, 12:46:27 AM »
Anywho, not marrying someone outside of your beliefs makes sense to me. I wouldn't really wanna get married to a staunch catholic dude, as I'm sure he most likely wouldn't wanna marry me.

Serious / Re: Why is religion still relevant?
« on: February 28, 2015, 12:35:11 AM »
Because the human race would be lost and devoid of morality without it.
Do you really believe that?
Considering the kind of laws that exist in secular nations today, yes.
Like what?
Legal abortion, euthanasia, religion not allowed in public (in some places, like France), religion not allowed in schools, religious things not allowed on public property, etc.
You'd better pray to god that my pimp hand is too weak to do any permanent damage to your face with that kind of attitude.

You literally embody the stereotypical kind of bible-thumper. The inverse of a fedora-tipping atheist who calls out any Church goers on Sundays for worshipping an evil god, and who shames Muslims for following a child rapist, as if those were the only ideals of their respective religions.

Yes, of course, morality is entirely lost without religion. That makes perfect sense, naturally, if you assume that HELL IS THE ONLY REASON NOT TO DO SOMETHING. That's looking at something from a toddler's point of view. What you're suggesting is that people say, "Man, I don't wanna stab that guy or I'll go to hell" instead of "Man, I really don't wanna stab that guy because stabbing someone is a shitty thing to do."

Do you not understand the concept of empathy at all? Do you not understand why people don't go on murder sprees in usual society? I can pretty much guarantee you it wasn't because of religion. One of the first religions was that of the Assyrians; Ashurism. Ashur spoke through Ashurbanipal, and commanded the Assyrians to conquer and slaughter so that he would not have to destroy the world in a fiery rage. What noble beginnings, amirite?

Of course modern day radical sects of Islam such as wahabism, old-age Christians such as those during the first and third crusades, Japanese lords who crucified dutch priests, a written justification for owning slaves, and of course the lovely Hong Xiuquan who started a horrific rebellion which ended in the slaughter of millions due to a following which believed that he was the younger sibling of Christ all prove that religion works as an absolutely superb moral compass, yes? Naturally, those who are spiritual tend to be less shitty than those who are not, right?

No, not really. Some people are shitty, and others aren't. Religion has little to do with those things. I won't shit on your personal beliefs, but it's when you try to force them onto others that it becomes an issue. Governmental support of religion, school-system support of religion, and other things as such are all banned BECAUSE of those exact reasons. Nobody is saying that your child can't say a prayer in school, they're simply saying that the school can't force the secular child in the corner to say a prayer along with him.

Of course, you're also anti-abortion and anti-euthanasia, so it's not as though I see you on the moral high ground of many standpoints.

Serious / Re: 3, non-negotiable things you look for in a spouse
« on: February 28, 2015, 12:22:29 AM »
devout people take marriage more seriously then secular people do
Look I don't wanna bash on people for being religious, but divorce is literally why the Anglican Church exists

The Flood / Re: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
« on: February 27, 2015, 11:15:48 PM »
>yfw kono dio da

Serious / Re: Are these people fucking serious?
« on: February 27, 2015, 11:14:42 PM »
I didn't really care that much before.

Now I'm mad.

That annoying fucking habla-music though
Yeah because if anything should get you mad about ISIS its the fact they're destroying some stupid old sculptures nobody gives a shit about, not the people they're torturing or killing or anything, right?
But see, I don't really care about the people. Do care about the sculptures, though.

I hope they destroy more sculptures then. You should be ashamed you care more about a piece of rock than a human life.
See, here's the thing. Human life has very little value. There are ~7 Billion motherfuckers running around this earth, and the new ones are rolling off the factory floor faster than we can get rid of the old ones.

No matter what year it is, no matter which party is in charge of which government, no matter what anyone does, murder and violence will always happen. This is inevitable. We live in a world of limited resources and space. There is always going to be some group out there, usually many of them, in fact, slaughtering innocents by the hundreds. That's just how we are.

Now, what you do not hear about every day, is the destruction of ancient history, of artifacts that tie a people to their ancestors. You have to be genuinely insane for that. For a people to go around destroying their own cultural heritage in the name of Islam? To erase their own history in the name of ideology? Absolutely disgusting.

And I could care less about the artifacts they destroy when it's important to defend what we have today. It reminds me of Monuments Men. To a point I can sympathize, but in the end who gives a flying fuck about some paintings or statues being destroyed when you're trying to protect the present. Achieve victory first, THEN worry about the artifacts.

Not like they have much of a culture anymore anyway looooooool
Good lord you're both absolutely retarded

The Flood / Re: Didn't know about this shit before tonight
« on: February 21, 2015, 02:49:12 AM »
I could never get into Pokemon, man

Except the first movie

But even that was shit when suddenly the jaded, unfeeling, psychopathic, genocidal maniac turned into a pacifist because a bunch of clones cried so much that a kid in a hat didn't die.
And you're getting hard to a series that was lesser than the first, which involves a bunch of stripped males attempting to rid of their constipation. Well, at least it isn't GT.
You're god damn right I am

The Flood / Re: Didn't know about this shit before tonight
« on: February 21, 2015, 02:45:49 AM »
Good. Those are shit.
The first couple of seasons Pokemon presented were entertaining.
I could never get into Pokemon, man

Except the first movie

But even that was shit when suddenly the jaded, unfeeling, psychopathic, genocidal maniac turned into a pacifist because a bunch of clones cried so much that a kid in a hat didn't die.

The Flood / Re: Didn't know about this shit before tonight
« on: February 21, 2015, 02:43:42 AM »
I've never seen dragon ball z
y'all niggas pray for this man
I also haven't seen naruto or Pokemon
Good. Those are shit.

The Flood / Re: Didn't know about this shit before tonight
« on: February 21, 2015, 02:30:52 AM »
I've never seen dragon ball z
y'all niggas pray for this man

The Flood / Re: Didn't know about this shit before tonight
« on: February 21, 2015, 02:26:23 AM »
Literally so pumped. Especially since the next movie will star Vegeta instead of Goku.
Dude are you fuckin' serious?

Holy SHIT this just keeps getting better and better

The Flood / Re: Didn't know about this shit before tonight
« on: February 21, 2015, 02:26:07 AM »
For those of you who don't know/remember from, I've got a giant, raging hard-on for Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z.
Are you nine?
No, but I used to be nine

I was nine when I FUCKIN' loved the shit out of Frieza

So this is like nine-year-old me's god damn dream come true

The Flood / Didn't know about this shit before tonight
« on: February 21, 2015, 02:22:10 AM »

For those of you who don't know/remember from, I've got a giant, raging hard-on for Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z.





Serious / Re: Armed police officers
« on: February 18, 2015, 11:24:38 AM »
Nah, m8

Cops should have guns

The Flood / Re: Do you consider yourself a "core member" of the Flood?
« on: February 18, 2015, 11:23:46 AM » Fuck yeah I was.

But I've faded into obscurity ever since the site started sucking monster dong

The Flood / Re: why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 11:22:58 AM »
Because it's Kuh Why as fuck
Are you really a girl?


The others said you were a boy but they might lie >:D
No, my name's Tyrone and I have a twenty inch BBC

The Flood / Re: why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 11:19:14 AM »
Because it's Kuh Why as fuck

The Flood / Re: I have my own following on
« on: February 17, 2015, 08:45:47 PM »

And if it is can we have sexy, sexy catfights together?
Oh yes bby
Make sure to grope my ass when we argue

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