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Messages - Cindy

Pages: 1 ... 456 78 ... 60
This is the first time I've been here in months and I see this shit?

Serious / Re: The Religion of Peace beheads a Priest in France
« on: July 26, 2016, 04:17:19 PM »
"This is barbaric. How could they slaughter people in the name of religion just for having a different religion?

Let's slaughter people in the name of religion because they have a different religion in response."

Serious / Re: Munich shooting: Several killed in shopping centre
« on: July 23, 2016, 07:34:24 AM »
>Munich shooter was a German naitonal
>Says he was inspired by Anders Breivik
>Says he hated turks and immigrants


Fuckin' eat a dick alt reichers

Serious / Re: 10 Officers Shot, 3 Dead in Dallas
« on: July 08, 2016, 05:28:28 AM »
Obviously, peacefully protesting over the past... how many years? With no effect whatsoever? Must have gotten to some people.
Still, those people are horrible people.

When your part of a group protesting against violence towards a group and your response is to commit that same kind of violence to a group, that's a terrible thing.

It's sad that a lot of people will visualize the acts of the shooters as the acts of BLM.





Serious / Re: 10 Officers Shot, 3 Dead in Dallas
« on: July 07, 2016, 11:47:00 PM »
"Hmm, how to help my cause? I know! Let's undermine it by shooting cops who were doing nothing wrong!"

What a couple of scumbags.

I am a resident of Dallas Texas. And tonight. 11 and counting officers have been shot 4 and counting dead by protestors. The peaceful protest proves to be an ambush and BLM is now calling for the death of ALL Dallas Officers. This is leftism. This is the Democrats doing. This is disgusting. And this will not be condemed by the President.

Fellow Texans, its time we left a union that cares for us not and lynched a group that wishes us dead.
Didn't know you could fit this much stupid into one paragraph.

Thank you for enlightening me.

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 07, 2016, 09:52:22 PM »
Well you're posting it on a public board so, I mean
You brought it the fuck up.

I'm just trying to shit on your cavalier attitude towards animal rights. Can't I just do that without you getting all petty?
You had posted it on a public board before, was my point. And I brought this up because you'd already begun the pettiness, which seems to be your arguing style in general.

But I don't bring it up to deride your points, I bring it up to deride your character, since it's almost impossible to have a disagreement with you without being called sub-human in some form. It punctuates the sentiment quite nicely, I find.

Like, of course you find your standpoint morally superior, that's why it's your standpoint. Calling Max a bigoted psychopath because he enjoys a steak is hilariously stupid, however.

Serious / Re: Trump: 42%, Clinton: 40%
« on: July 07, 2016, 09:48:33 PM »
You know who else was predicted to win by polls? Bernie Sanders.

Not really.

From that very long, exhaustive list of polls - Sanders only was ahead in 5.
Eh, fair enough

My point is that using polls to say a certain candidate is gonna win is dumb and annoying. You can pick through polls to find ones that show your guy winning in either case, and even Brexit was predicted to stay by a lot of highly reputable polls, so it's just...I dunno, it's not news.

Serious / Re: Trump: 42%, Clinton: 40%
« on: July 07, 2016, 09:43:50 PM »
>Giving any sort of a shit about poll numbers

You know who else was predicted to win by polls? Bernie Sanders.

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 07, 2016, 09:40:43 PM »
you shouldn't lash out at people for that at all though

it's none of your business
Friends have the right to call other friends idiots.
Sometimes in more choice words for more choice transgressions.
I mean we're decidedly not exactly 'friends'

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 07, 2016, 09:40:14 PM »
Well you're posting it on a public board so, I mean

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 07, 2016, 08:59:59 PM »
Alright, then - I suppose I'm psychotic.

But meat tastes good, provides healthy vitamins and supplements, and comes from objectively lesser beings.
yes, this is psychotic logic, and you're basically the worst kind of human being

glad you've come to terms with it
lmao aren't you guys friends
maybe on b.old we were
hahaha damn that's cold
See, Verb used to be a radical

Now he's just a cunt

He once told me that he hoped I would overdose and die because I'd done dabs.

Real friendly sort of fellow, he is.

The Flood / Re: They're replacing Iron Man with a black chick
« on: July 07, 2016, 02:44:42 AM »
Or maybe people just dont like poorly contrived changes to established charachters for the sake of some forced sense on inclusiveness when they could actualy make an original charachter.

Am I the only one who remembers Static Shock. That was a good one, in fact my favorite part was that it actually made an effort to be racially conscious. I want to see more stuff like that instead of Hand me Down Identity Mary sue self insert who is of X minority decent.

What this is here is some Sonic OC level bull crap.
I literally know nothing about the new Iron Man because frankly I don't pay attention to new-age comics

But it's not like they said, "this is Tony Stark and has always been Tony Stark," it's just a new person taking up the moniker of "Iron Man". There have been multiple personalities behind every single big-name superhero to ever exist. There have been at least nine Batmans,  at least six Supermans, twenty or so Spidermans, and so on and so forth. Why is this one such a terrible thing? Iron Man's race and gender really don't factor into his overall identity - yes, the Superhero Name is Iron Man, but it's not as though that really plays anything into his role as a superhero. Black Panther being white or Odin/Zeus being black would be stupid because their race factors into their being and position.

I just don't get why people are mad about a black chick wearing a robot suit. She could be a Mary Sue, but isn't that, like, 90% of comic book characters regardless?

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 07, 2016, 02:38:45 AM »
Alright, then - I suppose I'm psychotic.

But meat tastes good, provides healthy vitamins and supplements, and comes from objectively lesser beings. I don't support "big pharma" type companies with horrible conditions for their animals, but I'm not gonna stop eating chicken or beef.

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 07, 2016, 12:06:44 AM »

The Flood / Re: remixes which are better than the original
« on: July 07, 2016, 12:05:19 AM »
Weeb shit first


Now that that's over with






The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 06, 2016, 11:56:26 PM »

I shifted from an oddly radical anti-feminist to a fairly far-left-leaning type of person over the last three years, so I guess that'd be my answer

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 06, 2016, 10:54:16 PM »
>people on this site legitimately fall for Das' most obvious b8

C'mon, guys

The Flood / Re: They're replacing Iron Man with a black chick
« on: July 06, 2016, 10:52:52 PM »
Okay so?

The Flood / Re: *blocks your path*
« on: June 27, 2016, 01:30:18 PM »

I mean, most people here are kinda pricks

Makes sense, dunnit?
call me a prick whilst pulling my hair pls

I mean, most people here are kinda pricks

Makes sense, dunnit?

« on: May 04, 2016, 12:44:49 AM »
>yfw Hillary will still win by a landslide
>yfw the cuckolds become the cucked

The Flood / Re: What 'triggers' you?
« on: April 29, 2016, 11:21:48 PM »
People using the "TRIGGERED" meme like it's not old, crusty, and stale

Gaming / Re: The Original Official Soulsborne Super Ultra Megathread
« on: April 29, 2016, 09:58:51 AM »
Didn't know you had such SHIT opinions, Tru

I also love that "SJW" is just being used as "caring about their own rights" in this case.

Like, no shit, trans people tend to care about their own rights in society. Who'd have thought?

Rape aside, can we at least all agree that Trannies should reach the final solution?

I can't tell if this is satire or not.
The comic? No.


you're joking right? Like, I'm not even seeing what the issue is in that comic. That's shit that some one would post if they were taking the piss out of that community.
The comic is anti-transgender and anti-SJW.

I don't know what you're not getting here. The viewer is supposed to sympathize with the grandpa, even though no person in the real world would ever act like the father.

You're saying it's satire and Nuka is saying it isn't. I don't know anything about the artist, so I don't know what it's supposed to be.
I mean, the point is pretty obvious

It's a bit cringy how harsh everyone in the comic comes on, but as a trans person myself, I deal with things like that pretty much day-in, day-out. When your family is used to you being male, they'll often still refer to you with male intentions - in that comic, growing up "like your father".

It's cool tho I definitely want grown ass men shitting next to my wife and my nieces.

I guess you'd rather have this "girl" shitting next to your wife and niece, then.

not like that would make the average woman more uncomfortable than a post SRS trans woman or anything
Or a pre-SRS trans woman

Especially considering that woman's bathrooms use stalls, I can't imagine they'd know or care if a woman with a dick came in and sat down to piss. Some dude with a beard who happens to still have a vag, tho...that might psych some people out.
I meant the ones who look vagely like actual women and not men dressing up as woman

I guess post ffs
Hormones do most of the work, as far as outward appearances are concerned.

FFS is a pretty rare procedure.
I doubt that but whatever
At ages below that of roughly 25, your body is still in the late stages of puberty and is very malleable as far as structure is concerned

FFS is usually necessary for those above the age range (aside from the lucky ones) or the unlucky ones below the age range, but otherwise it's rarely a commodity

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