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Messages - Cindy

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The Flood / Re: Becoming offended in the norm
« on: April 27, 2015, 09:53:46 PM »
Atarashī pēji o rōdo sezu ni topikku o hyōji suru sai ni kuikku henshin o shiyō suru to, kiji o kaku koto ga dekimasu. Anata wa tsūjō no tōkō no yō ni anata wa mada keijiban kōdo to sumairumāku o shiyō suru koto ga dekimasu.
Ware ware wa nudisto beachu

The Flood / Re: Becoming offended in the norm
« on: April 27, 2015, 09:53:23 PM »

I love it when someone takes a radical minority and uses it as a blanket statement across an entire group of people

It's just like conservatives to do such a thing :^)

That's more along the lines of ethnicity, though.
well again, i barely even understand the difference, and even then, i'd probably just argue that it's a bit of a semantic one from what i do know about it
Even then it's based on misconceptions; -snip-
that's what i'm saying

so the difference lies in our definitions in race and ethnicity
i was under the impression that they're basically the same exact thing, with some... nebulous differences

like... cultural shit
but i mean, discussion of race is ALSO a discussion of culture

you'll often hear terms like "black culture" tossed around
they're the same
"Black" being used interchangeably with African American (ethnicity).

Hint: Blacks in America do not have the same culture as blacks in the UK, African countries, Japan, etc.
>Blacks in Japan


People seem to be assuming that just because a race has a larger probability of receiving some disease, that it is due to some level of "racial traits"rather than simply know, a correlation.

Take sickle cell anemia for example. To say it's just a "black person disease" is wrong, because we know that race isn't specifically tied to skin color; a biracial person that physically appears to be one or the other (I.E., Barack Obama appears to be black despite being biracial) could very well be susceptible to certain medical or genetic conditions because of their genotype. Sickle cell anemia in Africans evolved as a way to combat Malaria, which is why black people are more prone to having it. So no, it's not at all just a mere correlation, it's an actual trait of the race, and it's relevant outside of the limited scope of society.
Which developed because malaria was extremely prevalent across Africa, which is where most blacks draw their heritage to. Thus, the likelihood of someone from Africa to develop sickle cell anemia is more likely than someone who does not come from Africa or draw their lineage to Africa because it is a trait of that area. The only reason it is more likely to occur in blacks is because blacks are more likely to draw their heritage to Africa than whites. If a white person could trace their ancestry back to Africa, which many can do with ease, they would no doubt also be more likely to develop sickle cell anemia.

A white man from Zimbabwe would likely be more prone to the development of said disease than, say, a black man from Haiti. Therefore it is not a trait of the race, but simply a trait that tends to effect more members of a certain race due to the likelihood of that race to trace its ethnic lineage to a certain area of the world.

So, no. It is not a trait of the race, it is a correlation that happens to favor that race due to the area that it effects.

not to mention, "black people are more likely to commit a crime"

yeah, maybe statistically
but not genetically

Yeah that's a more succinct way of wrapping up my first point.

Gaming / Re: We've won, Steam went back on paid mods
« on: April 27, 2015, 09:25:48 PM »
Finding a way for modders to get paid for their work is not in and of itself a bad thing.

Oh, I totally agree.

So what about the fact that the modders only made 25% of the income that their mods brought in, and only after $100 total was spent on their mod by the community?

In this thread:

>Correlation = Causation

>No presence of historical awareness

>Extremely Eurocentric/Americentric viewpoints

In essence, you niggas are stupid
Expand upon you meme arrows my Germanic compatriot.

People seem to be assuming that just because a race has a larger probability of receiving some disease, committing some act, or being in some level of economic income, that it is due to some level of "racial traits" or behaviors of said race rather than simply know, a correlation. It's hard to come up with direct examples just because - I'll be honest - I'm not extremely well versed on any race relations within the US, but bringing up two statistics that happen to be in-line with each other doesn't necessarily mean that said two statistics are directly related.

The classic example of this being that, if one were to look at the general statistics for a growing town, the number of Chinese restaurants and the number of large fires would both increase at a relatively similar pace. One could draw the conclusion from this that Chinese restaurants are very unsafe and cause lots of fires, but the more likely explanation is simply that more Chinese restaurants were brought into the town as its population grew, and the larger number of people living within the city limits made it all the more likely for fires to get started by careless mistakes.


People seem to assume that everyone who isn't white "failed" over the course of history and somehow white people have managed to "come out on top". This viewpoint lacks historical awareness since it seems to assume that the time period that we are in is somehow the final point of the timeline or something similar, and it's not possible for things to change. I'm sure that members of the Mongol Khanates, Arabian Caliphates, and Barbary Slave Trades thought similar things about 'white' nations in their own times: that they had somehow 'lost' the test of time and that their respective empires/races had come out on top.

This leads fairly well into the third point...


People seem to assume that America and Europe are the only points of interest worth noting in the world. There are many places in the world in primarily non-white countries that are just as strong-standing and well-developed as primarily white nations, from certain points of view. Who is to say that Paris, London, and Washington are necessarily objectively better cities than Toyko, Seoul, and Dubai?

Meme arrows expanded.

Gaming / Re: 'Hard' bosses you didn't find too difficult?
« on: April 27, 2015, 09:14:39 PM »
Most Dark Souls bosses that were supposed to be difficult didn't give me that much trouble

Manus, Kalameet, Biggie Smalls, and Bed of Chaos were all pretty easy and didn't take me more than three attempts each.

Some of the bosses that were supposed to be easy, however - like Gaping Dragon - took me fucking forever.

Gaming / Re: We've won, Steam went back on paid mods
« on: April 27, 2015, 09:12:40 PM »
They had good intentions

Not really, tho

In this thread:

>Correlation = Causation

>No presence of historical awareness

>Extremely Eurocentric/Americentric viewpoints

In essence, you niggas are stupid

The Flood / Re: Are You From Bungie?
« on: April 27, 2015, 09:07:35 PM »
You know it, nigga

I remember the good old days of Bnet


Which was not part of the good old days

Serious / Re: Was 9/11 justified?
« on: April 27, 2015, 02:47:40 PM »

Careful, there. I cut myself on all of this edge!

Lol this thread is so damn dumb

The Flood / Re: Nazi Germany scenario
« on: April 27, 2015, 02:38:38 PM »
Probably get thrown in an oven or some shit? Iunno.

Jet fuel can't melt steel memes

See you, space cowboy

The Flood / Re: Tru and I are looking for suggestions
« on: April 26, 2015, 01:29:20 PM »
Goy porn

It's like gay porn, but non-jewish

The Flood / Re: Chainsword vs Sting
« on: April 24, 2015, 10:47:24 AM »
It's breddy silly

The Flood / Re: Chainsword vs Sting
« on: April 24, 2015, 10:43:17 AM »
>That a space marine would defeat a jedi/sith

I guess you'd have to go back and read the threads, sorry.
But m8 if they're gonna fight someone like Revan, Sidious, or Nihlus then they're bumfucked regardless of chainsword v lightsaber dynamics.

The deus ex machina that is the Force is a pretty overpowered thing

And this thread's silly, anyways. Unless we're talking Maiar/Valar, nobody from the LoTR universe is gonna be able to put up a fight against a spess mahreen.

The Flood / Re: Chainsword vs Sting
« on: April 24, 2015, 10:39:12 AM »
>That a space marine would defeat a jedi/sith


Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 24, 2015, 10:37:09 AM »
How did I know this would turn into an argument on Furby's weird anti-birth standpoint thing

So is this the wrong thrad gor me to go on my "gender roles are the primary cause of disphoria and transphobia" rant/speil?
Eh, I'd disagree

One of the primary aspects of gender dysphoria is body image issues and the fact that sexual actions/genitals feel generally 'wrong' or misplaced. Not every trans person just wants to be more masculine/feminine.

In terms of the second, probably that Finnish is more closely related to Japanese and Korean than it is to Swedish and Danish.
Are you calling me a gook
Joo, vittua

Look if, you want to e called a woman because you got your dick cut off, okay. I'll do that. But that doesn't change the fact that you have XY chromosomes. You ARE male, whether you like it or not.
Sex and gender aren't the same thing

Which is exactly why I said what I did in my first sentence. However, just because you dress up or make alterations to your body doesn't change your sex. You're still a man/woman, now matter what you try to convince yourself or others otherwise.

Just because I think I'm black in my head doesn't make it true if I'm actually white. I suddenly can't start bitching about how I'm not getting special treatment (well I can, but no one will take me seriously), or being treated how I want to be.

Personally, it seems like a delusional state of mind. A disconnection from reality. Most of, if not all, the transgenders I know a familial  and physiological issues.
"People who have a mental disorder seem to have psychological issues"

Wow, really, you think so?

And seriously, the chromosome argument is one of the most stupid, tired arguments I've ever seen.

Would you yell at a gay guy because he's "not meant" to fuck other guys because his body still contains semen, which is used to impregnate women? He's still straight at heart, obviously, he just wants attention and special treatment!

1) Why, because it uses science to determine your sex, not how you feel? Be whatever gender the fuck you want, but your sex cannot change. Just because you want to be or think you are female does not make you so.

2) No, because sexual orientation is determined genetically in your DNA, just like whether you are male or female.
1) Yes, and NOBODY ARGUES THAT. Biological sex is incredibly important for medical purposes, so nobody except the crazies on Tumblr would ever deny that undergoing gene therapy would change your biological sex. That is not, however, a reason to constantly remind trans people or hold it over their heads. Frankly it's just a sucker punch to any legitimate transperson experiencing dysphoria, since you're basically taunting them with something they're already perfectly aware of.

2) Exactly. And the more medical and psychological work is done on it, the more prove-able GID is as an actual, test-able mental disorder. But even if it were not, I'd ask: why the hell does that matter? Would you prevent someone from wanting to gain muscle mass, or get piercings, or get tattoos, or anything of that sort? It's their bodies, they're perfectly free to change their gender. After that it simply becomes a matter of respecting their wishes and referring to them as male or female, rather than being an asshat and going "WELL YOU'VE STILL GOT A Y-CHROMOSOME SO THAT MAKES YOU A DUDE.

Also, what would you say to people born intersex, since they don't fit a gender-binary from the second they pop out of the womb?

The Dazexiang Uprising was started because the penalty for tardiness was the same as the penalty for rebellion - death.

Serious / Re: Korean "comfort woman" demands apology from japan
« on: April 23, 2015, 08:12:26 PM »
Japan is racist as fuck. But hey, having 120,000 of your citizens vaporized in less than a second will do that to ya.
Pretty sure they were a bit racist way before WWII

And by "a bit" I mean "way more than they are today".

Look if, you want to e called a woman because you got your dick cut off, okay. I'll do that. But that doesn't change the fact that you have XY chromosomes. You ARE male, whether you like it or not.
Sex and gender aren't the same thing

Which is exactly why I said what I did in my first sentence. However, just because you dress up or make alterations to your body doesn't change your sex. You're still a man/woman, now matter what you try to convince yourself or others otherwise.

Just because I think I'm black in my head doesn't make it true if I'm actually white. I suddenly can't start bitching about how I'm not getting special treatment (well I can, but no one will take me seriously), or being treated how I want to be.

Personally, it seems like a delusional state of mind. A disconnection from reality. Most of, if not all, the transgenders I know a familial  and physiological issues.
"People who have a mental disorder seem to have psychological issues"

Wow, really, you think so?

And seriously, the chromosome argument is one of the most stupid, tired arguments I've ever seen. People who make the argument, "well, you shouldn't try to change what you are" don't understand people with dysphoria issues at all. Most people with dysphoria genuinely wish that they were not experiencing these thoughts, and that they could live in their bodies happily and normally. It is an extreme mental body-image issue that drives people to suicide because the hate they've accumulated for their own image and the lack of recognition they believe they will get socially if they were to come out about these feelings.

It's not about gender roles, it's not about expecting special treatment, it's about expecting to be treated like any other human would whilst they try to feel more comfortable within their own bodies. Why does the argument "WELL YOU STILL HAVE A Y CHROMOSOME" ever pop up? Would you yell at a gay guy because he's "not meant" to fuck other guys because his body still contains semen, which is used to impregnate women? He's still straight at heart, obviously, he just wants attention and special treatment!

Serious / Re: Korean "comfort woman" demands apology from japan
« on: April 23, 2015, 07:20:29 PM »
>People actually arguing that Japan isn't racist

I'm sorry is the word "foreigner" a slur anywhere outside of Oriental Asia?

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls screenshots
« on: April 23, 2015, 05:08:12 PM »

iunno how to remove the HUD

Gaming / What is your favorite area in a game?
« on: April 23, 2015, 03:30:08 PM »
Levels, locations, towns, cities, arenas, and all other manners of sectioning off "areas" of games. Whether it be the atmosphere of the area, the enemies you fight, the storyline that led you up to that point, or any other reason.

My opinion will and most likely forever will reside with Ash Lake from Dark Souls 1. Nothing beats the feeling of seeing Ash Lake for the first time.

Stepping into Ash Lake just gave you such a huge sense of size. Like, you started off in Firelink Shrine next to the branches of a single huge tree. When you make it to Blighttown, you find a hole in that tree and manage to make your way inside. There's an ENTIRE LEVEL that takes place solely in the trunk of the tree as you work your way down to the basin.

Then you leave the tree, the choral music hits you, and you see an underground lake the size of an ocean. A hydra's sitting near the shoreline, previously a boss whose massive size could span the entire length of one of the only other bodies of water you've encountered thus far, and he's this tiny little thing in this massive body of water.

And there are thousands of other trees, stretching on as far as you could possibly see - farther than you could ever possibly imagine. All of them are the same size as the one tree that took you half the game to climb down.

Fuck, I love Ash Lake.

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