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Messages - Cindy

Pages: 1 ... 424344 4546 ... 60
Gaming / Re: From is gonna make a Dark Souls Weapon IRL
« on: October 02, 2015, 06:07:18 PM »
Zweihander, just to see how fuckmassive it is compared to a real one

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 06:05:55 PM »
what's your favorite psychedelic experience? if you don't mind me asking, of course
Meaning like which substance or which scenario or both?
both would be great :D
Well as far as the substance goes, I'd definitely say that acid was the most fun. They're less visual than people would have you believe, as the only change there is really that everything seems brighter since your pupils dilate. Dabs really just seem like a shittier version of acid tbh because they're less "floaty" if that makes sense.

Though on the flip side, I think the most fun I've had would be, ironically, when I was on dabs, since it was me and six of my closest friends all hanging out in a condo with a bunch of food and shit. It was a pretty nice experience.

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 05:26:11 PM »
what's your favorite psychedelic experience? if you don't mind me asking, of course
Meaning like which substance or which scenario or both?

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 04:49:23 PM »
This thread has 16 pages

See, this is why I just give up after a while, fam.
"Fam" is easily the most cancerous word on the entire planet.
I'm pretty cancerous, to be fair

Serious / Re: Oregon Umpqua Community College Shooting
« on: October 02, 2015, 04:42:57 PM »
Has anybody brought up the Jim Jeffries comedy sketch on gun control, yet?

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 04:41:40 PM »
Sure it is, fam. Sure it is.
Well, I've asked you to explain yourself multiple times, and you refuse. Because "muh brick wall".

Sorry, just because someone doesn't automatically agree with you doesn't make them a brick wall.
I refuse because I already have and you've refuted them by going "no you're wrong."

It's pointless to try and explain myself anymore because I'd be making the same points I already have and you'd refute them in the same way.

The argument essentially boils down to the fact that I do not believe, based on the experience and evidence given to me, that the drugs which I have taken are harmful in the extents that I have taken them as opposed to other drugs which are harmful regardless of the amount taken, while you yourself believe that any amount of said materials are harmful. I've already attempted to explain my position via personal experiences and the reactions your body has to each, and you have attempted to explain your own position in turn. There's no where else to go from this point. I'm obviously not going to win you over nor you me, so there's not much of a point in continuing.

The Flood / Re: Replace every instance of "m8" and "mate" with matey
« on: October 02, 2015, 04:35:26 PM »
This thread is dicks

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 04:34:14 PM »
I also just like reasoning my point of view and think that saying, "well you can't judge me" is a weak platform to stand on
That's basically the platform you've been standing on here, though.

Sure it is, fam. Sure it is.

The Flood / Re: my penis cannot get any more erect
« on: October 02, 2015, 04:32:37 PM »
Naru stop stealing my waifu

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 04:31:31 PM »
This thread has 16 pages

See, this is why I just give up after a while, fam.

Out of curiosity why would you even feel the need to defend your lifestyle choices to people on the internet?
Iunno, I like arguing

I mean, I'm sure there's a part of it that's justifying why I think certain ways on certain topics, but I also just like reasoning my point of view and think that saying, "well you can't judge me" is a weak platform to stand on, whether or not the strength of said platform means dickall.

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 04:27:47 PM »
This thread has 16 pages

See, this is why I just give up after a while, fam.

Serious / Re: "I hate what marijuana does to my students"
« on: October 02, 2015, 04:26:06 PM »
I like smoking occasionally, but I also hate the type of people he describes.

I view it the same as alcohol, really. It's great when used socially, but some people start depending on it socially, and that's just shit.

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 02:34:39 PM »
>Started by Cindo

Don't you put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby.

The Flood / Re: You now have to fight your avatar.
« on: October 02, 2015, 02:33:41 PM »
Can I fuck her instead tho?

The Flood / Re: If a condom is used, what is wrong with incest?
« on: October 02, 2015, 02:33:17 PM »
To be honest, from an objective point of view, I'd say that there's really nothing wrong with it so long as it doesn't involve reproduction and both parties are fully consenting.

That being said, it's still weird as dicks.

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 01:40:09 AM »
Anyways, I'll probably respond to followups tomorrow.

Maybe, iunno. Depends how adventurous I feel.

Class in eight hours, lads. Gotta get some sleep.

The Flood / Re: Kinda wanna fall in love
« on: October 02, 2015, 01:39:15 AM »
pretty gay tbh

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 01:37:27 AM »
Meanwhile my only point against him is that it's a silly way to see the world and try to force it on others
that's not even a point, though

that's just your personal appraisal of my life philosophy, and i don't really give it much credence, because you've given zero reason for it, beyond "it doesn't coalesce with my own"
Well...that's the same for you.

Drugs - yes, even "hard" ones - are pretty much all fine in moderation. Personally I believe that you should be able to put into yourself whatever you wish so long as you're only endangering yourself and others, though I personally wouldn't be shooting up krokodil every sunday evening or snorting five lines of cocaine before my breakfast.

I would, however, use some of the lesser substances safely and in moderation as I do now. You and LC's argument against this is simply that you think there is no such thing as safety and moderation in anything remotely intoxicating in this regard and refuse to accept my arguments to the contrary. I'm sorry that you find me pointing this out to be "in the yellow" on the lovely fallacy fallacy pyramid, but it's all I can do at this point.

When the answer to my explanations on my point is simply, "but no that's wrong," then there's nothing further I can do to continue explaining them.

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 01:32:36 AM »
Well it doesn't really matter if it's not black and white in your eyes. Some things are actually just black and white, trying to take some sort of false high ground on those issues and say "WELL EVERYTHING IS JUST SHADES OF GREY" is just asinine.

If you're going to do something dumb because you enjoy it own up to it and admit that what you're doing is fucking stupid. Don't try to pass it off as something that is or should be acceptable.
So you're saying people who say weed is bad and should be ashamed of themselves, are in the right? Because something like weed is factually less harmful for you than the 24th Budweiser commercial advertised during Sunday football games.

As for the other ones like shrooms or acid, comparing them to something like crack/cocaine or heroine is just being uneducated about what it does to the body. It's not GOOD, but it's not a demonizing thing. It's not murder. The people who treat it like that or demonize someone for simply trying it in their curious youth, is ridiculous in my eyes.

First off we're talking about hard drugs so weed is irrelevant.

Second off I said nothing about shame. I said that what they're doing is stupid and they should own up to it the fact that what they're doing is fucking stupid. Sure, you can be curious but that doesn't mean you can't be stupid with your curiosity. If you don't want people to call you stupid then maybe you shouldn't be doing something stupid.
Nigga do you just classify anything other than weed and, like, over-the-counter shit to be "hard drugs"?

Nigga is that sentence even relevant to what I'm saying? You're trying to dodge this by dancing around with classifications instead of taking on the point I'm making.
I'm really not.

You're saying that "weed is irrelevant since we're talking about hard drugs," but grouping everything stronger than it into "hard drugs" is just silly. Like I said, there are plenty of differences in how "hard" the types of things I've mentioned are and the types of things I've used as examples of "hard drugs" are such as cocaine and heroin.

Dabs, for example, is just concentrated THC. Same shit that's in marijuana.

That's nice.

Now would you like to try to take on my point about how if you're doing something stupid (like hard drugs) you should own up to it and not try to pass it off as something that is or should be acceptable?

Cause you've kind of been dodging it.
Right, I have.

Probably because it's a fucking loaded question that has no point in me answering it because doing "hard drugs" as you apparently call anything stronger than marijuana is neither stupid nor unacceptable.

It's like saying, "Now would you like to try to take on my point about how if you're doing something evil and murderous (like abortion) you should own up to it and not try to pass it off as something that is or should be acceptable?"

So no, I shan't be answering the question because I've no need to "justify" why I've done it just because you think that it must be an incredibly stupid and dangerous thing.

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 01:27:42 AM »
I think Cindo and Verb should agree to disagree and refer to the long wall a few pages back about Verb and his argument flaws.
wheres the fun in that, debates are healthy
Key words are DEBATES. This is more a person against a wall.
And who is that?
Verby when it comes to a few key things I've noticed.

Not that I mind or anything, just some do more than others.
He's against the wall?

He's standing on some good points right now.
He's not against the wall, he is a wall.

Verb is absolutely, nearly 100% unshaking in his viewpoints and considers anything brought up against them to be "irrelevant" or "not good enough" so there's not much of a point in trying to change them.

I've brought up a number of points in favor of my side and pretty much every single one of them is crossed out with the aforementioned points.

Meanwhile my only point against him is that it's a silly way to see the world and try to force it on others, though naturally mixed in with the whole "he literally wished death upon me in a fit of pure rage when he found out I did drugs" thing. If it was just himself saying, "I personally do not subscribe to the usage of drugs because I believe X, Y, and Z" then that would be one thing. Instead, it's, "literally anyone doing drugs is an idiot and putting their life and body at risk just to do something fun and nobody should be allowed to do them because I believe X, Y, and Z."

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 01:24:00 AM »
I'll make sure to consult you before doing any more in the future then

I won't, but I'll make posts laden thick with irony about it.

Like this one, kinda.
so how does this post explain to me why doing drugs is okay
It doesn't, it explains that trying to change your viewpoint on something is like trying to turn Bill Nye into a militant muslim and it's much easier to just not really care about it because of how outlandish pretty much all of said viewpoints are.

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 01:22:50 AM »
Well it doesn't really matter if it's not black and white in your eyes. Some things are actually just black and white, trying to take some sort of false high ground on those issues and say "WELL EVERYTHING IS JUST SHADES OF GREY" is just asinine.

If you're going to do something dumb because you enjoy it own up to it and admit that what you're doing is fucking stupid. Don't try to pass it off as something that is or should be acceptable.
So you're saying people who say weed is bad and should be ashamed of themselves, are in the right? Because something like weed is factually less harmful for you than the 24th Budweiser commercial advertised during Sunday football games.

As for the other ones like shrooms or acid, comparing them to something like crack/cocaine or heroine is just being uneducated about what it does to the body. It's not GOOD, but it's not a demonizing thing. It's not murder. The people who treat it like that or demonize someone for simply trying it in their curious youth, is ridiculous in my eyes.

First off we're talking about hard drugs so weed is irrelevant.

Second off I said nothing about shame. I said that what they're doing is stupid and they should own up to it the fact that what they're doing is fucking stupid. Sure, you can be curious but that doesn't mean you can't be stupid with your curiosity. If you don't want people to call you stupid then maybe you shouldn't be doing something stupid.
Nigga do you just classify anything other than weed and, like, over-the-counter shit to be "hard drugs"?

Nigga is that sentence even relevant to what I'm saying? You're trying to dodge this by dancing around with classifications instead of taking on the point I'm making.
I'm really not.

You're saying that "weed is irrelevant since we're talking about hard drugs," but grouping everything stronger than it into "hard drugs" is just silly. Like I said, there are plenty of differences in how "hard" the types of things I've mentioned are and the types of things I've used as examples of "hard drugs" are such as cocaine and heroin.

Dabs, for example, is just concentrated THC. Same shit that's in marijuana.

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 01:20:26 AM »
>No more

I almost forgot you existed girl

Post moar.
But it's usually so damn boring here

And when it gets exciting it's usually in the serious thread and it's usually political.

I don't wanna debate politics, mang.
Then get Desty piss or something tl liven it up

Always remember that you have the capacity to pull a Kiyo.
Why would Cindo want me to piss?

Is it sweet tasting? If so that means you have diabetes.
I'm not gonna drink my own piss.
Sounds like you've got the beetus.

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 01:19:43 AM »
My goodness, the irony
you have yet to tackle why doing drugs is anything but stupid

"it's fun" is not a good enough excuse, sorry
I'll make sure to consult you before doing any more in the future then

I won't, but I'll make posts laden thick with irony about it.

Like this one, kinda.

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 01:16:30 AM »
Well it doesn't really matter if it's not black and white in your eyes. Some things are actually just black and white, trying to take some sort of false high ground on those issues and say "WELL EVERYTHING IS JUST SHADES OF GREY" is just asinine.

If you're going to do something dumb because you enjoy it own up to it and admit that what you're doing is fucking stupid. Don't try to pass it off as something that is or should be acceptable.
So you're saying people who say weed is bad and should be ashamed of themselves, are in the right? Because something like weed is factually less harmful for you than the 24th Budweiser commercial advertised during Sunday football games.

As for the other ones like shrooms or acid, comparing them to something like crack/cocaine or heroine is just being uneducated about what it does to the body. It's not GOOD, but it's not a demonizing thing. It's not murder. The people who treat it like that or demonize someone for simply trying it in their curious youth, is ridiculous in my eyes.

First off we're talking about hard drugs so weed is irrelevant.

Second off I said nothing about shame. I said that what they're doing is stupid and they should own up to it the fact that what they're doing is fucking stupid. Sure, you can be curious but that doesn't mean you can't be stupid with your curiosity. If you don't want people to call you stupid then maybe you shouldn't be doing something stupid.
Nigga do you just classify anything other than weed and, like, over-the-counter shit to be "hard drugs"?

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 01:15:52 AM »
>No more

I almost forgot you existed girl

Post moar.
But it's usually so damn boring here

And when it gets exciting it's usually in the serious thread and it's usually political.

I don't wanna debate politics, mang.
Then get Desty piss or something tl liven it up

Always remember that you have the capacity to pull a Kiyo.
Why would Cindo want me to piss?

Is it sweet tasting? If so that means you have diabetes.

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 01:15:03 AM »
you'd learn from the experience
you'd learn why drugs are bad
you'd learn what any three year old kid should have learned in preschool
My goodness, the irony

I mean, I'm not even gonna respond to the fact that you said that "responsible sex would indeed be no sex at all" - paraphrased, of course.

You're just some enlightened, nirvana-filled motherfucker who knows all patches to the qualms and errors in the world despite having experienced, like, two of 'em.

It's like playing tennis with a goddamn building.

The Flood / Re: Tall Girls Or Guys
« on: October 02, 2015, 01:07:18 AM »

But that chick in the picture you gave is fuckmassive. Bitch is like seven foot twenty.

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 01:06:05 AM »
I tried coke once but I'm pretty sure it wasn't actually coke

I did like 5 lines and didn't feel anything
Had a friend who took coke accidentally

No thanks, fam. I don't need to be anywhere around that.

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 01:05:10 AM »
what drugs have you done?

Marijuana, "dabs" (concentrated THC), psilocybin mushrooms, ecstasy, and acid.
tell me about ectasy. i'm going to be rolling on halloween
Try to stay happy. The easiest way to explain it is that it amplifies all of your emotions. If you're happy, you're REALLY happy. If you're horny, you're REALLY horny.

On the flip side, you can have some major mood swings.

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