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Messages - Cindy

Pages: 1 ... 345 67 ... 60
Serious / Re: Mark Carney warns of growing disillusionment with capitalism
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:30:55 AM »
What are you, some kinda ancap?

Serious / Re: Pizzagate
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:29:21 AM »
A conspiracy theory that spiraled out of control.

The general consensus on here seems to be "something's fishy", which is fine, but the hardcore conspiracy theorists are ugh.

Basically, some of the emails from wikileaks detail some odd connections between John Podesta and a theme of pizza. The Podestas are also into some really fuckin' weird avante garde art. A ping-pong pizza place is run by a man formerly convicted of sexual intent with a minor or something like that and is often payed to work at the whitehouse.

So going through a bunch of weird logical loops and self-confirmation biases, a bunch of nutjobs on the internet have convinced themselves that the entire DNC is run by pedophiles - all the way up to Barack Obama - who have satanic ritual dinners where they rape and eat children. The pizza place is a front for a child pedophile ring where they all go to pick up their underage rape victims and the fact that everyone tells them to shut up for being idiots just means they're right and the government is trying to silence them.

Serious / Re: Mark Carney warns of growing disillusionment with capitalism
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:24:43 AM »
What does (((globalists))) even mean?

Serious / Re: Mark Carney warns of growing disillusionment with capitalism
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:24:19 AM »

A socialistic shift of the western governments would be prime time

Serious / Re: Pizzagate
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:23:19 AM »
Oh, I wouldn't deny for a second that some government higher-ups, possibly even Podesta, could be involved in child molestation stuff. Power does weird shit to people.

But everything surrounding the pizzagate theory is verbal diarrhea. The "plant" argument is also insanely eye-rolly.

The Flood / Re: Arguing with older conservatives about legalizing pot
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:20:19 AM »
>Gateway drug
>Leads to laziness
>Kills braincells faster
>Causes brain damage if used on a developing brain
>Can get a second-hand high

Yeah, no. Last thing I want is to get slightly buzzed cuz some pothead decides to smoke-up a room. At least with cigs, it's just smoke and that shit can clear out easily.
>Slippery slope argument
>It's mentally addictive, not physically. It doesn't inherently lead to laziness any more than reading books, watching movies, or playing video games does.
>Literal nonsense
>Literally who gives a heck? It's not like people are gonna be blowing their hits into your face at the movies.
>"Brain damage" is a bit severe. Also, so does alcohol. Just limit it by age like every other federally regulated substance.
>Boi, you'd have to be sitting inside a hotboxed car to get a "second hand high" from someone smoking weed. Some dude smoking a joint on the other end of the room away from you will literally do nothing.

Serious / Re: Pizzagate
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:16:10 AM »
What would the "in-between" entail?

Because, like, the Podestas are into some weird shit, but I dunno if there really is an in-between in this sort of scenario. A lot of the conspiracy theory is built on pretty far out assumptions and connections that don't make sense unless you'd already accepted it as true.

Serious / Re: So much for draining the swamp
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:13:53 AM »
If anyone voted for a sleazy billionaire on the basis that he was "anti-wall-street" or "anti-government' then I just dunno what to tell 'em at that point.

Serious / Re: Why abortion should be legal
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:12:42 AM »
>Come to the thread
>Thread is arguing about the inherent value of men over women as opposed to abortion rights


It's kinda like I missed this place but the exact opposite

Serious / Pizzagate
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:10:17 AM »
Hey-o, faggots. It's me.

What are this board's thoughts on the fuckin' stupid-ass meme that is pizzagate?

Do you recognize it for the meme it is, or do you think the entire DNC is comprised of satanic child raping cannibals?

Serious / Re: Don't normalize Trump simply because he won
« on: November 13, 2016, 12:52:29 AM »
If you take out his more ridiculous stuff, it shouldn't be too bad. If he can do it, better Healthcare would be cool. We don't need a wall to block off Mexico. But immigration needs to be more strict. I also like that he wants to be more isolationist. I don't give a fuck about other countries. The US doesn't need to go around the world policing. Vietnam, Korea, Gulf War, Iraq War... We shouldn't have been in any of those. It's not our problem. Bringing job to the US instead of other countries is also good. Building up the infrastructure is too. We'll see what he can manage.
I don't disagree with most of what you've said, but I always find that people saying, "Just ignore the crazy stuff and it's fine," sound a bit silly.

Like, I'm go crazy hyperbole here and break Godwin's law, but isn't that technically every dictator ever? Hitler did wonders for Germany's infrastructure but he still killed a bunch of Jews (again, super hyperbole. I'm not saying the two are comparable).

Serious / Re: Trump's cabinet
« on: November 13, 2016, 12:44:54 AM »
It's provably true but okay

I mean, this place is basically /pol/ lite

For all the shit I give Bungle about being terrible with arguments, I wouldn't even begin to try and actually convince anyone here

It's an exercise in futility

Eh, semantics


God, no. I'm shitposting.

There's world of difference

Because, while I'm doing it to piss people off, it's not like I disagree with what I'm saying



Oh, you mean like how states such as Texas tried to secede after Obama's reelection?

You mean like the threats from the alt right about an armed revolution if Clinton won?

You mean like the white supremacists and racists assaulting Muslims and LGBT people?

You mean like people on the right shouting at left-leaning folk for being THE REEEEAL racists and saying how it's their fault for being such big meanies and that's why Trump won?

No, I guess it's just those crazy lefties.

"A person told me not to say nigger anymore. FUCKING REGRESSION. THEY HATE WHITES. AAAAA."

Serious / Re: Still down/exhausted about the election?
« on: November 12, 2016, 09:01:35 AM »
Don't you twist my words you trapfucker

Shit like this is p dumb

"Trump won the election so I guess the left will literally dissolve and reform now"

I didn't know they were endocrinologists

HO HO some fucking spicy humor there

I signed it

Hold my dick

Serious / Re: How not to treat your political opponents
« on: November 12, 2016, 07:47:00 AM »
Also I love the double standard in alt righty think

"Black thugs are LITERALLY beating up trump supporters every day and that's why he won."

"What? A muslim/woman/LGBT person was threatened by a white supremacist? Lmao like that could ever happen. Get a LIFE you big dumb idiot."

Serious / Re: How not to treat your political opponents
« on: November 12, 2016, 07:44:49 AM »
Trump won because these specific people beat up that one dude

The more you know

Serious / Re: Still down/exhausted about the election?
« on: November 12, 2016, 07:39:53 AM »
"Both sides are just as toxic as the other, and I'm honestly annoyed at it."


le whoreshoo

Serious / Re: Eight years from now we're going to look back and say...
« on: November 12, 2016, 07:36:54 AM »
Not me tbqh

I'll be in the electric chair before then

Serious / Re: Trump's cabinet
« on: November 12, 2016, 07:35:41 AM »
Don't forget the president who thinks global warming is a chinese hoax and the VP who wants to shock the gay out of kids

Sorta kinda

Eh, I didn't check

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