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Messages - Cindy

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The Flood / Re: What is your Barber like?
« on: October 18, 2015, 07:57:31 PM »
He's an old-ass Taiwanese guy with gray hair past his shoulders

He's a G

I'm all for it

But I also recognize that America has a boner so massive for guns that it'll never happen

>The War on Christmas

Just end my life, fam

Serious / Re: Never give up your guns.
« on: October 18, 2015, 06:53:06 PM »
Yeah, like those evil tyrannical governments of...most other first-world countries

And you know all the martial law present in Australia, right?

Is it worth reading the whole thread at this point?
I mean, probably not

Serious / Re: Sociopaths and psychopaths.
« on: October 18, 2015, 05:06:55 PM »
They don't lack emotion, though. They have an abated propensity for empathy. Empathy =/= emotion.

Same difference. They're unfeeling creatures who deserve to be liquidated from society for the safety of all.
No, not the same difference.

A sociopath can feel anger, pain, frustration, happiness, sadness, and so on. He just can't quite understand that others do the same.

The Flood / Re: ちきどん
« on: October 18, 2015, 03:54:31 PM »
yonhyakunijuu moyase kono okama yarou

And what kind of principle is that, then?

Because the only concrete answer I've received so far is "well it makes me feel icky."
Why do your feelings matter but mine don't?

I just told you it makes me feel uncomfortable calling you a female when you aren't one, and the only reason I do so is to be polite. Fact is you are a male. If you were born male you are male. Nothing will change that.

I don't have to call you what you tell me to call you to spare your feelings because you have a mental illness. I do it to be nice. I don't have to be nice.
Because your pathology is borderline obsessive with genetalia. If you're having a conversation with someone and despite every other apparent aspect of them being female, you choose to think instead about their junk. It's unnecessarily sexual and to be honest concerning.

I could easily say you have an unhealthy obsession with aesthetics, which you actually do.

I don't care about your genitalia, I'm simply informing you that you're a male because you have a penis.
Biologically? Yes.

Thus the differentiation between sex and gender.

If you have a penis you are male. If a vagina, female. If neither or both I'd stick to gender neutral terms until I'm told to use male or female terms
Why is genitalia the end-all, be-all? Why is it more important that we identify as our biological sex?
Because that's what you are. You're either male or female. Females can have babies, males can't.

Some "woman" with a dick can't have a baby.
Man, must suck to be an infertile woman, then.

Are they men, too?
LOL Grasping for straws.

She's a woman, she's just an fertile woman.
Not grasping for straws, lad, just pointing out the same facts Egg is - that there are exceptions to everything you're saying, but that you disregard for one reason or another because you consider that more "natural".

Why do your feelings matter but mine don't?

I just told you it makes me uncomfortable calling a black man a person when he isn't one, and the only reason I do so is to be polite. Fact is he's a nigger. If he was born black he's a nigger. Nothing will change that.

Black people are people though. That's scientifically proven.

Why do your feelings matter but mine don't?

I just told you it makes me uncomfortable calling a gay man normal when he isn't, and the only reason I do so is to be polite. Fact is he's a faggot. If he was born gay he's a faggot. Nothing will change that.
Being gay is totally normal. So is being trans.

They're both wrong, though.

See how silly that sounds?
It was silly, because what I'm saying has scientific backing. I don't say it because I'm "bigoted" or whatever other term you're trying to label me with.

And, lo and behold, recognizing someone as their preferred gender in order to curb dysphoria and generally not be a prick kind of beats out "well I'm a bigot so that's just too bad."
How am I a bigot?
So...hold on

You acknowledge that gender dysphoria is an actual thing, you acknowledge that transgenders actually suffer from said dysphoria and that the scientifically-backed method of treatment is HRT and gender confirmation...and yet you refuse to acknowledge trans people as their preferred genders because it doesn't "feel right" to you?

If you have a penis you are male. If a vagina, female. If neither or both I'd stick to gender neutral terms until I'm told to use male or female terms
Why is genitalia the end-all, be-all? Why is it more important that we identify as our biological sex?
Because that's what you are. You're either male or female. Females can have babies, males can't.

Some "woman" with a dick can't have a baby.
Man, must suck to be an infertile woman, then.

Are they men, too?

And what kind of principle is that, then?

Because the only concrete answer I've received so far is "well it makes me feel icky."
Why do your feelings matter but mine don't?

I just told you it makes me feel uncomfortable calling you a female when you aren't one, and the only reason I do so is to be polite. Fact is you are a male. If you were born male you are male. Nothing will change that.

I don't have to call you what you tell me to call you to spare your feelings because you have a mental illness. I do it to be nice. I don't have to be nice.
Why do your feelings matter but mine don't?

I just told you it makes me uncomfortable calling a black man a person when he isn't one, and the only reason I do so is to be polite. Fact is he's a nigger. If he was born black he's a nigger. Nothing will change that.

I don't have to call him what he tells me to call him to spare his feelings because he was born sub-human. I do it to be nice. I don't have to be nice.

Why do your feelings matter but mine don't?

I just told you it makes me uncomfortable calling a gay man normal when he isn't, and the only reason I do so is to be polite. Fact is he's a faggot. If he was born gay he's a faggot. Nothing will change that.

I don't have to call him what he tells me to call him to spare his feelings because he was born with a disease. I do it to be nice. I don't have to be nice.

See how silly that sounds?

And, lo and behold, recognizing someone as their preferred gender in order to curb dysphoria and generally not be a prick kind of beats out "well I'm a bigot so that's just too bad."

It would be objectively false to refer to me as she. I am biologically male.

If I were biologically male but preferred to be referred to as she, then there's a discussion to be had.
"Biologically" and "preferred" are the keywords, aren't they?

I take it you believe that biological sex takes priority over personal preference.

Is there any logical reason to have reached that conclusion, though?
Biological sex is concrete and objective. Fluid or static as gender may be, physical sex is empirical and well defined.
Not really. What are intersex and chimeric individuals? XXY?
If you have a penis you are male. If a vagina, female. If neither or both I'd stick to gender neutral terms until I'm told to use male or female terms
So if someone looked 100% female, but still had a penis, you would think of them as a man rather than a woman?

Because this person just screams "male" to you?

I'm going to stick with what I can gleam from my observations. I can't see through clothes, obviously.

That said, VERY few crossdressers can pass as well as the picture, if that is one. There's generally a pretty clear giveaway.

You...don't understand much about trans people, do you?
penis+female clothing=crossdresser
...Jesus Christ

It would be objectively false to refer to me as she. I am biologically male.

If I were biologically male but preferred to be referred to as she, then there's a discussion to be had.
"Biologically" and "preferred" are the keywords, aren't they?

I take it you believe that biological sex takes priority over personal preference.

Is there any logical reason to have reached that conclusion, though?
Biological sex is concrete and objective. Fluid or static as gender may be, physical sex is empirical and well defined.
Not really. What are intersex and chimeric individuals? XXY?
If you have a penis you are male. If a vagina, female. If neither or both I'd stick to gender neutral terms until I'm told to use male or female terms
So if someone looked 100% female, but still had a penis, you would think of them as a man rather than a woman?

Because this person just screams "male" to you?

I'm going to stick with what I can gleam from my observations. I can't see through clothes, obviously.

That said, VERY few crossdressers can pass as well as the picture, if that is one. There's generally a pretty clear giveaway.

You...don't understand much about trans people, do you?

It would be objectively false to refer to me as she. I am biologically male.

If I were biologically male but preferred to be referred to as she, then there's a discussion to be had.
"Biologically" and "preferred" are the keywords, aren't they?

I take it you believe that biological sex takes priority over personal preference.

Is there any logical reason to have reached that conclusion, though?
Biological sex is concrete and objective. Fluid or static as gender may be, physical sex is empirical and well defined.
Not really. What are intersex and chimeric individuals? XXY?
If you have a penis you are male. If a vagina, female. If neither or both I'd stick to gender neutral terms until I'm told to use male or female terms
So if someone looked 100% female, but still had a penis, you would think of them as a man rather than a woman?

Because this person just screams "male" to you?

My main concern is the censorship ma-bobby.

In your example it's perfectly reasonable to not be a cunt because someone's this or that, whether or not you have the freedom of speech to say it.

The problem lies when people try to give valid criticism, and when they can't (or simply won't) answer to it, they can claim it's insensitive or offensive and block off reasonable discourse about the topic simply because it entails some controversial topic.

E.g. I used to know nothing regarding trans people, how or why they felt that way, methods of going about changing, etc, etc until around last year (mostly because of this place). But I can't just ask a question about in case I offend someone because it might have something behind it that may offend someone.

I'd like to understand at the cost of a few slip-ups and offending some people so I can get a good view on the topic and discuss it like most want to and maybe even accept it, rather than remaining in the dark, not discussing it and blindly accepting by faith just to keep people happy. If someone wants honest discussion, you don't go into it with no facts whatsoever and blurt out whatever some biased party (on either side) has said.
Well, I kinda tried to cover that in the main post, but I guess I didn't do a good job at addressing that - only talking about the inverse.

Yeah, I believe it's pretty stupid to shut down any discourse about a person just because it may or may not be offensive to them. The type of people who scream "educate yourself" and then offer no solution piss me off as much as the ignorant type who refuse to learn anything new on the subject.

But the thing is - it has to be a relevant question. If you're legitimately asking questions or trying to clear up things about a trans person, then that's fine, but if you're getting upset at people for shutting you down when you ask why it's not okay for you to call a trans person slurs and purposefully misgender them - and refuse to listen to the reasons why - then that's very different.

Oh that's perfectly fair enough.

Thanks for clarity on this, for a bit there I was reading it as "unless you're X, you can't discuss it or ask questions", and that I refuse to abide by.
Yeah, that type of thinking is some silly shit. Glad I could clear it up, lad.

I think it should be pointed out that the transgender discussion is far from settled.

Asking people not to call trans folks tranny queers is one thing.

Treating it as an attack if someone refuses to recognize a person's *preferred* gender is another entirely.
How so?

If a person presents as female, identifies as female, looks female, and is for all intents and purposes female so far as anyone could tell, what purpose does calling her "he" based on the fact that she possesses a Y chromosome accomplish?
It's the principle.

I honestly feel uncomfortable referring to you as a female, but I do it anyways to be polite.
And what kind of principle is that, then?

Because the only concrete answer I've received so far is "well it makes me feel icky."

And I'm awake

I'll respond to a dickload of comments after I finish breakfast
what you eat fam?
Poptarts, lad

I think it should be pointed out that the transgender discussion is far from settled.

Asking people not to call trans folks tranny queers is one thing.

Treating it as an attack if someone refuses to recognize a person's *preferred* gender is another entirely.
How so?

If a person presents as female, identifies as female, looks female, and is for all intents and purposes female so far as anyone could tell, what purpose does calling her "he" based on the fact that she possesses a Y chromosome accomplish?

as if respecting other people and their boundaries and generally not being a total cunt to everyone you meet just because you can is some sort of new revolution that them gol-dern lefties have brought upon the world to wreak havoc. I'm not really gonna touch on that too much because the stupidity in that sentence should be pretty damn obvious (hint hint: it's always been a thing to generally not be a cunt and the fact that we've started extending that thing to more and more people by making words like "nigger", "faggot", "trannie", and so on unacceptable only shows a wider range of acceptance, not fucking censorship and the elimination of free speech),
You know the entire tone of your post makes it seem like you're quite fine with being a total cunt to people you disagree with, what with the constant insults and holier than thou attitude you've got going on; so already I don't see much point in having a serious discussion.

But I will say this; I can tolerate a very specific kind of censorship, consider a classroom that teaches say, mathematics; of all the possible things that could be discussed, everything but maths is censored, and then of every possible math topic that could be discussed, everything but the specific skills being taught is censored, and even then the wider implications of those ideas are censored to focus on simply learning what's in the curriculum. THAT is the only acceptable form of censorship because that is the only kind that has clear and tangible benefits to everyone involved, and I would argue that it is impossible to teach someone something without censoring information to some degree. If you want to get technical then this really is just creating context, but I digress.

Now without even discussing how censoring words only gives them more power and draws people to them, I want to make it very clear that you fundamentally misunderstand the concept of free speech. It is entirely about being able to say things that are offensive, things that some people would rather be hidden away and never mentioned, about being able to say something that everyone around you, maybe even the entire world, disagrees with. It is almost heartbreakingly said that you think free speech means "you are allowed to say the words that we have approved of and nothing else".
You've misunderstood my point if that's what you think I think free speech means.

Of course you're allowed to say anything you'd like, so long as there is no actual physical consequence associated with it. However, others are perfectly allowed to call you out on what you're saying, and should rightfully do so if it's against what is considered socially acceptable.

The KKK and Westboro Baptist church both exist in today's society and I fully support their right to without supporting the groups themselves - but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't take a metaphorical shit all over one if they tried picketing outside my house.

My main concern is the censorship ma-bobby.

In your example it's perfectly reasonable to not be a cunt because someone's this or that, whether or not you have the freedom of speech to say it.

The problem lies when people try to give valid criticism, and when they can't (or simply won't) answer to it, they can claim it's insensitive or offensive and block off reasonable discourse about the topic simply because it entails some controversial topic.

E.g. I used to know nothing regarding trans people, how or why they felt that way, methods of going about changing, etc, etc until around last year (mostly because of this place). But I can't just ask a question about in case I offend someone because it might have something behind it that may offend someone.

I'd like to understand at the cost of a few slip-ups and offending some people so I can get a good view on the topic and discuss it like most want to and maybe even accept it, rather than remaining in the dark, not discussing it and blindly accepting by faith just to keep people happy. If someone wants honest discussion, you don't go into it with no facts whatsoever and blurt out whatever some biased party (on either side) has said.
Well, I kinda tried to cover that in the main post, but I guess I didn't do a good job at addressing that - only talking about the inverse.

Yeah, I believe it's pretty stupid to shut down any discourse about a person just because it may or may not be offensive to them. The type of people who scream "educate yourself" and then offer no solution piss me off as much as the ignorant type who refuse to learn anything new on the subject.

But the thing is - it has to be a relevant question. If you're legitimately asking questions or trying to clear up things about a trans person, then that's fine, but if you're getting upset at people for shutting you down when you ask why it's not okay for you to call a trans person slurs and purposefully misgender them - and refuse to listen to the reasons why - then that's very different.

In particular, I like how you delineate the fine line between "censorship" and "just not being a cunt". That's your most salient point, I think, and it's something that people on both sides don't really consider (especially the right).
I mean, it's a pretty big point that people seem to miss. To paraphrase XKCD, if the only thing supporting your argument is that it's not illegal to say it, it's probably not a very good argument.

Like, yes, the right to free speech means that you will never get federally persecuted for calling a black man "nigger" or calling a transgirl a "trannie". Doesn't mean other people can't call you out on it, tho, or that it's generally socially unacceptable to say such things, and you will be reminded as such.
As you know, though, when it comes to words like "nigger", I would extend it even further than that. I know you like to use the word to refer to your friends, as a lot of white people in the south do. I'm against this for a lot of reasons--mostly because it's cringeworthy as all hell, and also because I just find it juvenile and disrespectful. It doesn't matter to me if you're using it in a positive context--the word is rooted in evil, and it therefore doesn't really make sense to use it to refer to significant others. The word belongs in the trash, if you ask me.

Unless you're one of those silly snowflakes who thinks there's an honest difference between "nigger" and "nigga", in which case, I'll be glad to carefully explain precisely why you are wrong.
Honestly I couldn't disagree with you on this from a logical standpoint, but I'm gonna have to disagree anyways simply because of how I view hateful language.

I wouldn't use offensive terms to refer to people if I wasn't in a place that I found to be friendly and accepting. Among my close friends, for example, we insult each other all the time. My good friend Micheal, for example, could probably call me a "fucking trannie queer" at any given point just because I know there was no real venom behind the words - but that's only so long as he'd be alright with me retaliating by calling him something along the lines of a "lawnmowing spic".

And I'm awake

I'll respond to a dickload of comments after I finish breakfast

In particular, I like how you delineate the fine line between "censorship" and "just not being a cunt". That's your most salient point, I think, and it's something that people on both sides don't really consider (especially the right).
I mean, it's a pretty big point that people seem to miss. To paraphrase XKCD, if the only thing supporting your argument is that it's not illegal to say it, it's probably not a very good argument.

Like, yes, the right to free speech means that you will never get federally persecuted for calling a black man "nigger" or calling a transgirl a "trannie". Doesn't mean other people can't call you out on it, tho, or that it's generally socially unacceptable to say such things, and you will be reminded as such.

The Flood / Re: what's the point in having a second monitor?
« on: October 18, 2015, 01:24:42 AM »
I dunno, fam

You tell me

You're awfully rambly, though. You probably could've made your points in one or two paragraphs. Jus' sayin.
But I like rambling

So now is this the type of scenario where we can give suggestions about how Cindo can stir up shit, or do we just watch the fireworks?
I mean, fuck, now you've got me all excited.

I want more ideas.

Quite a mouthful, innit?

But yes, welcome to my thread where I will attempt to stir some shit by listing controversial opinions and saying that everyone who disagrees with me is an abject moron. Well, maybe not quite in those terms.

Anyways, today's issue focuses around internet culture of progressivism and political correctness, and only naturally will touch on "muh spooky SJWs" for a bit, as well.

So what exactly is that strange phrase up in the title? More likely than not the other three look pretty damn familiar, but what the fuck's a "brogressivism"? Well, recently on the internet as a whole, there seems to be a startling trend of immense acceptance in some areas with almost archaic viewpoints in some others. With a resounding support for three out of four letters of LGBT, voicing that you faced discrimination due to being homosexual, or a woman, or unwealthy? Why, you could get entire websites to rally behind you in the face of these blatant and horrible problems you've faced! Those same websites, however, would claim that a black man was simply "pulling the race card" for his own failures if he said he faced racism at the hands of the police, and a trans woman must just be using slurs and speaking with hatred if she says that she feels oppressed by cis individuals, right?

So, why all of the disparity? Well, that's where the term "brogressive" comes into effect. Basically, the term states that many people on the main areas of widely-used sites such as 4chan, Reddit, and so on will be straight, white, cis males from the ages of about 16 to 25, and these people tend to side with whoever they can identify with most in a given instance. A gay kid being bullied at school? Well, sure, they might not be gay, but plenty of them also faced bullying at school, so let's rally behind the gay kid! A trans woman was beat by coworkers or harassed to suicide? Well, none of them ever experienced dysphoria, so she must have been the one in the wrong!

Of course, trans issues lead us to the other three points on that list - political correctness, South Park, and Cairlyn Jenner - naturally "muh SJW" as well.

There seems to have been a large sentiment on the internet that the culture of the world is getting "too soft," as if respecting other people and their boundaries and generally not being a total cunt to everyone you meet just because you can is some sort of new revolution that them gol-dern lefties have brought upon the world to wreak havoc. I'm not really gonna touch on that too much because the stupidity in that sentence should be pretty damn obvious (hint hint: it's always been a thing to generally not be a cunt and the fact that we've started extending that thing to more and more people by making words like "nigger", "faggot", "trannie", and so on unacceptable only shows a wider range of acceptance, not fucking censorship and the elimination of free speech), but instead will be moving onto specifics. What do I mean by specifics? Well, trans people.

Trans people are in a rather odd place on the internet, since people are stepping forwards to throw praise at the feet of homosexuals but shrink away from trans communities by saying that they're mentally disabled freaks. Brogressivism tends to play a part here, as well, since a resounding part of the transphobic speech tossed around day-to-day seems to be "how dare they try to trick me to make me feel gay!" as if a transgirl's goal is to somehow 'trick' or 'seduce' some poor, innocent cis guy. Oh, the woes of being a middle-class white dude in America.

But the strangest part seems to come about in the whole "anti-PC" culture and the way they go about insulting trans people. Usually the argument is that a trans person's gender identity doesn't exclude them from criticism in other areas. While this sentiment is completely true, it's often only used by people that were going to purposefully misgender them and call them slurs regardless.

South Park is probably the most recent example of this. For those who don't know, a recent episode featured Kyle (who was shown, in an earlier episode [The Cissy] to have dysphoric feelings of his own unless I'm remembering incorrectly and it was Stan - but I digress) stating that, while he respected Caitlyn Jenner's choices on her gender, he did not think of her as any sort of 'hero' - a sentiment shared by many in the trans community because Jenner's sort of a cunt. Cartman stood in for the usual brogressive types trying to be edgy and fighting some over-inflated perceived threat in the name of 'free speech', and a college fraternity (PC Bros) parodied the overly-sensitive types who were quick to jump to the defense of any disparaged community regardless of the topic at hand. Since that episode aired, posters all over reddit often quote "You PC, Bro?" or "WEE-OO WEE-OO" whenever someone states that maybe transgender people should be respected and not looked at as mentally unstable freaks who should be locked up for "destroying their bodies". It's funny, really, because it proves that the point of the episode went sailing way over their heads and into the gotdam stratosphere.

So, uh...I guess that about wraps it up. Not so much a question as much as an opinion/standpoint/discussion topic, but feel free to go haywire n' shit.

Oh, yeah, this would probably also be a good place to mention that thing that I told Bungle a long while ago but haven't mentioned here, yet. I'm not naturally a girl, I'm an MtF transgirl who's been using the whole 'Cindy' persona as a way to curb dysphoria throughout the years. I know, I know, bit of a shocker, but it's kind of become a run-of-the-mill thing for me at this point so you'll excuse me if I didn't type up a ten paragraph rant thing on the subject like I did on bungle. Try not to make this part the focal point of the thread, tho.

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