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Messages - Cindy

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Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 26, 2015, 05:35:35 PM »
I love how people act like "logic" is some big trump card and that emotions should have no play in anything. "HURR DURR WELL YOU CAN ONLY JUSTIFY THIS FROM AN EMOTIONAL STANDPOINT AND NOT A PURELY LOGICAL ONE SO IT DOESN'T EXIST AND I'M GONNA KEEP BEING AN ASSHOLE." Sorry, is the human race populated entirely full of sociopaths? It isn't, since that was a rhetorical question, and trying to act like emotion doesn't play a roll in anything we do and that it excuses you being a bigoted cuntbag just because it's not a purely logical action - especially in the realm of MENTAL DISEASES THAT ARE HEAVILY EFFECTED BY A PERSON'S EMOTIONS - is just fucking stupid, narrow-minded, and a poor justification for hatespeech, as most other things revolving around transphobia are.
I wouldn't even say there's a need to get defensive whens someone makes a logic-based attack against gender dysphoria, because I don't see that as an honest means of taking arguments down. You can make 100% logic-based arguments for trans people.
Pls make me a case for trans people without factoring emotions into the equation whatsoever
"Nobody's getting hurt."

That's not for, fam, that's just not against

Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 26, 2015, 05:10:02 PM »
I love how people act like "logic" is some big trump card and that emotions should have no play in anything. "HURR DURR WELL YOU CAN ONLY JUSTIFY THIS FROM AN EMOTIONAL STANDPOINT AND NOT A PURELY LOGICAL ONE SO IT DOESN'T EXIST AND I'M GONNA KEEP BEING AN ASSHOLE." Sorry, is the human race populated entirely full of sociopaths? It isn't, since that was a rhetorical question, and trying to act like emotion doesn't play a roll in anything we do and that it excuses you being a bigoted cuntbag just because it's not a purely logical action - especially in the realm of MENTAL DISEASES THAT ARE HEAVILY EFFECTED BY A PERSON'S EMOTIONS - is just fucking stupid, narrow-minded, and a poor justification for hatespeech, as most other things revolving around transphobia are.
I wouldn't even say there's a need to get defensive whens someone makes a logic-based attack against gender dysphoria, because I don't see that as an honest means of taking arguments down. You can make 100% logic-based arguments for trans people.
Pls make me a case for trans people without factoring emotions into the equation whatsoever

Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 26, 2015, 05:00:13 PM »
Try to word your disagreements a little more eloquently, with less of the attacks.

Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 26, 2015, 03:49:12 PM »
OT: And why should the reason not be "because it makes people happy"? Please, I'd love to get a good reason for that. So many people love debating against transgenders and justifying bigotry because they "don't want to just make them feel better," but why not? While this isn't the crux of the argument, I'd really love to hear a legitimate reason behind this, because it's really just a weak platform to stand on to justify hate speech and bigotry.

And yes, before you fire back with that "WELL HOW AM I BEING A BIGOT?!?!" shit, disrespecting transgenders, saying that you shouldn't have to "adjust" your poor self to their preferred pronouns and names (I know, I know, it's such an incredible hardship) and saying that they're still men/women (depending on their start/finish) is transphobic and bigoted. Asking questions isn't, but asking questions purely with the intent to ignore the responses as "SJW PC bullshit" and fire back with gay jokes is. It's really not that difficult to tell when someone is asking questions about trans folks because they're open-minded or legitimately curious about that issue as opposed to when someone's just asking questions to make fun of the opposing sides and attempt to poke holes in scientific and psychiatric fact because trans people make them uncomfortable. Trust me, you're not as smart as you think.

And yeah, that's pretty much what the anti-arguments boil down to: "this makes me uncomfortable so I don't like it." It's the same shit the gay community went through years ago. Now people are fine with 'em, sure, but it wasn't that long ago that "homophilia" was classified as a mental illness and was believed to be infectious by many.

I love how people act like "logic" is some big trump card and that emotions should have no play in anything. "HURR DURR WELL YOU CAN ONLY JUSTIFY THIS FROM AN EMOTIONAL STANDPOINT AND NOT A PURELY LOGICAL ONE SO IT DOESN'T EXIST AND I'M GONNA KEEP BEING AN ASSHOLE." Sorry, is the human race populated entirely full of sociopaths? It isn't, since that was a rhetorical question, and trying to act like emotion doesn't play a roll in anything we do and that it excuses you being a bigoted cuntbag just because it's not a purely logical action - especially in the realm of MENTAL DISEASES THAT ARE HEAVILY EFFECTED BY A PERSON'S EMOTIONS - is just fucking stupid, narrow-minded, and a poor justification for hatespeech, as most other things revolving around transphobia are.

I could go more in-depth about the divide between sex and gender and the immense effect that gender has one one's social standing and role as well as the presence of body dysphoria correlating gender dysphoria and the hatred one has of feeling "wrong" as myself and people like me experience every day. I could go into the incredibly high suicide rates as well as devolution into addiction on drugs and alcohol caused by feeling out-of-place most forwardly due to a society that says these things are "unnatural" and holds a line of thought that it's somehow "wrong" to respect other people just because that makes them personally feel uncomfortable due to their rapidly-falling-behind viewpoints on the world, but I won't because that'd be going on a tangent.

Instead, let me ask you this:

What if you woke up tomorrow to discover that you had two X-chromosomes? You had all your life, in fact. Now, that hadn't effected much, as you'd still been born with functional male genitalia and your body had naturally produced high amounts of testosterone due to that,'d be biologically female! You'd have female chromosomes! Would you immediately start identifying as a woman and want restructive surgery just to conform to what was "biologically" correct?

Probably not, because gender is more than the shit you learned in 9th grade biology.

Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 26, 2015, 03:29:10 PM »
Transgenderism is mainly a mental disorder. Yes, some people truly just feel they are in the wrong body, but that's a minority. Most have this type of thought process due to mental/physical abuse and scarring. It is not something that should be shunned, but it is not something we should be saying "Oh that's who they are".

Help them work through it. We should treat it no different than to how we treat other mental disorders.
Lmao what the fuck?

You've done pretty much 0 research on gender dysphoria, have you?

Saying that people who experience gender dysphoria have been mentally abused in the past is like saying that most people with a BDSM fetish were beat by their parents and have Oedipal complexes.

The Flood / Re: Blow jobs
« on: October 26, 2015, 02:35:34 PM »
>people think blowjobs are gross


Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 26, 2015, 02:26:34 PM »

The Flood / Re: Why are there so many trannys?
« on: October 26, 2015, 02:13:58 PM »
Tbh I wonder that sometimes too

But without the slurs

The Flood / Re: She's really enjoying that banana
« on: October 25, 2015, 03:50:15 PM »

Do you get it?

Serious / Re: What if Christianity hadn't risen to prominence?
« on: October 25, 2015, 02:02:01 PM »
We would all be towel heads.
No we wouldn't because Islam wouldn't exist

Pretty much.

Islam, Christianity, and Judaism all go hand in hand. As she has said before, Zoroastrianism would probably still be huge.
Islam not so much.

Christianity and Judaism did have some influence over Mohammed, yes, but Islam is closer to Zoroastrianism than those religions in that it is a monotheistic religion based on revised polytheistic beliefs.

Pre-Islamic Arabs were largely pagan, but (according to Islamic sources, which are sadly the only sources we really have) had a concept of a "greater god" that ruled distantly over all others, a central supreme being.

Mohammad didn't convert the Arabs to worship a new god so much as he centered focus on the core deity and suppressed worship of peripherals.

This, again, is all from Islamic sources, which may or may not affect its credibility.

Islam could reasonably exist independantly of Christianity and Judaism, but probably in a somewhat different form.
Well then it wouldn't be fuckin' Islam, would it?

The whole "origin" story is that the Archangel Gabriel came down to speak to Mohammad. The Bible is one of the holy books of Islam.

Serious / Re: What if Christianity hadn't risen to prominence?
« on: October 25, 2015, 01:21:42 AM »
We would all be towel heads.
No we wouldn't because Islam wouldn't exist


The Flood / Re: Come on down to Bungleboards
« on: October 24, 2015, 10:40:36 PM »
No. For the same reason that a small child can't give reasonably compelling forms of consent.

Fun fact: Animals aren't as smart as humans, and are therefore bereft of any rational judgment.

You insane motherfucking cunt.
If an animal can instinctively initiate the process that would indicate a desire to mate, then why is it immoral to bone the dog afterwards? Would it be immoral for another dog to bone them after that signal?
We have the conscious ability to realize that the dog is too stupid, relatively speaking, to give consent. Dogs don't.

Yes, you could argue that animals are "raping" each other in the wild, but there's no moral quandary, because they can't exactly help themselves. Humans can.

Fucking hell, this is pissing me the fuck off. Fucking degenerates. ALL of you.
Minus the last sentence, this is pretty much my line of thought as well, tbh

The Flood / Re: Come on down to Bungleboards
« on: October 24, 2015, 09:47:15 PM »
I have been away at a social event drinking

Bungle is not mobile freidnly.

Pls catch me up on the drama, Cindick

cindy got butthurt because someone said it was ok to fuck your dog

so cindy made a thread here expressing said butthurt because i guess it just couldnt stay on bungle
Pretty much, yeah

The Flood / Re: Come on down to Bungleboards
« on: October 24, 2015, 09:41:52 PM »
lmao you left to make a circlejerk post here?
cmon just because you lost your childhood to the Y doesn't mean you have to be all 6th grade gossip girl now

I made this about ten minutes after the argument started, fam

Don't fuckin' undersell me

The Flood / Re: Come on down to Bungleboards
« on: October 24, 2015, 09:41:20 PM »
Winy pls you've got to be baiting

Is this a thread for opinions on Fallout 3?


I played New Vegas first and FO3 second. I hated pretty much everything about the game and only finished it once without doing much of the side quests because pretty much every aspect of it was deplorable, in my opinion.

This is Undertale for me

so goooood

The Flood / Re: Come on down to Bungleboards
« on: October 24, 2015, 07:45:21 PM »
3. No NSFW media, no exceptions. You will be warned if it seems like an accident and will be required to edit the link out of your post (or it will be done for you). Some examples of NSFW media include (but are not limited to):

• A) Gore
• B) Nudity
• C) Porn
• D) Pornographic or Sex based fanfiction/stories/writing
Well fuck that, then. I'm not getting bant over Cadaver Love Story.
And I'm not really in the mood for being called autistic today so I'll just abstain.
How disappointing.
That's the same rules as this place, you fuckin' gaylord

The Flood / Re: Come on down to Bungleboards
« on: October 24, 2015, 07:38:01 PM »

Add pedophiles to the list, too!

The Flood / Re: Come on down to Bungleboards
« on: October 24, 2015, 07:36:16 PM »
justify necrophilia

Das is intro freaky shit, but at least he understands the difference between fantasy and reality

The Flood / Re: Come on down to Bungleboards
« on: October 24, 2015, 07:29:54 PM »
Do what...
If some bitch presents her rear to you what harm is done by taking the invitation?
Or if Joey starts humping your leg and you give him a lead.
A compelling argument, no?

The Flood / Come on down to Bungleboards
« on: October 24, 2015, 07:25:31 PM »
We're a totally normal community

Right now, for example, some of our members who I will not identify are currently attempting to justify bestiality and necrophilia, and are condemning us for ex-communicating and insulting someone who raped a dog because we "increased any trauma he already had."

A lovely place for lovely people!

>Greatest country in the world
>Japan comes close

This has to be b8
Oh fuck off

We both know that isn't true you idgit with that sweet sweet xenophobia.
I'm saying that it's shit, genius

Serious / Re: If free will doesn't exist...
« on: October 24, 2015, 02:15:19 AM »
Determinism is some stupid shit tbh

The Flood / Re: Thank you for shopping at Wholefoods
« on: October 24, 2015, 02:01:13 AM »
>The latest south park was spot-on
>"How dare you ask people to not be cunts, if you go on the internet and you're fat then you deserve to be insulted you worthless piece of shit"

This season of southpark has been edgy, but I dunno about "spot-on."

It wasn't condoning any form of harassment it was just making fun of Tumblrina crybabies.
It had a whole song basically saying "you're an idiot if you think you can go somewhere and have the right not to be harassed, this is the real world so suck it up because obviously it's always that easy, you're a bunch of whiny crybabies and we're better than you."

How the hell is getting mean comments on Twitter harassment?
I's actually pretty literally the definition of harassment, lol

But I'm not referring to anything of that sort, since the song isn't about anything of that sort.

What is the "song" about then? The message I got from the episode is that you should deal with negative interactions and feelings in an adult manner and that people's opinions aren't going to always be favorable of you.
You know, the song, "My Safe Space." The one that basically mocks people for having places they can go away from harassment and insult to feel better about themselves and receive support for themselves, basically calling these people pussies.

The song seemed like was simply mocking people who try to make the internet a better place for themselves by censoring dissenting opinions and not necessarily people who just want to have their own little chat of friends.
Everyone likes me and thinks I’m great in my safe space (In My Safe Space)

People don’t judge me and haters don’t hate in my safe space (In Your Safe Space)

Bully proof windows, troll safe doors, nothing but kindness in here.

You might call me a pussy, but I won’t hear you in my safe space. (In My Safe Space)

Bully proof windows.

If you do not like me, you are not allowed in my safe space. (In My Safe Space)

Look and you will see there is a very select crowd in your safe space. (In My Safe Space)

People that support me, mixed in with more people that support me, and say nice things!

Rainbows all around me. There is no shame in my safe space. (In My Safe Space)

Bully proof windows.

I am going to tear down your safe space, brick by brick I shall smash it with glee…


You cannot stop me from getting inside. I am cold, I am hard, and my name… is REALITY

Oh, no. Not reality. Somebody stop him!

I’ll take care of him

I’ll take care of him Jenny you can’t ruin our lives, Reality – our space space will keep you out.


We can face almost anything. But reality we can do without.


Bully proof windows, Troll safe doors…

(My Safe Space)

Who’s Next?

What about that sounds like it's about internet censorship, lad?

The Flood / Re: Thank you for shopping at Wholefoods
« on: October 24, 2015, 01:45:13 AM »
>The latest south park was spot-on
>"How dare you ask people to not be cunts, if you go on the internet and you're fat then you deserve to be insulted you worthless piece of shit"

This season of southpark has been edgy, but I dunno about "spot-on."

It wasn't condoning any form of harassment it was just making fun of Tumblrina crybabies.
It had a whole song basically saying "you're an idiot if you think you can go somewhere and have the right not to be harassed, this is the real world so suck it up because obviously it's always that easy, you're a bunch of whiny crybabies and we're better than you."

How the hell is getting mean comments on Twitter harassment?
I's actually pretty literally the definition of harassment, lol

But I'm not referring to anything of that sort, since the song isn't about anything of that sort.

What is the "song" about then? The message I got from the episode is that you should deal with negative interactions and feelings in an adult manner and that people's opinions aren't going to always be favorable of you.
You know, the song, "My Safe Space." The one that basically mocks people for having places they can go away from harassment and insult to feel better about themselves and receive support for themselves, basically calling these people pussies.


The Flood / Re: Thank you for shopping at Wholefoods
« on: October 24, 2015, 01:38:19 AM »
>The latest south park was spot-on
>"How dare you ask people to not be cunts, if you go on the internet and you're fat then you deserve to be insulted you worthless piece of shit"

This season of southpark has been edgy, but I dunno about "spot-on."

It wasn't condoning any form of harassment it was just making fun of Tumblrina crybabies.
It had a whole song basically saying "you're an idiot if you think you can go somewhere and have the right not to be harassed, this is the real world so suck it up because obviously it's always that easy, you're a bunch of whiny crybabies and we're better than you."

How the hell is getting mean comments on Twitter harassment?
I's actually pretty literally the definition of harassment, lol

But I'm not referring to anything of that sort, since the song isn't about anything of that sort.

The Flood / Re: Thank you for shopping at Wholefoods
« on: October 24, 2015, 01:28:17 AM »
>The latest south park was spot-on
>"How dare you ask people to not be cunts, if you go on the internet and you're fat then you deserve to be insulted you worthless piece of shit"

This season of southpark has been edgy, but I dunno about "spot-on."

It wasn't condoning any form of harassment it was just making fun of Tumblrina crybabies.
It had a whole song basically saying "you're an idiot if you think you can go somewhere and have the right not to be harassed, this is the real world so suck it up because obviously it's always that easy, you're a bunch of whiny crybabies and we're better than you."

The Flood / Re: Thank you for shopping at Wholefoods
« on: October 24, 2015, 12:54:34 AM »
>The latest south park was spot-on
>"How dare you ask people to not be cunts, if you go on the internet and you're fat then you deserve to be insulted you worthless piece of shit"

This season of southpark has been edgy, but I dunno about "spot-on."

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