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Topics - alphy

Pages: 123 4
The Flood / phone
« on: August 27, 2015, 10:52:07 PM »
why is it so stupid

i literally unplugged it while it was 100% (i left it at 100% for like 10 minutes)

got 1 kik notification

and it went 98%

like, i didn't even it use it unplugged for 30 seconds and it went down like 912 precent


discuss your dumb phones

The Flood / Today was hard
« on: August 25, 2015, 06:52:15 PM »
OK so i went to the doctor and they told me i needed to do x-rays in a completely different place, i couldn't do it there. they also gave me a meningitis shot and took my blood

oh, as i was walking out, i saw this one girl watching anime. she was watching madoka magica. Lol.

so then we went to this x-ray place, took a while. took xrays of my wrist, and now they're telling me to wait a few days for the xyars <.<

talk about your day

The Flood / Damn it who is Kud
« on: August 21, 2015, 11:13:04 PM »
everytime i post something from little busters you like my post

like yeah it's understandable buuuut


The Flood / Ups/downs?
« on: August 21, 2015, 11:03:58 PM »
so my friends and i ordered some pizza and played some halo (we actually played portal more than halo)

jesus today was weird for everybody

so like, for me, this was my 1st time having a pizza sesh with a lot of friends, but I also made my wrist pain worse (we screamed like maniacs, we were acting like animals, which was super duper fun, but made me wrist hurt much more.)

my other friend, let's call him J, sacrificed time alone with his gf for us. however, he told her he just woke up (?) so she took the liberty of being in the process of coming over. we were like "oh sheeeit" and were being like "we should leave/we should hide in the back/etc..." he ended up lying to her, i think, which is uh-oh

O, another friend is muslim. he ate sausage. the rest of us were just like "oh. shit."

A, just said in the group chat that his gf? got mad at him

and then my other friend, I, O's brother, came to J's house unannounced. we were thinking of what to say (at school, he was with us when we were planning the pizza sesh, and it sounded like he wanted to come too) and after a while, we just hear the car zoom away (like literally it was vrooooom"). we all felt like shit afterwards.

sooo uhhh, today was weird

what ups/downs have you had today?

The Flood / anime endings
« on: August 21, 2015, 12:49:35 AM »
lol yup


The Flood / mildly interesting grapes, amiibos, let's talk
« on: August 20, 2015, 07:07:23 PM »
so today at lunch i found these grapes... and the vine looked like a treble clef

also btw my japanese ganondorf and dr mario amiibos came in i'm in  a good mood

talk about your day here

Gaming / I highly suggest you play H2A campaign again
« on: August 16, 2015, 10:54:42 PM »
put sputnik and the newish skull, feather, and GOD

it's like double sputnik... physics was wonky enough with only that skull but these 2 make everything get thrown out the window

everything flies away at the speed of light, grenade jumps make you go extreme heights,etc


it's an absolute blast, i had so much fun and laughed a shit-ton

sorry if this is old, i just found out this skull was added

The Flood / dank prisons
« on: August 16, 2015, 11:47:33 AM »

dank prison

discuss dank prisons

The Flood / I hate people who use huzzah
« on: August 14, 2015, 11:52:20 PM »
i hate that word

it just sounds soo... dumb

what words do you hate

The Flood / My friend had sugery; 1st world problems
« on: August 13, 2015, 10:27:58 AM »
she wants to play sm4sh to help her relax, after school

problem Is, I collect my books today and will have a shit-ton of homework (ap classes y  :'( ) AND my seasonal favorite anime comes out today (gakkou gurishi)

Discuss your 1st world problems

EDIT I'm not asking what I should do lol.  I've already decided to play with her

EDIT 2 so i played with her for around 3 hours. she told me that i made her day a lot better. awww

No i didn't smash/bang her

Gaming / Relaxing music/ambiance
« on: August 10, 2015, 11:00:36 PM »
what songs do you think are nice and calm and relaxing?


oh my god the frame rate. i really hope they have a patch or something. this game looks incredible but the rame frate

this game hasn't technically been released on xb1 (dunno how i was able to play it)

i'm just gonna hope the frame rate was like that cuz it hasn't had its official release... hope.

so yeah, if you're not interested in this game, what are you interested for this month?

EDIT i played a little bit earlier, seems to be a little bit smoother. still pretty rough tho

Gaming / didja see that Halo 5 pink mist edition?
« on: August 04, 2015, 11:34:57 PM »
it's like a billion dollars for a scale replica of the needler

what do you think of it? would you get it?

The Flood / Last night
« on: August 03, 2015, 09:17:59 PM »
around 11 i heard these really bad screams


after a few minutes it just stopped

i THINK i heard "you're under arrest" problem is, there was no police car or sirens or whatever. there wasn't a helicopter either, so running is out of the question too

am i gonna die sooN?

The Flood / what crazy/cool stuff have you found in your own house?
« on: July 29, 2015, 02:38:26 PM »
so we moved the couch, i vacuumed there, and when we moved it back to the orignal position, a knife was on the floor

is this a murder weapon help??! lol jk but yeah later when my dad comes i'll give it to him... i opened the knife and i don't know how to, uhh, close it lmao

so yeah what have you discovered?

The Flood / how you doin'
« on: July 28, 2015, 10:21:39 AM »
so yeah what's up

The Flood / Solved, thanks to challenger
« on: July 26, 2015, 03:26:24 PM »
it's OK now

you can lock it now, i guess

Gaming / Submerged
« on: July 24, 2015, 03:50:45 PM »

The Flood / omg help me
« on: July 14, 2015, 01:12:17 PM »
so i took a shower and i had a thought

if you went back in time with your phone (you also have service and everything) and called 911 (you know that any phone can call 911 regardless of status) what would happen?! would current day police get a call from the past? i don't get it

discuss recent shower thoughts

The Flood / Would you rather
« on: July 13, 2015, 09:07:22 PM »
so like i'm kinda bored, let's play a game

just post and i'll come up with a would you rather for you

yup, i had drama with my friend again (basically i told her that i'm getting super annoyed by how she always puts me off to the side so early in the morning. it's like, if  you're gonna take 3 years to respond, don't even bother sending me mssgs <_<)

so yeah, ask me a question and i'll shoot some back at you too

wow... there's only like 14 people on at 4:12 am

The Flood / i like polls
« on: July 13, 2015, 01:21:30 AM »
do you like poles?

« on: July 12, 2015, 02:12:16 AM »

why is there no dashes/commas/colons?! argh

discuss little things that make your eyes hurt

The Flood / it's 4 am here in california
« on: June 15, 2015, 06:09:45 AM »
couldnt sleep and now here i am saying lmao fuck it

took a shower rn

so... for like the 2 people online... how 'ya doin'?

you have been visited by the floode foxe

post this in seven threads or the floode foxe will eat you

The Flood / gimme anime
« on: June 08, 2015, 08:35:37 PM »
recommend me some... ive been thinking of starting something and i dont like any on my plan to watch list lol

preferably comedy but anything is OK

The Flood / I just rescued 2 creepy crawlies
« on: June 03, 2015, 12:01:52 AM »
so i was just hanging out in my room and i looked in the corner and i saw a spider. at first, i was like "ehh i'll just leave it there" but i kept looking back and decided to take it somewhere else... i use the little cup trick i guess and let it go in the garage

i come back to my room and get freakin' scared when i  see another creepy crawly hanging out near the carpet. i use the cup again and set it outside

i fully expect one of those spiders to save my life one day

anyways, how has ur nite/morning been?

so? im alright, just finished watching an episode of an anime rite now, prolly just gonna do random stuff for like an hour... i promised myself that i would start working on the final for physio over the weekend buuut of course that didnt happen

talk to me

The Flood / tell me about your night, it's prolly better than mine
« on: May 06, 2015, 11:16:18 PM »
so im like soo frustrated rite now... it took me like 15 minutes to figure out my goddamn printer, i got a papercut, 25 damn minutes to do 1 page, my keyboard stopped working... im just sitting here txting a friend and asking her to help me out with not shooting myself in the face with a shoe

ahhh theres another f on the transcripts. joy. fantastic.

talk to me about ur day

The Flood / I just finished my supervised study, AMA
« on: May 04, 2015, 11:03:09 PM »
so yes, i did all 10 essays in 2 days, and they aint even due until friday. All i need to do is go talk to my councilor and talk about my "academic plan" and just turn this shit in

I tried going to my councilor today during 7th period, but he was at "lunch" and would return at "1:35" which is like wayy beyond even 2nd lunch... tomorrow, ima try to go during actual lunch (i have lunch like at 10:20 am, so i shouldn't miss him) and if he isnt there still ima beat him up

anyways, ask me stuff, talk bout ur day, w/e

Pages: 123 4