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Messages - velox

Pages: 1 ... 196197198 199200 ... 224
The Flood / Re: I'm home alone this week
« on: October 06, 2014, 12:24:02 AM »
You get to walk around naked.
The neighbors might see though.

The Flood / I'm home alone this week
« on: October 06, 2014, 12:19:35 AM »

It'll be fairly normal, actually. Maybe a bit more video games.

Gaming / Re: We should play Halo 2 Vista sometime, Sep7agon.
« on: October 05, 2014, 10:27:31 AM »
I have it.

Serious / Re: First baby born through womb transplant
« on: October 05, 2014, 07:59:14 AM »
That's good news, as long as it won't lead to babies being grown artificially.

Even greater news for those who undergo sex changes.

It's like the transplant of any other organ, really. Be it a heart, a liver, a kidney, etc. I don't see anything wrong with it.

The Flood / Re: Staff Nominations
« on: October 05, 2014, 06:02:57 AM »
Mr. P for master forum ninja.

Have about a third of it be milk. You can then slowly get used to less.

Kill her.

Btw, should I have sex in the back of my car?
With the back of your car.

The Flood / Re: Anyone here play an instrument?
« on: October 05, 2014, 04:55:10 AM »
I used to play the viola, but it's been about two or three years.

The Flood / Re: Do You Prefer Hot Or Cold Showers?
« on: October 05, 2014, 04:44:35 AM »
Hot, but cold right at the end.

The Flood / Re: goddamnit oss
« on: October 04, 2014, 03:17:59 PM »
Nice tabs.

The Flood / Re: Post a random fact about the user above you
« on: October 04, 2014, 07:36:24 AM »

The Flood / Re: Stupidest things you were told as a child
« on: October 04, 2014, 06:15:00 AM »
You know the little loop thingy just behind the front seats that car seat belts go through? There's a button on those, for adjusting the height of where the loop thingy or something.

Me and all my siblings where told that pushing it would activate a catapult under the backseat, so that we wouldn't fiddle with it.

The Flood / Re: Search your Username on Google
« on: October 04, 2014, 06:10:14 AM »
In order, my bnet profile, my YouTube channel, my Steam community profile, and elegiac's thread on here about my soaking wet panties.

The Flood / Re: What's with all the anime gifs
« on: October 03, 2014, 01:39:52 PM »

The Flood / Re: Let's set something straight here.
« on: October 03, 2014, 09:04:51 AM »

Then what does that make your buddy here?

The Flood / Re: How Much Sleep Do You Usually Get?
« on: October 03, 2014, 07:11:52 AM »
About six-seven hours.

The Flood / Re: Disney announces a new Star Wars live action series!
« on: October 03, 2014, 02:45:22 AM »

That is so sad.
you're just butthurt 'cause you got

Not really. The thread's purpose was to filter out the bad apples from the decent apples, and you're somewhere on the line with those threads, as I was referring to actual good threads in the sense of them contributing to the brain's well being, or something along those lines.

I never meant good as in fulfilling 14 year olds wet dreams of having nameplates, but it's decent enough.

+1 4 u m7
Not every thread can be about rehabilitating the psyche.

It is possible for a majority to be enjoyable to participate in, though.

If you want to discuss psychology and nothing else, then I'm afraid that this is the wrong forum for you.
I want threads where the mind can get an understanding of itself, or threads where it develops through intelligent stimulation.
Then make more threads that are like that.

But drop your other kind of threads. The ones you make to push other threads of the front page. Those are the ones people dislike you for.
Sorry, what threads? Have you seen any lately? If not, maybe I should make some to prove to you that I don't give a frack about what you lots think of me. Would you want that as proof? I can make threads like those easily, but I'm going to sleep now, and you should too.
Then why did you make this thread?

I'm encouraging you to make more of your good threads here, don't take it as an insult. Stop the stuff that isn't as good, and people will like you. I want to help you.

I'm not saying that you've made a bunch today, but you have before. I'm just giving you the advice to not spam again, unless you want people to dislike you even more.

Note that I say "people", in third person, and not "we". I am not insulting you. I'm trying to help you.
I'm not as dependent on being accepted as you are, but I appreciate you trying to help me in your way.
This whole thread seems to be made to make people stop disliking you. If you don't care, why make a thread to make people justify their opinions against you?

The Flood / Re: Name a ship in my writing
« on: October 02, 2014, 04:39:38 PM »
Oh, which ones did you pick?
The one involving Vore.
On the topic of ships "eating" smaller ships, have you read Mortal Engines? It uses a similar concept. You might like it.

That is so sad.
you're just butthurt 'cause you got

Not really. The thread's purpose was to filter out the bad apples from the decent apples, and you're somewhere on the line with those threads, as I was referring to actual good threads in the sense of them contributing to the brain's well being, or something along those lines.

I never meant good as in fulfilling 14 year olds wet dreams of having nameplates, but it's decent enough.

+1 4 u m7
Not every thread can be about rehabilitating the psyche.

It is possible for a majority to be enjoyable to participate in, though.

If you want to discuss psychology and nothing else, then I'm afraid that this is the wrong forum for you.
I want threads where the mind can get an understanding of itself, or threads where it develops through intelligent stimulation.
Then make more threads that are like that.

But drop your other kind of threads. The ones you make to push other threads of the front page. Those are the ones people dislike you for.
Sorry, what threads? Have you seen any lately? If not, maybe I should make some to prove to you that I don't give a frack about what you lots think of me. Would you want that as proof? I can make threads like those easily, but I'm going to sleep now, and you should too.
Then why did you make this thread?

I'm encouraging you to make more of your good threads here, don't take it as an insult. Stop the stuff that isn't as good, and people will like you. I want to help you.

I'm not saying that you've made a bunch today, but you have before. I'm just giving you the advice to not spam again, unless you want people to dislike you even more.

Note that I say "people", in third person, and not "we". I am not insulting you. I'm trying to help you.

That is so sad.
you're just butthurt 'cause you got

Not really. The thread's purpose was to filter out the bad apples from the decent apples, and you're somewhere on the line with those threads, as I was referring to actual good threads in the sense of them contributing to the brain's well being, or something along those lines.

I never meant good as in fulfilling 14 year olds wet dreams of having nameplates, but it's decent enough.

+1 4 u m7
Not every thread can be about rehabilitating the psyche.

It is possible for a majority to be enjoyable to participate in, though.

If you want to discuss psychology and nothing else, then I'm afraid that this is the wrong forum for you.
I want threads where the mind can get an understanding of itself, or threads where it develops through intelligent stimulation.
Then make more threads that are like that.

But drop your other kind of threads. The ones you make to push other threads of the front page. Those are the ones people dislike you for.

Septagon / Re: Pics in Quote
« on: October 02, 2014, 03:56:58 PM »
Perhaps quoted images could be put in spoilers by default? That'd be nice.
Copy and paste it into a spoiler, it is not difficult.
You don't even have to do that, just select the image code and click the spoiler button.

The Flood / Re: What do you view as canon in Halo?
« on: October 02, 2014, 03:51:55 PM »
Gaming, please.
This is about the Halo lore, including the books, not just the game series.

That is so sad.
you're just butthurt 'cause you got

Not really. The thread's purpose was to filter out the bad apples from the decent apples, and you're somewhere on the line with those threads, as I was referring to actual good threads in the sense of them contributing to the brain's well being, or something along those lines.

I never meant good as in fulfilling 14 year olds wet dreams of having nameplates, but it's decent enough.

+1 4 u m7
Not every thread can be about rehabilitating the psyche.

It is possible for a majority to be enjoyable to participate in, though.

If you want to discuss psychology and nothing else, then I'm afraid that this is the wrong forum for you. 

The Flood / Re: >IMPLYING
« on: October 02, 2014, 02:54:09 PM »

Gaming / Re: Sep7agon Steam Group
« on: October 02, 2014, 02:41:55 PM »
Because you called us PC users "PC peasants"
But you are a peasant. That is why PC gamers cream themselves over Steam sales, because they cannot afford console games.
It's not about affording. It's about getting the most bang out of your buck.

The Flood / Re: I found a pair of True Velox's soaking wet panties.
« on: October 02, 2014, 10:09:30 AM »
Good to...know.
You want them, don't you?
I already have a pair.
Of… of mine?
They're rather tight, but yeah.
Your manh… ehum, sangheilihood must have a hard time fitting into them.

The Flood / Re: I found a pair of True Velox's soaking wet panties.
« on: October 02, 2014, 10:05:32 AM »
Good to...know.
You want them, don't you?

The Flood / Re: Best Burgur Joints in your area!
« on: October 02, 2014, 09:55:50 AM »
We don't really have much of them here. We have McDonalds and the native joint called "Max". Out of those I prefer McDonalds.

We also have normal restaurants that serves grilled burgers, but those aren't joints, and not primarily focused on burgers.

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