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Messages - velox

Pages: 1 ... 189190191 192193 ... 224
The Flood / Re: Hah, what a brilliant example!
« on: October 12, 2014, 10:50:36 AM »
It doesn't say those are the only examples. "Includes" doesn't mean "only this".
If you're gonna make a reply on a thread that is referring to another thread that you haven't been to, you should stop the impulse, because you're seen as a fool trying to sound relevant. The fool part comes due to you being irrelevant.
The OP doesn't make any reference at all to another thread. If you want people to be aware of something, say it. Don't assume that everyone reads every single thread in  the entire forum.
I never implied what you said though, and the thread isn't for you, so I don't see the problem here. Stop your feeling of entitlement.
This is a public thread. Making a thread aimed at only one person is against the rules, as it should be a PM instead.

The same applies to problems you have with actions taken by moderators. I'd recommend sending a PM to Cheat instead.

These kinds of threads was a major factor behind the new rules.

The Flood / Re: Hah, what a brilliant example!
« on: October 12, 2014, 10:41:53 AM »
It doesn't say those are the only examples. "Includes" doesn't mean "only this".
If you're gonna make a reply on a thread that is referring to another thread that you haven't been to, you should stop the impulse, because you're seen as a fool trying to sound relevant. The fool part comes due to you being irrelevant.
The OP doesn't make any reference at all to another thread. If you want people to be aware of something, say it. Don't assume that everyone reads every single thread in  the entire forum.

The Flood / Re: Hah, what a brilliant example!
« on: October 12, 2014, 10:35:42 AM »
It doesn't say those are the only examples. "Includes" doesn't mean "only this".

The Flood / Re: I am respected posting riot
« on: October 12, 2014, 10:33:37 AM »
I am Heroic Posting Rampage.
Stay that way.
I'd rather go to Legendary Invincible.
And I'd rather digress to a rank where I'm seen as a n00b, but that's not going to happen on its own.
Digress? I think you mean descend.

The Flood / Re: I am respected posting riot
« on: October 12, 2014, 10:29:43 AM »
I am Heroic Posting Rampage.
Stay that way.
I'd rather go to Legendary Invincible.

Gaming / Re: Best Game Trailers.
« on: October 12, 2014, 10:28:35 AM »


The Flood / Re: I am respected posting riot
« on: October 12, 2014, 10:25:02 AM »
I am Heroic Posting Rampage.

Serious / Re: An interesting thing about Satan and God
« on: October 12, 2014, 09:23:15 AM »
Faith is a very personal thing, you can't really dictate what others must believe in for their religion to be legit. Just because the bible says both exist doesn't mean that you must believe in both to consider yourself to be a Christian.

That being said, I am an atheist, I'm not pushing for religion here. I'm just saying that it's up to every person to define their faith themselves.
I would type a lot, but i am liimited to onev hand. Yoy're an idiot.
I could claim that you must believe in pink flying elephants to be a Christian, but that doesn't make it true.

Religion is personal. It's not all or nothing, black and white. You don't have to believe in the entire bible to be "legit".
That's like saying that you don't need an outlet for electricity, because electricity is energy, and you can generate your own energy by moving.
No, it's like saying you need to live out in the woods and live off the land to save electricity, and that turning off the light when you exit a room and saving a little bit doesn't count, and that you either have to use a ton of electricity all the time or nothing at all.
I found the perfect one for it.

It's like saying that if you're truly someone who wants to consume as little energy as possible, you shouldn't even use any at all. The best way to save energy, is by not using it.

You're not environmental friendly if you use a little electricity, because you're still hurting the environment.
That's true for religion if you want to be a fundamentalist.

Most religious people aren't, and on top of that, it's up to them to decide if they want to be.
I get it. I just don't agree with it.

Someone can proclaim them self to be god, but I'm not going to be okay with that and say "you're allowed to be whatever you want".
That's not what we're talking about here. We're talking about how much of a religion a person believes in for it to be considered actual belief, as you put it in the OP, that they "buy into it".

Obviously someone can't claim to be god without backing that up by showing their powers.

They can, however, believe in certain parts of a religion, and not all of it, and still be considered part of that religious movement.

Serious / Re: An interesting thing about Satan and God
« on: October 12, 2014, 08:30:12 AM »
Faith is a very personal thing, you can't really dictate what others must believe in for their religion to be legit. Just because the bible says both exist doesn't mean that you must believe in both to consider yourself to be a Christian.

That being said, I am an atheist, I'm not pushing for religion here. I'm just saying that it's up to every person to define their faith themselves.
I would type a lot, but i am liimited to onev hand. Yoy're an idiot.
I could claim that you must believe in pink flying elephants to be a Christian, but that doesn't make it true.

Religion is personal. It's not all or nothing, black and white. You don't have to believe in the entire bible to be "legit".
That's like saying that you don't need an outlet for electricity, because electricity is energy, and you can generate your own energy by moving.
No, it's like saying you need to live out in the woods and live off the land to save electricity, and that turning off the light when you exit a room and saving a little bit doesn't count, and that you either have to use a ton of electricity all the time or nothing at all.
I found the perfect one for it.

It's like saying that if you're truly someone who wants to consume as little energy as possible, you shouldn't even use any at all. The best way to save energy, is by not using it.

You're not environmental friendly if you use a little electricity, because you're still hurting the environment.
That's true for religion if you want to be a fundamentalist.

Most religious people aren't, and on top of that, it's up to them to decide if they want to be.

Serious / Re: An interesting thing about Satan and God
« on: October 12, 2014, 07:57:11 AM »
Faith is a very personal thing, you can't really dictate what others must believe in for their religion to be legit. Just because the bible says both exist doesn't mean that you must believe in both to consider yourself to be a Christian.

That being said, I am an atheist, I'm not pushing for religion here. I'm just saying that it's up to every person to define their faith themselves.
I would type a lot, but i am liimited to onev hand. Yoy're an idiot.
I could claim that you must believe in pink flying elephants to be a Christian, but that doesn't make it true.

Religion is personal. It's not all or nothing, black and white. You don't have to believe in the entire bible to be "legit".
That's like saying that you don't need an outlet for electricity, because electricity is energy, and you can generate your own energy by moving.
No, it's like saying you need to live out in the woods and live off the land to save electricity, and that turning off the light when you exit a room and saving a little bit doesn't count, and that you either have to use a ton of electricity all the time or nothing at all.

Serious / Re: An interesting thing about Satan and God
« on: October 12, 2014, 07:52:07 AM »
Faith is a very personal thing, you can't really dictate what others must believe in for their religion to be legit. Just because the bible says both exist doesn't mean that you must believe in both to consider yourself to be a Christian.

That being said, I am an atheist, I'm not pushing for religion here. I'm just saying that it's up to every person to define their faith themselves.
I would type a lot, but i am liimited to onev hand. Yoy're an idiot.
I could claim that you must believe in pink flying elephants to be a Christian, but that doesn't make it true.

Religion is personal. It's not all or nothing, black and white. You don't have to believe in the entire bible to be "legit".

Serious / Re: An interesting thing about Satan and God
« on: October 12, 2014, 07:33:21 AM »
Faith is a very personal thing, you can't really dictate what others must believe in for their religion to be legit. Just because the bible says both exist doesn't mean that you must believe in both to consider yourself to be a Christian.

That being said, I am an atheist, I'm not pushing for religion here. I'm just saying that it's up to every person to define their faith themselves.   

The Flood / Re: Do you know the like glitch?
« on: October 12, 2014, 07:21:42 AM »
I've done it by accident before but I can never figure out how to do it on purpose. One time I managed to get myself to like a post twice.
Same here.

The Flood / Re: yee
« on: October 12, 2014, 07:14:38 AM »

The Flood / yee
« on: October 11, 2014, 07:14:37 PM »


Septagon / Re: Tapatalk or mobile site?
« on: October 11, 2014, 06:27:49 PM »
Mobile site.

Gaming / Re: gg bungo
« on: October 11, 2014, 06:26:52 PM »
gg no re

The Flood / Re: How Can I "French Kiss"?
« on: October 11, 2014, 06:25:45 PM »
I tried doing some research, but all I could come up with was this. I hope it is still satisfactory.

The Flood / Listen to this at half speed
« on: October 11, 2014, 06:12:26 PM »

like seriously


The Flood / Re: ITT: you bash me
« on: October 11, 2014, 05:43:47 PM »
You are CIS Scum!

The Flood / Re: Currently playing: Nujabes
« on: October 11, 2014, 03:59:26 PM »

Gaming / Re: Yet another PC Master Race thread
« on: October 11, 2014, 03:15:44 PM »
>12 years old
>his mom bought it for him
>19 years old
>bought the components with money from first job and built it himself

The Flood / Re: i wonder...
« on: October 11, 2014, 11:59:05 AM »
Whats a wonton noodle.
Noodles with dumplings.

The Flood / Re: i wonder...
« on: October 11, 2014, 11:51:56 AM »

The Flood / The Ultimate Badass
« on: October 11, 2014, 11:50:45 AM »

And not a single fuck was given that day.

The Flood / Re: So I made a video
« on: October 11, 2014, 11:00:22 AM »
It would've been better if he was holding a smaller cup...

I don't think of an ale mug when I think of shots. >.>
To be fair, for humans that mug would probably be closer to a shot glass in size.
Of course.
Actually, now I find the video funny for that context.
That's retarded. They all drink out of the same mugs. Do we hand midgets shot glasses instead of cups?
When Dori handed Gandalf a cup of wine in An Unexpected Journey, it was about the same size as an egg cup.

And the hobbits had never seen full-sized pints before in Fellowship of the Ring.

You have to remember that the hobbits live in a society separate from the humans, and make everything sized for themselves.
I don't think that Bree bothers to stock hobbit-sized cups.
The clip in the video doesn't take place on The prancing Pony in Bree, it's in The Green Dragon which is in Hobbiton.
I still don't feel that the mug size would vary that much... the sword size doesn't. Frodo uses an eleven sword.
Sting is actually just a dagger by elven measures:

The Flood / Re: So I made a video
« on: October 11, 2014, 10:47:49 AM »
It would've been better if he was holding a smaller cup...

I don't think of an ale mug when I think of shots. >.>
To be fair, for humans that mug would probably be closer to a shot glass in size.
Of course.
Actually, now I find the video funny for that context.
That's retarded. They all drink out of the same mugs. Do we hand midgets shot glasses instead of cups?
When Dori handed Gandalf a cup of wine in An Unexpected Journey, it was about the same size as an egg cup.

And the hobbits had never seen full-sized pints before in Fellowship of the Ring.

You have to remember that the hobbits live in a society separate from the humans, and make everything sized for themselves.
I don't think that Bree bothers to stock hobbit-sized cups.
The clip in the video doesn't take place on The prancing Pony in Bree, it's in The Green Dragon which is in Hobbiton.

The Flood / Re: So I made a video
« on: October 11, 2014, 10:36:10 AM »
It would've been better if he was holding a smaller cup...

I don't think of an ale mug when I think of shots. >.>
To be fair, for humans that mug would probably be closer to a shot glass in size.
Of course.
Actually, now I find the video funny for that context.
That's retarded. They all drink out of the same mugs. Do we hand midgets shot glasses instead of cups?
When Dori handed Gandalf a cup of wine in An Unexpected Journey, it was about the same size as an egg cup.

And the hobbits had never seen full-sized pints before in Fellowship of the Ring.

You have to remember that the hobbits live in a society separate from the humans, and make everything sized for themselves.

The Flood / Re: So I made a video
« on: October 11, 2014, 10:13:37 AM »
Like repeated quickly?

The Flood / Re: So I made a video
« on: October 11, 2014, 10:12:54 AM »
It would've been better if he was holding a smaller cup...

I don't think of an ale mug when I think of shots. >.>
To be fair, for humans that mug would probably be closer to a shot glass in size.

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