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Messages - velox

Pages: 1 ... 91011 1213 ... 224
Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: May 29, 2018, 01:18:29 PM »
My battlenet has been broken for a while, tried reinstalling but it didn't help

Oh well, guess I'm not playing Overwatch anymore

The Flood / Re: Deadpool 2 tho
« on: May 29, 2018, 01:15:17 PM »
I didn't like the glorification of violence. It's fine to have action sequences and show what is happening with varying cinematography, but focusing extensively on the gore and playing music over it like it's a good thing is a big turn off for me. That being said, it still had it's moments. Some of the dialogue did make me laugh but it was still pretty vulgar. It seems Deadpool is just a vulgar character with Ryan Reynolds. Mega sonic teenage warhead was attractive though. I wish she wasn't gay.
yeah, sucks that she's going to hell
Why do you say that?
why do you say you wish she wasn't gay

The Flood / Re: Deadpool 2 tho
« on: May 28, 2018, 06:30:35 AM »
Fuck me for getting invested in the dramatic parts of him coping with grief, right?
technically you could say that the mid-credits sequence doesn't matter since it's after the "end" of the movie.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: May 27, 2018, 05:24:40 PM »

Kinda funky
It is. Hands look weird, expecially left hand. On the left hand, while I don`t have problems with a thumb, index and middle finger just faced not like a thumb and a palm, down, but look faced away, I think it can be fixed by re-drawing lines between fingers phalanxs. Ring finger feels like it grows from palm, it also seems shorter than index finger, though it usually longer in most people. Distance between fingers seems a bit too long.

thanks for the input i didn't ask for.
Well, this is a forum thread. It's meant for discussion. If you're not looking for some kind of response, why share it?

I for one think feedback is to be expected in this thread, or any forum for sharing your art. Maybe not on your personal instagram feed or whatever, but in threads like this, subreddits, art groups on facebook and the like.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: May 26, 2018, 03:51:26 PM »
Sketchfab has a handpainted textures challenge, so I'm partaking in it.

Work in progress. Model is not mine, only the textures is done by me.

The Flood / Re: Been a while
« on: May 26, 2018, 04:51:58 AM »
I finished writing my bachelor thesis the other day, and got the green light from my supervisor to submit it. The examination seminar will be on either Thursday or Friday, hope it goes well.

I won't get my diploma immediately either way though, as I'm missing credits and will have to fix that during summer.

yeah yeah, it's been a week but I didn't see a thread about it so

Announcement trailer, doesn't show anything:


Steam bio:
Alexander. Hannibal. Caesar. These great men and dozens like them shaped the destiny of a continent. Mighty kings, clever generals and would-be gods made their mark on the ancient Mediterranean. Around this sea, close knit nations tested their mettle and virtue against each other in fierce combat, their cultural and political legacy now inseparable from what we understand as Western Civilization. But nothing was guaranteed. Can you change the course of history in Imperator: Rome?

Imperator: Rome is the newest grand strategy title from Paradox Development Studio. Set in the tumultuous centuries from Alexander’s Successor Empires in the East to the foundation of the Roman Empire, Imperator: Rome invites you to relive the pageantry and challenges of empire building in the classical era. Manage your population, keep an eye out for treachery, and keep faith with your gods.

Imperator: Rome’s features include:

Character Management:
A living world of characters with varying skills and traits that will change over time. They will lead your nation, govern your provinces and command your armies and fleets. We also introduce our new, more human-like character art.

Diverse Populations:
Citizens, freemen, tribesmen and slaves - each population with its own culture and religion. Whether they fill your armies, fill your coffers or fill your colonies, keep an eye on their happiness - your success depends on their satisfaction.

Battle Tactics:
Choose your approach before battle to counter the stratagems of your foes.

Military Traditions:
Each culture has a unique way of waging war. Romans and Celts have different options available to them. Unlock unique bonuses, abilities and units.

Different Government Types:
Manage the senate in a Republic, hold your court together in a monarchy, answer to the clans in a tribal system.

Barbarians and Rebellions:
Migrating barbarians may sack or settle your best land, while disloyal governors or generals can turn against you - taking their armies with them!

Goods provide bonuses to their home province. Will you take advantage of stockpiles for local strength or trade excess goods to spread the wealth around?

Provincial Improvement:
Invest in buildings, roads and defences to make your kingdom stronger and richer.

The Flood / Re: How do you imagine world in 2814
« on: May 25, 2018, 12:07:25 PM »
we will have genetically engineered catgirls

The Flood / Re: What is the appeal of blue skinned women to man?
« on: May 25, 2018, 12:06:31 PM »
bruh two of those aren't even blue, they're purple and green

The Flood / Re: who would win
« on: April 20, 2018, 02:48:20 AM »
technically Olorin in the form of Gandalf is only forbidden to use his true power against Sauron and his forces IIRC, so he wouldn't be nerfed against Aku

The Flood / Re: new ERB is pretty good
« on: April 19, 2018, 02:48:39 PM »
This video is almost 2 years old though?

The Flood / Re: Is an egg a fruit or a vegetable?
« on: April 13, 2018, 05:47:05 PM »

The Flood / Re: Fuck sep7 join this huge welcoming community
« on: March 26, 2018, 09:26:43 AM »
isn't that the drug user server

The Flood / Re: im fucking SEVENTEEN now
« on: March 23, 2018, 02:24:12 PM »
wtf how are you that young

Not gonna lie all I can think of is that pic you posted using that app where it morphs your face into a girl and that was pretty terrifying brah lmao
well I did put it through the filters like six times in a row

velox just come to the dextroverse we have a great community
The what?

>not enabling cringeworthy, reckless behavior is toxic
shitting all over someone because of how they dress or present themselves (n a completely safe way) is toxic

he just wants to look more feminine

that's gay
idk velox's pronouns
tbh I don't really know my pronouns either

have you ever put make up on your penis?
actually no


Damn this forum is toxic af

It's like the opposite of an antioxidant
They're obviously just jealous of our superior fabulousness 

Eye shadow can be fun for making people feel uncomfortable, but don't expect to be taken seriously by anyone.
To be honest if people get weirded out by some paint just because I have a Y chromosome then that's on them. I've always felt like I have a feminine side, I've just been repressing it because of social anxiousness. I'm tired of hiding my personality and playing the part of a shy and quiet person.
>it's just paint lol
>haha mad because I have a Y chromosome?

If everything is so nothing to you, why do this at all? You don't even know who you're lying to anymore.
I'm just saying that women doesn't have a monopoly on makeup.

Not caring if some people gets uncomfortable doesn't mean I'm apathetic and uncaring in all aspects of my life. I want to express myself more femininely, and I like wearing makeup. Why do anyone do anything? I also like pizza, so I eat it sometimes. I like games, so I play them. I like music, so I listen to it.
>I don't care but I do

You're not a woman because you wear makeup you clown
...and your point is?

Eye shadow can be fun for making people feel uncomfortable, but don't expect to be taken seriously by anyone.
To be honest if people get weirded out by some paint just because I have a Y chromosome then that's on them. I've always felt like I have a feminine side, I've just been repressing it because of social anxiousness. I'm tired of hiding my personality and playing the part of a shy and quiet person.
>it's just paint lol
>haha mad because I have a Y chromosome?

If everything is so nothing to you, why do this at all? You don't even know who you're lying to anymore.
I'm just saying that women doesn't have a monopoly on makeup.

Not caring if some people gets uncomfortable doesn't mean I'm apathetic and uncaring in all aspects of my life. I want to express myself more femininely, and I like wearing makeup. Why do anyone do anything? I also like pizza, so I eat it sometimes. I like games, so I play them. I like music, so I listen to it.

What is a kajal?

Also make up is a great way to express yourself. I mainly stick to reds and golds, but recently I have been experimenting with nudes and cool tones. Get some highlighter you can use it to emphasize the inside corners of your eyes and underneath your brow lines. The most important part of make up is having the right equipment to apply your make up. So maybe look into investing in a brush set?
Apparently it counts as eyeliner in English rather than being a separate word. It's like a pencil rather than being liquid-based.

And like, I'm not talking about going full emo corpsepaint. So far it's very subtle and I will slowly and gradually increase it to find what level I'm comfortable with.

I'm not saying don't do it, I'm expressing my opinion that its stupid. Besides, you're really only compensating for your lack of confidence by overcorrecting your typically shy-guy personality archtype to one of provocation, and to anyone who's gone through an identity crisis of their own, you won't be expressing anything more than that.
I'm not really overcompensating though, I've been wanting to wear makeup for years. This isn't some gut reaction, it's something that I've had to mentally prepare for for along time.

Wear it because you like it, not because to make people consider you more feminine, ok?


Eye shadow can be fun for making people feel uncomfortable, but don't expect to be taken seriously by anyone.
To be honest if people get weirded out by some paint just because I have a Y chromosome then that's on them. I've always felt like I have a feminine side, I've just been repressing it because of social anxiousness. I'm tired of hiding my personality and playing the part of a shy and quiet person.

Yeah, I don't really care. Using makeup to express your femininity (instead of just being you, a person that just happens to be feminine) is fucking stupid and you're supporting a pretty viciously anti-women industry by buying into it.

On top of that eye shadow hasn't really been in-style since 1988 so you'll be provocative for the wrong reasons.
ye fuck expressing personality through other means than behavior, we should banish fashion too and all wear potato sacks

That’s really fucking gay dude
You know it babe

Eye shadow can be fun for making people feel uncomfortable, but don't expect to be taken seriously by anyone.
To be honest if people get weirded out by some paint just because I have a Y chromosome then that's on them. I've always felt like I have a feminine side, I've just been repressing it because of social anxiousness. I'm tired of hiding my personality and playing the part of a shy and quiet person.

lol that's a squirt gun on my screen
someone might see a gun in emoji form, won't somebody think of the children

I'm planning to get more makeup products and experiment a bit with that, but god it's not cheap is it

Foundation alone costs like 40 bucks and I don't know how long one bottle lasts.

Kinda leaning towards only getting eye shadow and some basic brushes for now tbh

Also maybe eyeliner, don't really like how undefined the kajal looks but maybe it's just a shitty brand I have

The Flood / Re: Challenger why did you kick me
« on: March 20, 2018, 05:47:30 AM »
lmao didn't you originally create that server?

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