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Messages - velox

Pages: 1 ... 959697 9899 ... 224
The Flood / Re: Hey can you guys photoshop some "snow" on my avatar
« on: December 01, 2015, 11:35:27 AM »
It's a fine line between turning a blind eye to a bit of a borderline avatar and going all out.

Naru wasn't allowed his one in a similar vein, you wouldn't be allowed that one.

Why can't people just pick nice halal avatars ;-;
What is offensive about snow?
Allah forbids water from appearing in a solid form, that is why there is no ice in the middle east.

The Flood / Re: What is the best-written song you've ever heard?
« on: November 26, 2015, 07:50:41 AM »

The Flood / Re: what's up cunts?
« on: November 26, 2015, 07:48:48 AM »




The Flood / Re: Why do you fear death?
« on: November 26, 2015, 06:05:19 AM »
Deu yeu feah deaeth?

Due yeu feah thaht daaahk abees?
Ah ken postpoohn judgmenth

Wan undred yeesh befarh the maaast

Will yeu seuv?

The Flood / Re: what's up cunts?
« on: November 26, 2015, 06:00:29 AM »
>being Swedish
>not listening to Death metal

>prefering guttural screaming to actual singing

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: November 25, 2015, 12:46:21 PM »
Does writing count as art?

Sin of Man

Withered the bodies,
that marches in trail

Plains they are foggy,
the spirits are frail

In thirst for glory,
their forces did clash

In a purgatory,
men turned to ash

On crimson-red steed,
rode forth did the beast

Men doomed by greed,
were consumed in his feast

In a big slaughter,
the armies they fell

Their souls ever after,
burning in hell

On conquest of kings,
the men paid the price

And birds on black wings,
they filled up the skies

Receiving their judgment,
quiet en masse

The dark sacrament,
sound trumpets of brass

The men took the blame,
of their warlord's sin

And baptized in flame,
black evil did win

The Flood / what's up cunts?
« on: November 25, 2015, 11:48:31 AM »
how's it going?

I've been growing an interest in power metal, it's like music to the ears or whatever

The Flood / Re: Thoughts on public sex?
« on: November 25, 2015, 11:42:16 AM »
i wouldn't be opposed to it, but seeing as how most of society is opposed to it, it would make it difficult

however, i'm assuming that if society was okay with public sex, it wouldn't be as hot anymore

bit of a catch-22
mfw verb is into public sex
mfw verb is into sex

IS claims to be Muslims, but they're in the minority and twists the Quran to their own goals. Similar to how the KKK aren't "real Christians".

While I don't think Muslims by themselves were the primary target, I wouldn't be surprised if there are Muslim victims in the attacks. IS aims for terror, and everyone who isn't with them is an enemy. That includes Muslims, Christians, Atheists, and so on.

While a majority of terrorists claims to be Muslim, that doesn't necessarily mean Islam is a causation. The middle east is an unstable region, and there's many factors at play. Many terrorists come from this region, and many people who live in this region are also Muslims. But keep in mind that the absolute majority are peaceful civilians.

While you could say that the Quran has "violent" text in it, the same can be said about the Bible. There's also parts of the Quran that forbids violence, and people who try to justify their actions with it are simply cherry-picking the parts that align with their goals, and ignoring other parts.

Religion isn't a cause, it's an excuse. Wicked people will be wicked.
You disgrace your dead cousin.
As much as I'm grieving, I won't give in to blind hatred because of it. Islam isn't to blame, evil people are.

IS claims to be Muslims, but they're in the minority and twists the Quran to their own goals. Similar to how the KKK aren't "real Christians".

While I don't think Muslims by themselves were the primary target, I wouldn't be surprised if there are Muslim victims in the attacks. IS aims for terror, and everyone who isn't with them is an enemy. That includes Muslims, Christians, Atheists, and so on.

While a majority of terrorists claims to be Muslim, that doesn't necessarily mean Islam is a causation. The middle east is an unstable region, and there's many factors at play. Many terrorists come from this region, and many people who live in this region are also Muslims. But keep in mind that the absolute majority are peaceful civilians.

While you could say that the Quran has "violent" text in it, the same can be said about the Bible. There's also parts of the Quran that forbids violence, and people who try to justify their actions with it are simply cherry-picking the parts that align with their goals, and ignoring other parts.

Religion isn't a cause, it's an excuse. Wicked people will be wicked.

Thanks for the kind words, people. I'll try to cope with this as best as I can.

The Flood / Re: Anyone else who wouldn't care if all Muslims died?
« on: November 14, 2015, 05:14:02 AM »
There will always be vile and cruel people, regardless of their background. Muslims are one of the biggest groups of people, and the vast majority of them are peaceful.

I just found out my cousin was there, and that she has died.

I'm not sure how to feel or process this.

Gaming / Re: I want to buy FO4
« on: November 13, 2015, 02:13:03 PM »
Beat those games first. By the time you do, Fallout 4 will be fixed.
>Fallout 4
>Bethesda game

The Flood / Re: i made a fallout cheat
« on: November 13, 2015, 02:07:52 PM »


The Flood / Re: What Was Your Original Username?
« on: November 13, 2015, 01:09:15 PM »
In this community?


then yoshinator, Cerulean Velox, True Velox, ℒℯ ℳℰℳℰ Velox, True Velox, Cerulean, 💀spoopy master💀, Cerulean, Cerulean Boy

may have missed a few

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: November 13, 2015, 12:59:32 PM »

sketch thingamajing

The Flood / Re: Extrovert or Introvert
« on: November 13, 2015, 12:21:46 PM »
friendly reminder that introverted =/= not liking people

it just means that you "gain energy" by being by yourself, as opposed to when your with others, like extroverts. introverts often love to socialize, they just need to recharge afterwards.

introverted is not socially anxious, though they can certainly overlap.

The Flood / Re: Petition for Cheat to change his avatar
« on: November 13, 2015, 11:01:53 AM »

The Flood / Re: i made a fallout cheat
« on: November 13, 2015, 10:56:53 AM »
This blew my expectations right out of the water. I am both highly entertained and slightly aroused.


is your 0 key broken?

I find O's to be more aesthetically pleasuring than 0's

My t key is broken however and I need to copy paste it everytime which is annoying as fuck

And to do capital T's I have to type in Tyrone so that it corrects it to spell it with a capital letter and then erase the yrone
youre a supid person


Gaming / Re: ragstag deer?
« on: November 13, 2015, 10:11:29 AM »
I still haven't seen any of those things myself yet
This is my first time playing a Fallout game, so I was a bit shocked when I saw them. They have two heads! And an extra pair of tiny legs on their necks!

The Flood / Re: I figured out how to like my own posts
« on: November 13, 2015, 10:05:00 AM »
tell me

I'll give you a hint; you have to use the inspect element tool.

The Flood / Re: I figured out how to like my own posts
« on: November 13, 2015, 10:01:35 AM »

The Flood / I figured out how to like my own posts
« on: November 13, 2015, 10:00:38 AM »


is your 0 key broken?

I find O's to be more aesthetically pleasuring than 0's

My t key is broken however and I need to copy paste it everytime which is annoying as fuck

And to do capital T's I have to type in Tyrone so that it corrects it to spell it with a capital letter and then erase the yrone
0kay th3n

The Flood / Re: Whoever had that redheaded cunt as their avatar
« on: November 13, 2015, 09:18:35 AM »

Gaming / Re: ragstag deer?
« on: November 13, 2015, 07:13:42 AM »

but shit, Fallout 4 has my head spinning. I don't know why, but if I play fallout for more than two hours my head starts to hurt. Fuark, I feel dizzy.

Fallout isn't bad, but I don't feel that much positivity towards it. 10/10 game though.

Also, how long have you been playing? A) You've killed a ragstag deer, B) You have the first weapon in the game

tfw you run out of ammo after rescuing the detective guy, then literally have like 100 on a submachine gun, and 50 on some other gun because of going into a comic store full of ghouls.

Difficulty level should be changed to Survival.

My save stats disappeared, and that sucks because I had spent 6 hours on them.
This screenshot is one or two days old at this point, I just didn't share it until now. I've since got the laser musket, minigun, a shotgun, and a scout/sniper rifle.

I mostly go sneaky and try to hit enemies from afar.

I'm not that far into the story, I've mainly just explored the wasteland so far. I have 7.4 hours in the game.

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