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Messages - velox

Pages: 1 ... 495051 5253 ... 224
You people should all just get in on the same Discord server instead of having all these different ones. It's confusing.
Yeah but let's be honest here who else w
unban everyone who is banned

But the mods don't want a shit storm. I even offered to be the clean up crew when I was a mod. They still said "no". :(
I'd be game for unbanning some of them, but the people who just spammed meatspin until they got perma'd aren't going to add anything to the forum.
In this scenario, would verb be unbanned as well? Purely hypothetically, of course.
I would imagine so

It depends on when this hypothetical would be implemented, if it happened in a month he'd be unbanned anyway (afaik) but if it happened tomorrow it would be rather unfair to keep him banned.
Unbanning people just looks desperate.
your face looks desparate

The Flood / Re: Tonight I proposed to my girlfriend
« on: January 13, 2017, 02:48:02 PM »
Is the couch comfy?

Nah, my bed is nice and soft
you made your gf sleep on the couch? um wow rude

We both slept on the bed
you forced yourself into a poor girl's bed? jesus christ dude

The Flood / Re: What are the largest immigrant groups in your area?
« on: January 13, 2017, 12:54:11 PM »
I dunno, Syrians?

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: January 13, 2017, 12:53:36 PM »
sorry sorta lost my temper for a moment there

You people should all just get in on the same Discord server instead of having all these different ones. It's confusing.
Yeah but let's be honest here who else w
unban everyone who is banned

But the mods don't want a shit storm. I even offered to be the clean up crew when I was a mod. They still said "no". :(
I'd be game for unbanning some of them, but the people who just spammed meatspin until they got perma'd aren't going to add anything to the forum.
In this scenario, would verb be unbanned as well? Purely hypothetically, of course.

The Flood / Re: MRW I discover someone made a meme using my artwork
« on: January 13, 2017, 12:03:44 PM »
At least it's better than seeing people pming me on bungie recently over the leet lewds I posted years ago.
are you afraid of the naked truth

The Flood / I think I discovered a bug in Google
« on: January 13, 2017, 12:02:21 PM »
If you search for "orenge" the results will correct to "orange".  If you click on "show results for orenge" it'll correct to orange again and then you can't click the show orenge link without reloading the page first.

I tried this on both and

The Flood / Re: MRW I discover someone made a meme using my artwork
« on: January 13, 2017, 11:59:28 AM »
That's p neat
you can tell it's a meme by the way that it is

holy shit three pages

I think this is my most successful thread yet

Serious / Re: Gender identity is biological
« on: January 13, 2017, 09:37:58 AM »
I believe this was known since before, but it's nice to have more research backing it.
This only makes the case for transgendered people stronger, as they show qualities that lie in-between what is considered common in the two sexes.

The Flood / Re: Best avatar on this site?
« on: January 13, 2017, 07:30:55 AM »
The poll results aren't looking great, but we can always pull through.

Keep in mind that the poor quality is part of my avatar's charm.
Go to your Bungie profile rather than your forum posts and take the screen snip of your man from there. Higher quality. Also save as .png obv...
Or retrace it as a vector file.
I don't own a computer.
say what

Why no love for Ewoks: The Battle for Endor?
Obviously it's so universally loved that discussing it would be pointless, as it'd top everyone's lists anyway.

The Flood / Re: OwO
« on: January 13, 2017, 06:24:08 AM »
delet this

The Flood / Re: Looks like it's gonna be a great day today
« on: January 13, 2017, 06:11:09 AM »
I did crash the mood didn't I?
Yes, yes you did.
This has easily been one of my most autistic moments.
I thought you'd say "every moment is an autistic one for you".
Nah, there are very few perma-autistic people here. Even then, I think autism is less severe than the symptoms they display. Maybe they suffer from super downs with a side of whatever Loaf has...
I actually have a diagnosis tho
Oh, really? What's the diagnosis? Meme syndrome? Ass burgers?
Asperger's Syndrome, which has since been reclassified as being on the Autism Spectrum (but my diagnosis document hasn't been updated).

This shouldn't be surprising. Nintendo has the mentality of a toy company and because of this they deliberately don't meet the consumers demand and create artificial scarcity. This was seen quiet a bit with the wii, amiibos, and most recently the NES classic where most stores received under 10 units at a time.
I suppose with headlines of them being sold out it would create interest for people who wonders why they seem so popular.
Kind of smart actually.
Certainly better than overestimating the demand and having headlined of low percentages sold.
They did the same shit for the Nintendo Classic - all stores ran out of the consoles and scumbags were selling it for almost 1k on Ebay and other sites like that. This strategy did not work out for them with N64 because the Playstation was in stock and it sold a fuck ton. Its just Nintendo being Nintendo.
I'm not defending their behavior, just saying it's smart from a business standpoint. The main function of companies is to make money, after all.

edit: somehow this comment got an edit from another comment, what the fuck?

The Flood / Re: Looks like it's gonna be a great day today
« on: January 13, 2017, 05:59:00 AM »
I did crash the mood didn't I?
Yes, yes you did.
This has easily been one of my most autistic moments.
I thought you'd say "every moment is an autistic one for you".
Nah, there are very few perma-autistic people here. Even then, I think autism is less severe than the symptoms they display. Maybe they suffer from super downs with a side of whatever Loaf has...
I actually have a diagnosis tho

The Flood / Re: Looks like it's gonna be a great day today
« on: January 13, 2017, 05:47:48 AM »
I did crash the mood didn't I?
Yes, yes you did.
This has easily been one of my most autistic moments.
I thought you'd say "every moment is an autistic one for you".

On one hand I have made several threads in the last day that have received two pages of replies, on the other hand I've also made threads that are pretty much crap and could be considered spam.

Both are technically activity though, and activity is always good right?

This shouldn't be surprising. Nintendo has the mentality of a toy company and because of this they deliberately don't meet the consumers demand and create artificial scarcity. This was seen quiet a bit with the wii, amiibos, and most recently the NES classic where most stores received under 10 units at a time.
I suppose with headlines of them being sold out it would create interest for people who wonders why they seem so popular.
Kind of smart actually.
Certainly better than overestimating the demand and having headlined of low percentages sold.

The Flood / Re: Looks like it's gonna be a great day today
« on: January 13, 2017, 05:24:27 AM »
I did crash the mood didn't I?
Yes, yes you did.
This has easily been one of my most autistic moments.

The Flood / Re: Best avatar on this site?
« on: January 13, 2017, 05:23:17 AM »
The poll results aren't looking great, but we can always pull through.

Keep in mind that the poor quality is part of my avatar's charm.
Go to your Bungie profile rather than your forum posts and take the screen snip of your man from there. Higher quality. Also save as .png obv...
Or retrace it as a vector file.

The Flood / Re: Looks like it's gonna be a great day today
« on: January 13, 2017, 03:45:22 AM »
I did crash the mood didn't I?

The Flood / Re: Looks like it's gonna be a great day today
« on: January 13, 2017, 03:37:43 AM »
Been outside for at least forty minutes now

The Flood / Re: Looks like it's gonna be a great day today
« on: January 13, 2017, 03:36:38 AM »
Its Friday the 13th. What can possibly go wrong?
With my cousin being killed on Friday the 13th and now this happening I wouldn't be surprised if I develop paranoia over this date.

(not meaning to crash the mood, so don't worry about it)

The Flood / Re: Looks like it's gonna be a great day today
« on: January 13, 2017, 03:21:34 AM »
I've been outside for like 25 minutes, I wanna stab the motherfucker who set this off

not really tho don't arrest me FBI

The Flood / Re: Looks like it's gonna be a great day today
« on: January 13, 2017, 03:10:49 AM »
Same, was planning to have a productive day but then the fire alarm for the entire building went off and I have to stand out in the cold.

No, I'm not salty at aallll

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