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Messages - velox

Pages: 1 ... 484950 5152 ... 224
The Flood / Re: Time to.drunkpost agaon
« on: January 14, 2017, 03:37:15 PM »
Im really happy i found our how to tirn off autocorrect sp rjat my misdoellings shoe through

The Flood / Time to.drunkpost agaon
« on: January 14, 2017, 03:36:35 PM »
I just tool a shot of fitebsll.

Tje xinnamom is really strong

Anyways wjsts up fsms

The Flood / Re: post in this thread to die instantly
« on: January 14, 2017, 02:56:14 PM »


The Flood / Re: ultra rare oc pepe don't steal
« on: January 14, 2017, 12:03:43 PM »
It's in a better place now.


The Flood / ultra rare oc pepe don't steal
« on: January 14, 2017, 11:05:28 AM »

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: January 14, 2017, 10:04:08 AM »

wow I tried shifting the colours and now I wish I had done the orc like this instead

The Flood / Re: No CGI meme for Princess Leia in Episode IX
« on: January 14, 2017, 09:59:43 AM »
Unless Leia was planned to die in VIII and not appear in IX long before her health deteriorated, it might not be resolved. Principle photography for VIII ended before Rogue One was even done.

I wonder how they will resolve her story if she doesn't die in VIII.
Yeah I know. If she dies in VIII then it's not a problem, and if her role in IX would be small it's not either. But then again she's Kylo's mother (spoilers) so I dunno.

The Flood / Re: Go to your 69th Likes Received page
« on: January 14, 2017, 09:57:49 AM »
I have 89 pages of liked post and 157 pages of posts I have liked

The Flood / Re: Go to your 69th Likes Received page
« on: January 14, 2017, 09:56:22 AM »

Serious / Re: Gender identity is biological
« on: January 14, 2017, 09:33:01 AM »
I want raw data, as somebody who believes transgenderism to be entirely psychological and nothing neurological.
How about following the news link and checking the story's source?

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: January 14, 2017, 09:17:59 AM »

proud of this piece, what do you think?

Serious / Re: Gender identity is biological
« on: January 14, 2017, 09:12:51 AM »
If that were to become possible, I'm worried about the morality of such treatment. Wouldn't it be comparable with the forced sex realignment or whatever it's called that's done on intersex people?
I'm not entirely familiar with the forced realignment procedure for intersex, is that the same as assigning hemaphrodite infants?
Good points all around in this discussion, I don't have much to add.
Yes, that is what I meant, although I believe that the term hermaphrodite is considered offensive. Intersex should mean pretty much the same thing (I actually had to google it to even remember)
I really do hate the euphemism treadmill.

I can understand not using stuff that is outright derogatory (like faggot) but it annoys me when the latest round of inoffensive words rolls into town because in 10 years time you'll have the same thing happen all over again.

But yeah, that'd be about it.
Eh, in this case think it's kind of justified due to "hermaphrodite" being used to describe organisms that posses multiple sex characteristics by nature, while intersex is a specific term for humans (who ordinarily only have one set of sex characteristics) being born with both male and female ones.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: January 14, 2017, 06:38:30 AM »

Missed two days in a row, but now I'm caught up. Still have today's piece left tough.

The Flood / Re: No CGI meme for Princess Leia in Episode IX
« on: January 14, 2017, 05:21:18 AM »
Now if they just delete episode 7 and not release 8 or 9 everything will be ok again.
I'm honestly excited for Episode VIII. With VII they played it safe to make fans like it (even though they played it too safe in my opinion).

Going forward the movies will hopefully thread new ground.

Serious / Re: Thoughts on the Euro?
« on: January 14, 2017, 05:18:37 AM »
It'd work a lot better if Euro shitholes weren't forced to adopt it.
Has it actually been forced on some countries? I know we had a vote about it here in Sweden (and the results were negative).
All members of the EU will have to adopt the Euro in 2020
Wait, what? Is this a recent decision? Because if they made that decision with the current state of the euro, it's really stupid.

But I suppose he wouldn't want to risk the job position. If he deeply truly believed that the results were compromised, wouldn't he want a re-election no matter if it was biased against him or in his favor?

And yeah, obviously he doesn't hold the power to announce a new election himself. But it seems from an outsiders perspective lile he keeps complaining about hacks without recommending righting the wrongs.

Sad thing is Clinton would've acted the same probably.

I admit this is an uneducated opinion from me though.

Serious / Re: Trump: "I think it was Russia" behind election hacking
« on: January 14, 2017, 05:08:26 AM »
But I thought Trump loved Russia and they were his bestest friends.

Serious / Re: Thoughts on the Euro?
« on: January 14, 2017, 05:05:58 AM »
It'd work a lot better if Euro shitholes weren't forced to adopt it.
Has it actually been forced on some countries? I know we had a vote about it here in Sweden (and the results were negative).

Serious / Re: Serious sometimes feels like a Facebook trending news feed
« on: January 14, 2017, 05:03:53 AM »
Maybe I should start frequenting this forum again, although I wouldn't change much by myself. I'm not a huge fan of discussing politics online, but Sep7agon is a bit different from reddit or facebook comments.

The Flood / Re: No CGI meme for Princess Leia in Episode IX
« on: January 14, 2017, 04:24:30 AM »
I wonder how they will resolve her story if she doesn't die in VIII.

The Flood / Re: Was getting caught part of my plan?
« on: January 14, 2017, 01:20:44 AM »
Perhaps you are wondering why I would shoot a man before throwing him from an aero plane.
At least you an talk

Gaming / Re: Should Halo have gone the horror route?
« on: January 14, 2017, 01:11:55 AM »
Play Halo: Reach and you see the horror of the franchise being taken out back and executed right before your very eyes
w e w   l a d


The Flood / Re: Is this really a nice board?
« on: January 14, 2017, 12:36:46 AM »

Serious / Re: Gender identity is biological
« on: January 14, 2017, 12:32:39 AM »
If that were to become possible, I'm worried about the morality of such treatment. Wouldn't it be comparable with the forced sex realignment or whatever it's called that's done on intersex people?
I'm not entirely familiar with the forced realignment procedure for intersex, is that the same as assigning hemaphrodite infants?
Good points all around in this discussion, I don't have much to add.
Yes, that is what I meant, although I believe that the term hermaphrodite is considered offensive. Intersex should mean pretty much the same thing (I actually had to google it to even remember)

This shouldn't be surprising. Nintendo has the mentality of a toy company and because of this they deliberately don't meet the consumers demand and create artificial scarcity. This was seen quiet a bit with the wii, amiibos, and most recently the NES classic where most stores received under 10 units at a time.
I suppose with headlines of them being sold out it would create interest for people who wonders why they seem so popular.
Kind of smart actually.
Certainly better than overestimating the demand and having headlined of low percentages sold.
They did the same shit for the Nintendo Classic - all stores ran out of the consoles and scumbags were selling it for almost 1k on Ebay and other sites like that. This strategy did not work out for them with N64 because the Playstation was in stock and it sold a fuck ton. Its just Nintendo being Nintendo.
I'm not defending their behavior, just saying it's smart from a business standpoint. The main function of companies is to make money, after all.

edit: somehow this comment got an edit from another comment, what the fuck?
Is it though? In the end, all you're really doing is making people wait. I can see this work if you expect low sales but this is not why Nintendo is doing it (I'm sure the Swap will sell well). Scumbags will once again sell it on ebay for 3k % profit.
But it's better (for Nintendo, not us) than risking higher amounts of units shipped, if it would mean that shelfs would be full with much less demand than supply. By doing this they're artificially driving up the experienced value.

Still a scummy practice though.

The Flood / Re: If you had to be reincarnated as a venereal disease...
« on: January 13, 2017, 02:59:29 PM »
AIDS, and then I would team up with others like me and form band-AIDS

You people should all just get in on the same Discord server instead of having all these different ones. It's confusing.
Yeah but let's be honest here who else w
unban everyone who is banned

But the mods don't want a shit storm. I even offered to be the clean up crew when I was a mod. They still said "no". :(
I'd be game for unbanning some of them, but the people who just spammed meatspin until they got perma'd aren't going to add anything to the forum.
In this scenario, would verb be unbanned as well? Purely hypothetically, of course.
I would imagine so

It depends on when this hypothetical would be implemented, if it happened in a month he'd be unbanned anyway (afaik) but if it happened tomorrow it would be rather unfair to keep him banned.
Unbanning people just looks desperate.
your face looks desparate
you right
you know it babe

hmu anytime

Serious / Re: Gender identity is biological
« on: January 13, 2017, 02:52:31 PM »

It's pretty well established, but it doesn't lay it to rest sadly.
Maybe in a few years time there will be enough research out there to lead to better treatment for dysphoria, whichever way it ends up going. I wonder if it's preventable though, if it were detectable early enough (in the same way that accurate detection of ASD is getting earlier and earlier) it *might* be possible to use the plasticity to realign gender identity so that the mind matches the vessel well before cognition kicks off.

Infant neurons are wonderfully malleable, so early treatment might spare the person a lot of strife in later life.

Whether or not it's right to do that is another question entirely though.
If that were to become possible, I'm worried about the morality of such treatment. Wouldn't it be comparable with the forced sex realignment or whatever it's called that's done on intersex people?

The Flood / Re: Tonight I proposed to my girlfriend
« on: January 13, 2017, 02:49:05 PM »
Is the couch comfy?

Nah, my bed is nice and soft
you made your gf sleep on the couch? um wow rude

We both slept on the bed
you forced yourself into a poor girl's bed? jesus christ dude

I see the rabbit hole I've crawled into
you put it in her hole? dats rape

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