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Messages - Kinder Graham

Pages: 1 ... 210211212 213214 ... 243
The Flood / Re: Daily reminder that I need to get laid
« on: August 28, 2014, 11:05:12 PM »
Maybe if you didn't post your damn chinese cartoons and worked out then you would

i luv u bby. i'll lay you

Wait, the hell you getting a GI bill from? Leftover from your dad or something?
H never used it. Well I think he did but only to finish his 2 year degree. The $1,500 I get every month goes into one of his bank accounts, I get $300 every month, another $250 or so goes towards car payment+insurance, and rest is being saved after I graduate

Gaming / Re: Realistic Fallout 4 Predictions
« on: August 28, 2014, 10:56:25 PM »

stay mad, pleb

Reach will be free on the 15th

Around six


'murrica dollars.
Wooo, another poor fag

thank lawdy for this damn GI Bill or else I'd be broke college student and having to get a part time job (._.) speaking of which, I gots about $200 leftover from this book siphon. I could be a smart person and use that towards school supplies or I can buy some ammo >.>

If matter can't be created or destroyed, how did the universe begin? For it to begin, something had to be here thus meaning the universe actually existed back then

checkmate atheists

Serious / Re: Russia in Ukraine. Ron Paul edition.
« on: August 28, 2014, 09:04:02 PM »
Fuck yes. Here comes WWIII

You think you can scare Comms?
If I cared enough, then yes I could. I've scarred multiple friends after prank texting them to actually making them think they're involved in the middle of a gang conflict

Why the fuck would you even bother to bring it up, then?
1. Because I can
2. To scare the creep

You can't possibly be serious.
Icy threatened legal action against Rose before. Why can't I do it? Not like I'll go through with it

For this? Lol good luck.
This isn't his first time

He's followed me from Bnet, to Facebook, to the first offsite forum, and to here with sending me harassing PMs and messages. The history of him doing it can work in my favor

The second robbery didn't happen. And as for the other 2, they were small time robberies of small banks in small towns.

I'm sorry, but if the police couldn't stop these guys who had neither body armor nor rifles, what leads you to thinking that had the cops had more firepower these robberies wouldn't have happened? The fact is they're just never around when you need them.  If anything, the fact that they have shotguns in their cars is enough to have taken down the robber had he not surrendered. Not to mention it would have been a minimum of 2 pistols to 1. They were robberies, but nothing the police couldn't handle worth the gear they have now. None of these guys had body armor, rifles, grenades, RPG's, or anything at all that would have given them an advantage over the police.

And yes, most police officers are assholes. The amount of times I've been pulled over with a buddy of mine was unreal, yet if he wasn't in the car I'd almost never get pulled over. I guess the fact that he was black is just a coincidence. The guy was going to fucking college and he'd just give me rides, so don't even try to imply anything.

Also: An autistic person calling others autistic is just hilarious.
I fucking love how you make outlandish statements regarding robberies don't happen and when I point out they do, you try to down play it. On top of that, you try to play the special pleading by moving the goal posts when I proved your statement that robberies don't happen as false. Get a life already

Zomg! I didn't know you've gotten pulled over by over half of the U.S police force! Lol, are you SERIOUSLY trying to make this into a manner of race? That is a seriously new low for you. YOU, yes YOU are the reason why racism exists. Nobody brings it up but YOU. Instead thinking that the cop had a good reason to pull you over, you'll just disregard that by foaming at the mouth of your hur racesm

Talk about damage control.

"I thought you were flinging shit so I thought I'd fling shit back!" All from a guy who thinks the foreign policy should be non-interventionist!
You just said you insulted. There is no  thinking here because you admitted to it

You know somebody is a man-child obsessed autistic when they go and try to forge a fake message. I just might have to file a restraining order if he keeps it up

I didn't feel insulted, I simply recognized the act. I don't get or feel insulted because I don't give a fuck but I believe in the concept of returning the favor

You know Meta, if I said the same thing to you, you'd reply with some excuse like damage control. So I'm going to be you and say you're just using damage control now

Oh and I'm not displaying cognitive dissonance. If somebody is going to insult my opinions or attempt to do so then I will in return. I don't get mad if they attempt to derail with insults but expect it back in return. It's a lesson that it'll happen in the world

I don't insult people unless they insult me, which you did by saying "this is hilarious". I responded to such insult with my own

In a sense, somewhat yes. I'll state my opinion and add to discussion. If others gets pissed off at it, it's not my fault they don't have self-control. At the end of the day I go to hed without giving a single fuck what anybody says about me becaude opinions are that, opinions; not facts.

That irony. I'm not the one opinion bashing or hating. I'm the one trying to have a mature discussion but yoyr man-child instincts don't want to. Why I even bother posting in this circle jerk sub-forum is beyond me. Actually thinking about it, it's rather interesting to piss you all off with my opinions

Serious / Re: 1,400 Child Rape Cases in One Town over 12 Years
« on: August 28, 2014, 11:30:19 AM »
>fear of racism

And this is why being political correct, oversensitive, and other shit is a cancer that imoedes on society


Want me to continue? You're denial that armed bank robberies happening is very disturbing. You need need a prescription of reality check, kid

Why should I provide evidence when you don't take the time to do so? Okay, so tjere's over 750k sworn officers. Most means over half, meaning you're saying that over 376k are bad. Can you be even more ignorant? Like I said, majority of cities don't have full-time SWAT meaning the cop that pulls you over during a traffic stop can be a SWAT member

So you can use ad hominem but I can't? This forum needs to be renamed to Autism because you're along with Meta, Comms, Sentra, and Flee emits it far more than the radiation from Fukishima

That's because only major cities need SWAT teams. You know who I am in favor of having rifles? The officers on the border and the department if fish and game officers because they can and do run into sticky situations where backup is nonexistent.
My sides have reached the orbit of Pluto. Are you seriously this stupid to even think only major cities should have SWAT teams? You realize crime, especiallly hohostage situations, where SWAT is needed happens outside of major cities?


No, bank robberies don't happen anymore because banks have all sorts if alarms and take a thousand precautions and have bullet proof glass. And the fact that SWAT will surround you in 10 minutes.
Just when I thought you couldn't make a bigger fool of yourself you go and say bank robberies don't happen. I'm dealing with some inner-xity fucktard who doesn't know jack shit about crime and law enforcement

Lol, just make a retarded unsupported claim. That'll sure give you credibility!

I love how this wall here is just basically "You're wrong because I say so and some of my family members are cops."
It's because you are wrong. If you honestly beleive that EVERY cop is some bad guy then you're wrong. It's a unsupported generalization. You're ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENT than Kiyo and her ramblings about how all Americans are bad


What the actual fuck?
Have you even heard about the North Hollywood shootout? Two people decked themselves in protective armor and robbed a bank. The cops that responded only hand handguns, which did nothing against the body armor of the two suspects. In return, the criminals wounded over a dozen officers but luckily none of them were killed. So what did police do? They went to a nearby pawn store, asked to borrow some rifles, and then were able to take down the two suspects.

Now, why isn't similar events happening now? Easy: Because police have the correct tools and no potential bank robber is going to attempt the same thing

Cops don't need rifles. We have SWAT for that.

This isn't Mexico. Nobody starts shooting at cops with fully automatic weapons all day every day. Police are supposed to make you feel safe. They're supposed to patrol the neighborhood. Not make you feel like a firefight is about to happen.
That's nice and all but only major cities with the money can only afford a full-time SWAT force. Everybody else has part-time SWAT which is made up of a varying amount of officers including K9 officers and patrol officers. You once again talk about shit you have no idea about

It doesn't have to be Mexico. I ask for a third time, what rights are being violated because of officers having a rifle in the back of their trunk? Answer: No rights are being violated. Police are citizens and have a 2nd Amendment right in order to posses a rifle just like any other person can.

Have you even heard about the North Hollywood shootout? Two people decked themselves in protective armor and robbed a bank. The cops that responded only hand handguns, which did nothing against the body armor of the two suspects. In return, the criminals wounded over a dozen officers but luckily none of them were killed. So what did police do? They went to a nearby pawn store, asked to borrow some rifles, and then were able to take down the two suspects.

Now, why isn't similar events happening now? Easy: Because police have the correct tools and no potential bank robber is going to attempt the same thing

You're sacrificing liberty by allowing cops to become more aggressive and more suspicious. Give them weapons of war and the city will turn into a battlefield for them. They won't ask you to put your hands up, they'll just shoot. It's not about your fucking constitutional rights, it's about liberty itself.
You seriously need get out of la-la hand. Cops are not some robotic bad people like you wanna think. Only a very small few are idiots but they do NOT reflect the hundreds of thousands of other officers. I have two uncles that are cops and they care about protecting their community and people. You need to grow the fuck out of your man-children angst attitude. Liberty is not being sacrificed by giving cops the correct tools. Nobody is giving them weapons of war. The city isn't being turned into a battlefield. And they will not shoot you.

The Flood / Re: Cute bunny thread!
« on: August 28, 2014, 08:52:27 AM »
*contemplates posting furry related porn*

That's EXACTLY his point. You want liberty but you're for the militarization of the police so they can oppress people even more.

I mean damn. Shit just flies right over your head and you just stand there with a blank expression on your face.
And I ask again, what rights are being infringed by giving cops rifle and armor? Nobody is being oppressed by giving cops the correct tools to do their job


Exactly how should I be the last person to use such statement? You're still bitching about me agreeing that police should have rifles and body armor? Please, tell me EXACTLY what right or law that violates. Hint: 4-letter word rhyming with ton

Serious / Re: Let's have a little chat about the police state, shall we?
« on: August 28, 2014, 12:06:48 AM »
@cheat. Yeah, you can't be stopped without reasonable suspicion or probable cause because to be detained, there needs to be a minimum of reasonable suspicion and without any proof you can't be detained. On top of that, if an anonymous person phones in a complaint about a "suspicious" individual selling druhs down at the corner, that is not enough proof for a cop to stop the guy but if the cop did, asks the guy if he can conduct a pat down, agrees, and does find drugs then the case will be thrown out due to the cop not having reasonable suspicion or probable cause to conduct the stop. It's no different than entering a person's home without a warrant and arresting any wanted persons inside

OT: So either cops take ttheir time, thus causing you and everybody else complain or they listen to the public by speeding thjngs up and still get complaints because they were not taking their time

The Flood / Re: Guys this kid wants to kick my butt!
« on: August 27, 2014, 10:35:13 PM »
Box head.
She has down syndrome......

The Flood / Re: Guys this kid wants to kick my butt!
« on: August 27, 2014, 10:33:58 PM »

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