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Messages - Kinder Graham

Pages: 1 ... 198199200 201202 ... 243
Serious / Re: Chic-Fil-A Founder Dead
« on: September 08, 2014, 04:09:53 PM »
Why is everybody spelling Chick-Fil-A wrong?
Because RC goes to a hood rip-off of it

The Flood / Re: Imagine there's no countries
« on: September 08, 2014, 04:02:03 PM »
a nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.

Yeah, rather impossible. People have always looked towards a leader for guidance. This leader is in charge of the people and therefor a basic form of government is established. To provide protection, the leader will establish a central base of sorts, which means they're occupying a particular territory thus establishing a basic form of a country

Serious / Re: Alright bitches, let's have a good ol' God debate
« on: September 08, 2014, 03:56:43 PM »

In this moment trussing door is euphoric
When is he not?

The Flood / Re: We have become one
« on: September 08, 2014, 03:25:48 PM »
......can I morph with tru? Think of allllllll the possibiliteis like

pink panstsu
more anime
shopping with kiyo
green pantsu
more dick

>fat Tru

lolwut. did you do a 6 month tour on candy island?

The Flood / Re: Lol, this cop is awesome!
« on: September 08, 2014, 03:24:32 PM »
>Stays at home while wife goes out to get drunk
>Does laundry for her
Does she also put on a strap on and fuck him with it?? faggot

What kind of idiot would also upload this kind of video on the internet??
I'd record silly shit of my wife too but I'd keep that stuff private.
I fix'd the link

The Flood / Re: We have become one
« on: September 08, 2014, 03:23:39 PM »
......can I morph with tru? Think of allllllll the possibiliteis like

pink panstsu
more anime
shopping with kiyo
green pantsu
more dick


The Flood / Lol, this cop is awesome!
« on: September 08, 2014, 03:18:24 PM »

Hahah, good for him taking the time and having some fun with this kids. What a great thing to do

ops, wrong video. fix'd

>mfw op secretly working for olive garden and trying make free ads

Serious / Re: Who was the best and worst President in US history?
« on: September 08, 2014, 03:05:24 PM »
Best: JFK, Monroe
Worst: Bush (Sorry, but the whole WMD bullshit kinda kills him in terms of me ever liking him), Reagan, FDR
Rather interesting with the pick of Monroe. Actually agree with your listings, aside from Reagan. But Kennedy is easily one, if not the, of the best president we have ever had, especially with what he accomplished in his 2 years

How was my Monroe pick interesting?
Just was. Don't really here people talk about him much when it comes to presidents. People typically talk about Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Grant, McKinley,  Teddy, Wilson, Hoover, FDR, Kennedy, Carter, Reagan, Clinton, Bush, and Obama more than any other president. Although the Gilded Age presidents are some of the lowest IMO

Serious / Re: In Honor of the Vote for a 28th Amendment...
« on: September 08, 2014, 03:01:22 PM »
Here's a list of the top 50 richest Senators, with the top 10 consisting of 7 Democrats (tells you a lot with just that)

The Top Ten is sharply divided at the Top 3, in terms of their wealth. The Top 3 rank in at 292 Million, 212 million, and 198 million.

After that, it drops down to 81.6 million. That is a huge drop. So don't post a link, say "Hey! 7/10 of the richest Senators are Democrats!", without addressing the face that Conservatives' wealth is nearly one hundred million more than the richest Democrat.
Meh, wasn't looking at money amount so my mistake. Wealth is wealth and it's kinda redundant to actually focus on a person's money when they're still all rich and all benefit from PACs, private donors, corporations, etc. That was my point to it, because rich people are typically well-connected and when those rich people are politicians then they'll pass laws to protect their friends first

Serious / Re: Alright bitches, let's have a good ol' God debate
« on: September 08, 2014, 02:50:24 PM »
Better question: if God loves everyone unconditionally, why even invent a place like Hell?
Who is to say Hell is a place full of despair and torture?
The people who wrote the Bible.
And the Bible has been translated dozens up dozens of times, along with being tweaked *cough*KingJamesversion*cough*

The Flood / Re: rip on pices anarky thred
« on: September 08, 2014, 02:35:56 PM »

Serious / Re: Alright bitches, let's have a good ol' God debate
« on: September 08, 2014, 02:35:12 PM »
Better question: if God loves everyone unconditionally, why even invent a place like Hell?
Who is to say Hell is a place full of despair and torture? It could be very well be a safe place for those who commit wrong doing. If Satan is going to torture anybody, it would be the good people

Serious / Re: Alright bitches, let's have a good ol' God debate
« on: September 08, 2014, 02:32:49 PM »
We shouldn't be asking God why children are starving. God should be asking us why we allow such a thing to happen.
Why does god allow us to allow it? We're certainly trying not to have starving children. He should give us a little help.
Think of it as a high school exam. You're supposed to do the text by yourself without the help of the teacher. Same concept, but life is the text, the student, is you, and the teacher is God. He's telling us we need to figure things out and make (or mark on a test) the right choices. We can raise our hand if we need help pronouncing a word or to know it's definition/meaning but aside from that, this is ours to complete

Serious / Re: Who was the best and worst President in US history?
« on: September 08, 2014, 02:27:03 PM »
Best: JFK, Monroe
Worst: Bush (Sorry, but the whole WMD bullshit kinda kills him in terms of me ever liking him), Reagan, FDR
Rather interesting with the pick of Monroe. Actually agree with your listings, aside from Reagan. But Kennedy is easily one, if not the, of the best president we have ever had, especially with what he accomplished in his 2 years

Serious / Re: In Honor of the Vote for a 28th Amendment...
« on: September 08, 2014, 02:21:00 PM »
I'm split on this. One one hand you obviously have corporations bribing officials. On the other hand donating to your candidate can be viewed as an expression of your 1st Amendment and restricting that would be restricting the 1st Amendment. Really interested to see where this goes. Although seeing as how politicians, especially Senators, are wealthy individuals they have friends and connections who do donate large amounts to campaign funds.

Here's a list of the top 50 richest Senators, with the top 10 consisting of 7 Democrats (tells you a lot with just that)

Serious / Re: Chic-Fil-A Founder Dead
« on: September 08, 2014, 02:15:11 PM »
double standards
Nope. No gay person is saying that the bigoted fuck should never be allowed to marry, because nobody cares. Two people getting married has no effect on anyone else's life.
I understand and agree 100%, but that wasn't the point I was trying to make. My point was that I don't see it okay to judge a person for judging others. It's like the concept of the death penalty where it's illegal to kill a person but if somebody does kill a person then the government is going to kill them. Just doesn't make sense when you look at it

The Flood / I stole a gentleman today cats
« on: September 08, 2014, 11:51:22 AM »
meow meow meow purr purr meow purr meow meow meow

*licks balls*

The Flood / Re: Oh fuck, this isn't blocked at my school
« on: September 08, 2014, 11:50:04 AM »
gib 2000 shekels or i call ur skool

Serious / Re: Chic-Fil-A Founder Dead
« on: September 08, 2014, 11:48:48 AM »
I'm not going to judge somebody for what they believe. I think it's stupid to hold negative views on LGBTs but that's me personally. Obvious there are going to be others out there who will disagree but it's whatever. Everybody is entitled to an opinion and belief and not going to waste my time debating a person's choice. Plus I see it as a bit of double standards to criticize somebody for being criticizing themselves

Serious / Re: Who was the best and worst President in US history?
« on: September 08, 2014, 09:49:27 AM »
Are people seriously hating on FDR? What the fuck is this shit.
>Thinking anybody takes him seriously

Oh dear.
>gets btfd
>knows its true
It's "BTFO", dork.

As usual you put a right wing twist on everything because you're a fascist. Just like all the shit you say about Obama is bullshit and exaggerated.

So no, I at least know not to take your dumb ass seriously. You can state your opinions all you like, but they're irrelevant. I'm not going to write an essay to prove you wrong and then have you devolve into ad hominem and denial to save face after I destroy your pathetic argument. Nothing will come of it because you're too stupid to see the truth. I have better things to do than to debate with someone who is wrong and won't accept that they're wrong no matter how much proof I shove in their face.

It's like when Bill Nye was debating Ken Ham. There was Bill Nye stating facts and being right, and there was a dumbass acting like fiction is reality. You're Ken Ham.

People like you are enemies of the state, of the entire human species. You're not democrats, you're not even interested in democracy or equality or even economic growth. You're in it for yourselves, but you're too cowardly to admit that. You're too cowardly to really speak your opinions, so you subtly imply things instead. I'm not wasting my time with a fascist. You people need to be shot down and hung in the streets like the parasites you are.
FUCKING LOL, how much of a tool can you even be?

Fun fact time! I'm only right-wing when it comes to economics. I'm more left when it comes to social issues, but you're delusional mind wants you to thinks otherwise. It's even more hilarious that what I posted is factual correct and you're just dodging it, making a tremendous retard of yourself.

If I was so bent on the right-wing, then why do I regard JFK as one of the best presidents? He was a Democrat and a left-winger. Just more evident that you only think what you want and cancel everything else out that contradicts what you think. Plus, if I was so right-wing, then why do I hold Bush, a Republican, as one of the worst presidents?

And fucking lol at you accusing me of going to use insults when right after you begin to insult me. Your nothing more than a brainwashed fool who will criticize somebody's opinion, even if it's factually correct, if it doesn't agree with yours. That's what an actual fascist like yourself would do

You're the real enemy here and the sooner a 8.0 magnitude earthquake happens in California, the sooner you will die and the threat will cease to exist

So, if you're going to derail this thread and not directly comment on facts then my business is just about over here, you assmad, delusional fascist piece of shit tool
Nope, you're fully right wing. Remember when you said "I learned the lies of the Democrats." and "I fully support the Tea Party."? Exactly.

I'm not dodging anything, I just know better than to waste time on somebody who has a double digit IQ. You'll lose the argument and then go into denial. There no point, I've already done this before.

Probably because he got shot before he could really do anything. All right wingers have turned their back on Bush,  you'd be hard pressed to find one of the faggots that voted for him that still support him.

I don't live in California. Again, more right wing rhetoric. "HURR DURR I HOPE CALIFURNYA SINKS INTO DA OCEAN". I can see your inbred face now imagining that.

You realize calling me a fascist when I talk about hating fascists and all right wing politicians is retarded right? You realize you look like a complete retard? You don't? Don't worry, I already knew "you assmad, delusional fascist piece of shit tool". Did you come up with that one all by yourself? Do the world a favor and go drink some bleach.
Your anger burns brighter than a thousand suns. Yes, I USED to be on the side of the Tea Party, that was last year. Another fun fact is that a person's opinion can change. And here's another fact, I don't have to be Democrat to support left-wing policies.

Please, provide how my IQ is double digit? Because I'm the one trying to have an intelligent discussion by using facts when you come in, derail, go into denial, and launch the shit-slinging catapult. If anybody here is going to have a double digit IQ, it's going to be you. But IQ is a very abstract term and there isn't one test out there that can measure a person's intelligence; there's a reason why you can stumble upon 100s and 100s of these tests; they're subjective and will reveal a different result each time

I remember you posting that you live in California/from it. Sorry I don't take the time to to know where you currently reside. What's funny is that after you get pissy about me making assumptions about where you live, you turn around and make an assumption that I'm a hick. Two wrongs don't make a right here and what you said is typical Democrat talk to avoid a discussion

Now you're trying to move the goal posts in your favor? How lovely. Let's go over some of Kennedy's accomplishments

- Promised federal funding for education, medical care for the elderly, economic aid to rural regions, and government intervention to halt the recession

- Proposed substantial tax reform and a reduction in income tax rates from the current range of 20–90% to a range of 14–65%; he proposed a reduction in the corporate tax rates from 52 to 47%

- Ended a period of tight fiscal policies, loosening monetary policy to keep interest rates down and encourage growth of the economy

- His first budget in 1961 led to the country's first non-war, non-recession deficit

- GDP expanded by an average of 5.5% from early 1961 to late 1963, while inflation remained steady at around 1% and unemployment eased.

- Abolished the mandatory death penalty for first degree murder in the District of Columbia

- Signed Executive Order 10925 which required government contractors to "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin.

- Signed Executive Order 11063, prohibiting racial discrimination in federally supported housing or "related facilities"

- Pressed the U.S to make space travel, and eventually become the first nation to land two men on the moon

Short list of what Kennedy accomplished in just a 2-year period. He is and should by all be regarded as one of the best American presidents
That denial. You're right wing. Supporting the Tea Party a year ago proves that, and so does all the shit you say. That fact that you hop from one political stance to another shows how immature and politically ignorant you are. Not to mention what you say about Obama and Democrats. You're a right wing but in denial pretending to be a libertarian.

>Intelligent discussion

Saying you have a double digit IQ is another way of saying you're dumb. I'm glad you got all into detail about it and wasted your time typing all that up. Good work, you took an insult 100% seriously.

LOL Taking the joke I made about Kennedy seriously. He is easily one of the best presidents. That doesn't change the fact you talk and act like a right wing nut. You may think you're a libertarian, but you're not. You hate on Obama, yet you like Kennedy? That's funny, because both take the same approach for foreign affairs. Why is it you call Obama a pussy yet Kennedy one of the best presidents ever? Don't bother answering, that's a rhetorical question.
By your logic then I must still be a marxist-lenninst since I used to be a HUGE supporter of communism and socialism. As I said, people can change their beliefs and it's trying to what's right after being educated. I used to be Tea Party because I supported the idea of America. But after learning more about the politicians and becoming more sympathetic to the LGBT community, I begin to realize that I can't support them

As I said, I'm right-wing when it comes to economics but more left-wing when it comes to social issues, with a slight righ-wing take on it. I don't care what you think because I know what I am and where my beliefs lay. But no party out there perfectly fits what I, and others, think and the Libertarians come the closest to my ideas

Here's the kicker, if I said what you just said, especially about the whole Kennedy thing, you'd say I'm doing "damge control".  Well guess what, you just are going into full damage control mode

But I am going to give my answer. The difference between Obama and Kennedy foreign policies is the threats faced. Kennedy had to deal with a super power actually capable of large scale attacks (Russia) and a situation where countries had the actual capablities of launching nukes (Cuba and Russia). Obama has to deal with some guys running around who can't do any harm outside of the Middle-East and even more so is that they exist as a by-product of American policies

Serious / Re: Who was the best and worst President in US history?
« on: September 08, 2014, 09:37:41 AM »
Are people seriously hating on FDR? What the fuck is this shit.
New Deal was largely unnecessary.

I'm no expect on the Depression, but the general consensus is that the government royally, royally bollocksed it.
The only thing the New Deal managed to get done was increase the national debt. It was WWII that ended it
That's not true. Wars can't create prosperity because, by definition, they only destroy. The economy only settled back properly around 1947, when it was freed up following the war.
Depends on how you look at it and who won. Wars, especially in the case of WWII, provides a necessity of production and soldiers. Millions of people were were left unemployed as a result of the depression, were able to get jobs due to the demand of soldiers needed to fight, and people to work in factories to provide guns, ammunition, vehicles, clothing, food, etc for these soldiers. At the same time, all these people are being payed and have access to more wealth. Once the war ends, there's going to be a drop of employment since there is no demand for all these war-time goods. But in return people will spend their money, which creates a demand, and more workers to be hired to fill the demand

Economics are rather subjective and it's how you look at it. Some will agree with me and some, like yourself, won't

The Flood / Re: Australians
« on: September 08, 2014, 09:32:01 AM »
It's like if Texas became super-duper liberal!

The Flood / Re: I want to be friends with all of you
« on: September 08, 2014, 09:30:47 AM »
I baked us friendship cookies

The Flood / Re: Teachers who are pricks
« on: September 08, 2014, 09:29:23 AM »

I had a history class back in high school outside in this portable so there was a zero possibility of any other school employees of barging in, My teacher would curse all the time, had a mini fridge with beer in it, and chewed tobacco in class. He was an awesome teacher and was highly intelligent. He also smacked students on the side of the head whenever they said something stupid

Serious / Re: Who was the best and worst President in US history?
« on: September 08, 2014, 09:25:25 AM »
Tell me, what's wrong with police having body armor and a rifle? There's literally nothing wrong with such. I know police officers and have family in law enforcement. They're normal people who are wanting to serve their community and protect the people from danger. Part of that is giving them the equipment to do so effectively
There's so much wrong with it. The over-use of SWAT in recent years should give anybody pause enough to reconsider. And given the social estrangement happening between regular people and the police, it shouldn't be exacerbated by turning them into a paramilitary group and allowing them to implement ad-hoc martial law. They don't need a rifle or body armour.

I just support businesses being taxed. And I support a reduction on corporate income taxes to a percentage close to the European average, as the American average is one of the highest in the world
That's fair enough but the brunt of my point lay in the protectionism.
Well, at least we're having a civil debate here

People will ALWAYS find a way to bitch and complain but guess what, they're not bitching when some crazed individual decides to start shooting the school their children attend. Instead, they're begging the police to show up and end the threat. The threat in this situation can be armed with body armor, like what happened in the North Hollywood shooting. Protective armor is designed to stop handgun rounds and provide extra protection from rifle rounds. An officer with a 9mm handgun won't be able to do ANYTHING against a possible suspect that may have protective armor and the officer is going to be in an increase percentage of major injury or death if he/she does not have any protective armor themselves. You may be thinking "well have SWAT do it." They can, but majority, I mean everywhere but major cities, only have full-time SWAT. Everywhere else it's part-time made up of your patrol, narcotics, K(, etc officers. And if a situation occurs, the nearest patrol officer will be the first one on the scene and they're going to need to take action if nobody else has yet to arrive. You're sending them to certain death without a rifle or armor. But because part-time SWAT is made up of other officers, the patrol officer responding could very well be a member of SWAT. So only reserving these tools for SWAT means an officer 5 minutes away will now need to drive 15 minutes away back to HQ/precinct in order to obtain their gear. That's time wasted where peope's lives are at stake

And I don't see the issue with slightly raising import tariffs in order to give incentive for business to hire in America and at the same time, eliminate business form mistreating workers in countries like China where they don't have the same laws or enforce them

Serious / Re: Who was the best and worst President in US history?
« on: September 08, 2014, 09:02:42 AM »
Well. you're in no position to call him a fascist when you support the militarisation of the police.

You're also in position to claim to be right-wing economically, when you support high businesses taxes and protectionist measures.
Tell me, what's wrong with police having body armor and a rifle? There's literally nothing wrong with such. I know police officers and have family in law enforcement. They're normal people who are wanting to serve their community and protect the people from danger. Part of that is giving them the equipment to do so effectively

I don't support high business taxes, I just support businesses being taxed. And I support a reduction on corporate income taxes to a percentage close to the European average, as the American average is one of the highest in the world

Serious / Re: Who was the best and worst President in US history?
« on: September 08, 2014, 08:58:57 AM »
Are people seriously hating on FDR? What the fuck is this shit.
>Thinking anybody takes him seriously

Oh dear.
>gets btfd
>knows its true
It's "BTFO", dork.

As usual you put a right wing twist on everything because you're a fascist. Just like all the shit you say about Obama is bullshit and exaggerated.

So no, I at least know not to take your dumb ass seriously. You can state your opinions all you like, but they're irrelevant. I'm not going to write an essay to prove you wrong and then have you devolve into ad hominem and denial to save face after I destroy your pathetic argument. Nothing will come of it because you're too stupid to see the truth. I have better things to do than to debate with someone who is wrong and won't accept that they're wrong no matter how much proof I shove in their face.

It's like when Bill Nye was debating Ken Ham. There was Bill Nye stating facts and being right, and there was a dumbass acting like fiction is reality. You're Ken Ham.

People like you are enemies of the state, of the entire human species. You're not democrats, you're not even interested in democracy or equality or even economic growth. You're in it for yourselves, but you're too cowardly to admit that. You're too cowardly to really speak your opinions, so you subtly imply things instead. I'm not wasting my time with a fascist. You people need to be shot down and hung in the streets like the parasites you are.
FUCKING LOL, how much of a tool can you even be?

Fun fact time! I'm only right-wing when it comes to economics. I'm more left when it comes to social issues, but you're delusional mind wants you to thinks otherwise. It's even more hilarious that what I posted is factual correct and you're just dodging it, making a tremendous retard of yourself.

If I was so bent on the right-wing, then why do I regard JFK as one of the best presidents? He was a Democrat and a left-winger. Just more evident that you only think what you want and cancel everything else out that contradicts what you think. Plus, if I was so right-wing, then why do I hold Bush, a Republican, as one of the worst presidents?

And fucking lol at you accusing me of going to use insults when right after you begin to insult me. Your nothing more than a brainwashed fool who will criticize somebody's opinion, even if it's factually correct, if it doesn't agree with yours. That's what an actual fascist like yourself would do

You're the real enemy here and the sooner a 8.0 magnitude earthquake happens in California, the sooner you will die and the threat will cease to exist

So, if you're going to derail this thread and not directly comment on facts then my business is just about over here, you assmad, delusional fascist piece of shit tool
Nope, you're fully right wing. Remember when you said "I learned the lies of the Democrats." and "I fully support the Tea Party."? Exactly.

I'm not dodging anything, I just know better than to waste time on somebody who has a double digit IQ. You'll lose the argument and then go into denial. There no point, I've already done this before.

Probably because he got shot before he could really do anything. All right wingers have turned their back on Bush,  you'd be hard pressed to find one of the faggots that voted for him that still support him.

I don't live in California. Again, more right wing rhetoric. "HURR DURR I HOPE CALIFURNYA SINKS INTO DA OCEAN". I can see your inbred face now imagining that.

You realize calling me a fascist when I talk about hating fascists and all right wing politicians is retarded right? You realize you look like a complete retard? You don't? Don't worry, I already knew "you assmad, delusional fascist piece of shit tool". Did you come up with that one all by yourself? Do the world a favor and go drink some bleach.
Your anger burns brighter than a thousand suns. Yes, I USED to be on the side of the Tea Party, that was last year. Another fun fact is that a person's opinion can change. And here's another fact, I don't have to be Democrat to support left-wing policies.

Please, provide how my IQ is double digit? Because I'm the one trying to have an intelligent discussion by using facts when you come in, derail, go into denial, and launch the shit-slinging catapult. If anybody here is going to have a double digit IQ, it's going to be you. But IQ is a very abstract term and there isn't one test out there that can measure a person's intelligence; there's a reason why you can stumble upon 100s and 100s of these tests; they're subjective and will reveal a different result each time

I remember you posting that you live in California/from it. Sorry I don't take the time to to know where you currently reside. What's funny is that after you get pissy about me making assumptions about where you live, you turn around and make an assumption that I'm a hick. Two wrongs don't make a right here and what you said is typical Democrat talk to avoid a discussion

Now you're trying to move the goal posts in your favor? How lovely. Let's go over some of Kennedy's accomplishments

- Promised federal funding for education, medical care for the elderly, economic aid to rural regions, and government intervention to halt the recession

- Proposed substantial tax reform and a reduction in income tax rates from the current range of 20–90% to a range of 14–65%; he proposed a reduction in the corporate tax rates from 52 to 47%

- Ended a period of tight fiscal policies, loosening monetary policy to keep interest rates down and encourage growth of the economy

- His first budget in 1961 led to the country's first non-war, non-recession deficit

- GDP expanded by an average of 5.5% from early 1961 to late 1963, while inflation remained steady at around 1% and unemployment eased.

- Abolished the mandatory death penalty for first degree murder in the District of Columbia

- Signed Executive Order 10925 which required government contractors to "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin.

- Signed Executive Order 11063, prohibiting racial discrimination in federally supported housing or "related facilities"

- Pressed the U.S to make space travel, and eventually become the first nation to land two men on the moon

Short list of what Kennedy accomplished in just a 2-year period. He is and should by all be regarded as one of the best American presidents

The Flood / Re: I have a confession to make.
« on: September 08, 2014, 08:40:06 AM »

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